Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences) >
Living in Peace and Working in Contentment:On Factors Influencing Migrant Young Talents’ Settlement Intention in Metropolises
Based on the data from the China Migrants Dynamic Survey in 2014, 2016, and 2017 (CMDS 2014, CMDS 2016, and CMDS 2017), this paper develops an attraction-repulsion model from the perspective of immigration cities, focusing on the impact of occupation type, housing type, and living cost on the settlement intention of migrant young talents in China’s metropolises. The results indicate that migrant young talents who work in an in-system unit, or are engaged in management and professional technical work are more likely to settle down. Those who own property or live in the public rental housing also have strong settlement intention, whereas living in unit’s dormitories has a significant negative impact on their settlement intention. This study also finds an inverted U-shaped correlation between housing price-income ratio and settlement intentions among migrant young talents in metropolises. The settlement intention of migrant young talents differs among cities, while the influence of occupation status and housing type remains stable, the impact of relative housing prices exhibits significant heterogeneity across cities. To conclude, living in peace and working in contentment are crucial factors influencing migrant young talents’ settlement intention, and governments should take measures to ensure affordable and stable housing for young people to retain young talents.
Key words: metropolis; migrant young talents; settlement intention; housing; career
Kai-ze WU . Living in Peace and Working in Contentment:On Factors Influencing Migrant Young Talents’ Settlement Intention in Metropolises[J]. Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2023 , 55(4) : 162 -175 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2023.04.014
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