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    15 January 2018, Volume 50 Issue 1 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    The Distinction between “Ethics” and “Morality”: On “Rewriting Chinese Ethics”
    ZHU Yi-ting
    2018, 50 (1):  1-8.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2018.01.001
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    Ethics and "morality" have been regarded as similar concepts that can replace each other in the ethic circle for a long time. However, this was not true in history. They were different in ancient Greece and Hegel even strictly made a distinction between them. The Chinese terms respectively for ethics and morality, that is, lunli(or renlun) and daode, did appear in ancient China. Ethics means objective human relationships, in which people love the beloved and respect the senior, while morality means the duties of an individual in accordance to his or her ethical roles, which shall be internalized as virtues through cultivation. Morality thrives with right ethics and declines when ethics is in disorder. That is to say, the chaos of ethics leads to moral disorder. It is of great theoretical and practical significance to examine the difference and connection between ethics and morality. It is the premise as well as the starting point of generalizing the ethics in ancient China. Meanwhile, it provides logic and experiential foundation for discussing moral issues such as the "unity of Heaven and human", the "distinction between the mind-heart(xin) and nature(xing)", the "distinction between righteousness(yi) and profit(li)" and the "distinction between harmony(he) and sameness(tong)". By inheriting the tradition in a critical way, we can find out appropriate subject for today's Chinese ethics and hence provide an indispensable theoretical premise for rewriting Chinese ethics as well as theoretical foundation for moral construction. The distinction between ethics and morality can serve as an important "theoretical paradigm" for rewriting Chinese ethics.
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    Ethics and Its Discourse: How to Rewrite “Chinese Ethics”?
    GAO Zhao-ming
    2018, 50 (1):  9-14.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2018.01.002
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    Chinese ethics is a concept with cultural specialty. Based on the life world of Chinese people, it takes advantage of Chinese language and Chinese ways of thinking and knowing. However, it should reveal universal principles in universal issues. The principles valid both in ancient and modern times that we explore and reveal are certainly not about the ritual hierarchy in a patriarchal clan system, but are consistent with the mainstream of human civilization today. Chinese ethics should be in a plural rather than simple form. Chinese ethics should be written with various personal characteristics. Only at the forefront of the age and based on the reality can Chinese ethics today create its own discourse of the time. In order to write a vital Chinese ethics of the time, we should insist on the distinction between "what it is" and "what it should be", the objective certainty of the standard of moral values, the unity of ethics and morality, that of mind order and life order, and that of China in particular and human beings as a whole.
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    The Frustration in Politics and the Reflection of Chinese People in the Early Years of the Republic of China: The Notional Rising of the Constitution, the Congress, Political Parties as well as Their Actual Failure
    YANG Guo-qiang
    2018, 50 (1):  15-65.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2018.01.003
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    Since the mid of the 19th century, Chinese people had started to observe the Western system of representation from distance, and then elaborated on this alien system with Chinese experience and from Chinese perspective for 70 years and gradually found out that there was no gap between the superior and the inferior in the West, the success of powerful countries in the West and East was due to constitution and congress, and then only congress as a "powerful supervisor" can "stabilize the society and benefit the nation". Chinese people appreciated such a system, admired it and then decided to establish it in China. After 70 years' elaboration and interpretation, China witnessed the most dramatic change in 2,000 years under the name of the republic after the Revolution of 1911, easily transforming from monarchism to the representative system. However, since the transplantation of the foreign system into China, the constitution, the congress, political parties and congressmen coined from the West had been in fierce political conflicts. In chaos, the situation became the opposite side of what had been interpreted for 70 years in a short time. For Chinese people in the conflicts and struggles, the collision and asymmetry between the representative system and China's situation became much obvious. Later, the representative system transplanted by the generation in the early years of the Republic of China became the object of their reflection. Correspondingly, in the great change of thought, Chinese history and Chinese situation once covered by the Western trend of thought came to the vision in the form of contradiction between Chinese problems and the representative system, which caused political figures who used to advocate the representative system to doubt the system and finally abandon it, raising the curtains of the following scenes where new paths would be found.
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    Does Quantum Entanglement Prove That “Material Is Based on Consciousness”?
    CHENG Su-mei
    2018, 50 (1):  66-72.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2018.01.004
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    The experiment of "cat" designed by Erwin Schrödinger is to indicate that there is a paradox when we understand the quantum measurement based on classical realism. His quantum entanglement is to sketch the specialty of quantum measurement and to reveal that the knowledge of quantum system as a whole cannot be reduced to knowledge of its constituents. Quantum entanglement is not to prove that "material is based on consciousness", which goes beyond the scope of science. We must distinguish scientific issues from philosophical and religious ones when we want to understand quantum measurement. The confusion of these issues will make the discussion neither scientific nor convincing.
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    On the Domestication in the Japanese Translation of LU Xun's Novels: A Case Study of Call to Arms Translated by TAKECHI Yoshimi
    FUJII Shozo
    2018, 50 (1):  73-78.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2018.01.005
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    Japanese have kept reading LU Xun for a century. However, Japanese translation does not convey the style and thought of LU Xun well enough. L. Venuti, American theorist of translation, analyzes translation from two aspects of domestication and foreignization. In terms of Japanese translation of LU Xun's literary works, there is a trend to localize LU Xun's works as well as other modern Chinese literary works in Japanese and there is another trend to accept the impact of LU Xun's or Chinese works on Japanese culture. The inclination of domestication in the translation of LU Xun's works is obvious, which can be represented by TAKECHI Yoshimi's translation. Compared with the original work, in TAKECHI's translation, a few times more punctuations are used, so the original long sentences are cut into many short ones. LU Xun's novels are characterized by very long sentences, which show us the labyrinthine traces of his thought. Nevertheless, TAKECHI's segmented sentences change LU Xun's anguish and puzzlement into explicit statements. This paper investigates the inclination of domestication as well as its reason in TAKECHI's translation of LU Xun.
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    An Analysis of Noble Ruler Goujian of the State Yue in Historical Records: Also on the Contradiction between “Recording Facts” and “Advocating Wonders” of Historical Records
    WANG Chun-hong
    2018, 50 (1):  79-88.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2018.01.006
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    This paper discusses the contradiction between "recording facts" and "advocating wonders" in Historical Records, as well as the boundary between history and literature in it. An analysis of Noble Ruler Goujian of the State Yue shows that most of its materials are from novels, its historical development is philosophically dominated, and there is a story prototype behind the so-called historical narrative. This tells us that Historical Records is not completely a pure record of facts.
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    The Media Convergence in China: Its Situation, Problems and Innovative Approaches
    YAN San-jiu
    2018, 50 (1):  89-101.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2018.01.007
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    Since media convergence has become a core issue in China, the extent, depth, and breadth of the convergence of traditional media and new media determine the development of media strategy. This paper makes questionnaires and conducts depth interviews towards typical print media, broadcasting media and new media in 24 cities in China, analyzes existing problems, and studies innovation and development approaches.
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    On the Documentary Classification of Bill Nichols
    NIE Xin-ru
    2018, 50 (1):  102-109.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2018.01.008
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    Bill Nichols puts forward a concept of "voice" as the primary principle of documentaries, according to which he divides documentaries into six categories. However, in his classification, the concept of "voice" is shifted from content to form, making some of his classification contradictory to his idea that documentaries should deal with real people and the real world. In addition, Bill Nichols' criticism of traditional documentary types on the ground of ethics is not reasonable, because documentary ethics is merely related to personal operation and has nothing to do with the classification of documentary. In the two editions of his Introduction to Documentary, Bill Nichols shows his lack of logical thinking about documentary ontology and classification theory, so that we need reflective thinking and independent judgment on his theory.
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    From Experiencing to Immersive Drama: The Narrative Transform of Performance
    SHEN Jia-yi
    2018, 50 (1):  110-116.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2018.01.009
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    Dramatic performance displays a unique cultural consumption landscape in contemporary China in a changing manner. The immersive and consumptive performances of every description emerge in different media environments with a post-modern form, behind which it undertakes the narrative core consistent with modern performance theory. From Stanislavski's "experimentalism" to Brecht's "alienation effect", from improvisation to immersive drama with post-modernity, Richard Schechner, a post-modern playwright, arrives at a more macroscopic level of human performance studies in re-explaining modern and post-modern performance. However, behind the seemingly complicated modern and post-modern performance is a change and a shift of the narrative way of drama. The system of Stanislavski and that of Brecht are considered as modern. Their narrative structure depends on the play, which is stable, and the process of dramatic narrative development relies on performance. In post-modern performance, dramatic narrative is produced at the moment of performance, and each performance can create a new narrative. At present, all forms of immersive performance have constructed a new relationship between audiences and performers, its dramatic narrative is immersed in performance field and jointly completed with audiences' consumption process and performance environment.
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    Government-enterprise Relations, Local Symbiosis and China's Economic Miracle
    JIANG Yuan-shan, HAO Yu-qing
    2018, 50 (1):  117-127.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2018.01.010
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    The paradoxical situation of the coexistence of China's economic miracle and the development dilemma of humankind should be explained from the economic development model of China. The gradual reform in the 1980s characterized by the double tracking of planned economy and market economy resulted in the "power plus capital" development model, and the symbiotic relationship between local government and enterprises, which effectively prompted the fast development of Chinese economy and created China's economic miracle. However, the symbiotic relationship between local government and enterprises is facing the North Paradox. As the policy profit is gradually saturated, the implicit defects of the symbiosis, such as economic corruption, environmental deterioration, and frequent violent conflicts, are emerging and largely hampering the sustainable development of social economy. The fundamental approach to getting Chinese social economy out of this paradoxical situation and back to sound development is to expedite political restructuring and standardize governmental powers to remodel the government-enterprise relationship.
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    Features, Practical Difficulties and Strategies of Government Information Disclosure Concerning City Planning and Construction: An Experimental Study of Shanghai
    XIE Wei, GUI Yin
    2018, 50 (1):  128-135.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2018.01.011
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    With the development of China's legal and transparent government, the government information disclosure has become important for the improvement of the party and government's capacity. In recent years, the government information disclosure of urban planning and construction has gained more and more attention. The case study of Jing'an District in Shanghai shows that although the government information disclosure of urban planning and construction has been improved to a great extent, there exist many problems:due to the high cost of disclosing the information, the subjective disclosure is not enough; some citizens regard information disclosure as a way of combating the government; there is a great deal of informal application; the expertise of workers engaged in information disclosure is supposed to be improved; the feedback and evaluation mechanism of the effect of information disclosure is not sound enough, etc. Therefore, we should improve the work in terms of the working process of information disclosure, transparency of public service and the improvement of complaint expression mechanism according to policies and requirements.

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    Housing Tenure Structure and Housing Price: From the Perspective of Tenant Share of Urban Families
    CHEN Zhuo, CHEN Jie
    2018, 50 (1):  136-148.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2018.01.012
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    This paper examines the effect of the housing tenure structure of urban families on city-level housing price from the perspective of supply side.Combining the Urban Household Survey(UHS)data and city-level level statistics data,this paper constructs a panel data of 152 Chinese prefecture-level cities.The empirical research shows that higher tenant share of urban families has a significant negative effect on housing prices.If the local tenant share of urban families increases by 1%,urban housing prices will decrease by 0.2-0.3%.Further regional-level heterogeneity analysis shows that this effect is mainly manifest in eastern cities,but not in mid-western cities.In addition,in the cities where housing prices are higher,the tenant share of urban families has greater depressing effect on housing prices.The conclusion of this paper shows that speeding up the development of rental housing market can both increase housing options to urban residents and help to curb excessive speculation bubble.

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    Market Stability and the Two Attributes of the Objective of Housing Policy
    CUI Guang-can
    2018, 50 (1):  149-155.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2018.01.013
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    In addition to its social attribute of emphasizing the promotion of housing security and fairness,the objective of housing policy has attained its economic attribute of accelerating economic development,which has ultimately become dominant.The housing policy of promoting the rate of homeownership meets these two attributes,making housing construction,consumption and regulation fit the economic attribute.If economic growth and macro-regulation relies too much on housing market,family asset is assigned too much to housing,and housing policy shifts between its two attributes,then the development of housing market would be instable and unbalanced,aggravating market fluctuations.Unstable housing market not only hinders the achievement of the objective of housing policy,but also causes social and economic problems.Government should emphasize more on social attribute in housing control policy and construct housing assistance system in multiple channels.Consequently,non-residential property can work for macroeconomic regulation and control to promote the stability of housing market,keep the two attributes of the objective of housing policy in balance and achieve the ideal housing for all residents.

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    Urban Low Income Family's Housing Security Demand from the Perspective of Life Course: An Analysis Based on the Housing Survey Data of Guangzhou Residents in 2008 and 2011
    WU Kai-ze, CHEN Lin, LI Chun-xia
    2018, 50 (1):  156-167.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2018.01.014
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    In recent years,social problems caused by the mismatch of housing security supply and demand have attracted much attention.An analysis of the housing survey data of Guangzhou residents in 2008 and 2011 from the perspective of life course shows that low income residents have the characteristics of low education level,low income,job instability,and high percentage of serious illness,disability or psychosis,divorce or the death of a spouse.Low income residents' property type security demand has an inverted U-shaped trend during their life cycles,which drops significantly after the age of thirty.Those families who have low education level,low incomes,job instability,and have school-age children would prefer to rent houses,and favor shorter commute.Social events,including dramatic changes of national policies,affect specific cohorts and groups' housing demand.These special families are affected much more negatively by such social events,and need more housing security.This paper suggests that the purpose of housing security is to provide support for low income families,the design of housing security system,the planning of security housing,and community services should take housing security objects' life course into consideration,and balance the supply and demand of security housing.

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    The Mismatch Degree of Affordable Housing and Its Influencing Factors: An Empirical Study of Xi'an
    LAN Feng, YAN Bi-fan
    2018, 50 (1):  168-176.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2018.01.015
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    Based on the spatial mismatch theory,the affordable housing mismatch can be defined as the ratio of non-covered public services in a certain range of affordable housing.This paper uses ArcGIS to analyze the spatial relationship between affordable housing and public service facilities in Xi'an.The results show that affordable housing mismatch degree of Xi'an decreased evenly in 2007-2011,and it gradually turned to adaptation in 2011-2015.As for spatial evolution,affordable housing mismatch is improved overall,but the effect of marginalization is increasing in the sense that the mismatch in Wei-yang District,Chang-an District,Ba-qiao District is more serious than the urban center of the city.Further research shows that there are three factors which influence the mismatch of affordable housing:the policy regulation is the major factor,the market evolution is the basic factor,and the individual choice is the internal reason.To improve the development of housing security and realize equalization of public services in different regions,we should make policy play a guiding role,integrate market mechanism to improve the efficiency of policy operation,enhance the structural reform of the supply side and achieve an effective supply of public service resources.

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