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Volumn Content

    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences) 2004 Vol.36
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    Between Politics and Literature——Qu Qiubai in the Period of the League of Left-wing Writers
    Tie-xian WANG
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)    2004, 36 (1): 1-7.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2004.01.001
    Abstract1300)   HTML10)          Save

    Politics and literature, as two different areas, tend to be in harmony with each other, and have their inconsistencies as well. During the 1930s when h e participated in activities in the League of Left-wing Writers, Qu Qiubai was sandwiched in a self-identity of his two capacities as statesman and literary ma n. It is worth our thinking deeply about his contributions to new literature of that peri od as well as his deviations in cognition.

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    Changes of Chinese Urban Intellectuals in Late Imperial China——An Exploration of the Sprout of Modern Chinese Academic Knowledge
    Hisakazu YAMAGUCHI
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)    2004, 36 (1): 8-17.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2004.01.002
    Abstract1156)   HTML4)          Save

    The traditional Chinese intellectual culture created and unde rtaken by literati or scholar-officials had a change in the end of modern times. Due to an impetus from urban intellectuals, there emerged a modernization of knowledge. On the one side, objects of knowledge changed and a pursuit of particular knowledge itself as a science received a social common recognition. On the other, it follo wed a transformation from gentleman to scholar and professionalization of learning. The cases of Yan Ruoqu and Zhang Xuecheng were two excellent proofs of the development of Chinese academic knowledge from pre-modern to modern.

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    Changes of Values in Modern Times and Urban Intellectuals
    Rui-quan GAO
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)    2004, 36 (1): 18-28.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2004.01.003
    Abstract1295)   HTML3)          Save

    The change of values which occurred in modern China, a course developing ideologically around the controversies on such categories as "Heaven and man, " "group and individual, " and "righteousness and profit" (or "profit a nd desire"), was closely related to a transformation of the traditional learned class into mo dernized intellectuals in social life. From Gong Zizhen onward, who lived in the late per iod of the Qing Dynasty, heretics of traditional scholar-officials, "intellectuals in treaty port cities, " returned students and students in new-type schools, became principal members of value reforms one after another. With a division of traditional men o f letters and a renewal of values, scholar-officials declined and even disappeared, while new-type intellectuals came into being.

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    The Self-examination of Historiography: A Turn from Empirical to Rational——A Comment on Chinese Studies of the History of Historiography in the First Half of the Twentieth Century
    Feng-xiang HU
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)    2004, 36 (1): 29-35.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2004.01.004
    Abstract1294)   HTML3)          Save

    The history of historiography is a new branch subjec t in the science of history, which appeared in China in the first half of the twentieth century. In the process of its formation and development it has embodied the increasingly self-conscious and self-disciplined characteristics of contemporary historiograp hy in a considerable degree. This paper tries to sort out essential threads of the proce ss and make a preliminary analysis of its developmental features, achievements and theoretical significance on the construction of contemporary historiography.

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    A Study of the Chinese National Government and the Korean Independence Movement during the Period of Anti-Japanese War
    Jun-mei XIE
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)    2004, 36 (1): 36-42.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2004.01.005
    Abstract378)   HTML68)          Save

    Ever since the Provisional Government of the Repub lic of Korea was established in Shanghai in 1919, it obtained sympathy and support from the Chine se people and government. After the Provisional Government moved to Chongqing, following the outbreak of Anti-Japanese War, the Chinese government helped the Provisional Government to set up the Guang Fu Army and win over recognition of Korean independence in the international society. However, this target was not f inally achieved, due to the interest conflicts in Far East among U.K., U.S. and the Sov iet Union.

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    A Variety of Popular Revolts during the Late Qing Dynasty
    Zi-yi MA
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)    2004, 36 (1): 43-50.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2004.01.006
    Abstract1317)   HTML5)          Save

    China experienced its "time of transition" in ea rly 1900s. Changes within the society, "symptoms" of the Qing dynasty's last days, and invasions of foreign powers after 1840, resulted in its turbulent situation. Under such a soc ial background, a popular revolt during the late Qing period was a continuation of the traditional civil commotion since its causes, goals, manifestations and slogans could be found in precedent rebellions of all past dynasties. The modern social transi tion and influence of Western countries, however, provoked various new popular revolts.

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    Russian-European Relations: A Common European Homeland?
    Jun FAN
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)    2004, 36 (1): 51-58.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2004.01.007
    Abstract1090)   HTML3)          Save

    The essence of redefining Europe is to redefine its border. The categorization of Russian civilization arouses discussions once again in the background of European eastern expansion. In Europe there are two opposite perspectives, one pessimistic, the other optimistic, towards Russia; however, neither Russia nor Europe wants to draw a wrong line again as their border. The Russian and European relations have already had a new legal framework, but there is a long way to go towards a common European homeland.

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    The Legitimacy of Science: Modern and Post-modern
    Da-zhi YAO
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)    2004, 36 (1): 59-64, 70.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2004.01.008
    Abstract1167)   HTML5)          Save

    Jean-Francois Lyotard is one of the best-known post-modernists of the day, and the book of The Post-modern Condition is his most famous writing. Taking the legitimacy of science as the theme of the book, Lyotard has criticisms of foundationalist, universalist and essentialist conceptions of science. He makes a profound analysis of "speculative narratives, " "liberation narratives" and "technical narratives" in modern science and puts forward his own post-modernist conception of science.

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    The Contemporary Western Philosophy of Science and Althusser's "New Study of Marx"
    Yi-shi ZHENG
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)    2004, 36 (1): 65-70.  
    Abstract1135)   HTML3)          Save

    The contemporary philosophy of science influenced Alt husser's philosophy deeply. In his interpretation of Marx' philosophy a series of his ne w ideas are all stamped with the brand of modern philosophy of science, especially of Bachelard's proposition of "the revolution in cognitivism" and Kuhn's view of "the wholeness in a theoretical change." This is not only embodied in his borrowing some of their concepts, but also in his approaches and theoretical frameworks.

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    A Study on the Integration of Urban Communal Service Resources for the Aged in Shanghai
    Shi-xun GUI
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)    2004, 36 (1): 71-78.  
    Abstract1182)   HTML14)          Save

    The integration of community service resources for t he aged means to combine all kinds of service resources that can meet demands of the aged. Based on an introduction to the current situation, achievements and problems of such an integration, this paper puts forward a comprehensive proposal not only for a fur ther integration of communal information resources, hardware resources, human resourc es and financial resources, but also for a promotion of innovations in the idea, sy stem and mechanism of the integration of communal service resources for the aged.

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    Problems and Solutions of the Aged Disadvantaged Group in Shanghai
    Li-min TONG, Xi-min WANG
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)    2004, 36 (1): 79-84.  
    Abstract1315)   HTML2)          Save

    老龄弱势群体是弱势群体中的一个特殊群体, 他们普遍面临较为严峻的经济、医疗和护理等方面的困难, 急需政府救助和社会援助。对上海市老龄弱势群体现状及其问题的分析表明, 有关部门应当从宏观和微观两个层面积极寻找解决老龄贫困问题的现实途径

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    An Analysis of Institutional Causes for the Sustained Drop of the Inc reasing Rate of Farmers' Income
    Guo-xiang JIANG
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)    2004, 36 (1): 85-91+124.  
    Abstract1152)   HTML1)          Save

    The increase rate of a Chinese farmer's income has been a sustained drop for recent years, which is converse to our macro-economic environment. Ther e are many causes underlying it, and the in-depth cause accounts for the system is sues. One of them is about unclear property relations between farmer and farmland syst em, which leads to a big loss of land and funds in the course of requisition of land and a loss of farmers' fields and jobs. The second is about the residential system wi th a division between urban and rural areas, which prevents the majority population o f farmers from flowing into cities. That is the reason why they work in a few fiel ds for so long a period and why the agricultural production is so extremely small-scale d and inefficient. The third one is about the two different public product supply syst ems between urban and rural areas, which means the government provides public produc ts for urban residents, while rural public products are provided by farmers themsel ves, thus burdening the farmers and reducing their income.

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    An Analysis of Territoriality of Network Economy
    Jian-quan GUO, Ren-wu WANG
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)    2004, 36 (1): 92-97.  
    Abstract1125)   HTML1)          Save

    网络经济虽然从本质上来说是全球性的, 但是其发展过程所呈现出来的区域性特点却是不容忽视的。传统经济活动区域性分布的基础理论已经不能完全解释网络经济发展过程中的区域性特点, 因此, 应对这种经济事实进行更深一层的理论探讨

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    The Location and Shape of the "Sui" Cingulum Viewed from the Copper Buggy Excavated in Qin Shi Huang's Mausoleum
    Shao-hua WANG
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)    2004, 36 (1): 98-105.  
    Abstract1056)   HTML3)          Save

    There are two juxtaposed tasseled cingulums inside t he middle part of horizontal bars at the front of No. 1 copper buggy which was excavated in Qin Shi Huang's mausoleum. Only such a cingulum was named as the "sui" that was mentioned in ancient Chinese literature.

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    A Textual Analysis of "Confucius Says" in the Popular Version of th e Appendices to the Book of Changes
    Hui-sheng FU
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)    2004, 36 (1): 106-111.  
    Abstract1195)   HTML4)          Save

    Up to now there is hardly text analysis of the conte nt of "Confucius says" that appears in the popular version of the Appendices to the Book o f Changes, because those annotators and commentators have almost without exception paid the ir attention for ages only to the words, phrases and sentences. Rarely were modern translations and annotations of The Book of Changes and its Ap pendices published in the last two decades that would make textual analyses of the passages that were believed to be Confucius' words. The textual research tries to collect together those passages clearly marked with "Confucius says" in the popular version of Append ices, and analyzes Confucius' comments and expositions of The Book of Changes more deeply, thus showing that the content of this aspect represents a quintessential and brilliant part of Confucius' thought, which deserves our attention.

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    The Category of Animacy and Its Manifestations in Chinese Grammar and Lexicon
    Jue WANG
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)    2004, 36 (1): 112-120.  
    Abstract1304)   HTML4)          Save

    The category of animacy consists of two sub-categori es of animacy and unanimacy, both of which manifest themselves differently in vocabulary and grammar. In a lexemic stratum, the animacy category manifests itself mainly as a n antagonism between lexemic units. In a lexical stratum, it shows an antagonism between affix and word-formation. In a grammatical stratum, it displays an antagonism between with and without substantive marks and between masculine and feminine words. In addition, it manifests the proficiency of acting mainly as a key case or periphery case. In a syntax stratum, the animacy and the degree of anima cy of substantive words and predicate words put a macro restraint on the word order as well as a micro restraint on the syntax composition.

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    A Consideration of the Theoretical Orientation and Traits of the Important Thought of "Three Represents"
    Wei-ping QI
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)    2004, 36 (2): 1-7+119.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2004.02.001
    Abstract1239)   HTML39)          Save

    The important thought of "Three Represents" is a major development of the Marxist materialist interpretation of history. It is requisite to fix a theoretical position of the important thought in the perspective of Marxist methodology and world outlook. The important thought of "Three Represents" is a unity of general and specific programs, a logical unity of historical experience and realistic demands, and a centralized expression of the Marxist theoretical character of keeping pace with the times.

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    The Constitution and Its Guarantee of Citizens' Basic Rights
    De-hai JIANG
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)    2004, 36 (2): 8-13+119.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2004.02.002
    Abstract1086)   HTML4)          Save

    The most essential aspect of the constitution is to protect citizens' basic rights. To ensure citizens' basic rights, there is just a control of the state power and a so-called limited power government. Historically, the constitution was produced from the need of guaranteeing citizens' basic rights. Its development and maturity signifies an improvement of the guarantee of citizens' basic rights, and the qualitative and quantitative unity of the guarantee is a mark of the constitutional developmental level. Logically, the guarantee of citizens' basic rights is also a fundamental measure of all constitutional values including liberty, efficiency and order. When governing the state in accordance with the constitution and further promoting China's socialist rule by law, we should take the guarantee of citizens' basic rights as an essential starting point.

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    A Study on Writing Techniques of Administrative Regulations
    Shu-fang ZHANG
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)    2004, 36 (2): 14-20+27-120.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2004.02.003
    Abstract1028)   HTML3)          Save

    Our administrative regulations and rules, especially those related to international trade after Chin's entry into the WTO, must be made open or informed through right procedures. Those rules, however, still have many problems in their wording at present, such as involving superfluous items, surmounting limits of legislation, ways of wording lacking in standardization, and surpassing levels of legislation. Although our Regulations on the Procedure of Formulating Administrative Rules were enacted in 2001, it is still necessary to make further inquiries into the formulation of administrative rules. This article puts forward some relevant measures from such aspects as the way of control, due orientation, rules of formulation, and social participation in the process of formulating administrative rules.

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    The Formulation and Features of the Act of Freedom of Information in Canada——A Concurrent Study of Its Revelations on Our Country's Legislation
    Xin HUANG
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)    2004, 36 (2): 21-27+120.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2004.02.004
    Abstract1280)   HTML4)          Save

    Canada is one of the countries in which the Act of Open Information has been enacted. The Canadian people have a right, according to law, to ask for their government to open public policy information to them. Canadians, actually, have had their long and hard stories in struggling for opening information, but now Canada has become advanced in opening information in the world from a typically conservative and conventional country. The case is not only helpful for us to understand Canadian changes in government policies, public opinion and media when formulating the Act, but also very useful for our reference when we are to set up a Chinese system of opening information.

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    The Lack of Collective Consciousness in Chinese Religions
    Chun WU
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)    2004, 36 (2): 28-33+120.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2004.02.005
    Abstract1394)   HTML14)          Save

    According to Durkheim, the collective life in religion and the collective consciousness and mind based on it are very important. In essence, the religious life is a collective life, which means the interval between religious gatherings should not be too long. The reason why the regular collective life should be maintained lies in that there is fundamentally a demand of keeping religious morals and ideals. Chinese religions, however, are obviously short of collective consciousness and spirit. Neither Taoists nor Buddhists have a strictly fixed collective life. Moreover, polytheism crumbles such a possibility indeed. Furthermore, owing to a lack of encouragement under higher aims in the collective life, Chinese religions are simply satisfied with utilities without a pursuit of morality and ideal.

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    The Therapeutic Value of Buddhist Philosophy to the Predicament of Modernity
    Zhong-mao TANG
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)    2004, 36 (2): 34-40+120-121.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2004.02.006
    Abstract1487)   HTML6)          Save

    Facing problems and awkward predicaments of modernity, there are philosophical reflections and criticisms as well in the tradition of Buddhist thoughts. To the dilemma of Western modernity, Buddhism advances a series of critical solutions based on its own "rationality". Their core is to reveal that the so-called Western "modern ego" is only an illusion and the modern Western rationality itself should be "disenchanted" as well, thus realizing a kind of true ego and freedom and presenting a meaningful world. The dialogue between Buddhism and modernity presents a confronting tension. On the one hand those Buddhist thinkers are attracted by the Western enlightenment movement that achieved a number of accomplishments in science and democracy; on the other, some of them are much concerned about the crisis and illusion of modernity. It is such a conflict or tension that may be helpful to build a kind of modernity based on Chinese own traditions and to solve problems on modernity confronted by modern people.

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    A Research on the Origin and Structure of Malimasha Characters
    Yuan-lu WANG
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)    2004, 36 (2): 41-49+121.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2004.02.007
    Abstract1505)   HTML8)          Save

    Malimasha is a kind of ancient minority characters merely used by about 100 people in Tacheng Town, Weixi County, Yunnan Province. According to its motivation, its origin and formation can be elucidated. Malimasha is not a branch generally acknowledged by some scholars, but rather a variable of Naxi writing. Only a few Malimasha characters were created by the local Naxi people, which mainly belong to pictographic or self-explanatory characters, and no pictophonetic characters have been found. Moreover, just a very few characters came from Chinese or Tibetan characters. Such an elucidation may have a reference value to the issue of loanwords in the study of character spread.

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    To Comment on a Novel Structure by Means of the Argumentation Writing Style——One Essential Feature in Jin Shengtan's Commentaries on Novels
    Ran-ran WANG
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)    2004, 36 (2): 50-56+121.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2004.02.008
    Abstract4364)   HTML451)          Save

    Scholars under the Qing Dynasty gave high praises on the Ming-Qing novel structure, but later scholars not. The analysis of their differences may expose an important feature of Jin Shengtan's comments on novels, namely, commenting on a novel structure in the writing style of argumentation. In his work, Collected Ancient Articles for Talented Scholars, Jin mainly chose and commented those argumentative articles, paying little attention to their narrative devices. Similarly, Jin Shengtan used to neglect narration in novels and tended to comment on the novel structure with tactics of argumentation. Owing to such an essential feature, it is fundamentally wrong to use Western or modern ideas of narration to explore Jin Shengtan's structural criticisms.

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    The Six First-rate Prosaists of the Song Dynasty and Their Common Sense of "Human Feelings"
    Xiao-fen CHEN
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)    2004, 36 (2): 57-63+121-122.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2004.02.009
    Abstract1107)   HTML3)          Save

    A common sense of "human feelings" is consciously contained in writings of the six first-rate prosaists of the Song Dynasty. Derived from The Book of Rites, the idea of "human feelings" is greatly enriched by the six famous prosaists in their thoughts and works. In their eyes, "feelings" can be regarded as the essential property of human beings, and a concrete and ordinary existence reveals the fundamental significance of human life. As a result, their writings are full of a kind of intellectual and cognitive enjoyment that is embodied in their idea of human feelings, which becomes an inner force to push their prosaic orientation forward and form their unique prosaic style.

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    An Exploration of Wang Guowei's Theory of "Academic Independence"——A Concurrent Discussion with Mr. Du Wei
    Ying-xin XU
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)    2004, 36 (2): 64-69+122.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2004.02.010
    Abstract1151)   HTML3)          Save

    In view of some misunderstandings of Wang Guowei's theory of "academic independence", this paper points out that the deep implication of Wang's idea of "academic independence" lies in his rejecting a "non-academic" tendency that stresses superiority of value judgments in scholastic studies. Through an analysis of Wang's understanding of "academic", this paper tries to expound the mission of Wang's theory of "academic independence" from three angles of learning independence, scholar independence and method independence, and shows its significance on Chinese modern academic enlightenment and on reality.

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    The Inner Construction of Bloch's "Hope Aesthetics"
    Feng WANG
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)    2004, 36 (2): 70-76+122.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2004.02.011
    Abstract1022)   HTML4)          Save

    There are two aspects in the inner construction of Bloch's "hope aesthetics". One is a wish at the level of inner instinct, and the other an anticipation at the level of utopia. The hope, viewed from temporality, is a utopia that is open to the future. Futurity, on the level of inner instinct, is a basic starting point to discover the inherent and inevitable tendency of utopia from an angle of human nature. Art is a bridge between present and future, and a specific function of anticipation. The realization of anticipation needs an enterprising and optimistic position. In the process of its fullness, attention tends to constantly change its forging orientation.

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    The Making of the Christian Era System and Christian Historiography
    Hai-liang GUO
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)    2004, 36 (2): 77-123.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2004.02.012
    Abstract1263)   HTML7)          Save

    The system of the Christian Era consists of "Christian Era"and "Before the Christian Era".It went through more than 1000 years from its initial establishment to final accomplishment and accompanied a course of the rise and fall of Christian History. As a unique way of numbering the years that could best embody characteristics of Christian History, the Christian Era was put forward with an enhancement of Christians' "consciousness", and was set up in the wake of maturity of Christian History. The "Before the Christian Era" was put forth and popularized as an auxiliary means when Christian History's chronological system had bogged down more deeply in crises. It hastened the decline of Christian History though it made the way of numbering historical years convenient and promoted studies of ancient history.

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    A Historical Reflection on the Disintegration of Jiangsu and Zhejiang's Rural Social System in the Late 1940s
    Jian-bo DONG, Xue-chang LI
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)    2004, 36 (2): 85-90+123.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2004.02.013
    Abstract1083)   HTML3)          Save

    All kinds of social conflicts in the rural area of Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces reached an apex in the late 1940s. The economic collapse intensified not only the confliction between various social strata but also the antagonism between rural society and state power. Facing the absence of elites in rural society, the failure in reconstruction of the local administrative system organized on a household's basis, and the power expansion of local despotic landlords and small-scale separatist regimes, the state power had to resort to military violence more frequently. However, all the state power's efforts failed to achieve an effective consolidation of rural societies and to hold back the disintegration of the social system in rural areas.

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    The Small Sword Society Uprising and the Changing Tendency of Migration in Shanghai's Modern Times
    Guo-lin LI
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)    2004, 36 (2): 91-96+123.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2004.02.014
    Abstract1438)   HTML10)          Save

    The migration is an inevitable social phenomenon in a city's development, and has its own changing tendency. The early settlers in Shanghai in modern times were mainly from Fujian and Guangdong provinces. However, they were soon replaced by those from Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces. The occurrence of such a change was closely related to the Small Sword Society uprising. It gave a fatal blow to the development of former settlers. As a result, they had to change their immigration route and then went to some countries south beyond the South China Sea as a better choice. Relying on their advantages in geography, customs and business, those from Jiangsu and Zhejiang became a major part of migrants in Shanghai. Meanwhile, the Small Sword Society uprising brought about changes of Shanghai's concession structure from separate to mixing residence of Chinese and foreigners. It also brought about a development of the concession, thus making Shanghai a chief gathering city for migrants and quickening the speed of migration to Shanghai.

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    The Development of Shanghai's Modern Public Traffic Viewed from the Rickshaw
    Guo-sheng QIU
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)    2004, 36 (2): 97-103+124.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2004.02.015
    Abstract1339)   HTML11)          Save

    The rickshaw, which was introduced into Shanghai in 1874, in a degree, went beyond those old fashioned conveyances such as a sedan chair and the like, owing to its mechanic structure with cheap, quick, convenient and laborsaving features, thus improving the urban public traffic greatly. Though its special advantages made it still play a part in Shanghai's public traffic even after the introduction of automotive motorized vehicles, its abolishment was a necessity of history, since it was just a kind of vehicle that was dragged by manpower. However, the abolishment of rickshaw was destined to go through a hard course under a distinct social background of modern Shanghai.

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    The Policy of Exchange Rate as Sovereignty and Its International Coordination
    Lian-shi ZHOU
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)    2004, 36 (2): 104-110+124.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2004.02.016
    Abstract1196)   HTML1)          Save

    Each country has its sovereignty to apply the exchange rate policy, which is widely used to adjust macro economy nowadays. In Japan and Korea, their governments had made their national currencies depreciated greatly so as to develop their economy at a high speed. The tendency of economic globalization, however, requires the international society to coordinate the exchange rate policy in order to stabilize world economy and promote international trade. The public opinion in favor of an appreciation of RMB indicates that the international coordination has extended from developed to developing countries. This is an important turning point. The existing coordination system of the international exchange rate policy has revealed its own limitations, and new international rules are required. The main trend of the international exchange rate policy is to set up an international organization and a general agreement for the exchange rate policy on the basis of equality.

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    The Deposit < Loan Cost Constraint and the Credit Channel Transmission of Monetary Policy
    Xian-cang FANG
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)    2004, 36 (2): 111-118+124.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2004.02.017
    Abstract1283)   HTML1)          Save

    Owing to the risk aversion (hard credit risk constraint) and deposit preference of state-owned commercial banks, their credit supply is not sufficient, deposit demand is too big, and balance of their deposits to loans is enlarging. As a result, the transmission mechanism of credit channel of our country's monetary policy is not smooth under a condition of interest rate control. We should improve transmission mechanisms of the credit channel.

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    On Differences and Similarities between the Han and Tang Dynasties
    Fa-song MOU
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)    2004, 36 (3): 1-10.  
    Abstract6153)   HTML1112)          Save

    From the Qin and Han to the Sui and Tang dynasties the vast, unified empire system in the history of China went through its first complete circle from establishment, consolidation, collapse to reconstruction. In the circle there were so many similarities between the Han and the Tang that these two dynasties have usually been regarded together as the Han-Tang. Actually, there existed a lot of distinct differences between these two great dynasties apart from their inherent continuations. Through a study of those similarities and differences, we may discover further more characteristics and laws in the development of ancient history of China.

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    A Research on the Ritual System of Emperors' Ancestral Temple under the Eastern Han Dynasty
    Shan-bing GUO
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)    2004, 36 (3): 11-16.  
    Abstract1532)   HTML8)          Save

    During the early Eastern Han Dynasty the ritual system of emperors' ancestral temple (AT) mainly followed relevant systems of the Western Han. There occurred some changes after some discussions on the AT ritual system in the nineteenth year of the reign of Jian Wu, including substituting the system of "separate rooms in the same hall" for the separate hall system practiced before, and abolishing the AT disestablishment system. All emperors' temples of the Eastern Han were honored with the title of "Zu" or "Zong" except for those of emperors Shang, Chong, Zhi and Ling. The preceding AT ritual system was not resumed until Emperor Xian Di who adopted CAI Yong's suggestion.

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    QIAN Da-xin's Theories of Literature, History and "Principle"
    Xin-sheng LU
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)    2004, 36 (3): 17-24.  
    Abstract1437)   HTML3)          Save

    As a great master of Han Learning and an important exponent of the predominant academic school of thought during the reign of Qian Long-Jia Qing under the Qing Dynasty, QIAN Da-xin was never a little Confucian who was just preoccupied with textual criticism. His bounteous theory of literature, overflowing theory of history and profound theory of 'principle' were all imbued with a strong 'spirit of the time'.

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    The Germination of Historical Consciousness and Education──An Exploration of Primitive Historical Education in Chinese Remote Antiquity
    Jian LI
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)    2004, 36 (3): 25-31.  
    Abstract1352)   HTML7)          Save

    The Chinese nation is adept in summing up historical experiences and attaches great importance to historical education. Those far most ancestors' initial historical consciousness and their spread of historical knowledge were sprouts and sources of traditional historical education in ancient China. The primeval historical education was carried out by means of orally passing on historical knowledge. Its main contents included historical myths and legends concerning social practice and life. Its instructive significance consisted in transmitting historical knowledge, carrying forward fine traditions of ancestors, and inspiring people's spirit and will. Such a kind of primitive historical education had striking features of times.

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    A Tentative Research on the Connotative Structure, Development and Choice of Modern Chinese Grammar Study in the 21 st Century
    Guo-zheng XIAO
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)    2004, 36 (3): 32-40.  
    Abstract1172)   HTML4)          Save

    On the basis of reflecting the integral characteristic and orientation of grammar study in the 20th century, this paper predicts inevitable developments and choices of modern Chinese grammar studies in the 21st century from an angle of the subject connotative structure. We should separately emphasize the semantic interpretation grammar study, and define and develop the information-bearing parsing grammar study, while continuing to strengthen the formal construction grammar study. As a result, a tri-dimension grammar world can be formed. Meanwhile, we should stress its theoretical and applied studies, that is, when paying attention to revealing linguistic applied features, we should enhance our studies on issues of applied grammar such as its theories, orientations, approaches, achievements and areas as well.

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    Studies on the Nature of Chinese Characters in the Twentieth Century
    Yin-xin ZHAN
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)    2004, 36 (3): 41-47.  
    Abstract1143)   HTML7)          Save

    The study of the nature of Chinese characters has a close relation to the understanding of the present stage of evolving Chinese characters. The issue, from the very beginning, tended to be discussed within a framework of the Western theory about the three-stage evolution of a writing system, and continued along with various evaluations of Chinese characters throughout the twentieth century. It was only after the 1950s that the nature of Chinese characters was understood from the angle of linguistic units that writings copied.

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    The Transition of Urban Social Space Structure and the Transformation of Farmers into Townspeople
    Tuo LIN
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)    2004, 36 (3): 48-54.  
    Abstract1218)   HTML2)          Save

    The transformation of farmers into townspeople is the most profound aspect in the whole process of urbanization. With accelerated developments of urban and rural integration in large and medium cities of our country since the middle 1990s, there has emerged an appearance in some developed regions that the scenic urbanization is divorced from the farmers' citizenship, which makes the importance of the transformation more conspicuous. Actually, there exists a close relationship of mutual dependence between the transition of urban space structure and the transformation of farmers into townspeople. It is exactly the development of urban and rural integration that promotes the reconstruction of social space structure to change from a scattering pattern to a space system, catalyses the social space flow altering from regional solidification to space opening, and urges the government of social space from regional segmentation to linkage. These great changes show profoundly that the transformation of farmers' citizenship is not only a social progressive process of urban and rural integration, but also a space transitive process of urban formation.

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