华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版) ›› 2024, Vol. 56 ›› Issue (5): 65-78.doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.05.007

• 文学研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 接受日期:2024-08-18 出版日期:2024-09-15 发布日期:2024-10-11
  • 作者简介:夏中义,浙江越秀外国语学院教授(绍兴,312000),上海交通大学人文学院教授

“Tasting” Qian Zhongshu’s Scholarship:Concerning the Role,Expertise,and Writing Intention

Zhongyi Xia   

  • Accepted:2024-08-18 Online:2024-09-15 Published:2024-10-11


大抵仰慕钱锺书著作的“文化昆仑”峰值的人,大多慨叹其述学文体之厚味也独步今世。可以从“识味四步曲”来体认钱著述学之厚味。第一步,先界定钱著述学意味之“厚”,是“厚”在著者将其豪贤式“人格自期”渗入其文体,大凡述学既要“本位”,又敢“出位”,此谓“异量之美”。第二步,这就决定钱著述学之“角色”系复合型,既守其鉴赏家“本位”,始终重视“具体的文艺鉴赏和评判”,又敢“出位”当第二类美学家,因深究文学之美而涉足文论暨文艺史。第三步,若谓“角色”指著者对其学科的身份认同,“行当”当指著者对其“角色”的专业依托且执行。这就驱使著者将浩瀚的实例考证即显性“我注六经”,巧妙地安置到其精微精妙的“六经注我”的隐性框架,此框架即著者的理论发现暨史论建模。第四步,就史论而言,最能体现钱著述学之“厚味”构成的经典莫过于《宋诗选注》 。这诚然不是所有专家能一瞥即辨的教材式书写,故只有难得的别具慧眼者方能体认即“识味”。可将能觉知钱著述学“厚味”的慧眼称作“变焦”视角(如王水照),以区别于学界惯常流行的、难以识别钱著述学“厚味”的“单向度”视角(如郑朝宗)。

关键词: 钱著述学, 识味, 角色, 行当, 笔意, 钱锺书


Those who admire Qian Zhongshu’s works as the “cultural Everest” are amazed by the unique richness of his writing style, which stands unparalleled in the modern era. This paper proposes a four-step roadmap for “tasting”. The first step is to define the “richness” of Qian’s scholarship as the embodiment of his ideal personality as heroic sage in his texts. Generally speaking, scholarly writing should not only adhere to but also dare to break common framework so as to create a “beauty of extraordinariness”. The second step is to highlight that Qian’s scholarship is characterized by a composite role, maintaining his position as a critic with a focus on “concrete literary appreciation and judgment” while also venturing as an esthetician of the second type into the history of literary art and theory with his deep study of the beauty of literature. The third step is to distinguish between the “role, ” which denotes a scholar’s academic identity, and his “expertise, ” which refers to his professional reliance and execution of the role. This drives Qian to seamlessly incorporate extensive empirical research (“my annotating the Six Classics”) into a subtle framework of his theoretical discoveries and historical models (“the Six Classics’ annotating me”). The fourth step is to point out that, in terms of historical theory, the “richness” of Qian’s scholarship is best exemplified by Selected Annotations of Song Poetry. This is not easily discernible by all scholars; it can only be truly appreciated or “tasted” by those with rare insights. Scholars, including Wang Shuizhao, can perceive or taste the “richness” of Qian’s scholarship from a “zooming” perspective, while scholars, including Zheng Chaozong, fail to do so from the commonly prevalent “one-dimensional” perspective.

Key words: Qian Zhongshu’s scholarship, tasting, role, expertise, writing intention, Qian Zhongshu