1 |
John Stuart Mill and Democracy, In John Stuart Mill's Social and Political Thought edited by G. W. Smith, Vol. Ⅲ, London, 1998.
2 |
Robert Eccleshall, British Liberalism: Liberal Thought from the 1640s to 1980s, longman, 1986.
3 |
John c. Rees, John Stuart Mill's On Liberty. Oxford, 1985.
4 |
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H. O. Poppe, Mill and Toequeville In John Stuart Mill's Socialand Political Thought. edited by G. W. Smith, Vol. Ⅲ, London, 1998.
6 |
J. H. Burn, J. S. Mill and Democracy, 1829—1861, In John Stuart Mill's Social and Political Thought edited by G. W. Smith, Vol. Ⅲ, London, 1998.
7 |
Maurice, Cowling, Mill and Liberalism. Cambridge University Press, 1990.
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约翰·密尔 1982, 论自由. 北京: 商务印书馆.
9 |
雷蒙·阿隆 2003, 阶级斗争: 工业社会新讲. 南京: 译林出版社.
10 |
Isaiah Berlin, Four Essays On Liberty, Oxford University Press, 1969.
11 |
John Gibbins, J. S. Mill, Liberalism and Progress In Victorian Liberalism: Nineteenth—century Political Thought and Practice. Edited by Richard Bellamy Routledge, 1990.
12 |
Zbigniew Pelczynski and John Gray(eds). Conceptions of Liberty in Political Philosophy. London, 1984.