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    Theory of evolution and Chinese historian’s Mode of thinking
    LI Xiao-Qian
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2016, 48 (2): 89-98.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.1016.02.011
    Abstract341)   HTML8)    PDF (2130KB)(1232)      
    Since the late Qing Dynasty, people’s cognition and understanding of history has undergone an important turning due to the gradual eastward transmission of western learning. In the process of rapid changes in China historians' thoughts and under the influence of the theory of evolution, the historian basic thoughts came into being. Through a variety of channels, such as textbooks, popular books, newspapers, school education, ideological elements associated with the theory of evolution almost spread to every corner, becoming a ubiquitous way of thinking,hidden or significantly interfering with people on the history cognition and behavior choice. Affected by the acceptance and use of this kind of thinking, many of them are out of conscious awareness and more of an unconscious behavior. By the theory of evolution thinking, although popular, the affected people along with the style is vastly different, selectively accepted or opposite to each other, which can hardly come to identity.
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    The Clan Predicament and Northern Crisis of the Ming Dynasty 
    —— A Case Study of Zhu Chongzhuo Rebellion in Jia Jing’s Reign
    GU Jin-Chun
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2016, 48 (2): 99-105.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.1016.02.012
    Abstract537)   HTML9)    PDF (1809KB)(1916)      
    The border guard demoralization and clan predicament were two major border problems in Jia Jing’s Reign. With the decline of land reclamation system and expansion of imperial population, the financial crisis in the mid Ming Dynasty made the shortage of army pay and clan salaries more serious. The border guard demoralization deteriorated the living environment of clan there; conversely, clan predicament also deteriorated the border situation. This presented a vicious circle, which reflected in the Zhu Chongzhuo (Datong Clan) rebellion.The treason and plot by Zhu Chongzhuo would have been successful if that unexpected event did not happen,which it finally trigger the butterfly effect and led to its failure.And this failure reflected the paradox between the clan system’s original blueprint and historical destiny.
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    Celebration and Politics: Exploration of the Historical Events Concerning “Celebration Ceremony of the Victory of Anti-Japanese War” in 1945
    ZHOU Wu
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2016, 48 (1): 58-76.   DOI: 10.16382/ j.cnki.1000-5579.2016.01.008
    Abstract433)   HTML4)    PDF (4627KB)(1113)      
    After the victory of Anti-Japanese War in 1945, the national government in the secondary capital Chongqing decided to hold a nationwide celebration ceremony of the victory under the name of the nation on World Anti- Fascist War and China’s Anti-Japanese War Victory Day and issued Implementation of Celebration Ceremony nationwide. Chongqing was the first to establish “Celebration Ceremony Preparatory Committee in the Secondary Capital” and held a grand ceremony in Jiaochangkou on September 3rd. Immediately after that, “Celebration Ceremony Preparatory Committee in Shanghai”, with its office on No. 65, Gedeng Road (today’s Jiangning Road), was established to prepare for the celebration ceremony in Shanghai. However, the ceremony in Shanghai was postponed to October 10th because the administrators of the allied armies, national armies and Shanghai municipal government failed to arrive in Shanghai on the Victory Day. The ceremony was held in Shanghai Race Club with unprecedented spectacular scene and fervent atmosphere. It was the first grandest civil “celebration” ceremony as well as an outstanding ceremony under the name of the nation held in Shanghai after the withdrawal of concessions and the unity of municipal authorities. However, the ceremony has not aroused enough attention of scholars up to now. Focusing on Shanghai, this paper explores the preparation and concrete process of the ceremony and discusses the relationship between the celebration ceremony and politics based on related archives and other materials.
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    The Johnson Administration’s Debate and Decision on the ABM Deployment
    LIU Lei
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2016, 48 (1): 82-92.   DOI: 10.16382/ j.cnki.1000-5579.2016.01.009
    Abstract303)   HTML4)    PDF (1089KB)(844)      
    During the time of the Johnson administration, U.S. military and the government had heated and long-lasting debates on the deployment of the Nike-X ABM system against the backdrop of national defense strategy adjustment. The Johnson administration finally decided to deploy a limited ABM system in some selected regions for such reasons: internal political struggle, intention to force the Soviets to join in the arms control negotiation, and defense against the third party’s missile strike. This was the first official ABM deployment decision in American history, which deeply influenced America’s ABM deployment policy afterwards.
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    The New Development of Neo-Confucianism: On the Compilation of Jinsi Record and Its Internal Logic
    LU Xin-Sheng
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2015, 47 (6): 53-62.   DOI: 10.16982/j.cnki.1000-5579.2015.06.006
    Abstract405)   HTML4)    PDF (873KB)(1404)      
    Comprised of 622 quotations from four Confucian scholars, i.e., ZHOU Dun-yi, ZHANG Zai, CHENG Hao and CHENG Yi (with an exception from SHAO Yong) selected and edited by famous Confucians ZHU Xi and LV Zu-qian in the south Song dynasty, Jinsi Record is an important work in the history of Confucianism. Ignoring the divergences between ZHOU Dun-yi, SHAO Yong and ZHANG Zai on the one hand CHENG Brothers on the other, ZHU and LV focused on their similarities and put them together. However, ZHU and LV obviously emphasized “investigating things” to “extend knowledge”. Thus, Jinsi Record marks the turning point of Neo-Confucianism from its emphasis on the “knowledge of morality” to that on the “knowledge of seeing and hearing”. The logic inherent in the comprehensive and thoughtful compilation of Jinsi Record also reflects ZHU Xi’s own ideas and insights.
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    The Normality and Extraordinariness of the Promotion of Scholar-bureaucrats in Turbulent Times: A Case Study of the Friendship of ZHU ZU-Mou and DI Yu during the Late Qing Dynasty and the Early Republic of China
    QIU Chen-Jiang
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2015, 47 (6): 63-69.   DOI: 10.16982/j.cnki.1000-5579.2015.06.007
    Abstract391)   HTML7)    PDF (887KB)(1040)      
    Although ZHU Zu-mou is one of the four most famous poets of ci poetry in the late Qing dynasty, his early life remains vague in many aspects. By studying the newly discovered texts, this paper examines the life of ZHU’s friend DI Yu and gives a brief account of their circle of friends of poem and essay. This is significant for the research of ZHU Zu-mou and his ci poetry. Taking their friendship for decades in the late Qing Dynasty as an example, this paper also discusses the normality and extraordinariness of the promotion of scholar-bureaucrats in turbulent times, as well as the complicated relationship between an individual and his destiny.
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    Chinese Rural Cadres’ Counteractions in the Age of Collectivization: Centering on Shuangkou Village in Pingyao County, Shanxi Province
    MA Wei-Qiang,DENG Hong-Qin
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2015, 47 (6): 70-77.   DOI: 10.16982/j.cnki.1000-5579.2015.06.008
    Abstract420)   HTML4)    PDF (680KB)(817)      
    In the age of collectivization, the state advocated and emphasized the ideological construction of socialism and its active practice in the social operation. However, what played an important role in rural public administration and social relations is not modern administration system of bureaucracy but rural traditional economic rationality, human relationship, and life logic emphasizing affection instead of principle. Examining the counteractions of rural cadres, this paper shows that they were in higher social status with more political and social resources. They not only represented the authority of the state, but also utilized it. The grass roots in the lower class were dominated by higher class so that they made efforts to seek asylum from cadres. The operation of public affairs in a village and the internal administration of cadres was in a chaotic state to some extent. The CPC’s socialist ideas and the authority of the state were challenged and weakened by the rural life and survival logic.
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    An American Missionary’s Days of “Liberation” at Yenching University
    YANG Kui-Song
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2015, 47 (5): 30-52.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2015.05.005
    Abstract657)   HTML6)    PDF (4495KB)(1546)      
    When People’s Liberation Army occupied the areas near Yenching University in the west of Peiping, there were over 30 American professors, students and faculty members at the university with Bliss Wiant as the leader. Wiant was entrusted by the Affair Unit of China Christian University Joint Board of Directors to be temporary president of the university and also functioned as Chief Financial Officer. Wiant was a missionary from the Methodist Church in the U.S. In 1923, he came to work for Yenching University in China with his newly married wife and founded the music department. As one of the professors who had worked for the longest time at Yenching, he had worked at the university for nearly 20 years (1923-1927,1929-1935,1936-1941,1947-1951). He was in charge of the music department constantly and also worked for administration at the university, where he got his major achievements in life. Even when the Army of the Communist Party of China occupied the area where Yenching was located in the end of 1948 and later Peiping and the whole China, and even when the war between China and the U.S. broke out in Korean Peninsula, the Wiant couple always hoped to stay at Yenching. This was the common wish shared by other 20 foreign Christians and some missionary societies. From 1948 to 1951, this kind of possibility was extraordinarily real. Like many Americans at that time, they believed that the Communist Party of China was different from the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, so what happened in the Soviet Union would not happen in China. The Communist Party’s liberating Peiping and the early stage of the new political system they witnessed made them confident in the new condition and social atmosphere created by the new political power. Many students from Yenching became senior cadres and the new government offers important positions for many leaders at Yenching. Therefore, although they faced many difficult challenges, they still anticipated highly for the future. It turned out that their wish was too optimistic. When Korean War broke out unexpectedly in 1950 and the American government adopted the intervening policy, the political situation changed dramatically in a few months, which originally needed a long time to take place. The American and Chinese governments declared one after another to freeze the properties of the opposite side. Only 6 weeks later, Yenching University, which was formerly sponsored by American church, was completely confiscated by the new government. Since then, Christian missionary work had been prohibited completely at the university. Missonary Wiant and other foreign professors and their families had to leave Yenching University even though they were reluctant to do so.
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    ZHANG Jing-wu’s Telegram on October 21, 1953 and Its Significance
    DAI Chao-Wu
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2015, 47 (5): 53-68.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2015.05.006
    Abstract443)   HTML14)    PDF (2785KB)(995)      
    ZHANG Jing-wu, the Central Government representative in Lhasa, submitted a telegram to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on October 21, 1953. The telegram, which was prepared for the forthcoming negotiation on Sino-Indian relations in Tibet, not only provided the information about Indian privileges in Tibet, but suggested that priority of negotiation should be the issue of border disputes. The suggestion had not been adopted by the Central Government. China and India had no talks on their border issues in their negotiation on Tibet in 1954. China’s delay strategy with regard to border disputes was heavily shaped by the asymmetrical salience of bilateral relations. India’s unique role as the major channel between China and the West and China’s dependence on Indian export necessities to Tibet were the most relevant factors precluding Beijing from responding effectively to the Indian occupation of territories in the southern Himalayas. Such delay strategy has significant and complicated impacts on China’s settlement of its border disputes with neighboring countries.
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    The Rising of Ethnology in Contemporary Taiwan
    HU Feng-Xiang
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2015, 47 (5): 69-83.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2015.05.007
    Abstract391)   HTML5)    PDF (3260KB)(944)      
    Ethnology or cultural anthropology is lively and energetic nowadays in Taiwan, which has attracted much attention from the academic circle in mainland China in recent years. The rising of such study in Taiwan is accompanied by particular social and historical background, as well as various practical motivations. It is worthwhile to investigate in details the theoretical and methodological origins, achievements and defects of ethnology in Taiwan, so as to learn lessons beneficial to the academic construction in contemporary China.
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    From the “Tianxia without Boundary” to the “Shadow Dynasty”: On The Ways to Establish a State In the East Jin Period as well as Its Result
    LI Lei
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (5): 17-27.  
    Abstract633)   HTML8)    PDF (2467KB)(1442)      
    The real situation of ancient Chinese dynasties, which does not fit into the Western concept of empire, shall be understood with some concepts revolving around the notion of tianxia, the ancient Chinese version of cosmopolitanism. After the collapse of the West Jin Dynasty, the East Jin Dynasty obtained its legitimacy in the consensus of tianxia of the Han people and other ethnic groups. Although its real power was far away from that of an ideal tianxia, the East Jin Dynasty, at least formally, did maintain a tianxia regime due to the tianxia consciousness of its surrounding ethnic groups. All of MURONG Xianbei, Koguryo, and other tribes in the northeast remote from the center of the East Jin confined themselves to the consciousness of tianxia despite the fact that they chose different ways to build their states. Different from the unified “tianxia without boundary” of the Han and West Jin Dynasties, the tianxia of the East Jin consisted of numerous political powers sharing a same tianxia consciousness. Enlightened by the term of the “shadow empire” in Thomas J. Barfield, this thesis describes such a new tianxia system as the “shadow dynasty”, which was comprised of various political regimes restrained by the central imperial court.
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    Returning to Rural Areas as One Aspect of the Social Mobility of the Intellectuals in Jiang’nan during the Late Qing Dynasty and the Early Republic of China: A Case Study on Kunshan
    QU Jun
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (5): 28-35.  
    Abstract704)   HTML8)    PDF (1630KB)(1243)      
    Besides routine migration from villages gradually to small cities, big cities, and then even to foreign countries, the intellectuals’ social mobility between urban and rural areas in Jiang’nan (regions south of the Yangtze River) during the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China also consisted of a tendency of returning to rural areas willingly or reluctantly due to their difficulties in the upward mobility on the one hand and the available accommodation for them in villages, towns and small cities at that time on the other. With a case study of the schools and the conditions of their teaching staff during 1912-1925 in Kunshan, this thesis discusses the tendency of returning to the rural areas in the intellectuals’ social mobility between urban and rural areas in Jiang’nan during the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China and the significance of the tendency in modern China as well.
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    Coordination and Suspicion: U.S.-ROK Relations Before and After EC-121 Incident of 1969
    LIANG Zhi
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (5): 36-46.  
    Abstract698)   HTML10)    PDF (2002KB)(1154)      
    It appears that U.S. and Republic of Korea coordinated closely to deal with the Korean Peninsula issue before and after EC-121 Incident of 1969. In fact, new evidences reveal a profound suspicion between Washington and Seoul. The incident deepened the ROK’s mistrust of U.S. security commitment and led up to new U.S.-ROK confidence crisis. Finally, Seoul sought ways to improve relations with DPRK and achieve self-reliance in national defense. On the other hand, EC-121 Incident obliged President Nixon shelve his plan of reducing U.S. armed forces in ROK. Washington considered the implementation of U.S. presence reduction until November 1969. The main reason for U.S.-ROK confidence crisis lies in the obvious difference of cognition and conduction for Korean peninsula affairs between Washington and Seoul. The case study also indicates that although common enemy may promote the two countries or regions with very different capabilities to form an alliance, they do not necessarily share similar strategic thinking and judgment.
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    The Tianxia Consciousness of Baekje and the Tianxia Order of the Eastern Jin and Southern Dynasties
    LI Lei
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (2): 64-71.  
    Abstract790)   HTML7)    PDF (789KB)(2580)      
    In the historical trend that different ethnical groups began to build their own regimes after the disintegration of the great union of the Easter Jin Dynasty, Baekje represented a typical performance. With the tianxia Consciousness, Baekje formally constructed a unified political system and shared a same cultural world with the Eastern Jin Dynasty. The reason why the King of Baekje obtained a title in Baekje’s first presenting tribute to the Eastern Jin lies in the international situation and respective domestic demands at that time on the one hand and the fact that the king family of Baekje was the offspring of Buyeo on the other. Since then, almost each King of Baekje sent an envoy to the court of the Eastern Jin and Southern Dynasties to accept the former king’s title at the beginning of his reign. In the 5th century, especially after the King Dongseong submitted to the imperial court, it became a usual practice that the officials in Baekje must be appointed by the court of the Southern Dynasties. Compared with King of Dangchang and King of Henan, King of Baekje enjoyed special privileges from the imperial court in terms of absorbing the culture system of the region of jiangzuo due to their cultural and emotional identity. Baekje and the Eastern Jin and Southern Dynasties shared the same tianxia order, and the decline of the Southern Dynasties also caused the decline of Baekje.
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    On the Establishment of the Unemployment Insurance in Weimar Germany
    Meng Zhongjie
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (2): 72-81.  
    Abstract721)   HTML7)    PDF (567KB)(1264)      
    Since the end of the 19th century, unemployment had become one of dominant phenomena in German society. However, the unemployment insurance was shelved by the imperial government due to many disputes. During the World War I, in order to get the support from the working class, the imperial government changed its position and started the reform of the poor relief system. It was not until 1927 that the unemployment insurance system was finally established in Weimar Germany. Nevertheless, a fuse that caused directly the decline of Weimar democracy had been buried in this insurance system since it was at best a product of complicated social relations, postwar political transmission and economic fluctuations. Weimar government regarded it as a way to control and solve social crises and it failed to foresee financial capacity and possible development in the future.
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    Eternality and Historical Change: Livy’s Understanding of History in Ab Urbe Condita
    WANG Yue
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (2): 82-87.  
    Abstract909)   HTML7)    PDF (562KB)(2456)      
    Collingwood, a prominent philosopher of history, claims that a defect in Greek and Roman Historiography is substantialism, which is based on the concept of substance in Plato and Aristotle. According to Collingwood, substantialism has determined the way to describe Rome in Livy so that it remains eternal from the very beginning of its foundation with distinctive institutions and unique spirits. However, Livy’s Ab Urbe Condita shows how Rome changed from her beginning to Livy’s own age. Augury, senate, legion and other institutions were in the course of evolution, and Roman virtues declined with the accumulated wealth from abroad. In effect, Livy understands history in an evolutional way.
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    On the Development of Nongovernmental Charity Network in Modern Shanghai
    RUAN Qing-Hua
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (1): 68-77.  
    Abstract600)   HTML7)    PDF (1038KB)(1356)      
    By analyzing the history of nongovernmental charity in Shanghai before 1949, this paper discovers that various charity groups integrated and formed some large-scale charity organizations in modern times. They knitted a huge social net in terms of organization structure, charity activities and fund support. The charity network played a role of bridging in charity, which helped the civil society have great capacities to organize and manage itself even in the time when Shanghai was suffered from unstable political situation with complicated mix of foreigners and Chinese people. This demonstrates that during the process of social transformation in modern China, the civil society, instead of in a status of disunity, disorder and chaos, gradually formed and developed a self-organizing and self-managing system.
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    Reason or Fanaticism? Study on the Shanghai Housewives’ Participation in Industrial production from 1958 to 1962
    Zhang Niu-mei
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (1): 78-84.  
    Abstract734)   HTML10)    PDF (584KB)(1287)      
    A Large number of Shanghai housewives flooded in industrial production from 1958 to 1962. In 1958, with the continuing leap, industrial production of the city had rapid growth due to the “take steel as the key link” policy, while labor resource of the planned economy system could not meet the need of radical industrial production. It was a wise choice for government flexibly use housewives to fill the employment gap. However, in practice, factories,enterprises and urban governance institutions had complicated performance. Different participants played the “polyphonic” and “out of tune” of the Great Leap theme.
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    Fan Wencheng and the Transplantation of the Ming Dynasty Imperial Examination System in the Early Qing Dynasty
    ZONG Yun
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (1): 85-91.  
    Abstract763)   HTML7)    PDF (704KB)(1777)      
    The early Qing Dynasty witnessed the overall transplantation of the imperial examination system in the Ming Dynasty. It was Fan Wencheng who copied the system. Before Manchu government’s entering Shanhaiguan, Fan Wencheng, authorized by Hong Taiji, built schools and held imperial examinations under the regime of Manchu government so as to pave the way for recovering the imperial examination system in the Ming Dynasty. After the government’s entering Shanghaiguan, Fan Wencheng’s point of view that “if the hearts of literati and officialdom are won, the hearts of common people will be gained as well” was deeply approved by the Emperor. While implementing the imperial examination system, Fan Wencheng worked as the chief examinerof the metropolitan examinationfor three times and put forward many constructive suggestions about improving the imperial examination system referring to the practice in the Ming Dynasty. The reason why Fan Wencheng became a promoter of “copying the imperial examination system in the Ming Dynasty” in the early Qing Dynasty is obviously related to his family background and his knowledge about Han culture, but more profoundly is due to the Emperor’s policy of winning Han intellectuals over and alleviating contradictions among different peoples.
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    The Jiaozhou Bay Incident: Its Origin, Negotiation and Crux
    MA Yong
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2013, 45 (4): 55-61.  
    Abstract759)   HTML16)    PDF (591KB)(1294)      
    The Jiaozhou Bay Incident occurred in the end of 1897 had a great impact on China’s historical course after the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895. It brought a great test for the reform movement which was just initiated at that time. Young intellectuals such as Kang Youwei and Tan Sitong generally believed that China had fallen into a crisis of life and death. With reference to new and old documents, a careful analysis of the sequence of events, cause and effect of the Jiaozhou Bay Incident will reveal that there was little political hue of this incident. Germany had intention to set up a naval base in China so as to effectively protect its benefits in the Far East and its investment in China and seek the counter-balance with big powers. The Chinese government didn’t absolutely reject the requirement of Germany, but it had not found a win-win solution to this issue.
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