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Content of 语言学研究 in our journal

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    Language Contact and the Emergence of New Languages
    YOU Ru-Jie
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2016, 48 (1): 93-100.   DOI: 10.16382/ j.cnki.1000-5579.2016.01.010
    Abstract421)   HTML5)    PDF (4944KB)(1402)      
    In modern China, all the new languages are hybrid languages which emerge due to language contact rather than population migration or the division of existing languages. A hybrid dialect is a new dialect with stable phonology after mixing up two or more dialects. It has been used as mother tongue by local residents with simplification of phonology as its most prominent feature. There are four types of hybrid dialects: boundary, migration, Creole and Koine dialects.
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    On the Causative and Passive Markers in Shanghai Dialect
    YANG Kai-Rong
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2016, 48 (1): 101-108.   DOI: 10.16382/ j.cnki.1000-5579.2016.01.011
    Abstract375)   HTML3)    PDF (1416KB)(1048)      
    “Jiao34/nian23/bek5” are all causative markers in Shanghai dialect, but the causative meanings they represent are different. This paper argues for a new classification of the markers’ causative types and discusses the grammaticalization of “bek5???”, whose meaning extends from ‘providing’ to passive. We analyze corpus data and hold that it is through negative causative factors (i.e. non-permission) that “bek5???” acquires its passive meaning. Only “bek5???” that denotes non-permission has both causative and passive interpretations. This semantic connection is crucial to why “bek5” can function both as a causative and a passive marker.
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    A Study on Conversational Repair Strategies in CSL Classroom
    WU Yong-Yi,WANG Dan
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2016, 48 (1): 109-115.   DOI: 10.16382/ j.cnki.1000-5579.2016.01.012
    Abstract351)   HTML3)    PDF (1248KB)(726)      
    Applying the theory of conversational repair and using classroom records, corpuses, interviews and other research methods, this paper conducts a small empirical research on the type and proportion of conversational repair in CSL (Chinese as second language) classroom. The result objectively shows the dominant position of other-initiation and other-repair in the CSL classroom conversational repairs, in which the teachers (others) are overwhelmingly dominant. This is a unique phenomenon in the second language learning and acquisition, different from the daily conversation of the first language (mother tongue). Meanwhile, this paper makes another creative attempt to construct a theoretical system after sorting out conversational repair strategies for both CSL teachers and students.
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    On the Incompatibility of Plural Marker “Men” with Numerals: From the Perspective of the Distinctions of Chinese-English Number Categories
    SANG Zi-Hong
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2016, 48 (1): 116-121.   DOI: 10.16382/ j.cnki.1000-5579.2016.01.013
    Abstract419)   HTML6)    PDF (1463KB)(1547)      
    This paper discusses the incompatibility of plural marker “men” with numerals in Chinese from a cross-linguistic perspective between Chinese and English. It comes to a conclusion that “men” is both an addictive plural marker and an associative plural marker. As an addictive plural marker, noun phrases plus “men” doesn’t refer to atomic members and is consequently incompatible with a numeral which signifies an exact number. When “men” is an associative plural marker, the heterogeneity between members in the set it refers to causes the failure of counting due to the fact that counting is based on homogeneity. In contrast, English plural marker “-s” entails general numbers including singulars and plurals so that it is compatible with numbers. While “-s” implies both singulars and plurals, “men” is a real plural marker which exclusively refers to plurals.
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    Judging the Existence or Nonexistence of Certain Chinese Characters in Excavated Documents of Archaic China According to the Features of Linguistic Materials: A Case Study on the Character of “Xin”
    LIU Zhi-Ji
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2015, 47 (5): 208-215.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000--5579.2015.05.021
    Abstract240)   HTML4)    PDF (1592KB)(815)      
    The problem of the existence or nonexistence of certain Chinese characters in ancient times has not been solved till now. Based on the theory of judging from the futures of linguistic materials, this paper takes the character “xin”(信) in oracle bone inscriptions and bronze inscriptions in the West Zhou Dynasty as an example so as to put forward a new approach: an exhausted search can tell us the answer in the context that can fully reflect the existence of characters in a certain time and requires a compulsive appearance of relative characters. Since we can figure out the contexts in oracle bone inscriptions and bronze inscriptions in the West Zhou Dynasty where the character “xin” shall appear, and such contexts belong to heated topics in which “xin” must appear if it exists, the fact that the character “xin” is not in extant oracle bone inscriptions and bronze inscriptions in the West Zhou Dynasty means that “xin” did not exist in the writing system in the Shang and West Zhou Dynasties.
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    The Model of Chain Aktionsart: a New Model to Explain the Aktionsart Structure of Verb
    ZUO Si-min
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2015, 47 (3): 125-136.   DOI: 10、16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2015.03.014
    Abstract459)   HTML4)    PDF (2014KB)(1645)      
    After analyzing some disadvantages of the two usually applied models of mono aktionsart and double aktionsart, this paper suggests the model of chain aktionsart as a new model to depict the aktionsart structure of verb. The new model is discussed by means of analyzing some verbs and some relevant problems. As an explanatory theoretical construct, the model of chain aktionsart is founded on the idea that different types of aktionsart contained in a verb generally reflects different links (sub-events) of an event chain. The model can be formulated as ‘activity —→ transition —→ state’, or as ‘V: 【activity】, 【transition】, 【state】’ in analyzing the aktionsart structure of a specific verb. The model of chain aktionsart can be applied to a verb with double or mono aktionsart.
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    The Linguistic Category of Quantity and the Quantity Category System in Chinese
    ZHAO Guo-jun
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2015, 47 (3): 137-145.   DOI: 10、16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2015.03.015
    Abstract347)   HTML4)    PDF (1677KB)(1287)      
    Quantity is a linguistic category about the size, scope and degree of things, events, properties or state of something. And the quantity categories in a language constitute a system. The Chinese one is made of two subsystems: type system and value system. While the value system can be divided into linguistic quantity and substantial quantity in terms with whether the reference of the forms is within or out of the language sign system, the linguistic quantity includes mood quantity and affection quantity. The substantial quantity falls into two subcategories: the basic and the derived, with the latter formed by adding some parameters to the former. And the value system mainly refers to the value, limit, ratio, or order of values. A certain quantity can be defined by its type and value.
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    On the Study about the Structural Elements of the Sentence Pattern “A ye bushi(也不是), B ye bushi(也不是)” and Its Creation Mechanism
    Shi Hui-min&WangXiao-xu
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2015, 47 (3): 146-151.   DOI: 10、16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2015.03.016
    Abstract478)   HTML5)    PDF (1241KB)(1093)      
    “A ye bushi(也不是), B ye bushi(也不是)” is a widely used sentence pattern in modern spoken Chinese. This sentence pattern has a simple structure and a fixed construction meaning. The former part and the latter part of the sentence pattern represent symmetry and cohesion. This paper intends to give this sentence pattern an intensive analysis, including structure, meaning and function. A description will also be given of the emergence and development process from the diachronic aspect, trying to use Cognitive Linguistic theories to explain the mechanism of the sentence pattern’s creation and evolution.
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    "International Chinese": How Should Chinese be Developed as an International Language?
    Lijian Hong
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (6): 60-72.  
    Abstract650)   HTML7)    PDF (2200KB)(1896)      
    What is the concept of Teaching Chinese as an International Language? If we look at the nature of Chinese against the context of globalisation, we will have to treat the term Chinese as a plural. I argue that there are many Chineses in the world. The sum total of them should be called International Chinese. All Chineses are cultural resources in their respective countries. Not only there are linguistic differences among themselves, there are also cultural differences. The fundamental issue of Chinese and Chinese teaching in overseas countries concerns preliminarily the language rights of the overseas Chinese people. How should Chinese and Chinese language teaching be developed in countries outside China? This should be determined by local Chinese communities and relevant governments in the world. The discussion of the concept of Teaching Chinese as an International Language will help us to replace the traditional monolingual concept of Chinese and Chinese teaching with a new concept when teaching Chinese against the concept of globalisation, so that Chinese can be understood and developed as an international language.
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    On the Classicality of The Forty-two Chapter Sutra
    FU Hui-Sheng
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (6): 73-83.  
    Abstract648)   HTML7)    PDF (2804KB)(1648)      
    The Forty-two Chapter Sutra is now the earliest extant Chinese translation of the Buddhist sutras. All the previous studies about it were mainly sortout of the documents, and comparative analysis and judgment of the materials. They did not take into consideration the factors of translation, translation cooperation and the special historical context of the primary contact between Chinese and Indian languages and cultures, and thereby produced some speculations. Because of random additions of new understanding of Buddhism in different historical periods, the sutra was even denied of its validity of existence. This thesis examines the translators, translation purpose and translation approach of the sutra, analyzes its form, content and two different editions, and reveals clearly its features of translation-editing policy on the basis of the previous studies. Therefore it outlines briefly the earliest period of the historical development in the translation of the Buddhist sutras mainly with the translation-editing policy from The Forty-two Chapter Sutra to The Preface to Dharmapada by Zhi Qian. It points out that the fact of classicality and continuously being classicized of the sutra in the history. This study provides certain academic reference for re-understanding of the sutra in the history of Chinese Buddhism, the intellectual history of Chinese Buddhism, the history of the Chinese translation of the Buddhist sutras, and the development of the theoretic system of the Chinese translation of the Buddhist sutras as well.
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    On the Study of Subjectivity concerning the Quantity of Modern Chinese
    LIU Cheng-feng
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (5): 165-177.  
    Abstract560)   HTML7)    PDF (2030KB)(1877)      
    The study of subjectivity in modern Chinese concentrates on the “subjective quantity” of modern Chinese, that is, a speaker’s subjective evaluation of the deviation of the actual quantity from the supposed one. This thesis argues that the subjectivity of quantity, which is not the same as the subjective quantity, means a speaker’s subjective evaluation of the deviation of the actual comparison quantity in a unit from the potential comparison quantity in a unit. There are two types of the subjectivity of quantity in modern Chinese, namely, the “deviation” of the actual comparison quantity in a unit from the potential comparison quantity in a unit, and the “approaching” of the former to the latter. While the “deviation” mainly concerns the subjectivity of adverbs in syntax, the “approaching” is relative to the subjectivity of optimization in linguistic practice: in an unnatural conversation, for instance, the speakers will choose their subjective expressions according to their information advantage.
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    Restoration Study on the Reading Method and Meaning of the Original Linear Text of The Zhou Book of Changes
    FU Hui-sheng
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2013, 45 (4): 1-14.  
    Abstract882)   HTML23)    PDF (1709KB)(2626)      
    Confucius, in his understanding of The Zhou Book of Changes, took the linear text as the source domain to elaborate its philosophy, while the linear text was the target domain of the sixty-four hexagram system as the source domain. Therefore, the linear text became a double face mirror. After Confucius, people continued his way of elaboration, and formulated “the three two-line reading model” in The Appendices to The Zhou Book of Changes. Therefore, the original “two three-line reading model” as the historian-sorcerer’s method went into oblivion, and the original textural meanings became vague and fragmental. The later exposition and the annotation of the linear text up to now have long been unable to be close and appropriate to the original. In the perspective of history, before the sixties of the twentieth century, it was unimaginable to restore the original reading model and the textual meaning, even though many scholars tried hard. Now the development of linguistic philosophy and linguistics, especially the philosophy in the flesh and the cognitive linguistics, makes it possible for us to apply these knowledge and methods to the archaeological reading and study of the original text. Possibly some words in the text were revised or added for omissions in the past, but on the whole, the original method and meaning of the linear text have been basically restored through four steps: the two-trigram structure, vertical and horizontal image lines, dynamic holistic-partial integrated analysis and cultural and thinking characteristic analysis. The restored linear text demonstrates the three characteristics recorded in The Zuo’s Commentary on The Spring and Autumn Annals: changing images, Ji Dan’s virtue and the ideological foundation of hegemony of the Zhou Dynasty.
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    A New Study on the Recognition Parameters of the Inquiring Act
    CHEN Jia-xuan
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2013, 45 (4): 15-19.  
    Abstract785)   HTML17)    PDF (421KB)(1299)      
    The tone of speaking has a function of speech act. Inquiring is an important tone and its basic function is “acquiring information”. Inquiring is not only related to a declarative act of “giving information”, but also related to an imperative act, which is act-demanding, and a promising act, which is act-giving. Then, how can we identify a certain speech act as inquiring? Besides the acceptable formal marks such as interrogative intonation, pronouns, patterns, and modal particles, there are other recognition parameters of the inquiring act: interrogative auxiliary word, single-noun sentence, incomplete sentence, contextual position, especially “punctuation” and the structure of adjacent pair.
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    The Coherence of the Narrative at a Court Trial: A Cognitive Schemata Perspective
    YU Su-qing
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2013, 45 (4): 20-26.  
    Abstract881)   HTML16)    PDF (720KB)(1385)      
    Due to the complicated narrative process of a court trial, the coherence of the narrative presents complexity and multilayer. Previous researchers have focused on its chronological sequencing, logic sequencing, and thematic sequencing. Since any narrative act involves an exchange of information, an analysis of the coherence of the narrative at a court trial from the perspective of the prototype and its variations in cognitive schemata is conducive to the understanding of the fundamental features of the narrative at a court trial.
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    Language Expectation and Language Variation in Rural Areas in the Process of Urbanization: Based on an Investigation of Huaxi Dialect Pronunciation
    Xiong Xianghua
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2013, 45 (4): 27-33.  
    Abstract928)   HTML16)    PDF (1069KB)(1691)      
    According to social linguistics, the transformation of a dialect is mainly restricted by social conditions such as population migration, the division of administrative regions and geographical environment on the one hand and by psychological factors such as language attitude and language emotion on the other. The investigation of the pronunciation transformation of Huaxi dialect in Guiyang shows that other elements, together with the above-mentioned factors, play an important role. The popularity of the mass media, which mainly uses mandarin, and the popularization of education in schools, which takes mandarin as the campus language, are more important social elements. In the process of urbanization, people’s language expectation deriving from their life expectation is an important psychological element in the pronunciation transformation of a dialect.
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    The Role Presupposition of Composition Assignment in China’s College Entrance Exam in the Past 60 Years
    ZHANG Jia-Yi, Hu-Sheng
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2012, 44 (5): 124-132.  
    Abstract1320)   HTML4)    PDF (1756KB)(1450)      
    Since the founding of new China, China has held national college entrance exam for 62 years, in which there have been 229 composition topics. According to the statistics of composition types and the analysis of high frequency words in composition assignments, there are obvious tendencies of “the exclusion of poetry style,” “the individualization in topic” and “being closed in answer,” which reveal the problems concerning the role presupposition of composition assignment and the expectation to the role of examinees. These problems remain to be corrected.
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    How to Refer to Controversial Areas in International Journalism: A Case Study on People’s Daily (1946—2012)
    HAN Xiao-Ye, FAN Zu-Kui
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2012, 44 (5): 133-140.  
    Abstract1436)   HTML6)    PDF (1753KB)(1232)      
    We begin to know something in its reference. How to refer to controversial geographical areas in journalistic language-for example, “Dokdo,” “Takeshima,” “Dokdo (Takeshima in Japanese)” or “Takeshima (Dokdo in Korea)”-concerns many issues such as how to keep objectivity in journalistic language, how to express precisely and appropriately the standpoint and use discourse power in journalism, and also how to protect national interests. According to the analysis of the corpus in People’s Daily from 1936 to 2012, the reference of controversial areas should follow three major principles of pragmatics, namely, journalism objectivity, national interests, order of pragmatics, and four sub-principles, namely, difference between the original statement and quotation, match between subjects and their behaviors, difference between direct and indirect quotations, and difference between title and text.
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    The Intentionality Principle and Reported Speech in Criminal Court Trials
    LU Jing-jing
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2012, 44 (5): 141-145.  
    Abstract1127)   HTML3)    PDF (1763KB)(1332)      
    In juristic criminal trials, verbal behavior is mightily featured by the interactive competition among three parties of defense, prosecution and court. Speakers’ intentions can be obviously divided into two types: cooperation and antagonism. Accordingly, reported speech in criminal trials can be “affirmative” or “negative.” Thus the “direct quotation” and “indirect quotation” in general sense have difference meanings in this respect. Furthermore, 〖JP2〗all facts in court are determined by reporting and the reporters should take their own responsibilities for what they report. Therefore, reported speech in court, whether it is affirmative or negative, whether it is the “direct quotation” or “indirect quotation,” will assume corresponding legal responsibility, which makes reported speech in court different from those in literature, news reports and academic articles.
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    Reference to the Chinese Literature of Pinghua in Ancient Korean Chinese Textbooks: A Case study on Xunshi Pinghua
    WANG You-Min, GUAN Xu
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2012, 44 (5): 146-151.  
    Abstract1575)   HTML7)    PDF (1757KB)(1471)      
    This thesis mainly studies the similarities and differences between Chinese pinghua (a style of storytelling popular in the Song Dynasty 960—1279) and the Chinese textbook Xunshi Pinghua in the Choson Dynasty from the perspective of language, content and style. By investigating the transformation and adoption of pinghua in the textbook, this thesis also explores the possibility of learning from it how to edit Chinese textbooks for foreigners nowadays. Firstly, Xunshi Pinghua changed the language form of pinghua and contained both vernacular and ancient Chinese side by side,so that Koreans could make good use of their ancient Chinese skills and improve their oral Chinese easily. Secondly, Xunshi Pinghua adopted the storytelling function of pinghua but made the textbook more interesting through some edition and change of pinghua stories. Thirdly, Xunshi Pinghua flexibly applied narrative style of pinghua. It adopted the dialogs between different characters in pinghua, but abandoned its description of scenes and characters’ psychology.
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    On the Structure of Poya Character System and its Stage in the History of Writing Characters
    ZHU Jian-Jun, WANG Yuan-Lu
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2012, 44 (4): 110-117.  
    Abstract1474)   HTML3)    PDF (1391KB)(1421)      
    There are only three types of structure in Poya character system: pictographic character, associative compounds character and self-explanatory character, whose percentage is respectively 62.96%,30.86% and 6.17%. According to this situation, as well as the form, function and role of Poya characters, we can conclude that Poya character system is in the primary stage of the history of writing characters.
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