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    15 September 2024, Volume 56 Issue 5 Previous Issue   
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    Similarities and Differences:A Comparative Study of the Yangtze Delta and the Netherlands in the Early 19th Century from the Perspective of Economic History
    Bozhong Li
    2024, 56 (5):  1-12.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.05.001
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    Both China and Europe encompass vast territories with significant internal differences. To conduct thorough and objective comparative research, it is essential to choose regions with high comparability. From the perspective of economic history, the Yangtze Delta in China and the Netherlands in Europe are two regions with the highest comparability in early modern times. Using the Historical System of National Accounts (HSNA) methodology, this study compares the economic conditions of these two regions in the early 19th century. It reveals significant similarities and differences in their levels of economic development in the early modern period. This result effectively challenges the biases inherent in previous studies that used the “British model” as the standard to examine the economic history of China and Europe, helping to promote our understanding of the history of China and Europe in early modern times.

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    Transformation and Evolution:On Craftsmanship
    Haidong Cheng, Fan Chen
    2024, 56 (5):  13-21.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.05.002
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    The distinction between “specialized skills” and “universal skills” has given rise to the evolution of craftsmanship, and artifacts’ “shielding” has caused philosophy to neglect the root exploration of artisans’ existence for a long time. Artisans cannot be “skillful” before they know the “skills”. Heidegger, Chinese traditional philosophy and other study on artisans believe that craftsmanship can be attributed to both the revelation of experience and the knowledge of ideas. The evolution of craftsmanship from proficiency to the integration of artifacts and skills, from local culture to teaching and dissemination, and from concept conformity to skill practice shows the transformation of craftsmanship in terms of knowledge form, cognitive process and practice mode, and redefines people’s cognition of craftsmanship as well as its significance and value. Exploring craftsmanship under the new historical conditions is conducive to cultivating contemporary artisans with all-round physical and intellectual development while adhering to traditional skills, so as to achieve high-quality development of humans.

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    On the Possibility of a Moral Community:A Sellarsian Approach
    Jing Zhou
    2024, 56 (5):  22-30.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.05.003
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    Bypassing the classical scheme of “be” and “ought”, Sellars considers “we-intention” directly as the primary and primitive ethical intention in exploring how a moral community is possible. In this way, Sellars takes neither actual but contingent emotions nor universal but unrealistic a priori laws as a starting point. From an intersubjective perspective, Sellars argues that the main task of moral philosophy is not to find a way to move from the individual to the ethical community, since a genuine subject is immediately an individual of a community. Our perceptions of what the world is entail a generalized understanding of how we should treat one another. Forming a moral community and building an ethical world are two sides of the same process. Sellars’ position frees itself from the shackles of “be” and “ought”, highlights the spirit of humanity, and provides a unique and enlightening insight into how we are necessarily moral beings with normativity.

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    Zhang Ertian and Zhang Xuecheng:Also on Zhang Ertian’s Academic Influence on Naito Torajiro
    Zhongmin Zhang
    2024, 56 (5):  31-41.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.05.004
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    Zhang Ertian was the key promoter of Zhang Xuecheng’s thought in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China. He established his own academic position through the study and assimilation of Zhang Xuecheng. His work Shi Wei reflects an innovative transformation of Zhang Xuecheng’s historical ideas. With his unique academic style, Zhang Ertian was highly praised by Naito Torajiro, who was a pioneer in the study of Zhang Xuecheng in Japan. Zhang Ertian made significant contributions to the publication of a new edition of Zhangshi Yishu, considering Zhang Xuecheng’s historical thought as a valuable means of correcting academic trends addressing contemporary issues. An investigation into Zhang Ertian’s academic achievements in the study of Zhang Xuecheng, as well as the inter-cultural exchanges between China and other countries, can provide a clearer understanding of the origins of the enthusiasm for Zhang Xuecheng in the early Republic of China in the context of academic history.

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    J. G. Droysen and the Modern Transformation of the Theories of Historical Representation in the 18th and 19th Centuries
    Heying Lü
    2024, 56 (5):  42-53.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.05.005
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    As a key figure in the history of modern German historiographical theories, J. G. Droysen inherited and developed theories of historical representation since the Age of Enlightenment, and in his later years even made “Topik” a separate part by modifying the structure of Historik and Grundriss der Historik . With the rise of contemporary narrativist theories of historiography, Droysen’s “Topik” and its related theory of representation have attracted more and more attention from the academic circles. Despite some criticisms in later times, Droysen’s theory of historical representation expands the scope of historical representation and highlights the relevance of historical research to reality, which constitutes Droysen’s unique contribution to the modern transformation of German theories of historical representation in the 18th and19th centuries.

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    Constructing Chinese Poetics with Cultural Mind
    Xiaoming Hu
    2024, 56 (5):  54-64.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.05.006
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    This paper attempts to discuss the theory and its method of a poetics, namely, Chinese poetics with cultural mind. As an academic paradigm, Chinese poetics with cultural mind combines “culture” with “mind”. In the constructive exploration of Chinese literary theory in the post-May Fourth era, it tries to develop a discourse from traditional poetics. It can serve as a theoretical framework for reading, researching, teaching, making and promoting Chinese poetry teaching. It is also similar to the “literary heart” of the ancients. Chinese poetics with cultural mind is characterized by the concept of holistic poetics and the fusion of the ancient and the modern. The three main points of holistic poetics are viewing poetry as the foundation, taking into account the three talents, and “copper mining in the mountain”. The three paths to the fusion of the ancient and the modern consist in the cultivation of both learning and practical skills, the joint advancement in poetry and thought and to a poetical life. There are three major backgrounds for the origin of Chinese poetics with cultural mind: the internal dissatisfaction of the academic, the changes in the external conditions of the academic, and the new needs of the times for humanistic academic. Therefore, Chinese poetics with cultural mind is not only poetics itself, but also an academic response to the combination of tradition and modernity.

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    “Tasting” Qian Zhongshu’s Scholarship:Concerning the Role,Expertise,and Writing Intention
    Zhongyi Xia
    2024, 56 (5):  65-78.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.05.007
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    Those who admire Qian Zhongshu’s works as the “cultural Everest” are amazed by the unique richness of his writing style, which stands unparalleled in the modern era. This paper proposes a four-step roadmap for “tasting”. The first step is to define the “richness” of Qian’s scholarship as the embodiment of his ideal personality as heroic sage in his texts. Generally speaking, scholarly writing should not only adhere to but also dare to break common framework so as to create a “beauty of extraordinariness”. The second step is to highlight that Qian’s scholarship is characterized by a composite role, maintaining his position as a critic with a focus on “concrete literary appreciation and judgment” while also venturing as an esthetician of the second type into the history of literary art and theory with his deep study of the beauty of literature. The third step is to distinguish between the “role, ” which denotes a scholar’s academic identity, and his “expertise, ” which refers to his professional reliance and execution of the role. This drives Qian to seamlessly incorporate extensive empirical research (“my annotating the Six Classics”) into a subtle framework of his theoretical discoveries and historical models (“the Six Classics’ annotating me”). The fourth step is to point out that, in terms of historical theory, the “richness” of Qian’s scholarship is best exemplified by Selected Annotations of Song Poetry. This is not easily discernible by all scholars; it can only be truly appreciated or “tasted” by those with rare insights. Scholars, including Wang Shuizhao, can perceive or taste the “richness” of Qian’s scholarship from a “zooming” perspective, while scholars, including Zheng Chaozong, fail to do so from the commonly prevalent “one-dimensional” perspective.

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    A Detailed Examination of the Publication of Huang Kan’s Reading Notes on Literary Mind and Carving Dragon
    Xinglu Zhou
    2024, 56 (5):  79-88.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.05.008
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    Huang Kan taught at Peking University in his early years and his teaching handout at that time Reading Notes on Literary Mind and Carving Dragon has been handed down as a modern classic of literature. Its process from a handout to a public book was complicated. It was first issued in 31 pieces in mimeograph and typographic print forms. The latter 16 pieces in the typographic print form are collected in the Peking University Library, which have been lack of research so far. In the early 1920s, Gu Ming issued the latter 20 pieces from the original 31 pieces in the mimeograph form, with the title “Notes on Literary Mind and Carving Dragon”, as a teaching handout in the typographic form for Beijing Civilian University. The Wenhua Society edition (1927) was based on this version, with the appendix of Luo Hongkai’s “Wuse”. After leaving Peking University, Huang Kan taught at Wuchang Normal University and Zhonghua University. He printed this lecture handout (31 pieces) in about 1923, and serialized it in Huaguo. But it stopped when this monthly journal was ceased to publish. When Huang Kan died in 1935, the Literature and Art Collection of National Central University published the former 11 handout pieces. In 1947, Sichuan University compiled the Literature and Art Collection edition and the Wenhua Society edition into 31 pieces, which were not widely circulated. In 1962, Zhonghua Book Company published the two editions together again. However, it needs text restoration since it is no longer the original appearance of the Reading Notes. Huang Kan’s Reading Notes is a typical case of the evolution of a modern university teaching handout. It is necessary to discuss it in detail because it came into being at Peking University with the conflict between rhythmical prose and modern prose, and that between classical and vernacular styles of writing in the turning point of modern intellectual history.

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    Criminal Law Regulation of Harmful Behavior Related to Sora and Other Generated Videos
    Xianquan Liu, Yueyang Yu
    2024, 56 (5):  89-102.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.05.009
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    The application of AI video generators such as Sora will have a significant impact on the legal interest theory of criminal law. The content of generated videos should be included in the scope of the work. An AI video generator is the author of its generated content but not the subject of rights, and the property rights of related works should be transferred to the user. The legal interests infringed upon by the crime of compulsory indecency and insult related to generated videos shall include the content of mental damage. The application of AI video generators changes the social relations of the video creation industry, and then changes the judgment standard of the degree of infringement of legal interests of related criminal behaviors. The crimes related to generated videos mainly involve crimes of infringing personal rights, crimes of infringing property rights and crimes of picking quarrels and provoking trouble. The provisions of judicial interpretation on the elements of the related charges of crime related to generated videos should have both breakthroughs and limitations. The criminal law of our country should set up the crime of data security liability accident to investigate the criminal responsibility of the developers and producers of generated videos. The pre-method provisions for the application of generative artificial intelligence products should be improved in time. In judicial practice, the intelligent degree of generated videos should be divided into three categories: information sorting, basic processing of information and deep processing of information, so as to reasonably allocate the criminal responsibility of users, developers and producers for crimes related to generated videos.

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    Creativity:The Nexus of Data and Intellectual Property
    Guozhu Wang, Shuai Yuan
    2024, 56 (5):  103-115.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.05.010
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    The establishment of the connection between data and intellectual property rights is a prerequisite for data to obtain the legal protection of the Intellectual Property Law. Creativity can become the link between data and intellectual property. The formation and expansion of the intellectual property system is based on creativity, and being creative is the basic condition for new intangible property rights to enter the intellectual property system. Creativity can be reflected in the formation process and the formal appearance of data. The former is embodied in the personal choice and judgment of the content of data collection and processing rules by the data processor, while the latter embodies the order of data after processing, the ability of information disclosure and the function of prediction guidance. As the object of intellectual property, the creativity of data can be defined from three aspects, i.e., distinctions, substantial processing and new values. Distinctions refer to the objective and identifiable distinctions of data that originate from human creative activities. Substantial processing refers to the data processor’s substantial shaping of data processing rules and substantial participation in the data processing process. New values of data are mainly reflected in the improvement of information disclosure capability, the enhancement of predictive and guiding function, and the increase in market value. Data that have undergone substantial processing, possessed distinctions, and generated new values can be considered as data that meet the creative requirements of intellectual property rights and can obtain the protection of the Intellectual Property Law.

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    The Institutional Construction of China’s State-Owned Enterprises’ Undertaking Environment-Related Social Responsibility:A Perspective of Aligning with the Corresponding Rules of CPTPP
    Ben Li, Ruixuan Chong
    2024, 56 (5):  116-129.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.05.011
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    Considering the latest global practices in the ESG framework and the practical need for China’s application to join CPTPP, the institutional construction of state-owned enterprises’ undertaking environment-related social responsibility holds significant importance. CPTPP emphasizes high standards, effectiveness, transparency of environmental laws, and the procedural nature of environmental responsibility supervision for member states and enterprises. Within the framework of CPTPP, state-owned enterprises can participate in the development and improvement of voluntary mechanisms for environmental performance standards, supplementing domestic regulatory measures regarding environment. Drawing on the experiences of other CPTPP parties, it is important to comprehensively consider the corresponding requirements of ESG governance systems and CPTPP environmental rules, encourage alignment with international standards in ESG practices, balance the policy burden of state-owned enterprises with green compensation mechanisms, establish quantifiable disclosure standards for environmental and social responsibilities, and implement measures to regulate the involvement of third-party independent assessment agencies. These actions will continuously enhance the international competitiveness of state-owned enterprises and facilitate China’s accession to CPTPP.

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    How Enterprise Network Promotes Disruptive Innovation Capability under the Background of New Quality Productivity:From a Knowledge Perspective
    Xin XU, Junling Zhang
    2024, 56 (5):  130-144.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.05.012
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    Accelerating the formation of new quality productivity is the core support for Chinese modernization in the new era and on the new journey. We need to give full play to the leading role of innovation, especially original and disruptive innovation in science and technology. Based on the background of developing new quality productivity, this paper constructs a theoretical framework of how disruptive innovation promotes the development of new quality productivity from the perspective of knowledge. Meanwhile, combining social network and open innovation theory, it explores the influence mechanism of corporate network embeddedness and its interaction on firm disruptive innovation. Taking the emerging industry of intelligent electric vehicle as an example, an empirical analysis is carried out through negative binomial regression based on relevant patent data. The results show that collaboration network embeddedness can significantly improve the disruptive innovation capability of enterprises. Knowledge flow plays a mediating role between the structural embeddedness of collaboration network and disruptive innovation capability. In other words, enterprises can occupy the position of structural hole to promote knowledge flow and then enhance disruptive innovation capability. However, knowledge flow does not play a mediating role between the relational embeddedness of collaboration network and disruptive innovation capability. Both structural embeddedness and relational embeddedness of knowledge network positively regulate the relationship between structural embeddedness of collaboration network and knowledge flow. This paper expands the research on multi-layer network embeddedness in the context of open innovation, supplements the antecedents of disruptive innovation capability, and has significant implications for promoting enterprises’ independent innovation in science and technology and the development of new quality productivity.

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    The Impact of Corporate Digital Responsibility on Enterprise Value:A Configuration Analysis Based on Internet Platform Enterprises
    Jian KE, Andi YU
    2024, 56 (5):  145-159.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.05.013
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    Digital technology not only creates value for enterprises, but also brings many negative impacts such as data security and technological disorder. Enterprises need to adopt a coherent and orderly approach to handle data and technology responsibly. Therefore, the new concept of corporate digital responsibility has emerged. Based on multiple types of data and Gioia Qualitative analysis methods, this paper analyzes the content of corporate digital responsibility. The results reveal that corporate digital responsibility includes nine dimensions: CDR culture, CDR governance mechanisms, digital security and privacy protection, data openness and sharing, data rights, digital inclusion, digital well-being, empowering environment and empowering society. These dimensions form a concentric circle model with gradually expanding influence. Taking 22 internet platform enterprises as research samples, this paper explores the multiple paths for enterprises to realize high enterprise value through digital responsibility from the perspective of configuration. It shows that internet platform enterprises can generate high enterprise value through three digital responsibility paths, that is, comprehensive, focused and gradual expanding; large platforms attach great importance to the construction of CDR culture; digital native platforms attach importance to the construction of CDR governance mechanisms; the expanded responsibility domain can obtain high enterprise value for the platform better than the core responsibility domain; empowering society is one of the main paths for platforms to create high enterprise value, while empowering environment is not obvious. This paper enriches the theoretical foundation of corporate digital responsibility research, and provides practical inspiration and feasible suggestions for enterprises to fulfill digital responsibility and respond to digital ethical crises.

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    The Renewal of Corporate ESG from the Perspective of New Quality Productivity
    Hanxiang Gao, Dingling Ye
    2024, 56 (5):  160-169.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.05.014
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    New quality productivity is not only an innovative theoretical proposition, but also an important practical proposition. To promote the cultivation and development of new quality productivity, it is necessary to make profound changes to the value creation model of enterprises, while corporate ESG is the concentrated embodiment of the value creation model. There is consistency between new quality productivity and ESG in terms of conceptual connotation, element composition, and practical characteristics. Therefore, to overcome the various challenges faced by current corporate ESG due to the theoretical limitations of traditional investment evaluation, social responsibility, and information disclosure, we may reconstruct the traditional ESG concept from the perspective of new quality productivity, including revitalizing the concept of corporate ESG from evaluation to action, from balance to kinetic energy, from individual to ecological perspectives. In this way, not only can it promote the improvement and perfection of corporate ESG theory and practice itself, but it can also guide corporate ESG practice towards the direction of new quality productivity, stimulate new driving forces for the development of new quality productivity in ESG practice, promote the construction of a modern industrial system for the development of new quality productivity, and better promote the cultivation and development of new quality productivity.

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    2024-5 Abstract
    2024, 56 (5):  170-174. 
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