华东师范大学(哲学社会科学版) ›› 2014, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (1): 138-147.

• 批评与争鸣 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 华东师范大学中文系 上海
  • 出版日期:2014-01-15 发布日期:2014-03-02
  • 通讯作者: 熊玉鹏
  • 作者简介:熊玉鹏

Digest of “ History should not Be Dramatized ——A Review of “ The Sight of a Dynasty’s Back”

XIONG Yupeng   

  • Online:2014-01-15 Published:2014-03-02
  • Contact: XIONG Yupeng
  • About author:XIONG Yupeng

摘要: 《一个王朝的背影》是余秋雨文化散文的代表作。文章蜚声文坛,广受追捧。文中批评人们不把满族看做中华的一个民族,不把清朝看做中国历史的一个部分,文章歌颂清朝皇帝是中国历史上较好的皇帝和最好的皇帝;盛赞避暑山庄是清朝的长城和吉宅;认为清朝是败在热河雄风的丧失。凡此种种,似可标新立异,其实似是而非,哗众取宠。

关键词: 康熙 , 辛亥革命, 避暑山庄, 长城, 王国维 , 陈寅恪

Abstract: “The Sight of a Dynasty’s Back” ist the representative work of Yu Qiuyu’s culture theme essays. It is an article not worthy of the fame it enjoys in the literary arena. Firstly, the argument of the article is false. Ignoring the historical facts, the article eulogizes the Qing Dynasty’s emperors as the best in China’s history, admires the Imperial Summer Villa as the blessed symbolic construction of Qing Dynasty which could even match the significance of the Great Wall, and declares the fall of Qing Dynasty was due to the loss of the enormous vitality demonstrated by the Imperial Summer Villa. Secondly, the writing lacks the basic academic ethics. To reverse the negative evaluation of Qing Dynasty, Yu Qiuyu fabricates stories, distorts slogans, and lodges false accusations against history teachers and forerunners of the Revolution of 1911. The suicide of Chinese ancient civilization studies Master Wang Guowei ist even depicted as a typical tragedy of an old die-hard of Qing Dynasty. Aware of the article’s absurdity, Yu Qiuyu tries hard to cover up his errors through switching concept in the argument, which exposes both dishonest attitude and unserious style of writing.