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    Overseas Studies of Feng Qi's Philosophy
    ZHANG Han-Zhou
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2016, 48 (3): 174-180.  
    Abstract134)   HTML5)    PDF (1562KB)(818)      
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    Language’s Restriction on Logic and Science: Why Science Cannot Developed in China?
    ZHU Xiao-Nong
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2015, 47 (6): 10-28.   DOI: 10.16982/j.cnki.1000-5579.2015.06.002
    Abstract695)   HTML11)    PDF (1261KB)(2010)      
    “Needham puzzle”, that is, “why modern science hadn’t developed in China”, is a weak and even fake question. A strong version of this question shall be why science cannot develop in China, and its true version shall be why science can develop in Europe. In Einstein, one of the prerequisites for the development of science is deductive logic. Furthermore, a language with a subject-predict structure is necessary for the development of deductive logic because a logical proposition is embodied in a subject-predict structure. The grammatical features of Chinese language are different from those of Indo-European languages: A sentence is mainly built in a topic-explanation structure, of which the subject-predict structure is an particular case; grammatical units at all levels, including word, phase and sentence, share a similar structure; the main function of sentence elements is to make comparison. These grammatical features have determined that the Chinese way of reasoning is dominated by analogy and comparison. Previous discussions about “Needham Puzzle” focus on political, economic, cultural, geographical, philosophical and other external causes. However, it won’t be meaningful to discuss external causes until the internal cause has been discovered. This paper puts forward a theory that there are three stages (language stage, logic and form science stage and empirical science stage) with six phases for science to develop. In spite of the ubiquity of the subject-predict structure, it is really random to take it as the only legitimate sentence structure for reasoning; in other words, it is accident for logic to emerge to some extent. However, it is necessary to realize the importance of the subject-predict structure, promote the non-mainstream subject-predict structure in a natural language as the only legitimate sentence structure in reasoning and argumentation, and thus advance science. In this respect, China was among the best in the world in the last one hundred years. If we attach importance to this in education, we will gain greater achievement in the new century.
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    ZHOU Ping
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2015, 47 (5): 216-218.  
    Abstract228)   HTML0)    PDF (622KB)(602)      
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    Comments on the Seminar of “Local Consciousness and National Identity since the Ming and Qing Dynasties”
    YU Hai-bing
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2015, 47 (3): 163-166.   DOI: 10、16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2015.03.018
    Abstract506)   HTML5)    PDF (887KB)(1230)      
    Research of locality has become a heated topic in the academic circle. The Seminar of “Local Consciousness and National Identity since the Ming and Qing Dynasties” is aimed to examine the relationship between local consciousness and national identity from the perspective of national construction, carry out cross-field dialogues in terms of historical anthropology, social history, political history, history of ideas, and study on intellectuals, and explore the historical process of national construction and national identity of modern China via different approaches and subjects. Participants in the seminar mainly discusses the issues such as what is “locality”, whose “locality”, what kind of “China”, and what is “China”. Firstly, with varied connotations and denotations, “locality” can mean an administrative region, a geographical or a cultural space. It’s a dynamic notion covering countries, counties, provinces as well as south, north, northeast, and northwest regions. Secondly, the historical subjects who take part in the construction of local consciousness and national identity are diverse, so the imagined “China” varies from the intellectual elite and institutional culture at the national level to the religion experts and social organizations at the local level, and from the border of China to the external world. Finally, scholars heatedly discussed the identity behind the diversity of “locality” and many issues such as when and how China became a nation-state from multi-perspectives of the relationships between locality and nation, race and nationality, tax system, protocol and religions, war and industrial capitalism. The variety will not hinder our understanding of “China”; rather, it is the premise and beginning of our understanding.
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    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (6): 154-156.  
    Abstract481)   HTML2)    PDF (706KB)(1126)      
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    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (5): 0-0.  
    Abstract649)   HTML9)         
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    On UNESCO and OECD’s Discourses about Equal Access to Education
    DOU Wei-lin
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2013, 45 (4): 72-81.  
    Abstract956)   HTML18)    PDF (430KB)(2353)      
    As an important foundation of social fairness, equal access to education has been paid much attention by international organizations. UNESCO and OECD, the two typical and influential international organizations, issued a series of educational reports concerning equal access to education, which have deepened the understanding of equal access to education and influenced the educational policies in each country. With an analysis of related reports on equal access to education of these two international organizations, this thesis reveals the similarities and differences of these two international organizations in their understandings and policies of equal access to education, as well as what China can learn from them.
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    On the Formation of China’s Image in the Field of Climate Change from the Perspective of International Communication
    ZHANG Li-jun
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2013, 45 (4): 82-87.  
    Abstract815)   HTML15)    PDF (482KB)(1627)      
    China hopes to build an image of a responsible country in the field of climate change, but the reality is far from this. China suffers from many negative labels, which have formed an international image of China as a climate threat. From the perspective of international communication, the image of “China as a climate threat” results from several elements, including the cooperation of diversified international communication bodies, the common transmission of diversified channels, and the adopted transmission ways fit to international public emotions and ethics. That China pays attention to this fact, builds an appropriate model of foreign communication and fights for China’s discourse power in climate diplomacy is the key to eliminating the rumor that China is a climate threat and reshaping China’s moral image in the field of climate change.
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    English Abstracts and Keywords of Major Articles
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2012, 44 (6): 147-153.  
    Abstract943)   HTML8)    PDF (846KB)(1060)      
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    Total Contents of the Journal in 2012
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2012, 44 (6): 154-156.  
    Abstract930)   HTML8)    PDF (1675KB)(1228)      
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