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    Progress and Constraints in the Exploration of the Modernity of China’s TV Compere Communication from 1993 to 2003
    YU Chun
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2015, 47 (6): 78-81.   DOI: 10.16982/j.cnki.1000-5579.2015.06.009
    Abstract363)   HTML7)    PDF (461KB)(1164)      
    In spite of its significant progress in the innovation and exploration of modernity from 1993 to 2003, China’s TV compere communication has met a series of challenges, such as the structural constraint of media supervision, the impact of new media, the paradox of audience ratings and the bottleneck of compere workforce. In order to solve these challenges, we must probe on the following issues: how to promote the “three-combination” of official opinion, public opinion and media opinion in media supervision based on reality; how to enhance the coordinated development of television and new media; how to balance the quantitative and qualitative evaluation; how to improve the expertise and professionalism of comperes; and how to implement the laws.
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    Debt Scale, Asset Value and Local Government Debt risk
    Pan Zhibin
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (3): 89-97.  
    Abstract770)   HTML9)    PDF (3746KB)(1740)      
    Using the Contingent Claims Approach (CCA), this paper measures debt risk of thirty one Chinese local province governments at 2013, presents several scenarios which the local government asset value and debt scale changes, analyzes and assesses relevant movements of the risk indicators. Our results suggest that the debt risk of Chinese local province governments is still in control. It positively associates with the debt scale of local government and negatively associates with the asset value of local government, and becomes worse or even defaults when debt scale increases or asset value reduces. So the most important job for the local government debt management is to treat the existing debt, control the increasing debt, evaluate the assets that the debt formed, and improve the debt paying ability.
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    How to Tell about Chinese Stories?: On Some Theoretical and Practical Issues in “Chinese Culture Going abroad”
    HU Xiao-ming
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2013, 45 (5): 107-111.  
    Abstract917)   HTML16)    PDF (693KB)(1901)      
    Reflecting a new cultural strategy to meet new opportunities in the global information era, the new discourse “Chinese culture going abroad” has its own emphasis different from those in cultural exchange and cultural dissemination. By analyzing its relations between cultural dissemination, cultural exchange, cultural identity and cultural originality, we can see some mistakes in this discourse and try to find out some countermeasures. The first mistake is the unilateralization of the self, that is, to ignore or despise other dissemination powers. The second one is the exteriorization of the image. While cultural exchange is aimed to learn from other cultures with a perspective of the whole human beings rather than Chinesizing foreign countries, the “Chinese culture going abroad” policy emphasizes too much localism, or the so-called moralization and humanization advocated in ancient China. The third one is the overstress on cultural particularity. Even though there is no absolute, fixed and abstract universal value, it is formalist to refuse to learn what is beneficial for us with the excuse of the particularity of our culture and the need to “go abroad”. The fourth mistake is the cultural secularization. Therefore, first, we should separate appropriately the cultural China and the realistic China and the cultural China should keep relatively its transcendent meaning. Second, we should disseminate really good culture with connation, depth and thickness. Only with an explicit orientation in theory, we can direct our new culture strategy feasibly. Third, we should understand clearly core values in the main body of Chinese culture.
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    The Absence of Subject Consciousness in Institutional Image Communication and Its Reconstruction: A Case Study on the Red Cross Crisis in the “Guo Mei-mei Scandal”
    FAN Xiao-ling
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2013, 45 (5): 112-122.  
    Abstract844)   HTML16)    PDF (786KB)(1415)      
    An effective speech act involves both the element of speaking and that of listening, while “listening” is related to not only the behavior of the listener, but also the speaker’s paying attention to the listener’s voice. Furthermore, there are two types of listeners, that is, direct “target recipients” and indirect “non-target recipients”. In the “Guo Mei-mei scandal”, the Red Cross ignored its own subject position as a “non-target recipient”. It failed to listen effectively, so that it couldn’t speak directly, effectively, or immediately. This resulted in a gradual collapse of Red Cross’s image. Therefore, we should set up some NGO “green groups”, which pay attention to public life, public security and public interests, and help institutions listen and speak effectively.
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    Shanghai Middle School Students’ Conceptual Structure of the National Images of Japan, the United States and Korea
    HU Yi-ming
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2013, 45 (5): 123-128.  
    Abstract909)   HTML13)    PDF (629KB)(1553)      
    Any speech act is not only subjective, but also inter-subjective. The national rhetoric act is a response to the external national rhetoric act as well as an expression of domestic social will. Accordingly, “the national images of foreign countries in the mind of Chinese teenagers” is an important issue that may influence the national image cognition and international relations in future. The relevant studies in the academic circle still remain in the narrations of “individual examples” and “the impression of the author”. With a psychological and experimental “free association” method and weighting statistics, this paper tries to establish an objective analysis model to reconstruct the conceptual structure of the Japan image in teenagers. After testing some students in a middle school in Shanghai, we have following findings: first, the images of Japan, the US and Korea in the patients are positive in general; second, comparatively, the national image of Japan contains more negative information in the patients; third, the important difference between Japan and other countries is that there is a “mutual embedding” phenomenon between Japan and China in cognition. This research probes into the possibility of analyzing the images of countries in Chinese teenagers at the level of f “psychological structure” and provides a certain reference for the rhetoric of national images.
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    The Dissemination of Each Chinese Province’s Image in Western Cyberworld
    BAI Li-na
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2013, 45 (5): 129-135.  
    Abstract828)   HTML16)    PDF (1116KB)(1438)      
    The image of a province is not only an important part of the image of a nation, but also an important resource for social and economic development in this province. The construction of the image lies in rhetoric, whereas the dissemination of the image relies on a certain medium. Network is the most powerful propagation medium in this age. It is an urgent task for us to know exactly the image of each Chinese province in the network, especially in Western network. With Chinese and English as the language media, this paper investigates the current dissemination of 30 Chinese provinces in Western cyberworld. It will provide references not only for the rhetoric and dissemination of the images of Chinese provinces, but also for the construction of China’s national image.
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    Tobacco Control in Media Reports from the Perspective of Fear Appeal: A Case Study on Reports of Tobacco Control in People’s Daily
    CHEN Hong & HAO Xi-qun
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2013, 45 (1): 128-140.  
    Abstract1059)   HTML12)    PDF (2101KB)(1520)      
     May 31st, 2012 is the 25th World No Tobacco Day. Tobacco has become one of the most serious public health issues in the world. In order to persuade people to smoke less or quit smoking, the way of fear appeal is commonly used in the media reports. In the past six years’ reports on tobacco control in People’s Daily, the informing strategies are monotone, and the level of using fear appeal is low, which make them fail to achieve the best persuasive effect.
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    A Comment on Robert Bellah’s Religious Sociology
    LI Feng
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2011, 43 (5): 15-21.  
    Abstract1470)   HTML11)    PDF (1644KB)(2580)      
    As a contemporary famous sociologist, Robert Bellah uses his sociology of religion to mainly discuss meanings and functions of religion in the perspective of modernity. On the basis of development of his thinking, it can be divided into four phases: the academic accumulation when he studied in the university; “pessimistic optimism” when he worked in Harvard University; “optimistic pessimism” during the late 1960s; the topic of “postProtestant man” after the 1970s. In detail, he researches the essence of religion, the epistemology of religious study, the relation between religion and modernization, religious evolution, civil religion and reconstruction of American moral ecology. Though there are some studies of Bellah’s theory in Chinese academia, they are still segmented. This article tries to grasp his theory on the whole.
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    The Creation of a Spectacle in the Era of Subject Hiding
    LEI Qi-Li
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2011, 43 (4): 108-113.  
    Abstract1611)   HTML8)    PDF (453KB)(1791)      
    Modern society is a great formalization of varied spectacles. Science and technology, environmental protection, and dreaming of art are all part of created spectacles. Entangling with the consumption ideology, the spectacle has given off a powerful function of political culture. The subjectivistic person has been obscured. By analyzing various spectacles in the Expo 2010, this article points out the logic of consumption ideology hidden under spectacles, and seeks a possibility of cultural symbolics in our time.
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    Creative Features of Image Thinking
    HUANG Wen-Da
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2011, 43 (4): 114-119.  
    Abstract1611)   HTML9)    PDF (402KB)(2065)      
    According to recent researches on movie images the image thinking indicates that “thinking through the visual’ is an important part of human thinking and a most active part of creative thinking. In the digital age of technology language thinking and image thinking are complementary, and the image thinking characterized by intuition and adhesive thinking mode is becoming more valuable. Therefore, taking the study on thinking into the area of film research is a necessary extension of film research in new historical conditions, and also an important step for the development of creative thinking under the spread circumstances of multimedia
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    A Review of the Western Theory of Democracy and Media
    CHENG Jin-Fu
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2011, 43 (4): 120-125.  
    Abstract1709)   HTML95)    PDF (373KB)(2615)      
    Since the twentieth century in reflections of the classical liberal theory of democracy the elitist theory of democracy, the pluralistic theory of democracy and the theory of participation in democracy all have developed their various understandings of democracy, including preventing autocracy and rejuvenating participation. According to classical liberalism, media has three roles, namely, information, representation and watchdog. Those theories of democracy have different understandings and demands of media, but on the whole they have not yet departed from the classical liberal theory of democracy.
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    A Positive Study on Hedging Effectiveness of China Stock Index Futures Contracts
    Yang Zhao-jun &He Peng
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2011, 43 (3): 144-150.  
    Abstract1258)   HTML23)         
    With the promotion of the CSI 300 stock index future, we have the risk management tool in the China capital market. The paper investigates its optimal hedge ratios and hedging effectiveness based different models, which gives some suggestions for the investors in the future. Besides, for the real development of the CSI 300 stock index future, we investigate the impact of investors’ risk-aversion coefficients on the choice of the optimal hedge model.
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    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    0, (): 17-.  
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    On the Concept of Xin of Mencius
    Dai Zhao-guo
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    0, (): 37-42.  
    Abstract0)      PDF (2200KB)(100)      
    The concept of Xin appears very often in Mencius. In order to analysis the meaning of the concept of Xin, we should itemize the concept. The concept of Xin in Mencius indicates psychology activity. The interpretation of the concept of Xin turned to the tendency of metaphysics after Han dynasty, which was based on the scholar’s philosophy view. If we want to get the reasonable interpretation, we should analysis the relation between mind and material.
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    A New international aid mixed model— a case study of Sicomines project in Congo(DRC)
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    0, (): 79-84.  
    Abstract0)      PDF (1263KB)(23)      
    International aid is not only a creation of diplomatic activities between countries in the twentieth century, but also a method to enhance one country’s international influence. Along with the increase of Chinese company’s overseas investment, an international aid setting investment, aid and trade as a whole, which is called China Model, is also being created. But there is an obvious difference between this model and traditional western international aid model on both ideal and operation. This article starts the case analysis with Chinese company’s project in Congo(DRC), analyzing the main point of international debate about China’s mixed aid model, as well as providing some thinking in the improvement made by China in international aid.
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