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    Rural Governance: Problems and Solutions
    QI Wei-Ping,LIU Yi-Fei,HAO Yu-Qing,LUO Xing-Zuo,ZHANG Jin-Song,SHANGGUAN Jiu-Rui
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2016, 48 (1): 1-12.   DOI: 10.16382/ j.cnki.1000-5579.2016.01.001
    Abstract334)   HTML11)    PDF (1813KB)(1143)      
    Rural Governance constitutes the important foundation and essential part of national and social governance in contemporary China. In order to realize rural governance with Chinese characteristics, we must solve the following problems not only at the theoretical level but at the practical level as well: rural governance cannot hinder the modernization of state governance; CPC organizations at the primary-level have to face the arduous task of regaining the cohesive force and building democracy; the leadership of such CPC organizations depends on smoothening the relationships with various social organizations in rural areas; successful communitization of rural areas and citizenization of rural population in the process of urbanization is essential to the modernization of rural governance; beautiful countryside construction and rural modernization shall be unified in rural governance.
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    Farmers’ Virtue Enlightenment and Rural governance: Focusing on the Transformation of the View Concerning Righteousness and Profit and that Concerning Principle and Desire
    LI Wei-Chao
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2016, 48 (1): 13-18.   DOI: 10.16382/ j.cnki.1000-5579.2016.01.002
    Abstract439)   HTML11)    PDF (1046KB)(831)      
    Since the practice of reform and opening-up, there has been a shift of the view concerning righteousness and profit and that concerning principle and desire in China’s rural areas: with the turning from traditional morals of regulating profit by means of righteousness and desire by means of principle to new pursuits of combining righteousness with desire and principle with desire and even to giving propriety to profit and desire unfortunately, the trend of the separation of profit from righteousness and desire from principle implies value crisis of treating morals in a utilitarian and even nihilistic way. Therefore, it is essential for the rural governance to achieve new rational understandings of the relationship between righteousness and profit and that between principle and desire by absorbing traditional wisdom and adapting to the new situation of the time.
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    The realization of political responsibility in contemporary China
    QIU Shi,ZHAO Hui
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2015, 47 (6): 112-116.   DOI: 10.16982/j.cnki.1000-5579.2015.06.014
    Abstract352)   HTML9)    PDF (158KB)(585)      
    Political responsibility is an important part of political development in contemporary China and which is related to the realization of the modernization of governance. We can divided political responsibility into paths of concrete and abstract through analysis of the connotation of the political responsibility. Concrete path mainly includes the representative system, supervision system such as real political system and abstract path mainly covers the construction of the rule of law and moral norms construction. At the same time, in contemporary China, on the basis of the actual situation and the development situation of history to construct scientific and reasonable political responsibility evaluation standard. Then, formation a complete political responsibility implementation path.
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    A study of regional disparities in level 1-4 disabled migrant workers’ one-time claim level in China
    YU Fei-Yue,WU Ya-Wei
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2015, 47 (6): 117-128.   DOI: 10.16982/j.cnki.1000-5579.2015.06.015
    Abstract435)   HTML4)    PDF (2312KB)(932)      
    According to the two main functions of work-related injury insurance,which are compensating the labor losses and guaranteeing basic life,the standard of reasonable benefit has been discussed. Taking 15 years old, 50 years old, 35 years of age as 3 injury age to compensate the labor losses and guaranteeing basic life were used to count and compare the level 1-4 disabled migrant workers’ one-time work-related Injury Insurance benefit level. Take level 1 disability as an example. The one-time payment could not compensate the labor losses in all regions and could not guarantee the basic cost of living allowances in 63% regions at the age of 16.The one-time payment could not compensate the labor losses in all regions and only 22% areas could not guarantee the basic cost of living allowances at the age of 35. At the age of 50,all regions could guarantee the basic cost of living allowances,but 22% areas could not compensate the labor losses .This fully illustrated that China's level 1-4 disabled migrant workers’ one-time work-related Injury Insurance payment standard is too low. It is difficult to effectively protect injured migrant workers ' basic rights.
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    Synergistic Governance of Social Credit: Institute, Technology and Culture
    CHENG Min-xuan & LI Xiao-hong
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2015, 47 (3): 26-31.   DOI: 10、16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2015.03.002
    Abstract371)   HTML6)    PDF (981KB)(945)      
    Institute, technology and culture are indispensable parts for social credit governance. In this paper, institute is generally referred to those about credit. Technology is the technological factors for social credit governance which is also called social system in narrow sense. Culture is to cultivate credit culture. In what extent a state or area’s credit governance will be, which is determined by the extent of institute and technology as well as culture’s synergistic governance can reach to .Perfect institute and technology is aimed to strengthen external bounds of social credit governance while cultivating culture is paid attention to develop internal bounds of credit main bodies. With the synergistic governance of the three, rational credit and honesty credit can exist together. And with credit culture’s invisible effecting, honesty credit will be strengthened gradually. Only with the synergy of the three can social credit governance touch the degree of synergistic governance, as well good credit order may be developed and sustained.
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    On the Reconstruction of Ecological Tibetan Cultural Landscapes in Nalang
    FAN Chang-feng
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2015, 47 (3): 32-40.   DOI: 10、16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2015.03.003
    Abstract346)   HTML6)    PDF (1901KB)(841)      
    Who are producing space, portraying landscape? And for whom? From the perspective of anthropology and new cultural geography, this paper investigates the crises, ruins, memory and reconstruction of cultural landscapes of Tibetan villages in Nalang in the northeastern Tibet Plateau in China. It finds out the appeal to cultural identity construction and power shifting to lower levels is concealed under the veil of landscapes. Collective memory plays an important role in the reconstruction of cultural space and memory selecting is a dynamic process which creates meanings for the present. The reconstruction of cultural space is more than the renovation and repair of visible geometric figures. More importantly, it means the renovation of local sense of belonging, values, order and power, as well as the space of local organizations, in which symbolic resources are invisible systems of meanings. From the perspective of cultural anthropology, those who master the past control the future and those who own landscapes have a stage to deliver discourse.
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    Go Back to Marx: The Construction of National Governance System Under the Structural Theoretical Perspective
    DU Yuhua
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (6): 100-107.  
    Abstract815)   HTML5)    PDF (1489KB)(1125)      
    Taking the social structure elements as the origin, Marx’s social structural theory constructed theatrical structure from macro, medium and micro level respectively. No matter from content and methodology, this theory has important guiding significance for the construction of national governance system. Therefore, we should “go back to Marx”. Starting from longitudinal and transverse aspects of structure system, we should rationally coordinate the relations between each element of different levels and fields of social structure to construct national governance system, and then promote the modernization of governance capacity and perfection of national governance system with effective institutional supply and its executive power.
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    Power list system: institutional response of state governance and governance capacity in modernization
    XIE Jian-Ping
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (6): 108-112.  
    Abstract792)   HTML5)    PDF (945KB)(1184)      
    Power list system is the important process of Chinese communist system scientific construction in the new period, and also an important measure for promoting the national governance system and management modernization, is the system response to the party leads the people in running the country. Power list system including basic attribute, operation of the power of its authority and power list of the basic track of boundary feature and other institutional connotation. Implementation of power list system, one should strengthen the system configuration of power construction, to strengthen top-level design, improve the level of institutionalization of state governance. Two must strengthen the power operating system construction, to ensure that as a single Lvquan, raise the level of national governance. Three must strengthen the public rights system construction, outstanding balances will, improving democratic governance. Four must strengthen power supervision system construction, constructing the accountability mechanism, improve the scientific level of state governance.
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    The Concerto of the State and Society: On the Logical Structure of Fukuyama’s Theory of Political Order
    GAO Li-ke
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (4): 41-48.  
    Abstract520)   HTML7)    PDF (1369KB)(1386)      
    By integrating the state, the rule of law, accountable government as the institutional assembly of modern political order and explaining the formation of political order in the theoretical frame of the interaction of the state and society, Fukuyama’s theory of political order reviews the evolution of the state, the rule of law and accountable government and their fusion in the interaction of the state and society, regarding the balanced development of the state and society as the goal of a civilized political order. Focusing on religion, Fukuyama interprets the precocious mode of a strong state in China and the mode of strong society with the rule of law in Europe. The most courageous idea in Fukuyama lies in its emphasizing the significance of the national structure to political order and defining the Qin Dynasty established in 221 BC as the origin of the modern state, which endows his theory of political order with capacity to explain both oriental and occidental civilizations.
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    The Mutual Coordination and Development of Modern State Governance and Deliberative Democracy
    QI Wei-ping & CHEN Peng
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (4): 49-55.  
    Abstract556)   HTML7)    PDF (1275KB)(1078)      
    The structural transformation of modern state governance shows that cooperation is its inner logic and fundamental strategy. Modern state governance needs both reasonable institutional structure and stable social foundation. As a kind of governance democracy, deliberative democracy can undertake the primary demands of modern state governance effectively at the level of social foundation: deliberative democracy can produce two elements that modern state governance requires, that is participants and social order. On the other hand, modern state governance supports deliberative democracy in political life and social space. Hence modern state governance and deliberative democracy can be well-coordinated. When cooperation and consultation constitute the common values of modern state governance and deliberative democracy, cultivating appropriate public spirit is essential to their development.
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    The Evolution of Privileged Bureaucrat and the Fall of the Soviet Communist Party
    TANG Jing & LI Peng
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (4): 56-62.  
    Abstract524)   HTML7)    PDF (1384KB)(1129)      
    When the Communist Party was in power in the Soviet Union, the bureaucratic stratum gradually formed, strengthened itself and eventually collapsed. This phenomenon was characterized by the forming of hierarchy, interest groups and internal closed communication. The bureaucratic stratum and privileges were entangled together, and bureaucracy evolved with the appearance of privilege enjoyment, privilege corruption and multiplied privileges. When the privilege alienation and the institutional transformation eventually occurred, the bureaucratic group cut the flesh and blood ties to the people and party members on the primary level, and its vulnerability became the last straw that caused the final collapse of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. A study of the lesson of the Soviet Union is conducive to understanding the issue of combating corruption and building a clean government and provides important research dimensions and profound historical insights for us to deliberate over party construction, modernization of state administration and their relationship.
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