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    15 July 2024, Volume 56 Issue 4 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    Discovering the “New Study of Names” Overseas:Sinologists’ Discussion on “Names”
    Dongfeng Gou
    2024, 56 (4):  1-9.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.04.001
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    The study of “names” cannot simply follow the old path of using logic as the criterion to judge traditional Chinese thought any more. Returning to the approach proposed by Yan Fu and Hu Shi, which regards “names” as the “method” of Chinese philosophy, could lead to a “new study of names”. In recent years, many scholars from home and abroad are reconverging on this latter path, and there have been some noteworthy research findings provided by overseas sinologists. They demonstrate the rich dimensions by deepening the issue in the context of “names”, reflecting on the discourse of the “rectification of names” in the history of modern Chinese philosophy, or bringing the issue of “names” into world philosophy. However, if we further understand the method of “names” as the “foundation” of Chinese philosophy, we will find that there are much to be done in the “new study of names” both at home and abroad.

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    “Life” and “Human”:The Ethical and Political Dimensions of Lushi Chunqiu
    Zheng Wang
    2024, 56 (4):  10-18.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.04.002
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    Lushi Chunqiu is a structural work with “life” and “human” as its value orientation and philosophical foundation. It believes that life is endowed by heaven, and the lofty of heaven gives life important value. From this point of view, it believes that the continuation and perfection of life should be realized by adjusting excessive desire in the process of self-cultivation. In ethical life, it holds that the development of each life should be respected and we should not hurt other people recklessly. In political governance, it believes that the world is shared by everyone, so the monarch needs to cultivate himself and appoint wise men. This emphasis on “life” and “human” enables Lushi Chunqiu to integrate various philosophies and create its own philosophy, surpassing the Qin administration and having a lasting value. Its comprehensive philosophy based on “life” is instructive for the innovation of Confucian and Daoist philosophy after the Qin Dynasty.

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    The Critique of the Model of the Functional Division between Confucianism and Buddhism and the Establishment of the Classical Status of The Great Learning
    Qiuliu Jiang
    2024, 56 (4):  19-25.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.04.003
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    The establishment of Neo-Confucianism during the Song Dynasty was associated with the transformation of the Confucian classics system from “The Five Classics” to “The Four Books. In this transformation, the status of The Great Learning changed most dramatically. The background of this elevation was the model of functional division between Confucianism and Buddhism, i.e., “using Buddhism to cultivate the mind and Confucianism to govern the state”. By critiquing this model, Confucians sought to rediscover Confucian teachings on the cultivation of the mind and rebuild the connection between cultivating the mind and governing the state. It was The Great Learning which provided a framework that linked the cultivation of the mind with the governance of the state. Therefore, starting from Han Yu, many Confucians rediscovered and reinterpreted The Great Learning. Eventually, through Zhu Xi’s efforts, The Great Learning was identified as the first one of “The Four Books”, and in this way its position in the new classical system was finally established.

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    Liang Qichao’s Idea of Civilization
    Like Gao
    2024, 56 (4):  26-39.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.04.004
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    Liang Qichao made great contributions to the spread of “civilization”. His idea of civilization experienced profound changes from the Late Qing Dynasty to the May Fourth Movement. During the Hundred Day’s Reform, he took “civilization” as the direction of social progress. He regarded law as the foundation of civilization and called for reform. During his exile in Japan, influenced by Fukuzawa Yukichi’s theory of civilization, he considered “civilization” as the goal of China’s modernization, and advocated to promote Chinese civilization with “new citizens”. In his later years, he wrote The Records of Travels in Europe, with his concern changed from admiring Western modern civilization for the sake of national “prosperity” to looking back at Chinese tradition to seek the ultimate meaning of life from Confucianism, Daoism and Mohism. He changed from criticizing tradition with modernization to criticizing modernity with tradition. In his later years, he no longer talked about a singular civilization exemplified by the West. On the contrary, He discussed Chinese and Western civilizations of equal status, advocating to recreate a new type of human civilization in the process of Chinese and Western civilizations’ learning from each other and complementing each other. This idea of new civilization that advocated rebuilding a new civilization on the basis of reflecting on modernity, marked the rise of a new enlightenment after the May Fourth Movement.

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    The Albany Movement in 1960 and its Influence from the Perspective of Cold War
    Guorong Xie
    2024, 56 (4):  40-55.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.04.005
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    In 1960, a wave of national independence swept across Africa, and 17 countries were freed from colonial rule by the white man. However, the United States, which claimed to be the “leader of the free world”, was stumbling towards the abolition of racial segregation. This sharp contrast irritated African Americans to change their ways of struggle. In 1960, four black college students launched the Albany Movement in Greensboro, North Carolina, to boycott racial segregation at lunch counters. The movement quickly spread to other southern states, expanding the struggle to all public places. It grew far larger, lasted longer, involved more cities, and covered a wider range of areas than previous civil rights struggles. The movement attracted a large number of black and white college students, who replaced professional civil rights activists and became the main participants in the civil rights movement. They regarded the struggle experience of being arrested and imprisoned as an honor. The Albany Movement pushed the civil rights movement from courtroom struggles to large-scale nonviolent direct actions. It reshaped the civil rights movement and marked the climax of the civil rights movement.

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    Returning to Hybridity:Reexamining the Consistency between Language and Writing in Kojin Karatani’s Landscape Theory
    Yonghua Tang
    2024, 56 (4):  56-68.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.04.006
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    Kojin Karatani’s theory of the “discovery of landscape” revolves around the consistency between language and writing, opening up a new theoretical space for landscape criticism. We can develop Karatani’s theory from the following aspects. Firstly, we can open up the linguistic dimension of landscape criticism by leveraging Karatani’s discourse of transparency, and evaluate the multiple dilemmas of modernity narrative carried by this discourse. Secondly, following Karatani’s construction of “externalities”, we can explore the possibility of transforming from internal linguistics to “linguistics of otherness” and the value of such transformation for landscape criticism. Finally, based on the contingency and hybridity of language, we can examine the ethical demands in Karatani’s landscape theory, redescribing the stylistic features of landscape writing and the discourse logic of landscape aesthetics.

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    From “Aesthetics of Diversity” to “Pluralistic Symbiosis”:The Issue of China in French Literary Theories and the Relevant Paradigm Shift in the Cases of Victo Segalen and Francois Jullien
    You Wu
    2024, 56 (4):  69-82.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.04.007
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    The issue of China in Western literary theories forges a stimulating field for the exchange of ideas and cultures between China and the West, which not only reflects the Chinese image from a transcultural perspective, but also contributes greatly to promoting East-West dialogue and mutual learning. Both of the “aesthetics of diversity” constructed by Victo Segalen and the cultural view of “pluralistic symbiosis” advocated by Francois Jullien are important paradigms concerning the interpretation of China in Western literary theories. By challenging the previous methodology driven by exotic curiosity in Western literary tradition and reinterpreting the connotation of the term “exotic”, Segalen has developed an aesthetics of diversity, which praises the beauty of multicultural differences. His theory has surpassed and criticized colonialism. By emphasizing the cultural value of diversity, Jullien has developed a systematic approach of dialogism, which aims not to identify the “difference”, but to use the “distance” between Chinese and Western cultures to carry out “external deconstruction” and “circuit-entry”, which promotes the paradigm of seeking “pluralistic symbiosis” to become a method of explaining China. This development from “aesthetics of diversity” to “pluralistic symbiosis” indicates a paradigm shift in studying China in French literary theories, which has opened up the new possibility that the issue of China can become a potential force for knowledge production and theoretical innovation across the globe.

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    From Professional Certainty to Fuzzy Generation:Uncertainty-oriented Social Work Knowledge Production and its Reflection
    Jun Wen, Shumin Fang
    2024, 56 (4):  84-94.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.04.008
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    Uncertainty, as a structural force and embodied experience of modern social development, has profoundly affected the development of social work theory and practice, prompting the paradigm of social work knowledge production to transform from professional certainty to fuzzy generation. This uncertainty is reflected in several aspects such as knowledge foundation, research paradigm, production subject, production field, knowledge structure and knowledge characteristics. In this regard, it is necessary to recognize uncertainty as theoretical foundation, construct a social work knowledge system of uncertainty with the knowledge perspective of holistic representation, the research paradigm of complex narrative, the value purpose of subject empowerment, the action configuration of situational practice, the network configuration of integrative orientation, and the theoretical connotation of reflective perspective, and consequently realize the deep innovation and diversified development of the knowledge paradigm of social work.

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    The Social Policy Research Transformation in Dealing with the Challenges of Uncertainty in China’s New Developing Period
    Xinping Guan
    2024, 56 (4):  95-102.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.04.009
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    Resulting from human beings’ incapacity to understand nature and society, uncertainty is universal, relative and developmental. There are more serious uncertainties in social sciences because of their more complicated objectives. However, social sciences have been weak in dealing with uncertainty so far. In China’s new developing period, there will be more uncertainties in economic and social development, bringing more challenges to social policy. To cope with the new uncertain challenges, the perspectives, contents and methods of social policy research should be expanded by further highlighting the value guidance in social policy research, paying more attention to the prediction and countermeasure research of social policy, strengthening the research of complex theoretical model of social policy, enhancing the dynamic perspective of social policy research, and further strengthening the construction of social policy disciplines and cross-disciplinary cooperation.

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    Population Studies and Responses in an Era of Rising Uncertainty
    Zhen Zhang
    2024, 56 (4):  103-115.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.04.010
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    In an era of increasing global uncertainties, it is particularly important to gain a deeper understanding of the nature and sources of demographic uncertainty and its role in population projections and policy responses. It has been found that demographic uncertainty is an intrinsic attribution of the demographic system, and it tends to increase when it is intertwined with many uncertainties in modern society. Although demographic uncertainty cannot be completely eliminated, it is possible to deepen the understanding of uncertainty, effectively control the negative effects of demographic uncertainty within a knowable and controllable range, and give full play to uncertainty in the creativity of diversity. In the modernization process of China’s huge population, it is important to make full use of the advantages of technology, knowledge and governance to build a population and related policy system that is flexible and adaptable, so as to promote high-quality population development.

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    Facing Uncertainty:New Challenges for Social Work Theory
    Shanshan Li, Xuesong He
    2024, 56 (4):  116-125.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.04.011
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    Nowadays, uncertainty has emerged as a structural force on the human stage. It has gradually become a holistic feature of social development and a realistic situation that the development of social work should face. Due to the complexity and variability of practice scenarios, the changes brought about by the development of digital technologies, and the dynamics between social workers and their interacting subjects, uncertainty further intensifies the challenges to social work theoretical research. In addition, uncertainty challenges the construction, research and application paradigms of traditional social work theory at the ontological, epistemological and methodological levels. In response, we need to build a more reflective and inclusive social work theory for the era of uncertainty, enabling social work theory to better integrate with practice in an uncertain society and serving the construction of a new social service system and a new form of social civilization.

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    Develop Professional Service Industry to Assist Enterprises’ “Going Abroad” with High Quality:Theory,Mechanism and International Experience for Reference
    Haiyan Tang, Xinzhang Cheng
    2024, 56 (4):  126-143.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.04.012
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    Professional service industry has played an important role in improving modern industry system construction and developing new quality productivity. The internationalization of professional service industry is always accompanied with enterprises’ internationalization, which is influenced by their international income, international pattern, human resources’ backing up and international impact. Professional service industry can assist ensure enterprises’ “going abroad” by means of information providing and decision-making support mechanism, service activities and pattern innovation mechanism, risk management and compliance guarantee mechanism, and resource integration and collaborating innovation mechanism. At the present stage, China still falls behind European and American countries in the development level of professional service industry and their capacity to assist enterprises’ going abroad. Based on international experiences, China’s professional services should increase policy support in internationalization, high-end, integration, branding, thinking tank and sustainable development, so as to better promote the development of professional service industry and help enterprises go abroad with high quality.

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    Digital Transformation of Service Industry and High-quality Development of Service Trade:A Case Study of Shanghai
    Jianzhong Huang, Yinghua Meng, Ling Zhao
    2024, 56 (4):  144-154.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.04.013
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    How to drive the digital transformation of service industry and enable the high-quality development of service trade is one of the core propositions for the high-quality development of Shanghai's economy and society in the new era. It is the key to adapting to the trend of world economic development and seeking strategic initiative in global competition, and the only way to seize the “commanding heights” of the right to speak in international economy and governance. The mechanism of promoting the high-quality development of service trade by the digital transformation of service industry is manifested in trade creation effect, investment creation effect, channel expansion effect and inclusive growth effect of service trade. Shanghai is a leading digital economy zone with abundant application scenarios for digital transformation and high-quality development of service trade. However, Shanghai’s digital transformation of service industry and high-quality development of service trade also faces a series of constraints, and there are still obvious deficiencies in scale and structure, breadth and depth, talents and enterprises, and systems and mechanisms. Therefore, Shanghai must seize the advantages of multiple strategies such as the National Pilot Free Trade Zone and new area, Pudong Development Zone and leading area, the Expo and the integration of the Yangtze River Delta, face the opportunities and challenges of global digital technology, digital economic development and the reconstruction of digital economic and trade rules, and vigorously promote pioneering reform and leading opening up in an all-round way. We should further promote the digital transformation of the service sector and the high-quality development of trade in services.

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    Supply Chain Reshaping in the U.S. and Industrial and the Supply Chains’ Resilience of China’s Foreign Trade
    Guobing Shen, Yiping Wang
    2024, 56 (4):  155-177.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.04.014
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    Based on HS 6-digit product trade data, this paper conducts a statistical analysis on the resilience of China’s foreign trade industrial and supply chains (ISC) under the supply chain reshaping in the U.S. It shows that the import sources of midstream products in China’s foreign trade ISC are relatively concentrated and have poor resilience; the export demand side of downstream products is highly concentrated and dependent on the U.S. market and prominently fragile. For the key industry products’ industrial and supply chains reviewed by Biden government, the upstream import supply side of China’s agricultural and food production industries and the upstream import supply side and upstream export demand side of the pharmaceutical industry are relatively vulnerable. Moreover, the results derived from Triple Difference Measurement Model show that the U.S. supply chain review significantly promotes trade transfer of China’s key ISC products to the third parties and increases resilience, while it has no significant effect on the geographic diversification of China’s foreign trade. This means that the improvement in China’s key ISC resilience after U.S. supply chain review is mainly reflected in deepening trade links with third-party trade partners in the short term, rather than promoting the geographical diversification of foreign trade. Therefore, it is necessary to focus on the key industry products under the U.S. supply chain reshaping strategy, actively build a regional production and supply chain cooperation system, and expand the diversification of foreign trade structure. We should enhance our capacity for independent innovation, overcome the “stuck neck” technical problems on the import supply side, and strive to enhance the toughness and safety of China’s foreign trade production and industrial and supply chains, so as to promote the high-quality development of China’s foreign trade.

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    2024-4 Abstract
    2024, 56 (4):  178-182. 
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