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Content of 伦理学研究 in our journal

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    A despotic Rousseau or a liberal Rousseau?
    Liu Shi-gong
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (1): 40-46.  
    Abstract789)   HTML12)    PDF (456KB)(2654)      
    The classical liberalists such as Edmund Burke and Constant de Rebecque usually magnify the difference of John Locke and Jean-Jacques Rousseau, regarding Locke as one of the founders of liberalism and Rousseau as an advocate of despotism. This is a serious misunderstanding for Rousseau’s political philosophy, for they do not interpret The Social Contract as a whole, but just understand it by twos and threes. Actually, if we read the book carefully faithfully, we will find that Rousseau also recognize human rights and guard against the dangers of government’s usurping the sovereign. He not only defined strictly the concepts of general will, the whole body and sovereign which are misunderstood repeatedly, but also design some projects to confine the power of government so as to realize the general will.
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    The Decline of the Action: Arendt’s Thought about the Source of the Alienation
    WU Xing-hua
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (1): 47-52.  
    Abstract810)   HTML11)    PDF (464KB)(1417)      
    Arendt thinks that vita active include three aspects: Labor, Work and Action. Labor related to the natural life and restricted people in narrow private realm, so it has nothing to do with human nature. Political activities make people break away from natural life and the private realm, and enter the public realm. So the action makes up the root of the person’s behavior. The modern people just violated nature characteristics of the human and in order to material desires addicted to labor. They disaffiliated from the public realm and restricted themselves in narrow private realm of the labor, so become the individual. So in order to liberation from the alienation, the modern people must return to action. Arendt’s research stands out the importance of the field of the public political and emphasizes the political participation which is an unavoidable responsibility and destiny to everyone. It has strong warning role to the modern people focused on themselves.
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    On Compassion and Common Sense, as well as Compassion in Christianity and Buddhism
    HU wei-xi
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2012, 44 (4): 49-58.  
    Abstract1399)   HTML9)    PDF (1447KB)(1342)      
    Religion is accepted because of its compassion. Every individual has a religious metaphysical impulse never releasing from heart, which desires a union with the ultimate reality of the universe. In this process, the sense of compassion appears in a deeply feeling of conflict between one's limitation and infinite, and a resultant understanding of the universal suffering and the tragic fate of survival. Therefore, compassion is indeed the pity for the tragic destiny of human beings. Compassion roots in our metaphysical nature and hence constitutes a kind of "common sense" of human beings, through which an individual realizes his or her belonging to a group. Combining with religious belief, compassion takes a form of "redemptive love" in practice, which means forgiveness and sacrifice.
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    On Two Philosophical Approaches to the Meaning of Life
    CAI Zhen
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2012, 44 (4): 59-64.  
    Abstract1619)   HTML8)    PDF (1396KB)(1581)      
    Starting from the reflection on myth of Sisyphus, we can find two major approaches to the meaning of life. The first approach attempts to explain the meaning of life by appealing to the concept of the final end of human life. On this line of thought there are religious account and the nihilist account, however, these two accounts fail in some important ways. The second approach is to find the meaning of life within human life, that is, the activities that we are engaging in and the attitudes that one holds towards them. Richard Taylor’s subjective concept of the meaning of life is a major representative for this approach. His position can be rectified against Susan Wolf’s challenges by appealing to Frankfurt’s account of human desires.
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    On the Integration of Ethics and Morality: A Study focusing on Donald Dworkin
    Zhang Rong-nan
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2012, 44 (4): 65-70.  
    Abstract1167)   HTML7)    PDF (1384KB)(1557)      
    In contemporary moral philosophy, ethics and morality are regarded as two different categories: ethics deals with how we should live our life, while morality concerns how we should treat each other. Ronald Dworkin tries to integrate ethics and morality by the principle of human dignity. He makes a special interpretation about human dignity by ideals of self-respect and authenticity. Dworkin wants to establish a system of values mutually supporting each other by interpretation. Such an admirable effort encounters some difficulties. For authenticity which involves the principle of responsibility is a first-person ideal, while self-respect which involves the principle of equal objective importance is a second-person ideal. They might conflict with each other when duty of aid is concerned.
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    On Jacoby’s Discussion of the Tension between the Intellectuals and Utopia
    QI Cheng
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2012, 44 (4): 71-77.  
    Abstract1306)   HTML6)    PDF (1451KB)(1468)      
    With the spread of the claim of the end of the Utopia in the world,the psychiatric diagnosis of the intellectuals has stalled. Jacoby, a Western Marxist, makes a close examination of social history to explore the tension between the intellectuals and Utopia. He discusses the imaginary space of public intellectuals and their hidden Messiah complex in the doctrines of Utopia. By clarifying the distinction between Utopianism and totalitarianism, he defines the genuine intellectuals and affirms the value of Utopia in an age of pluralism. With the conscience of a public intellectual, Jacoby provides his own way to release the tension between the intellectuals and Utopia.
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    Respecting Different Ways of Life: A Daoist Ethics of Virtue in the Zhuangzi
    HUANG Yong
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2011, 43 (5): 22-32.  
    Abstract1601)   HTML5)    PDF (1583KB)(2074)      
    This article attempts to explore the possibility of a virtue ethics in a tradition that has been so far largely neglected by some scholars, Chinese Daoism, by focusing on one of the most important classics in this tradition, the Zhuangzi. It argues that, contrary to a rather common misconception of it as skeptic, relativistic, and therefore empty of any guide to moral life, it presents a solid normative ethics through various stories, and this normative ethics is a virtue ethics. The most important virtue, or trait of character, in such a Daoist virtue ethics, is to show respect for different ways of life, a trait not discussed in any familiar versions of virtue ethics in the West and yet most valuable to the contemporary life in a global and pluralistic society.
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    Is It Possible for Virtue Ethics Founded upon a Theory of Human Nature? 
    ——Shuttling between Confucian Ethics and Virtue Ethics
    LIU Liang-Jian
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2011, 43 (5): 33-38.  
    Abstract1570)   HTML7)    PDF (1651KB)(1550)      
    There is a tendency to interpret Confucian ethics from the perspective of virtue ethics since its revival in the West. However, this paper suggests that Confucian virtue ethics, in its ideal form, should be a creative synthesis of Western virtue ethics and Confucian ethics as well. Then, after taking a close examination on the entry of “ethics” in Encyclopedia Britannica written by Peter Singer, the paper ventures three arguments against his critiques on virtue ethics. Finally, it argues that there is no gap of IsOught concerning human nature and consequently a theory of human nature can provide an ontological foundation for virtue ethics.
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    John Rawls and Social Minimum
    YAO Da-zhi
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2011, 43 (3): 22-27.  
    Abstract1790)   HTML31)         
    Social justice is related closely to social minimum, and it is unimaginable for social justice without social minimum. In his A Theory of Justice, John Rawls proposes a theory of social justice that has a conception of social minimum, which is different from the conception of utilitarian social minimum. Firstly, John Rawls’ conception of social minimum is based on the principles of justice, while the social minimum of utilitarianism is based on human needs; Secondly, John Rawls’ social minimum is a kind of institution, and the social minimum of utilitarianism is a kind of principle; Finally, a social minimum is indeed related to human needs, but human needs may be defined by the citizenship of persons.
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    The Contrast between Classical Ideas of Dignity and Modern Ideas of Dignity
    ZHANG Rong-nan
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2011, 43 (3): 28-33.  
    Abstract1273)   HTML23)         
    The Idea of dignity is at the core of western moral philosophy. In the history of western philosophy, it is generally thought that the best account of dignity was expressed by Kant. But actually Aristotle did interpret his idea of dignity thousands of years ago. Either Aristotle or Kant interpreted dignity based on their understandings of human nature. But modern moral philosophy not only changes the requirement of human nature but shift the emphasis of the question on social respect and recognition of human being. Behind that shift there are deep philosophical reasons. I will explain these reasons by our new understanding of autonomy, as well as the challenge of identity politics come with value pluralism.
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    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2010, 42 (5): 45-53.  
    Abstract1484)   HTML9)         
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    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2010, 42 (5): 54-58.  
    Abstract1361)   HTML10)         
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    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2010, 42 (5): 59-64.  
    Abstract1271)   HTML11)         
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    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    0, (): 65-69.  
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    Thomas Scanlon’s contractualist’s ethical ideas
    Gong Qun
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2009, 41 (5): 45-52.  
    Abstract2114)   HTML22)         
    The stress point of the contractualist ethics of Thomas Scanlon, who is one of most important contractualist ethicist, lies in essential characteristic of morality. To be answer the main question of moral theory is one of right or wrong of moral behaviors. T. Scanlon argue that one action is wrong, which can not be justified reasonable. Such kind of judgment is also the one by which people can not act by the way as well. The moral judgment generally depends on moral principles, However, principles can not totally decide the action of judgment in practice. It is necessity that we need some kind of Aristotle’s practical wisdom when we do it.
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    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    0, (): 53-57.  
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    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    0, (): 58-64.  
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