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    25 September 2007, Volume 39 Issue 5 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    A Study of the grammatical types of Han-Tibet language family
    Xing HUANG
    2007, 39 (5):  1-12.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2007.05.001
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    The languages in the Han- Tibet language family have been classified according to the criteria of linguistic typology, but in this effort the role of grammatical types has not been fully acknowledged. The author challenges the conventional understanding that function word and word order are the main grammatical means of Han - Tibet languages. He examines three open notional words, i. e., nouns, verbs and adjectives, and concludes that Han - Tibet languages fall under the following two grammatical types: the synthetic - cohesive language and the analytic - integrative language.

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    Illustrating the Disparity between Phonetic Notation and Meaning of Xu Xuan's Fanqie in Shuowenjiezi
    Meng-qi CAI
    2007, 39 (5):  13-15, 31.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2007.05.002
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    The pronunciation of Chinese characters in Shuowen (说文) was labeled by Xu Xuan in light of Tangyun. On examining Xu Xuan's phonetic notation and Xu Shen's explication, we discover a disparity between phonetic notation and meaning of Xu Xuan's fanqie in Shuowenjiezi. The author attempts to address this issue by analyzing some examples of this phenomenon.

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    An Analysis of the Rhetoric of Bajin's "Doggie Baodi"
    Xue-chun TAN
    2007, 39 (5):  16-22,31.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2007.05.003
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    This is a case study of rhetoric of Bajin's text"Doggie Baodi".The author selects groups of keywords and carries out a detailed rhetorical analysis of the text.Based upon this down to earth case study, he also addresses the general issue concerning the methodology of rhetorical analysis.

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    The Cultural Resistance of "the Chinese Poet" Kawakami Hajime
    Xiao-guang LU
    2007, 39 (5):  23-31.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2007.05.004
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    Kawakami Hajime was the person who translated Karl Marx's Das Kapital into Japanese.In his last years, he lived in seclusion.That was the time when Chinese people fought against Japanese invasion.By studying classical Chinese poetry and composing poems in that style, Kawakami Hajime expressed his opposition to Japanese militarism.In this paper, the author uncovers another important aspect of this well known Japanese Marxist and shows his appreciation of Kawakami Hajime's cultural resistance to the Japanese militants.

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    The coexistence and interaction of the Changzhou School and Zhexi School of poetry in late Qing Dynasty
    Hui-guo ZHU
    2007, 39 (5):  32-38.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2007.05.005
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    Zhexi school of poetry was still quite influential after the rise of Changzhou school.There was a period when both schools coexisted.However, Zhexi school was in the decline.Therefore, in their coexistence and interaction, the Changzhou school was the dominant force.

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    On provincial system reform in the early Republic of China
    Sheng-chun ZHOU, Xiang-lai KONG
    2007, 39 (5):  39-42, 48.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2007.05.006
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    Conventional researches about the provincial system reform in the early Republic of China mainly focused on some minor issues.In fact, the core and significance of the reform lie in its consideration of the provincial-central government relations and the exploration of the provincial administrative operations.The design of provincial system not only respected the control exerted by the central government over provinces and the balance provinces exerted on the central government, but also took into account the distinction and interdependence between administration and autonomy with an intention to balance their operations.Unfortunately, due to the difficulties generated by the situation, folk psychology and the limitations of autonomic ability, the inspiring efforts fell to the ground.

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    On a Shortcoming of the study of secret societies in the perspective of the narrative of revolutionary history
    Qing-hua RUAN
    2007, 39 (5):  43-48.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2007.05.007
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    In the history of modern Chinese revolution, "the revolutionary forces" thought that jobless migrants and secret societies were both revolutionary and destructive.The secret societies were defined as migrant associations in this perspective.The author argues that this ideologically oriented approach ignores the difference between secret societies and migrant organizations.

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    A Tentative Analysis of the Factors Contributing to the Decline of the Idolatrous Procession in Hang County in the First Half of the 20th Century
    Xue-chang LI, Jian-bo DONG
    2007, 39 (5):  49-53.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2007.05.008
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    The idolatrous procession faded in Hang County in Zhejiang Province in the first half of the 20th century.The direct factor was the policy that banned folk belief and it was put into practice forcibly by the local government.The indirect factor was that the declining gentry class could not support the idolatrous procession.Some of them changed into new political elites and even opposed idolatrous procession.The more important factor was the economic recession in rural area.The idolatrous procession lacked funds and could not be held.

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    The Grain Crisis, the General Line for the Transitional Period and the Promulgation of the Policy for Unified Purchase and Sale of Grain
    Xi-quan TIAN
    2007, 39 (5):  54-60.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2007.05.009
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    The promulgation of the Policy for Unified Purchase and Sale of Grain was closely related to the grain crisis in 1953 and the implementation of the general line for the transitional period.Although the uptight relationship of supply and demand of grain in China was abated, the overall situation was still not satisfying.In order to meet the demand for grain in large scale industrialization and to stabilize grain price, the central government had to adopt a new measure to control the grain resources.The grain crisis in 1953 offered an important opportunity to promulgate the Policy for Unified Purchase and Sale of Grain.Furthermore, with the promulgation of the policy, the central government made it a part of the general line to transform the traditional production relationship in townships and rural areas.

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    The political inclinations of the superior noblemen in the transitional period between Jin and Song Dynasties
    Lei LI
    2007, 39 (5):  61-66. 
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    The paper analyses the inclinations of the superior noblemen in the period of later Jin and early Song dynasties.The establishment of Liu Yu's regime was a key event.Before 412 A.D., the superior noblemen acted according to the ideal of aristocratic politics.In the struggle between Liu Yu and Liu Yi, the superior noblemen, guided by their leader Xie Hun, tried to restore their governance by supporting Liu Yi who seemed likely to stand on their Side.After 412 A.D., the superior noblemen accepted Liu Yu's regime.On the one hand, they showed their loyalty to Liu Yu, which was inconsistent with their spiritual characteristics.One the other hand, the superior noblemen were also involved in the struggle for power, which weakened their ability to control politics.The result was that their rule was made impossible.

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    On the Historical Changes of the Theory of Legitimacy
    Yu-qing HAO
    2007, 39 (5):  67-74,79.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2007.05.011
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    Legitimacy is an important concept in political theory, and the theory of legitimacy is a significant component of political theory.Although it was during the modern times that the theory of legitimacy was explicitly put forward and studied systemically, people had begun to think about it ever since there was state or political society in human history.The concept of legitimacy is indispensably connected with a state's political life and the theory of legitimacy discusses the political phenomenon of the rise and fall of a state's regime.Although there were differences in the theory of legitimacy between ancient political thinkers and those after the Renaissance, they generally followed the tradition of rational constructivism.After the 19th century, political thinkers shifted from rational constructivism to empiricism in their inquiry into the theory of legitimacy.In contemporary studies, however, rational constructivism and empiricism are combined together.

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    Reasonableness and Toleration
    Shu-hui LIU
    2007, 39 (5):  75-79.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2007.05.012
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    In his Political Liberalism, Rawls argues for a reasonable idea of toleration in response to the fact of reasonable pluralism in modern democratic society.The fact of reasonable pluralism is the subjective circumstance of toleration, while reasonableness is the basis of toleration.Reasonableness has two aspects: 1) the willingness to propose and abide by fair terms of cooperation, given the assurance that others will likewise do so; 2) the willingness to recognize the burdens of judgment and to accept their consequences.The burdens of judgment are the root of reasonable disagreement.It is typical of the exercise of a common human reason in the condition of freedom.As a reasonable person, one recognizes and is willing to bear the consequences of the burdens of judgment.One also recognizes that it is unreasonable to impose one's own conception of the good on the others, hence the commitment to toleration.The author also points out the limitations of Rawls' idea of toleration.

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    On the theory of the scope of political conflict
    Yan-tao SONG
    2007, 39 (5):  80-84, 91.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2007.05.013
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    The expansion of the political conflict is an uncontrollable process.According to E.E.Schattschneider, the expansion of political conflict is spontaneous though, we can control its scope through political design.Schattschneider takes seriously the relation between the scope and the result of political conflict.The change in the scope will have a substantial impact on the result of political conflict.

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    An Analysis of the Peaceful Political Thought of Green-pacifism
    Li-jun ZHANG
    2007, 39 (5):  85-91. 
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    Green-pacifism is a rising political thought and social movement.It advances the green-peace political thought in international politics.It is not only a rethinking of environmental crisis and traditional foreign policy, but also a synthesis of the ecological-political thoughts of other academic disciplines.Green-pacifism aims to establish a new equal international economical order and solve global problems in a holistic way.It takes non-national behavior bodies as the leading force in constructing world peace.It insists on non-violence.Global, massive and ideal are the major theoretical characteristics of green-pacifism.

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    Contract Law and Its Evolution in Early Common Law
    Rong CHEN, Qing-fei LIU
    2007, 39 (5):  92-97, 116. 
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    The actions of debt, covenant, detinue and account were the main forms of action involving contracts before the 14th century in England.But the rigidity of their procedures prevented them from providing sufficient remedies for the development of society.Assumpsit occurred in the 14th century and unified all the contract action after its extension over a long time.The contracts of Common Law originated in the evolution of the forms of actions.The early contract law also relied on tort theory, and the separation and competition of judicial powers in England in the Middle age improved the development of contract law.

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    Globalization, New International Division of Labor and the Emergence of Global Cities
    Jia YU, Jin-hong DING
    2007, 39 (5):  98-104. 
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    In an era of globalization, the distribution and composition of the world economy has witnessed profound changes.In particular, the later 20th Century witnessed a transition from Fordism to flexible accumulation.The new experience of time-space compression, appearing along with this transition, reflects a more sensitive orientation of capital.The new international division of labor is, by nature, an attempt of multi-national corporations to expand their internal division of labor to developing countries by virtue of their capital advantages, while foreign direct investment is a major means to realize this strategic goal and the allocation of production.Since the 1980s, foreign direct investment has largely concentrated on the service industry, while the financial industry and advanced producer services tend to converge in the world major cities, which has given rise to global cities (or called world cities).In this process, global cities have gradually become the dominating playing fields of the activities of the world economy, while the strengths of nation-states have been weakened.However, the complicated dynamics between the two is by no means as simple as it appears to be, leaving much to be explored.

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    A Comparative Study of ASEAN and Mexico in Terms of Economic-geographical Conditions
    Hong-ling CAO
    2007, 39 (5):  105-110. 
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    The paper analyzes the difference of free trade areas' contribution to foreign direct investment in ASEAN and Mexico. It is suggested that the factors relevant in this regard are: 1) The free trade areas could choose suitable partners; 2) Its common institution could challenge the previous dominance of the multinational corporation and improve the local conditions of its members; 3) Its members could keep comparative advantage of investment environment.

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    An Analysis of the Spatial Evolution and Global Competition in the Urban Agglomeration of the Yangtze River Delta
    Pan ZHANG, Zhang-le XU
    2007, 39 (5):  111-116. 
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    Globalization, regional integration, administrative impacts and sustainable development have jointly influenced on the urban development in the Yangtze River Delta, especially in terms of administrative influence, infrastructure and ecological control.When the spatial exploitation goes deeply networked, multi-dimensional and function-oriented, regional integration may find a way to realization.Competitive advantages will also be achieved with some strategies which respond to the challenge of how to successfully get involved in global competition.

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    An Analysis of the Change of Net Income of Rural Households in Yangtze River Delta
    Xiao-ju ZHANG, Guang CENG
    2007, 39 (5):  117-121. 
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    Since the reform and opening up policy was implemented in 1978, the region of Yangtze River Delta—including Shanghai, 8 cities of Jiangsu province and 7 cities of Zhejiang province—has become one of the most energetic and richest regions in China.It also leads the whole economic development in China.In spite of the great achievement in overall economy, there is a huge disparity in per capital net income of rural households (PCNIRH) in 16 cities in this area.This paper discusses the outcome of PCNIRH disparity in the Yangtze River Delta from 1978 to 2004 by means of the absolute discrepancy index, the comparative discrepancy index and convergence method.

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