1 |
[英]霍布斯. 利维坦[M], 商务印书馆, 1985。
2 |
Thomas Hill Green, "The Word is Nigh Thee", in Works of Tho-mas Hill Green, vol. 3, edited by R. L. Nettleship, London: Longmans, 1888.
3 |
Thomas Hill Green, Prolegomena to Ethics, edited by A. C. Bra-dley, M. A fifth edition, Oxford: the clarendon Press, 1907.
4 |
Thomas Hill Green, "Lecture on Liberal Legislation and Freedom ofContract", in Works, vol. 3, 1888.
5 |
Thomas Hill Green, "Lectures on the Principles of Political Obliga-tion", in Works, vol. 2, 1886.
6 |
Thomas Hill Green, "On the Different Senses of'Freedom'As Ap-plied To Will and To the Moral Progress of Man, "in Works, vol. 2, 1886.
7 |
Thomas Hill Green, speech to the Wellington Lodge of Odd Fel-lows, 1868, cited by Nettleship, "Memoir", in Works, vol. 3, 1888.
8 |
[美]乔治. 霍兰. 萨拜因. 政治学说史[M], 商务印书馆, 1986.
9 |
不列颠百科全书[Z]. (国际中文版, 第7卷). 北京: 中国大百科全书出版社, 1999。.
10 |
Thomas Hill Green, T. H. Green. Lectures on the principles ofpolitical obligation, and other writings, edited by Paul Harris and John Mor-row, New York: Cambridge University Press, 1986.
11 |
I. M. Greengarten, Thomas Hill Green and the Development ofLiberal-Democratic Thought, University of Toronto Press, London, 1981.
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[英]伯林. 自由论[M]. 南京: 译林出版社, 2003.