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Content of 社会学研究 in our journal

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    Formation of Underclass Society in Metropolis And Its Impact:Based on Investigations in Shanghai
    WEN Jun, WU Xiao-Kai
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2015, 47 (5): 84-93.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2015.05.008
    Abstract450)   HTML8)    PDF (2024KB)(869)      
    Since the reform and opening up, the rapid transformation of Chinese society has almost become an important structure to identify the current Chinese society. Metropolis as a sign bearing modernization,in the intertwined role of various new and old systems, produce a large of low-income population, which gradually form a "underclass society" in sociological sense. For in-depth understanding of underclass society in metropolis,we selected low-income population in Shanghai as respondents, trying to use a different perspective to analyze reasons of formation and impact of the underclass society in metropolis .
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    Passional worship and state involvement: a historical investigation of urban-rural marriage during 1930-1970s in China
    ZHAO Ye-, QinDING Jin-Hong
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2015, 47 (5): 94-100.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2015.05.009
    Abstract336)   HTML4)    PDF (1388KB)(1089)      
    Urban-rural marriage is one of the forms of long-distance marriage, which means one of the couples comes from the city and the other comes from the countryside. This gap is reflected in many aspects, such as their way of thinking, living habits, educational status and value systems. The domestic researches about urban-rural marriages originated in the 1990s with the trade of rural-urban migration. These researches mainly focus on the marriage status from the vertical dimension, but lack longitudinal studies in a historical dimension. This study attempts to put marriage into the Chinese social structure of politic, history and society since the recent times, focuses on the development and changes of urban-rural marriage from Yan’an period in the 1930s to the end of 1970s. Through this perspective can we see the historical changes of the Chinese social structure since the accent times. From the Yan’an period in the 1930s to the end of the Cultural Revolution in the 1970s, urban-rural marriage was not only influenced by some specific historical events, but also interfered by the state power and political forces. Political direction and national policy become key factors of the success of urban-rural marriages.
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    New Urbanization: The Return of Humanism in Urban-rural Relations
    ZHANG Wen-ming
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (5): 97-107.  
    Abstract638)   HTML7)    PDF (2037KB)(1510)      
    Emphasizing that urbanization is the urbanization of people, the new urbanization, from the policy’s view, will objectively lead to the change of identity. In the context of the complicate urban-rural relations in a century, the new urbanization has profound social consequences. It tried to solve the issues in the institutional stratification of the right of citizens and farmers and establish an “egalitarian society with citizenization”. The relationship between urban and rural areas, which actually equals to the “combined” relationship of human and nature deducted by the capital in the industrialization and urbanization, is the symbol of moving toward the social rationality from economic rationality in the human society. The respect of “people” in the new urbanization strategy is considered as a returning to the nature of “citizenization”: urban-rural relations essentially are the human relations. The process from competition to combination in the development of urban-rural relations is also the process to equality by dissolving the artificial social stratification and respecting citizenship.
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    The Contemporary Transformation regarding the Theories of Social Construction in China
    ZHENG Xiong-fei
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (5): 108-122.  
    Abstract548)   HTML8)    PDF (2503KB)(1028)      
    As “an objective existing historical process”, or as “a thinking mode and conceptual innovation”, social construction has always existed along with social development of past ages. In this new century, the connotation of social construction has surpassed the set pattern that “social construction is equivalent to the construction of various social undertakings” and has penetrated into the resources allocation and the improvement of people’s livelihood. Meanwhile, its denotation can no longer be generalized as “a generic name of all kinds of constructions aiming at social survival and development”, but extends gradually to benefits allocation and pattern optimization. Social construction does not subordinate itself to political or economic field but return to sociality. It emphasizes the role of the “society” rather than “supplements the deficiency of the governmental facilities”. Its purpose is not only to solve social problems or to establish “a rich and happy society”, but also to improve people’s livelihood and beneficial relationships. Its methods are no longer limited to democratic politics, culture, psychology or education, but concentrated on the innovation of social administration mechanism and the optimization of social development path. This historical transformation has its own momentum, layers and correlations. However, it is not perfect and needs further improvement in research direction and key points.
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    “Diqing Experience” of Establishing a Multi-ethnic Community: Its History, Reality and Inspiration
    LIU Qi
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (5): 123-130.  
    Abstract614)   HTML9)    PDF (1661KB)(1437)      
    Among the Tibetan areas in China, Diqing Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture is famous for its variety of ethnic groups and stability of social order. In previous studies, some scholars have summarized its experience in keeping social order from several perspectives, such as the good implement of ethnic policies, the relationship between identities of the nation and of the specific ethnic group, and the develop model of tourism, etc. However, these works are basically satisfied themselves with mere descriptions of empirical materials. Diqing Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture is located at a junction of several different ethnic groups, which have established “regional communities” based on long-time communal living. After the ethnic identification in the 1950s, the new ethnic identity pushed people to redefine themselves into clear and distinct categories. However, this new identity of nationality is not much more than a hollow label, while ethic norms and emotional ties based on regional communities are still the basic forces to keep society’s cohesion and stability. By thoroughly discussing “Diqing experience”, we can have a better understanding of the predicament of contemporary ethnic policies, as well as the way to construct China as a multi-ethnic state.
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    Social Transformation、Time-Space Compression and The Construction of Ecological Civilization
    Bao Shuangye
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (4): 63-68.  
    Abstract483)   HTML6)    PDF (1104KB)(1287)      
    The current Chinese social transformation characterized by features of "Time-space Compression",that meant the "Time-space Compression" of social transformation aim and each field of social system. "Time-space Compression" feature has dual effect on the construction of ecological civilization. On the one hand, the "time space compression" to the construction of ecological civilization in China has brought the advantage of backwardness, This is a "preferred" external conditions and win-win cooperation international environment. On the other hand, the "time space compression" also make ecological civilization construction of China face a more urgent task and the pressure of the international community. In order to steadily promote Chinese ecological civilization needs the optimization of social transformation aim and social structure, and the transcendence of the local ecological thinking.
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    The New Pattern of Urbanization: A Theoretical Interpretation of the Endogenous Development of Rural Areas
    ZHANG Wen-ming & TENG Yan-hua
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2013, 45 (6): 86-92.  
    Abstract746)   HTML11)    PDF (556KB)(1241)      
    The new pattern of urbanization, proposed by the central government, is a new path to achieve a balanced development between urban and rural areas in the new era. This pattern hasn’t been deeply discussed in the academic circle. In 1991, Li Keqiang had proposed the basic prototype of new pattern of urbanization in the doctrine of the ternary structure of China’s economy. Borrowing the theory of endogenous development in Western sociology, this paper interprets the new pattern as “another type of development”. In essence, the new pattern attempts to provide rural society with sufficient motivations and rights, develop its self-control ability, to realize its self-sustainable mechanism so that rural areas can cope with the challenges of urbanization and industrialization, and ultimately achieve a balanced development between urban and rural areas.
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    The Localization of Social Work from the Perspective of Practice Knowledge
    AN Qiu-lin
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2013, 45 (6): 93-98.  
    Abstract665)   HTML11)    PDF (447KB)(1323)      
    It is necessary and urgent to localize social work experience imported from the West in spite of its high speed development in China. Due to the lacking of enough attention to local social work practice and the deficiency of local social work experience, we still need new perspectives to find out how to localize social work in China even we know that we must do so. This paper attempts to introduce the new perspective of practice knowledge to the localization of social work.
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    The Localization of Social Work from the Perspective of Practice Knowledge
    AN Qiu-lin
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2013, 45 (6): 99-106.  
    Abstract591)   HTML11)    PDF (503KB)(902)      
    It is necessary and urgent to localize social work experience imported from the West in spite of its high speed development in China. Due to the lacking of enough attention to local social work practice and the deficiency of local social work experience, we still need new perspectives to find out how to localize social work in China even we know that we must do so. This paper attempts to introduce the new perspective of practice knowledge to the localization of social work.
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    On the Secularization in the Development of the Worldly Buddhism
    TANG Zhong-mao
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2013, 45 (6): 107-115.  
    Abstract673)   HTML10)    PDF (631KB)(2465)      
    The “worldly Buddhism”, first promoted by Taixu and then developed by Yinshun and Zhao Puchu et al, has become the mainstream in Chinese Buddhism and been taken as a pattern accustomed to modern society. However, the current development of the worldly Buddhism has engendered various arguments and doubts centered on “secularization”. This is due to the fact that the word “secularization” itself has various interpretations, and different observers hold different stances and apply the word “secularization” in different contexts. In talking about the “secularization” of Chinese Buddhism, some observers are confined in the Chinese historical context of Chinese Buddhism with ignorance of the grand backdrop provided by theories of modernity; some believe in some Western religious sociology while neglect the difference between Chinese Buddhism and Western religions; others insist that secularization and religion are opposite to each other. Hence, it is conducive to the theoretical construction of the worldly Buddhism and the future development of Chinese Buddhism to clarify the conceptual history of the word “secularization” and its different contexts, and further to analyze and clear up the “secularization” issue in the development of the worldly Buddhism.
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    Development of the Potherb Industry and Inheritance of the Potherb Culture in China: A Case Study on “Xian Shan Potherb” on Wudang Mountain
    WU Xu
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2012, 44 (6): 140-146.  
    Abstract1410)   HTML9)    PDF (1768KB)(1528)      
    The potherb industry culture, which is regarded as “anthropology of food”, has caused close attention of oversea researchers for a long time, but the domestic research in this field still remains in a blank state. China is a country with rich wild plants resources and a long history of wild plants collecting and eating. In China’s present dual structure of city and countryside, the potherb industry as a newly developing green food project has been regarded as a benevolent project which brings benefits to citizens and profits to villagers, and creates mutual benefits to both city and countryside. Through the investigation of potherb industry culture on Wudang Mountain in Hubei province, we find that local villagers have formed a certain scale in respects of developing the potherb industry and inheriting the related knowledge and culture, which is a positive impact on the interactive relation between city and countryside. The fact proves that the development of the potherb industry and culture is conducive not only to widen the channel for farmers to become rich, but also to enrich the food structure in China, and to establish the mutually beneficial relation between city and countryside.
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    LongTerm Care for the Elderly from Four Dimensions:The Development of Publicprivate Partnerships
    ZHENG Xiong-Fei
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2012, 44 (3): 135-142.  
    Abstract1121)   HTML4)    PDF (1740KB)(1375)      
    With the aging of the population together with the acceleration of migration and the widespread “emptynest” phenomenon, it is very important to construct a longterm system of care service for the elderly. It is an issue that concerns not only the family, but also society, the economic market and political situations. This paper comprehensively analyses the origin of the demand for longterm care, and then claims to create a “fourdimensionspace” to meet the needs of the elderly.
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    Original Residents and Outsiders, Cohabitation and the Action Choices of Local Residents: An Investigation of Yuanhenong Community
    ZHAO Ye-Qin ZHAO Ye-Qin
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2012, 44 (3): 143-150.  
    Abstract1338)   HTML5)    PDF (1736KB)(1214)      
    With the entry of a large number of migrants into a city, local residents have to live alongside them in the same community. This paper deals with the issue of cohabitation, using Yuanhenong, a Shanghai shantytown as a case study. By analyzing the action taken by local residents against outsiders, this paper introduces the economic paradigm of “exit, voice and loyalty” into community analyses and reveals through demonstration the limitations of the Chicago School’s dual paradigm of “invasion and succession.” This paper argues that the traditional evolution model of community is not enough to explain local situations in China. As far as the action choices of local residents against outsiders are concerned, succession cannot be fully realized. It is only through the process of invasion and succession that a “mixed community” is finally formed.
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    Georg Simmel’s Diagnosis of Mental Life in the Metropolis
    JIANG Yi-Min
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2011, 43 (6): 57-64.  
    Abstract1912)   HTML14)    PDF (1251KB)(1980)      
    Simmel’s analysis of modern urban culture foreshowed a contemporary academic interest. Based on neoKantianism, Simmel made a distinction between content and form, and used the phenomenon of the metropolis as an arena to illustrate distinctions and relations between form and content. Simmel argued that the mental life of metropolis mainly involved as follows: (1) the intensification of nerve stimulation, (2) sense of interpersonal distance, (3) “blaze attitude”, (4) “indifference” and “reserve”, and (5) calculating exactness. Simmel believed that the above mental phenomena of the metropolis resulted from combining effects of monetary economy, division of labor, and intellectualism. Although his diagnosis was insightful and delicate, Simmel’s nonhistorical and sociological impressionist methods led him to cultural pessimism.
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    A Study on the System of Educational Welfare for Vulnerable Groups in Welfare States
    LIU Xin-Min, JIANG Sai-Rong
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2011, 43 (6): 65-69.  
    Abstract1291)   HTML3)    PDF (1254KB)(1389)      
    To provide free and fair basic education for citizens, especially for those vulnerable groups, is a statutory obligation of a modern welfare state and an institutional arrangement of social welfare. The idea of an educational welfare system lies in that to offer such basic education is a duty but not “grace” or “charity” of the government. The educational welfare system must be legislated to form a multilevel and comprehensive legal framework to implement and safeguard all citizens’ equal right to be educated. The educational welfare system requires the government responding to demands of the time, if necessary, to try its best to take necessary compensatory measures for vulnerable groups to ensure their educational right. In the Outline of China’s National Plan for Medium and Longterm Education Reform and Development (2010—2020), a basic goal of equalization of public education services has been put forward. The implementation of such a goal depends on carrying out the idea of an educational welfare system and putting such an idea into systematic laws and regulations and practical policies.
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    A Study on Impacts of Diploma Signal, Occupational Factors and Family Background on Educational Returns
    WANG Sun-Yu, FAN Jing-Bo
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2011, 43 (6): 70-77.  
    Abstract1360)   HTML5)    PDF (1266KB)(1670)      
    Generally, the study on returns to education started from the human resource theory advanced in the 1960s. Later, the screening theory and labor market segmentation theory have also been referred by this study. The classical Mincer equation assumes that the personal income is only affected by years of education and work experience. But in reality it is also affected by diploma signal, occupational factors and family background. By analyzing various factors which impact on returns to education, we can not only get a more exact rate of returns to education, but also can find values behind such numbers. The research result is that diploma signal, occupational factors and family background all have influence on China’s rate of returns to education. Impacts from occupational factors are the most significant, followed by family background, and the third is diploma signal. All this shows that China’s labor market is segmented, family capital can promote the rate of returns to education, and education mostly plays a screening role in China’s highend labor market.
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