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Volumn Content

    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences) 2017 Vol.49
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    On the Study of Chinese Politics: Field Experience and Theoretical Paradigms(Symposium)
    YANG Xue-dong, WANG Xiang-min, LUO Xing-zuo, CHEN Yao, CHI Jian-dong, GENG Shu, CHEN Wei
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2017, 49 (1): 1-20.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.01.001
    Abstract257)   HTML263)    PDF(pc) (3371KB)(926)       Save

    Contemporary Chinese political research usually adopts three basic methods of field investigation, theoretical creation and practical participation, which respectively correspond to the life logic, theoretical logic and practical logic in political functioning. Field investigation has become an important approach to "understanding Chinese politics" and promoting the localization of contemporary Chinese political research. Meanwhile, the new perspective of theoretical field besides empirical field marks the self-awareness and transition of the methodology in Chinese political research. To study Chinese experience itself, we should not only consciously focus upon China, but also continuously promote experience based on field research, as well as perfect and improve the research through the interaction between experience, theory and practice. The popular paradigms at home and abroad, including "authoritarianism" and "a developmental country", fail to explain Chinese experience and Chinese political development, so we still need a theoretical paradigm more appropriate to Chinese experience and practice.

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    The Philosophical Implication of the School of Guan: An Examination Based on ZHANG Zai's Thought
    YANG Guo-rong
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2017, 49 (1): 21-25.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.01.002
    Abstract180)   HTML8)    PDF(pc) (775KB)(724)       Save

    The School of Guan(guanxue) was founded by ZHANG Zai and thus characterized by his philosophy. Concerning the Dao of Nature, ZHANG claims that the Ultimate Void(taixu) is qi as vital energy. So what matters is how qi exists through condensing and dispersing rather than whether qi exists or not(qi is being or non-being, real or empty). The philosophical perspective and the way of inquiry consequently transforms from questioning being itself to examining the way of being. Due to the close relationship between the Dao of Nature and the Dao of human beings in ZHANG, the examination of the way of being in the Dao of Nature leads to the focus on the way of existence in the Dao of human beings. Confirming ethical orders, ZHANG advocates the doctrine of "establishing the mind-heart for the heaven and earth, establishing the Dao for human beings, continuing the wisdom of past sages and bringing great peace to future generations". Embodying the value pursuit in general and the essential spirit of guanxue in particular, this doctrine units ideal and duty, and demonstrates human spiritual realm at a deeper level. Spiritual realm targets at the achievement and perfection of a human being himself. When discussing this issue, ZHANG develops his theory of human nature and the idea of "transforming the psycho-physical"(bianhua qizhi). Overcoming the theories of human nature in Mencius and Xunzi, he provides a new interpretation of the becoming of a human being.

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    The Content and Ultimate Aim of TAN Si-tong's Cognitive Philosophy
    WEI Yi-xia
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2017, 49 (1): 26-33.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.01.003
    Abstract248)   HTML9)    PDF(pc) (1395KB)(629)       Save

    TAN Si-tong was the first modern Chinese philosopher who provided a systemic explanation of human brain, based on which he also studied the identity between people and the world. By investigating the cognitive process, he confirmed that cognition is started by contacting things with sense organs such as eyes, ears, the nose, the tongue and the body. This is to some extent an empirical theory of reflection. While exaggerating the contradiction between the limit of human sense organs and the infinite of the exterior world, and highlighting the constant change of cognitive objects, TAN denied the possibility of knowing the world with sense organs and sought a new cognitive approach, that is, seizing the truth via Buddhist doctrines of the "consistency of one and many" and the "simutaneous existence of the future, the present and the past". In this way, "transforming knowledge of karma into wisdom" becomes the ultimate aim of his cognitive philosophy. TAN's cognitive philosophy is unique in its combination of Buddhist meditation and enlightenment on the one hand and an empirical theory of reflection from a positivist approach of natural sciences on the other.

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    The Axial Period: How did Philosophy Come on the Stage?
    WU Chun
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2017, 49 (1): 34-39.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.01.004
    Abstract181)   HTML7)    PDF(pc) (1128KB)(413)       Save

    As the most important or core issue, philosophy precedes all others in Jaspers' theory of the Axial Period. Jaspers has depicted a magnificent spectacular when philosophy comes on the stage. But how does philosophy enter on the stage? Jaspers intriguingly mentions some "elements". However, we still need probe into the conditions, origin and the primary process of philosophy's appearance in order to get a more systemic and comprehensive understanding of the origin of philosophy.

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    Hume's Question and Thought Treatment
    WANG Xi-sheng
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2017, 49 (1): 40-45.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.01.005
    Abstract216)   HTML9)    PDF(pc) (1000KB)(523)       Save

    David Hume doubts the possibility and validity of inferring from "is" to "ought to". While the academic circle gives a theoretical answer of the logic of "ought to", philosophical counselors provide the thought treatment mode of "a practical syllogism" starting from "is" when facing the perplexity of "ought to". We should combine the forward approach of inferring from "is" to "ought to" and the inverse one of tracing from "ought to" back to "is", and integrate theoretical research and practical application so as to get a deeper theoretical understanding of Hume's question on the one hand, and apply academic wisdom in daily life and the care of the mind of common people on the other.

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    On the Issues Concerning YUAN Shi-kai's “Dismissal from Office and Return to His Hometown to Recuperate”
    MA Yong
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2017, 49 (1): 46-59.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.01.006
    Abstract253)   HTML5)    PDF(pc) (3236KB)(748)       Save

    YUAN Shi-kai's "dismissal from office and return to his hometown to recuperate" for three years is an important incident in the history of the late Qing Dynasty. However, the actual causes of YUAN's "dismissal", as well as the truth concerning his "return to the hometown" and "recuperation", were gradually obscured due to a series of political changes afterwards. Returning to the historical scenes after a close examination of new and old historical materials, we can easily find out that the traditional narratives have strong political implications and they were results of conscious or unconscious distortion and defamation by YUAN's political rivals or the ignorant. In addition, YUAN himself, his subordinates and friends did not defend him because of his "crowning himself as an emperor" and others. All of these helped to form the conventional image of YUAN.

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    The History of the Inquisition in the Ocean Empire of Portugal(1536-1821)
    GU Wei-min
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2017, 49 (1): 60-69.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.01.007
    Abstract282)   HTML11)    PDF(pc) (1871KB)(1617)       Save

    The Portuguese Inquisition was a very important institution of the Counter-Reformation in the Age of Exploration. Its main task was to supervise and persecute the Jewish "protestants" who were forced to be converted. It also targeted at writers with "heterodox ideas" or a freethinking mind as well as social behaviors against "orthodox" Christianity. The Portuguese Inquisition was first established in the prime of the Counter-Reformation in 1530s. While its prosecution towards the "heterodoxy" reached a high peak in the 17th century, it was severely attacked during the reform of the Marquis of Baltimore in the mid-18th century and finally eliminated in the early 19th century. The Portuguese Inquisition restrained the trend of Renaissance in Portugal, forced millions of wealthy Jewish "protestants" to emigrate and led to the failure of Portugal in its commercial competition with the Netherlands and the U.K..

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    The Significance and Challenges of Japanese Constitution: From the Perspective of a New Cosmopolitanism
    LI Yong-jing
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2017, 49 (1): 70-77.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.01.008
    Abstract208)   HTML7)    PDF(pc) (1834KB)(874)       Save

    The Japanese society has seen a powerful movement of constitution amendment since the 21st century. Although this movement temporarily ended with Japanese government's reinterpreting the Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution, the problems involved have not been settled yet. The reason is that the Japanese Constitution has a worldwide significance since its initial creation was beyond the framework of a nation-state. Therefore, its problems can only be solved in a new cosmopolitan system. Accordingly, its historical process and contemporary significance need to be reinterpreted from the perspective of a new cosmopolitanism, and such a reinterpretation will benefit the theoretical construction of a new cosmopolitanism in turn.

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    The Distant between the “Fortress in Autumn” and “Small Mountains”: On the Two Styles of Ci Poetry
    XIE Zhi-xi
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2017, 49 (1): 78-85.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.01.009
    Abstract196)   HTML5)    PDF(pc) (1784KB)(673)       Save

    Ci poetry in the Tang and Song Dynasties can be roughly divided into two categories, that is, ci poetry with a grateful and restrained style(for instance, WEN Ting-yun's Pusaman) and that with a solemn and grave style(for instance, FAN Zhong-yan's Yujia'ao). The former category, which is usually about daily life and emotions, should be appreciated with literary imagination rather than be examined word by word through textual research. A good example is the expression of "small mountains" in WEN Ting-yun's verse of "small mountains are overlapping while the sunshine is flickering". However, some poems with a solemn and grave style, such as FAN Zhong-yan's Yujia'ao, are related to significant issues of that time, so that we should study word by word through textual research to exactly grasp their backgrounds and implications, which are not open to a quick reading.

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    “Discovery” and “Retroactive Recognition”: The Particular Ways of Modern Prose Theory's Absorption of Classical Resources
    OU Ming-jun
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2017, 49 (1): 86-90.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.01.010
    Abstract201)   HTML8)    PDF(pc) (969KB)(832)       Save

    There are many ways for modern prose theory to absorb classical resources, among which "discovery" and "retroactive recognition" are two particular ones. "Discovery" means to "re-dig" prose works and doctrines which were paid little attention after evaluating them with modern concepts of "pure literature". "Retroactive recognition" means to retroactively approve some concepts, essayists, prose theorists, and the value and status of some prose works and doctrines. "Retroactive recognition" means to "date back to ancestors" in cultural psychology so as to justify one's own theory with the "evidence in the past". Taking the essays in the late Ming Dynasty as the example, prose theorists "recognize" both forward and backward. "Retroactive recognition" is a kind of "cultural naming". Each "retroactive recognition" is a revaluation of the recognized and a "rewriting" of literature history. However, "retroactive recognition" suffers from the obvious disadvantage of "covering" the truth of literature history to some extent.

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    On the Collections of Ci Poems Written by Female Poets in the Republic of China from Two Dimensions
    XU Yan-ting
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2017, 49 (1): 91-98.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.01.011
    Abstract198)   HTML4)    PDF(pc) (1879KB)(673)       Save

    From the two dimensions of the authors and texts, we can find that the collections of ci poems written by female poets in the Republic of China have particular features. In terms of geographical distribution of these female poets, they were mainly from the south of the Yangtze River, especially Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provinces. However, they moved to other places to pursue their learning, hunt jobs, seek asylum, move with their family who took office away from their hometowns or participate in revolution. These female poets had diversified identities:daughters of officials, women with literary talent from ordinary families, journalists, teachers(scholars) and so on. In addition, some of them also had different identities at the same time. From the perspective of the texts, their works are aesthetically full of "inspiring expression" with both elegance and vulgar tastes.

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    “The Chart of Five Tones” in Yupian of the Song Version and the Terminologies of “ Gong-Shang” and “Five Families”
    ZHENG Wei
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2017, 49 (1): 99-104.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.01.012
    Abstract214)   HTML8)    PDF(pc) (1286KB)(1233)       Save

    The items like "five tones"(wuyin), "five sounds"(wusheng), gong-shang-jue-zhi-yu, and "five families"(wuxing) have been frequently mentioned in the literature of phonology from the Han-Wei to the Song-Yuan Dynasties. There has been various explanations since the Qing Dynasty. In most cases, "wuyin" or "gong-shang" refers to the types of initial consonants(of lips, teeth, throat, tongue, etc.). This thesis finds that "wuyin" in "The Chart of Five Tones" attached to Yupian of the Song version contains ten representative characters which are divided into 5 groups with 2 characters in one group. The standard of division is neither consonant or tone nor head vowel or main vowel, but articulatory gesture of the rhymes among the characters, that is, five different mouth shapes to pronounce the main vowels combining with the terminal sounds. In addition, it can also be explained from this angle the coherent connection of "wuxing" with "gong-shang" in the texts since the Han Dynasty.

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    A Reclassification of Modern Chinese Verbs Based on Transitivity
    WANG Wen-li, CHEN Chang-lai
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2017, 49 (1): 105-110.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.01.013
    Abstract220)   HTML4)    PDF(pc) (1088KB)(1520)       Save

    In grammatical study, the transitivity of Chinese verbs has become a hot and difficult topic. There are various debates concerning the possibility and necessity of re-classifying Chinese transitive and intransitive verbs, defining the classification norms and sub-classification terms, etc. This thesis believes that transitivity is an essential nature of Chinese verbs and it is impossible to equal transitivity with verb value in spite of their connection. Based on transitivity, Chinese verbs can be re-classified into four types:transitive verbs, ergative verbs, intransitive verbs and pseudo-transitive verbs. In this classification, intransitive verbs sometimes include transitive verbs.

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    Rethinking the Crime of “Illegal” Taking Public-Savings
    LIU Xin-min
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2017, 49 (1): 111-118.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.01.014
    Abstract136)   HTML10)    PDF(pc) (1538KB)(660)       Save

    According to the Article 176 of the Criminal Law, the informal financial practice of "taking public-savings" is criminal. This legislation is worthy of discussion. It is against the restrictive principle of modern criminal law, the principle of protecting the interests of public investors, and the need to develop socialist market economy. To sum up, the de-criminalization of the crime of illegal taking public-savings is essential for the establishment of a fair, reasonable economic order and the equality in the financial industry.

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    On the Improvement of the Trans-regional Centralized Jurisdiction on Environmental Resources Cases
    XU Sheng-ping, ZENG Jia
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2017, 49 (1): 119-124.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.01.015
    Abstract167)   HTML7)    PDF(pc) (1104KB)(685)       Save

    China has been exploring the trans-regional centralized jurisdiction(T-RCJ) on environmental resources cases in recent years, which is now varying from place to place in practice. There are some factors to decide the T-RCJ court, including ecosystem or ecological function area, nature of the case combined with river basin, and environmental resources caseload, population and the level of economic social development. T-RCJ can also be carried through a railway court, which implements the judicial mode of the unity of two or three traditional trials. T-RCJ can solve the issue of jurisdiction overlap between administrative division and judicial division. However, there are also some problems and limitations of T-RCJ in practice, such as the lack of legal basis, the undeveloped trans-regional degree, the inconvenience for filing lawsuits, and the difficulty to make the criminal cases under jurisdiction. Therefore, some innovations should be carried on to improve the T-RCJ.

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    On the Ritualization of the Diamond Sutra belief in the Tang Dynasty: Focusing on Dunhuang Manuscripts
    DONG Da-xue
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2017, 49 (1): 125-132.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.01.016
    Abstract257)   HTML6)    PDF(pc) (1794KB)(1452)       Save

    Compared with the situation of merely copying the Diamond Sutra in the early and middle Tang Dynasty revealed by Dunhuang manuscripts, the texts of invitation and mantras are often added to before and after the scriptures of the Diamond Sutra in the late Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties period. Gradually it forms a relative fixed practice of "the chanting scripture before the sutra" and "the chanting scripture after the sutra". This phenomenon demonstrates the important role of reciting ritual in the Diamond Sutra belief. In addition, Diamond Sutra Chanted by Buddha kept in Dunhuang manuscripts also reflects a fusion of classic reciting and fast ceremony activities, and it has some relation with the ritual documents of the Diamond Sutra of later generations. Through studying the documents on the Diamond Sutra in Dunhuang manuscripts and other related materials, we can easily find the tendency of the ritualization of the Diamond Sutra belief, which can be traced back to the late Tang Dynasty at least.

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    On the Allocation of Basic Educational Facilities Based on Supply-demand Matching: A Case Study of Hefei
    ZHENG Si-qi, YU Du, SUN Cong, ZHANG Geng-tian
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2017, 49 (1): 133-138.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.01.017
    Abstract154)   HTML4)    PDF(pc) (1239KB)(1151)       Save

    While the optimal allocation of public service facilities can enhance the livability and sustainable development of an urban area, the supply-demand matching of education resources in terms of amount and space directly affect the quality of life and transportation efficiency. Taking the primary education scheme of Hefei as an example, this paper empirically studies potential total demand and spatial heterogeneity of its primary education facilities from the inter-city population flows, as well as the calculation on the additional supply across different districts. It shows a shortage of education resources in Hefei, and the situation in new districts is more severe than that in old districts. Referring to the typical cases at home and abroad, and examining the current condition of urban land use and facility supply of Hefei, this paper suggests to realize the optimal allocation of primary education resources by retaining the sufficiency of facility allocation in response to potential demand fluctuations, differentiating facility supply according to the diversified demands, balancing the allocation of high-quality education resources based on city plan and policies, and promoting the integration and sharing of educational and other facilities.

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    The Relationship among Industrial Structure, Immigrant Structure and Housing Price
    WANG Sheng, HUANG Zhi-lan
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2017, 49 (1): 139-145.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.01.018
    Abstract202)   HTML3)    PDF(pc) (1261KB)(1110)       Save

    There is a complicated interaction between industrial structure and population structure in the urban industrial development, and both of them impact on real estate price. This paper uses the data of 70 large and middle cities to examine the interaction among population structure, industrial structure and real estate price. It shows that population affects housing price through influencing industrial structure while industrial structure independently affects housing price. In addition, immigrants have a significant effect on both population structure and industrial structure. They increase the labor supply for the second industry while decrease the average educational level in the third industry. Therefore, the assumption that a high immigrant ratio increases the housing price is only true in cities with similar industrial structure. As far as the third industry is concerned, when immigrant ratio is higher, housing price will be lower.

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    Has High Housing Price Inhibited the Entry of New Firms?: Evidence from China's Industrial Firms
    HU Cao, FAN Hong-zhong
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2017, 49 (1): 146-153.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.01.019
    Abstract132)   HTML3)    PDF(pc) (1418KB)(857)       Save

    Based on China's industrial firm level data during 2001-2007, this paper applies Negative Binomial Model to estimate the impacts of housing price on the location of new manufacturing firms. Because of the wages of China's manufacturing workers do not relate with housing price and the monopolization of China's land market, high housing price has not hindered the entry of new firms but obviously increased its possibility. This is not conducive to the reasonable spatial distribution of China's firms. Therefore,in order to lead to a reasonable distribution of China's firms among cities of different sizes and narrow the economic development gap between regions, it is necessary to adopt policies to raise workers' wage bargaining power and weaken the monopolization of China's land market.

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    Regional House Price Volatility and Its Inter-regional Propagation: Based on a Two-region DSGE Framework and a Spatial Dynamic Panel Data Model
    GAO Ran, GONG Liu-tang
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2017, 49 (1): 154-163.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.01.020
    Abstract175)   HTML5)    PDF(pc) (1698KB)(820)       Save

    Since the housing reform in 1998, housing price all over China has experienced dramatic increase. Besides the uptrend of housing price, two stylized facts deserve special attention. One is that regional housing price shows great volatility. The other is that housing price changes between different regions show significant relevance. We formulate a two-region dynamic stochastic general equilibrium framework where credit contracts are imperfectly enforceable to explain the stylized facts above. First, credit constraints amplify economic shocks to produce great volatility. Second, inter-region borrowing makes it possible for housing price to propagate from one region to another. Last, we prove the existence of the "spillover effect" of regional housing price volatility in China by using spatial econometric models and cross-province panel data.

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    Veblen Effect and Game Analysis of Housing: A New Explanation for the Volume and Price Going Up Simultaneously
    QUAN Lin
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2017, 49 (1): 164-171.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.01.021
    Abstract275)   HTML4)    PDF(pc) (1433KB)(733)       Save

    It is the consumer's expectation of future price increases, investment attribute and flaunt attribute, rigid demand for house that make commodity houses become a kind of Veblen good. The utility of a commodity house is constituted by not only its use value, but also its social utility. Using dynamic game theory to analyze the behavior between real estate development enterprise and consumers when demand curve slopes upward, this paper finds that in the current period, keeping house price rising is the optimum choice for real estate development enterprise and consumers who have bought houses, and the increase of property price will stimulate housing demand further. This is a new explanation for the volume and price going up simultaneously between 2009 and 2013.

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    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2017, 49 (1): 172-177.  
    Abstract97)   HTML3)    PDF(pc) (620KB)(411)       Save
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    “Guarding against and Eliminating Traitors” in Each Recovered Province during the Revolution of 1911: A Case Study of Shanghai Military Command
    SANG Bing
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2017, 49 (2): 1-16.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.02.001
    Abstract705)   HTML274)    PDF(pc) (3501KB)(1086)       Save

    It was an important task to guard against and eliminate traitors in each recovered province during the Revolution of 1911. Due to some hearsay, media reports, the defamation of and people who had ulterior motives, and the fact that treason was a political rather than legal term, the issue of traitors appeared to be disordered in spite of the fact that the range of traitors had been substantially narrowed at that time. As a matter of fact, both the military political power in each province, including Shanghai Military Command, and Nanjing Provisional Government made great efforts to achieve a balance between keeping the stability of political power and building a civilized image. Excessive capturing and slaughtering was effectively avoid thanks to the practice of separating the reconnaissance agency and law enforcement agency, and seriously treating the accusation of traitors. However, in a changeable political climate, it had been frequently witnessed that a former traitor became a founder of the Republic once the standards for treason changed. Causing disharmony among recovered provincial governments and serious divergences between leaders and grass roots, this brought a great challenge to the political ethics of the revolutionary party. keywords: traitors to China, the Revolution of 1911, recovered political powers, Shanghai Military Command

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    LI Hong-tu
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2017, 49 (2): 17-21.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.02.002
    Abstract208)   HTML9)    PDF(pc) (572KB)(1144)       Save
    How to achieve modernization is essential to the social transformation in China since the modern times. Since the Enlightenment is the premise and the starting point of modernization, how to understand and evaluate the significance and limit of enlightenment is the key to understand modernity. France, Germany, Italy, Scotland and other Western societies of modernization—all of them were baptized by the Enlightenment. In the West, enlightenment firstly means that people apply the power of reason to emancipate themselves from the obscuration of religion. Reason is regarded as the first principle in the world. The timeless legacies from the Enlightenment include the self-criticism with reason, the public application of reason, and liberal and just legal order. In China, the Enlightenment can function as an important intellectual resource to promote China's modernization and the construction of Chinese thought. Since the Revolution of 1911, the ways concerning religious faith and social political order in China's society have been impacted by the Enlightenment discourse. However, we still want a comprehensive theoretical study of the Enlightenment from the perspectives of space, intellectual history, society and culture. keywords: enlightenment, the Enlightenment, modernity, China
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    DENG An-qing
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2017, 49 (2): 21-26.  
    Abstract120)   HTML5)    PDF(pc) (417KB)(586)       Save
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    LI Xiang-ping
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2017, 49 (2): 26-30.  
    Abstract110)   HTML7)    PDF(pc) (480KB)(749)       Save
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    PAN Bin
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2017, 49 (2): 30-34.  
    Abstract165)   HTML3)    PDF(pc) (485KB)(819)       Save
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    A Temple of Zen Buddhism or Martial Arts?: On the Superimposed Memories of “Southern Shaolin Temple” in Fujian
    CHEN Jin-guo
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2017, 49 (2): 35-47.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.02.003
    Abstract246)   HTML6)    PDF(pc) (2855KB)(873)       Save
    In recent decades, arguments on the site of "Southern Shaolin Temple" in Fujian have never been ceased, and many areas have even fought over the cultural legacy of the temple. These arguments involves how to deal with the superimposed or eliminated social historical memories and the reconstruction of local history. This paper explores the superimposed memories of "Shaolin Temple" as a temple of Zen Buddhism and "Southern Shaolin Temple" as a temple of martial arts. This also helps deliberate upon the imagination of the nation and the pathetic historical view deeply rooted in the cultural memories of Shaolin Temple in Fujian. Beginning from a pagoda epigraph, this paper reveals why the historical memory of "Shaolin Temple" "inheriting Zen Buddhist Master Huang-nie" was consciously or unconsciously erased, while the tragic complex of fighting against "Japanese pirates" and the "Qing Dynasty" accumulated in the legend of "martial arts" in "Southern Shaolin Temple" has become today's "historical fact" after it was emphasized repeatedly. The reconstruction of the concept of "Southern Shaolin Temple" today shows that the superimposition is typical in social memories, collective memories and historical memories. When social memories are conveyed, preserved and constructed through various "social texts" such as historical literatures, myths and legendaries, activities and rituals, religious texts, art works and cultural landscapes, different kinds of memories, including those of individuals, groups, history and regions, will be selected and integrated into new superimposed memories, which serve as the basis of the construction of social, cultural, group and regional identities.
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    Global Religious Transformation and Chinese Community: Secularization, Religionization, Rationalization and Embodiment
    Robert Paul Weller
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2017, 49 (2): 48-55.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.02.004
    Abstract372)   HTML2)    PDF(pc) (1411KB)(1089)       Save

    This paper discusses four of the most important global trends as they were accommodated, adjusted, and transformed on both sides of the Taiwan Strait: the removal of religion from politics(secularization), the attempt to confine it to a purely religious sphere(religionization), the increased interest in textual authority and religious self-consciousness(rationalization), and an increase in the direct physical manifestations of belief through unmediated physical experience(embodiment).The current similarities show the relative importance of shared cultural traditions and share global influences over differing forms of political control. Nevertheless, some significant differences have also appeared in the religious ecology of the two places, especially in the relative importance of local temple worship, Buddhism, and Christianity. One result is that Taiwan's adaption to global religious change has had much stronger indigenous Chinese roots than we see on the mainland.

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    Catholicism in Local Tibetan Society in Western Yunnan: Religion as a Social Classification System and the Practice of Life “Order” in Village
    HU Meng-yin, HUANG Jian-bo
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2017, 49 (2): 56-65.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.02.005
    Abstract214)   HTML3)    PDF(pc) (1762KB)(751)       Save

    With an anthropological observation, this paper examines Catholicism in a Chinese Tibetan village, Cizhong in Yunan Province. Catholicism, together with Tibetan Buddhism as another local religion, not only plays a role of a "religion" but also a social classification system in the village. These two different religions become standards for social classification, so that a new order is established to maintain the stability of public life in the village. Indicating an integrating process of a heterogeneous society, the religious social classification system and the historical narrative of the village that ensure the whole village is the "subject" in public affairs.

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    The Evolution of the Official Position of Prince's Zhongshuzi and the Formation of the Eastern Palace Affiliated Bureau in the Han, Jin and Southern Dynasties
    LIU Ya-jun
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2017, 49 (2): 66-72.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.02.006
    Abstract205)   HTML2)    PDF(pc) (1569KB)(905)       Save
    In the servant official system of the Eastern Palace in Han, Jin and Southern Dynasties, prince's Zhongshuzi was always the highest in rank. "Officials and Courtiers Table" in The History of the Han Dynasty has forgotten to record Zhongshuzi. During the period of Emperors Xuan, Yuan and Cheng in the Western Han Dynasty, Zhongshuzi was gradually transformed from a personal follower of the prince to an official title, a "position close to the prince" and in the same rank with " Shizhong". In the Jin Dynasty, it was clearer that Zhongshuzi was "appointed by the Court" and its power of dissuading the prince was strengthened. Managing "Fang", the "affiliated bureau" of the Eastern Palace, Zhongshuzi has three main functions and powers, that is, "following and assisting the prince, especially reminding him to deport himself in a dignified manner while receiving visitors", "pointing out the mistakes and making suggestions to the prince", and "handling state affairs and official documents". Regarding "handling state affairs and official documents", the power of Zhongshuzi was extended to have supervising authority to other officials in the Eastern Palace with its institutional classification by setting positions such as state affairs reporter in the bureau, reporting servant. During the period of the Kingdom of Song in the Southern Dynasties, it was regular that the Left and Right Guarding Generals took charge of Zhongshuzi as their additional post, revealing that the succession of the throne was attached great importance when the imperial power was once restored in the Southern Dynasties. However, during the period of the Kingdom of Liang in the Southern Dynasties, there was no specific rule about who took charge of Zhongshuzi full-timely or part-timely, showing that the independence of the position of Zhongshuzi was strengthened again. The reason was that the prince had governed the state for a long time and depended on the "documents managed by the Eastern Palace" in the late years of Emperor Wu in the Kingdom of Liang.
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    Inscriptions on Bricks in the Cemetery Built in the Jin Dynasty in Longkou and the Situation in the Qing-qi Area in the 20 th Year of Emperor Taiyuan's Reign
    WEI Bin
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2017, 49 (2): 73-78.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.02.007
    Abstract182)   HTML2)    PDF(pc) (2773KB)(822)       Save
    The situation in the Qing-qi area in the age when the states of Eastern Jin and Later Yan were in confrontation has never been figured out due to the lack of historical materials. The unearthed inscribed bricks from the cemetery of the Jin Dynasty in East Wutong village, Longkou City in 2007 provides an important new clue, which shows that it is incorrect to include the whole region of Qing-qi in the "Map of the State of Yan 10 years after it was founded" in Vol.Ⅴ of Chinese Historical Atlas, for the most part of Qing-qi was under the power of BI Lv-hun, who was a loyalist to Eastern Jin at that time. The cemetery in East Wutong is a family cemetery comprised of two tombs built in the Western Jin Dynasty and another two in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, which shows the long-lasting power of local aristocrats. In spite of the continuous migration southwards from Hebei province after Yongjia Chaos, the aristocrats in Qing-qi had not lost their political power in local society until the Southern Yan ruled the area. Due to the geographical factors, the west part of Qing-qi, together with Linzi and Guanggu, was influenced by Hebei migrants, whereas its east part kept "indigenous". We should pay keen attention to the differences in the region when studying the history of Qing-qi in the 4 th and 5 th centuries.
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    On the Faith in Nryana in the Weijin, Sui and Tang Dynasties
    YAO Xiao-dong
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2017, 49 (2): 79-88.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.02.008
    Abstract315)   HTML2)    PDF(pc) (16909KB)(809)       Save
    In early Indian mythology, Nryana was the son of Purusha Nara. In later Brahmanism, especially in the texts of Vaishnava,Nryana gradually became identical with Visnu-Krsna. After the rising of Buddhism,Visnu(Nryana),as one of the three main gods in Brahmanism,was “ absorbed”as a guardian of Buddhism. In some Chinese sutras,“ Nryana”has been translated as “ Vajra Giant”or “ Hooklock Giant”and used to refer to Buddha or Bodhisattva. It was very common for people had faith in Nryana in the Weijin, Sui and Tang Dynasties in China. To get the supernatural force of Nryana, people conducted religious behaviors such as practicing the esoteric teachings of Nryana,using Nryana as their religious names,going on a pilgrimage to the holy site of Nryana Cave and making statues of Nryana.
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    The Formation and Development of the Idea of Parallel Prose as Practical Writing in the Song Dynasty
    ZHOU Jian-zhi
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2017, 49 (2): 90-98.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.02.009
    Abstract187)   HTML2)    PDF(pc) (2095KB)(707)       Save
    The idea of parallel prose( pianwen) as practical writing was so highlighted that it became the fundamental understanding in the Song Dynasty. Consequently, the separation between practical writing and others became clear, so that the former adopt the parallel style while the latter the free style. The evaluation of "practical" parallel prose was diversified, some considering it as useful while others useless. Only focusing on the idea of parallel prose as "practical" writing can we deepen the research of parallel prose in the Song Dynasty since the word "practical" was essential to the understanding and evaluation of parallel prose in the Song Dynasty.
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    The Anxiety Concerning “Immortality”: On OUYANG Xiu's Epigraphy Activities from the Perspective of Intellectual History
    XIE Yan
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2017, 49 (2): 99-106.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.02.010
    Abstract193)   HTML3)    PDF(pc) (1648KB)(906)       Save
    Performing epigraphy activities was a powerful way to realize their dream of being "immortal" for ancient Chinese people. In his epigraphy activities, OUYANG Xiu demonstrated his extraordinary anxiety concerning "immortality". With great enthusiasm, OUYANG compiled Records of Ancient Inscriptions(Jigu lu), wrote lots of epigraphs for the departed, and composed articles and engraved them on the stones for local officials. However, from time to time, he showed his sensibility and anxiety about "vanishing" and "fading away" of life and things, which reflected the negative impact of the failure of political reform during Emperor Qingli's reign and the shifting system of local officials. OUYANG's mentalities were shared by many scholar-officials who engaged in similar activities during Emperor Renzong's reign. The anxiety concerning "immortality", as well as its manifestation, was intellectually symptomatic in the sense of reflecting the process toward maturity of the new class in the period of social transformation.
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    Seeking for the Implication of Praise or Censure just from Literal Meaning: On the Characteristics of OUYANG Xiu's Study of Chunqiu from the Perspective of Yuyi Records
    CHENG Wei
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2017, 49 (2): 107-115.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.02.011
    Abstract229)   HTML1)    PDF(pc) (2086KB)(769)       Save
    When he was exiled as the county magistrate of Yiling, OUYANG Xiu recorded his trip to Yiling in one volume of Yuyi Records(Records on Service). This book, for the first time, expressed his understanding of two purposes of the "writing styles of Chunqiu( Spring and Autumn Annals)": literally recording actual events and making praise or censure. While the latter was the consensus among the scholars of Chunqiu, the former was quite innovative. It is of great significance in the history of Confucian classics studies since it revealed OUYANG's efforts to reestablish objective criteria of interpreting Confucian classics in the new academic trend of "following the classics directly after abandoning traditional annotations" since the Mid-Tang Dynasty. Yuyi Records is unique, in which OUYANG made an innovative writing practice by adopting the "writing styles of Chunqiu" to record his own experience.
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    The Regrets of a Southern Song Dynasty Loyalist: CAI Zheng-sun's Poetic Activities in the Song-Yuan Transition
    BIAN Dong-bo
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2017, 49 (2): 116-124.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.02.012
    Abstract219)   HTML1)    PDF(pc) (1956KB)(1092)       Save
    The Song-Yuan transition constituted a great turbulence in Chinese history, in which nomadic people gained the rulership of the whole of China for the first time on the one hand and a large community of loyalists to the subjugated reign appeared for the first time in China's history on the other. Studying oversea Chinese texts, this paper reveals the "great history" of a "nobody" in restoring a Southern Song Dynasty loyalist CAI Zheng-sun's poetic activities after the Southern Song Dynasty was subjugated. Born in Jian'an, Fujian, CAI lived over ten years in Hangzhou in his youth and returned to his hometown after the collapse of the Southern Song Dynasty. Being congenial to the loyalists to the Southern Song Dynasty in the south, CAI organized a poetry club with loyalists and compiled three poetic works: Numerous Records of the Poetic Circle, On the Rules of Lianzhu Poetry from Thousands of Poets in the Tang and Song Dynasties, The Elaborate Edition and Supplement Annotation on SU Shi's Poems Echoing TAO Yuan-ming. CAI admired TAO Yuan-ming, refused to use the title of Yuan emperor's reign, regarded himself as a man of Song and insisted on his cultural identity.
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    Russia and the West: The Path Choice of Russian Foreign Policy in the Past 30 Years
    LIU Jun
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2017, 49 (2): 125-131.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.02.013
    Abstract193)   HTML4)    PDF(pc) (1329KB)(1231)       Save
    Since the mid-1980s, Russia has experienced repeated setbacks with the diplomacy of "going west". The results of Gorbachev's "new thinking" were the collapse of the Soviet Union as well as the decline and fall of the Soviet Communist Party. Yeltsin's diplomatic strategy was "leaning to one-side", which was leaning towards the Western countries headed by the United States. However, this could not win Americans' trust. With the expansion of NATO and the breakout of Kosovo war, Russia-US relations hit the rock bottom. Putin tried to take advantage of the September 11 attacks to move closer to the West. After a short term of Russia's return to the Western society, Russia and America ended in confrontation after the war between Russia and Georgia. The Ukraine crisis in 2014 resulted in Russia's annexation of Crimea, but Russia was beset with difficulties and troubles both at home and abroad due to the sanctions imposed by United States and Europe. By this time, the relation between Russia and the West has undergone a fundamental change, marking the end of Russian foreign policy of going west.
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    History, Historical Views and Russian Politics in the Past 30 Years
    ZHANG Shu-hua
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2017, 49 (2): 132-140.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.02.014
    Abstract155)   HTML1)    PDF(pc) (1738KB)(863)       Save
    History is closely related to the destiny of a nation and a ruling party. The incorrect view of history was the intellectual cause of the failure of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union(CPSU). Since the 20 th National Congress of CPSU, Soviet society had incubated the intellectual trend of historical nihilism under historical reflection, which was activated and spread widely after Gorbachev's promotion of "democratization and transparency". This led to the intellectual chaos in the society, the intellectual dissolution and finally the historical trial of CPSU. Russian leaders' endeavor to get out of the "historical perplexity" and the "intellectual and political trap" in recent years also demonstrates the importance of history and historical views.
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    Does the Optimization Effect of Technical Structure Exist?Empirical Evidence from Regions and Industries
    DONG Zhi-qing, JIAO Cui-hong
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2017, 49 (2): 141-154.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.02.015
    Abstract127)   HTML1)    PDF(pc) (2590KB)(708)       Save

    From the perspective of the New Structural Economics, this paper constructs a neoclassical economic growth structure model by introducing technology structure into the aggregate production function with reference to Chinese provincial and industrial panel data from 1999—2013. We examine the suitability and optimization effect of technical structure in different industries and regions of China, predict the optimal path of industrial technology structure and explore the impact of the deviation from the optimal technical structure on the economic growth and technological progress. The result shows that industrial productivity has a polarization trend, and most of the industries are still gathered in the lower level of productivity, and technological progress, technical contribution and the growth rate of the contribution exist some potential. Moreover, there is the reasonable technical structure for different industries and regions, and the deviation from the optimal industrial structure has significantly inhibited the economic growth and technological progress in the middle and western regions. This means that they have great potential for restructuring their industrial technology structure. However, industrial technology structure optimization shall lift the rate of technological progress in the middle regions while raise economic growth rates in the western.

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