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    15 November 2024, Volume 56 Issue 6 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    Communicative Subject Detached from Perceptual Activities:On Habermas’ Misinterpretation of Marx’s Concept of Subject
    Yongjie Chen
    2024, 56 (6):  1-10.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.06.001
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    To enhance its theoretical capacity to explain social evolution, Jurgen Habermas reinterprets historical materialism as well as its basic categories. He attempts to overcome the theoretical paradigm of speculative philosophy with his theory of communicative action, and thus provide a new perspective for grasping contemporary capitalist society. Although his critical theory shows some theoretical achievements in reconstructing historical materialism in the contemporary context, Habermas’ ideal communication mode constructed by language fails to go deep enough into the field of social being. Habermas misjudges that Marx’s concept of subject is still confined within the scope of cognitive subject because he could not completely move out the thinking paradigm of the immanence of consciousness. Moreover, neither does he understand that the subject can only be directed by perceptual activities, that is, the self-generation of the subject in perceptual activities, nor does he comprehend that it is through perceptual activities that the liberation of the subject can be realized. Therefore, Habermas’ concept of communicative subject constructed in his interpretation of Marx is still limited in the domain of consciousness and consequently fails to touch social reality.

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    Context Switch,Discourse Remolding,and a Tentative Exploration of an Independent Knowledge System of Chinese Social Sciences
    Kun Wang
    2024, 56 (6):  11-24.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.06.002
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    To clarify the history of Chinese social sciences is significant for accelerating the establishment of the “three systems” of philosophy and social sciences with Chinese characteristics and the construction of independent knowledge system. The period of democratic revolution, particularly the 1920s and 1930s, is a crucial stage for tentatively exploring the independent knowledge system of Chinese social sciences. The introduction of the term “social sciences” in modern China experienced a context switch from “sciences” to “society”, leaving an intellectual space for the tentative exploration of the independent knowledge system of Chinese social sciences. In the process of criticizing “Social Sciences of the Three People’s Principles”, the expansion of “Social Sciences of Marxism” established a discourse basis for the tentative exploration of the independent knowledge system of Chinese social sciences. Furthermore, the “New Social Sciences” that applied materialistic dialectics to the research of social sciences and the “New Social Sciences Movement” which was guided by social sciences of Marxism provided academic carriers for the tentative exploration of the independent knowledge system of Chinese social sciences. As a creative combination and innovative development of Marxist theory and social sciences research, the tentative exploration of independent knowledge system of Chinese social sciences not only provided the Communist Party of China with discourse tools and theoretical weapons for revolutionary struggles, but also constituted the knowledge source and theoretical foundation for the comprehensive transformational change of Chinese social sciences in the founding of the People’s Republic of China.

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    Detailed Explanation of “Shentan”:Also on the “Rhetoric” of The Chronicle of Zuo and the Differences between Shang and Zhou Cultures
    Hua Peng
    2024, 56 (6):  25-39.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.06.003
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    There are different understandings of the term “shentan” mentioned in the “Second Year of Duke Cheng” in The Chronicle of Zuo. By combining historical documents handed down for generations, archaeological materials, and life experiences, we find that “shentan” refers to mussel grey and charcoal. The material was mainly used for sterilization and also had the effect of moisture-proof and theft-proof in burials. Archaeological data show that the use of “shentan” in tombs originated in the mid-Western Zhou Dynasty and became popular in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty. However, the burial custom of using “shentan” cannot be found in Shang tombs that still remain. This shows that Shang and Zhou cultures were different. The record of the funeral of Duke Wen of Song in The Chronicle of Zuo rhetorically implies a derogatory view of Duke Wen of Song. In addition to revealing its facts from a perspective of history, its “deep meaning” can also be analyzed from a perspective of classical learning.

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    The Kantian Difficulties in Modern Western Philosophy of History and the Solutions in Vico-Marx’ Science of History
    Xiangqin Chen
    2024, 56 (6):  40-54.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.06.004
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    In modern Western philosophy of history, there are two theoretical traditions: one is speculative and the other is critical. These two traditions can be regarded as the recapitulations of Kant’s critical philosophy in the field of history: the former is related to the issue on the possibility of history as metaphysics; the latter related to the issue on the possibility of history as empirical science. Moreover, their difficulties are also Kantian: the difficulties of critical philosophy of history are analogous to the dialectical illusion of reason in the transcendental field, whereas the difficulties of speculative philosophy of history are analogous to the issue of thing-in-itself that “understanding” encounters in the experience sphere. To solve such Kantian difficulties, we have to recapitulate Kantian process of critical philosophy in the field of history, and to give the reasonable solutions on the basis of Vico-Marx’s science of history.

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    Gradient Linkage:The Operational Mechanism of Counterpart Support Policies
    Wei Xie, Yuqing Hao
    2024, 56 (6):  55-68.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.06.005
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    As a unique institutional arrangement emerging from China’s political ecology, the counterpart support policy has played an important role in coping with the national scale governance load, coordinating regional development and achieving common prosperity. The operation of China’s counterpart support policy is premised on the existence of development order difference, distance potential difference, task level difference and implementation equality difference between the support side and the recipient side. By constructing such elements as cycle connection, subject connection, project connection and hierarchical connection, the time gradient, space gradient, content gradient and structure gradient are effectively bridged. Based on the forward-looking thinking of the evolution from poverty alleviation to rural revitalization, we can constantly optimize the promotion path of the counterpart support policy from the dimensions of “political identity” coupling “common prosperity”, “gradient assistance” coupling “gradient cooperation”, “project system” coupling “product system”, and “assessment mechanism” coupling “consensus mechanism”.

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    The Restrictive Relation between Ambiguous Structures and Absolutive Case
    Lixin Jin
    2024, 56 (6):  69-79.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.06.006
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    This paper discusses five types of ambiguous noun phrases in Chinese grammar: “N+de+V”, “V+de+N”, nominal “V+N”, “N+ (V+N)”, and “N1+N2”. The ambiguity in the first four structures is related to the absolutive case properties of the nouns within the structure. These nouns can assume the semantic role of the subject of an intransitive verb or the patient of a transitive verb (like the properties of absolutive constituents in ergative languages). In a context-free setting, these two semantic roles exist in a superimposed state, akin to Schr?dinger’s cat, leading to two possible semantic interpretations. However, once placed in a specific context, their respective semantic roles become precisely determined (like quantum collapse). The fifth type, “N1+N2”, is particularly unique. If both nouns possess lexical agentive features, they can act as either agent or patient to each other, resulting in two distinct semantic interpretations.

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    Unraveling the Mystery of the Classification of Words:The Research Trajectory from Ancient Greek Grammar to Universal Grammar
    Baojia Li
    2024, 56 (6):  80-94.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.06.007
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    This paper attempts to trace the trajectory of research on “parts of speech” (λ?γου μ?ρη) from ancient Greek grammar to universal grammar, based as much as possible on Western original texts. After 250 years of successive efforts by three schools of thought, the Greek word classes have evolved from three divisions, four divisions, and five divisions to six divisions, ultimately forming a system of eight divisions. Although Greek word class templates were introduced, Latin word classes went through more than 300 years from four to eight. Afterwards, speculative grammar adopted an overall eight divisions. Universal grammar has nine divisions, five divisions (indicating the hierarchical relationship between nouns, adjectives, and verbs), four divisions, eight divisions (indicating the independence of adjectives), and so on. The results of literature review and sorting indicate that meaning or signifying is the cognitive essence of word classes, while form and function are all recognition methods based on analogy. We should maintain an open attitude towards the classification of word classes, as different systems can coexist. The division of word classes and the analysis of sentence components can coexist without excluding relative mapping. The coordination methods between word classes and sentence components are diverse.

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    A New Syntactic and Semantic Analysis of the “NP zhi VP” from the Perspective of Generative Constructivism
    Zhou Yang
    2024, 56 (6):  95-107.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.06.008
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    This paper re-examines the syntactic and semantic properties of “NP zhi VP” construction in Pre-Qin Chinese based on generative constructivism, and proposes a “nominalization stratification hypothesis” to explain the difference in the strength and weakness of the category properties embodied in this construction. It argues that the light noun n can operate on different levels of predicative categories. Accordingly, the syntactic stratification of the “NP zhi VP” constitution is constructed, and the corresponding semantic stratification is deduced from the syntactic hierarchy to explain the syntactic consequences of the semantic stratification. Finally, this paper argues that the construction is a DP structure centered on delimited category D from the perspective of construction coercion.

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    The Socio-Spatial Process and Shaping Mechanism of Foreign Population in Shanghai
    Yeqin Zhao, Huihua Fan
    2024, 56 (6):  108-116.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.06.009
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    The spatial agglomeration of foreign population as well as its evolution process is important for understanding urban space in the era of globalization. Since its opening as a port, Shanghai has attracted a large number of foreign populations with its unique political, economic and cultural advantages. Before 1949, the foreign population in Shanghai was mainly distributed in the concessions and their neighboring areas. After the reform and opening up, due to the orientation of the export-oriented economy and industrial agglomeration, the foreign population continued to extend to the surrounding areas, forming the first generation of international communities represented by the Gubei area. Since then, due to the development and opening up of Pudong, the spatial distribution of foreign population has expanded from Puxi to Pudong, forming a new foreign population agglomeration space in Pudong New District. The historical continuity of social space, government planning, ethnic consumption space and individual choice have promoted the development and evolution of the foreign population agglomeration space in Shanghai. A thorough analysis of the shaping mechanism and evolutionary pathway of the concentration of foreign population in Shanghai not only helps to uncover the dynamic patterns and underlying driving forces of their spatial distribution, but also provides empirical support for the effective governance of foreign population in megacities.

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    The Dynamic Relationship between Family and the State in the Practice of Child Protection System:A field Study of 14 Counties in China
    Fucai Cheng, Leixin Wang
    2024, 56 (6):  117-127.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.06.010
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    There is an inherent tension between modern child protection system and familism cultural tradition in China, which has an important impact on the concrete practice of child protection system in the grassroots society. Through the field investigation of the rural child protection work in 14 counties of 7 provinces such as Anhui and Hubei, it discovers that modern child protection system is regulated by the culture of familism while intervening in families and protecting children. Families will use traditional parenting norms to justify their “improper” parenting behaviors and unconsciously resist the implementation of modern child protection system. In the interaction with familism and public view of parenting, modern child protection norms have reshaped the autonomy of family and child protection system itself. When modern child protection system is transferred into China, the tradition and reality of local social culture should be considered, and the emphasis should be placed on family supervision and family support.

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    On the effect of Urban Density on Residents’ Health in Megacities
    Chunlan Wang, Zhenzhen Qi, Anni Zhang, Shangguang Yang
    2024, 56 (6):  128-141.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.06.011
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    The development of urban density has brought challenges to human physical and mental health. This study takes Shanghai as a case city, and uses questionnaire survey data and census data to analyze urban density’s effects on residents’ physical and mental health indicators and its mediating mechanism. It shows that the population density of Shanghai ranks first among the major cities in the world, and the level of population density has crossed the critical point. The negative effects on residents’ health are highlighted by sub-health indicators, mental health indicators and social adaptation indicators. Subjective perception environment assessment is an important way for urban densification development to affect residents’ health. Therefore, it is recommended to strictly control the high-density development and construction of megacities, fully optimize and adjust leisure space, and improve the quality of residents’ living space.

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    On the Supply of Housing Security in Shanghai Based on the Concept of People-Centered City:Its Connotation,Practice and Optimized Path
    Rong Yan, Lili Zhang, Yimiao Wang
    2024, 56 (6):  142-149.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.06.012
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    Based on the concept of people-centered city, optimizing the supply of housing security means taking people’s demand into account and increasing the adaptability of housing security supply and demand. It also means relying on a variety of suppliers to increase the long-term sustainability of housing security, improving the coverage of housing security with the goal of ensuring people sharing the benefits. Shanghai has explored ways to implement the concept of people’s city in the practice of housing security supply by building a more inclusive housing security supply system, establishing a more participatory grass-roots governance system, creating more high-quality housing security products, strengthening more humanized housing security services, and emphasizing more “home” warm living experience. In order to further optimize the supply of housing security, Shanghai needs to deepen and improve the housing security system, introduce social forces to participate in the sustainable development of housing security, continue to optimize the spatial layout of affordable housing to improve the level of balance between employment and housing, and improve the quality of living and living experience. with the fruits of the new round of technological revolution.

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    Expanding the Effective Supply of Government-Subsidized Rental Housing in Shanghai:Practical Dilemmas and Countermeasures
    xing Meng, Mengke Hu, Lv Lv
    2024, 56 (6):  150-158.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.06.013
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    Developing government-subsidized rental housing is an important measure to solve people’s livelihood issues and is also the focus of housing construction during the “14th Five-Year Plan” period. Shanghai precisely designs the government-subsidized rental housing system and comprehensively utilizes various methods to increase the supply of government-subsidized rental housing, ensuring a steady growth within the policy planning expectations. Shanghai fully considers the diverse housing needs of new citizens and young people and strives to build a multi-level rental housing supply system of “one bed, one room, one suite” to enhance the effective supply of government-subsidized rental housing. In this process, Shanghai is facing practical dilemmas such as insufficient construction land, low participation enthusiasm of market players, the lack of effective coverage of guarantee groups due to inadequate guarantee attributes, and unbalanced supply structure of government-subsidized rental housing. In view of this, Shanghai can tap the stock resources reserve, explore the special channels, strengthen financial policy support, increase the enthusiasm of market entities, standardize the setting of rental prices, optimize the requirements of access conditions, adjust the supply structure dynamically, improve the utilization rate of housing resources and other ways to further expand the effective supply of government-subsidized rental housing and promote its high-quality development.

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    Does the Housing Security System Promote the Common Prosperity of Families?:An Empirical Research Based on CHFS Data
    Wei SHI, Shiyong WANG
    2024, 56 (6):  159-176.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.06.014
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    The housing security system provides housing benefits to low-income families through redistribution mechanism, which is the basic security system for China to efficiently realize people’s livelihood, development, stability, coordination and mutual promotion. Does the housing security system, as a welfare expenditure that plays the role of social redistribution, promote the common prosperity of households? Based on the data of China Household Finance Survey (CHFS), this paper makes an empirical study and finds that China’s housing security system has narrowed the asset gap among households of all social strata due to its redistribution function, and has promoted households to achieve common prosperity, but this impact has been weakened in large families with large population size and families with high living costs in areas with high prices and housing prices. Furthermore, from the perspective of structural characteristics, the housing security system has a positive effect on material wealth and spiritual wealth, but has no significant impact on social sharing, which is due to the differences in the financial expenditure level of local governments on housing security. These conclusions have a strong policy significance for how to adjust China’s housing security system in the future in order to further play its positive role in common prosperity.

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