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    15 December 2007, Volume 39 Issue 6 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    Confucianism and East Asian Public Philosophy: An Analysis of "Harmonize but Not Conform"
    Yi-hua JIANG
    2007, 39 (6):  1-10, 20. 
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    The article explores the possibility of building public philosophy on the basis of Confucianism. It begins with a discussion of the idea of public philosophy, and how it differs in East Asia and the West. Then, the article takes the idea of "harmonize but not confirm" as an example to argue how Confucianism can serve as the foundation of East Asian public philosophy. However, the article also analyzes the limits of Confucian's doctrine of harmony as well as its concept of toleration by examining its attitude towards heresy. The conclusion is that we must transform ancient Confucianism in a creative way to make it compatible with modern public philosophy.

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    Political Legitimacy and Philosophical Anarchism: A Critique of A.John Simmons' Thesis
    Qing LIU
    2007, 39 (6):  11-20. 
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    The article critically examines some major arguments made by A. John Simmons in his celebrated essay "Justification and Legitimacy." The author argues that Simmons' "consent-based conception of legitimacy", for its relying too much on an extreme version of voluntarism, commits the fallacy of subjectivism that Simmons himself rejects, and consequently cannot be taken as an independent approach, parallel to justification, to normative evaluations of the state, as Simmons claims. The theoretical move that makes distinction and separation between justification and legitimacy is also problematic. In general, "the challenge of philosophical anarchism" does not concern what is at stake in contemporary debates on political legitimacy and its significance should not be overstated.

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    From Legitimacy to Justification: An Unfinished Paradigm Shift
    Lian ZHOU
    2007, 39 (6):  21-30, 37. 
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    A. John Simmons has made a distinction between justification and legitimacy and condemned the confusion of them in John Rawls and some other philosophers. The article argues that the difference between Simmons and Rawls is in essence a difference between Lockism and Kantism. The change of key issue from legitimacy to justification in contemporary political philosophy indicates an unfinished paradigm shift from Lockism to Kantism.

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    Private Language and Indirect Language: On the Problem of Expression in La prose du monde
    Yu-hui JIANG
    2007, 39 (6):  31-37. 
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    In his masterpiece, Kripe gives a thorough and original analysis of Wittgenstein's problem of private language. He argues that no primary facts (no matter external or internal) could serve as the ultimate justification for the meaning of language, and only within a specifiable community could we establish such a testing standard of obeying rules. In one of his later works La prose du monde, Merleau-Ponty also focuses on the creation of new meanings and the expression-moment of indirect language. The relationship and difference between the two thinkers could be better understood on the topic of arithmetic rules.

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    Nietzsche's Threefold Critique of Metaphysics
    Yong-ze SHI
    2007, 39 (6):  38-43. 
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    With his passion for life and the world of sense, Nietzsche naturally refuses metaphysics, which is nihilistic to the sensible world. He attempts to drive metaphysics out of its refuge by the critique of Christianity, science and language so as to go back to real life. Nietzsche's critique also helps us to understand the mechanism of metaphysics in the West.

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    Predomination of Philosophy in Europe: Different Approaches in Hegel and Nietzsche
    Ge-xin LI
    2007, 39 (6):  44-51. 
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    The struggle between philosophy and religion has dominated the intellectual history of the West. To win the predominance of philosophy, Hegel appeals to the reconstruction of Christianity while Nietzsche the establishment of a new philosophical life and culture. However, both of the approaches have suffered from the problem of historicism due to the presupposition of the changeability of nature.

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    On ZHANG Xue-cheng's Doctrine that Six Classics are History
    Guo-bao JIANG
    2007, 39 (6):  52-57. 
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    After the examination of the formation of ZHANG Xue-cheng's celebrated doctrine that six classics are history, the article argues that in his later year this doctrine is really based on the proposition that six classics are political documents. The inference goes as following: (1) In the ancient times there were no private works and no pure theoretical works isolated from daily life so that the traditional opinions that Confucius personally created six classics and they are theoretical works are not true. (2) Dao and qi (concrete utensils and instruments) are inseparable from each other and so are li (principles) and shi (issues). Since qi and shi were created or conducted by previous kings, six classics are political documents of previous kings. (3) Six classics are history because political documents are history.

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    To be a Sage by learning from common people: On the Way to Achieve Dao in ZHANG Xue-cheng
    Zhi-dong CAI
    2007, 39 (6):  58-62, 90. 
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    In contrast to the school of textual research, ZHANG Xue-cheng argues that the way to achieve Dao can't be confined in textual research since what it can achieve is merely Dao in the Three Dynasties rather than Dao as a whole. Then he advocates "to be a sage by learning from common people": man can achieve Dao by exploring the traces of yin and yang in the daily lives of common people, overcoming the limitation of the subject and composing historical works. This way to achieve Dao, however, also seems to be a little narrow. It remains a problem how we can inherit Chinese tradition that everyone can achieve Dao in our knowledge-dominant age.

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    Significance of the Methodology of Daoism Today: The Construction of Modern Chinese Philosophy
    Zu-zhao GU
    2007, 39 (6):  63-70. 
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    To construct modern Chinese philosophy with its own national feature, it is necessary for us to explore particular methodologies in ancient Chinese philosophy and then transform them in a creative way. Characterized by an effort to reach a synthesis of attributions on different levels, the methodology of Daoism provides us a possibility to achieve the fusion of Chinese and Western thoughts so as to construct modern Chinese philosophy with its own national feature.

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    The Preparation of "the Revolution in the Field of Novel"
    Da-kang CHEN
    2007, 39 (6):  71-78. 
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    The article argues that the development of novels in modern China before 1915 had prepared the way for the arising of "the Revolution in the field of novel". The import of advanced printing technology, the emergence of new media such as newspaper, the flourish of translation novels and the development of novel theory, all these elements have made this stage very significant in the history of Chinese novels. At the beginning of the 20th century, LIANG Qi-chao's advocacy of political novels changed the orientation of the development of novels and caused so-called "the Revolution in the field of novel", which was, however, temporal.

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    "To be Perfected in Music" and Confucius's Ideal of Life
    Yi CHENG
    2007, 39 (6):  79-84. 
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    Is it appropriate to say that the phrase "to be perfected in music" in Chapter VIII of the Analects refers to, as it used to be interpreted, the harmonious combination of the moral learning and musical accomplishment in a man of noble character? By studying the Rites of Zhou, "On Music" from the Book of Rites and other ancient Chinese classics, the author believes that "music" in the ancient times means a form of performance in a ritual ceremony, the scene of which is therefore described as "magnificence of rites and music." The orderliness achieved in the performance, which Confucius refers to as "proper conduct of rites and music", is indispensable from the systematic conduct or manoeuvre by a music master. To become a music master, the anchorman of the ritual ceremony, is to Confucius the highest goal of life. To understand the phrase "to be perfected in music" in this way will perhaps help us understand more of Confucius as a human.

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    The Evolvement of Individualized Writings in Market China
    Xiao-nan XU, Jun SHI
    2007, 39 (6):  85-90. 
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    Before inversed by the anti-poetical impulse in reality, individualized narratives in market China had a poetical orientation when they started. Excluding the grand history and depressing human nature, they have degenerated from the opposition to rationality to the distortion of life freedom: individual existence is considered as ordinary life with no responsibilities for history. Individualized narratives have become modeled public writings under the mask of hypocritical individualization.

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    Space Producing and Space Change: New Residential Areas of Workers in Shanghai and the Experience of a Socialist City
    Gang LUO
    2007, 39 (6):  91-96. 
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    This article argues that the history of Shanghai as a socialistic city after 1949, consciously or unconsciously, has been falsified, neglected and even forgotten in current city studies. By examining new residential areas of workers in Shanghai, especially the earliest one, i.e., Cao-yang New Residential Area, the article discusses the socialistic space producing as a way to achieve the combination of city reconstruction and the construction of a new life world.

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    Disadvantages in China's Financial Deepening: From the Perspective of Contract Enforcement and Financial Conversion Cost
    Ying-li PAN, Li-feng SU
    2007, 39 (6):  97-101, 109. 
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    From the perspective of contract enforcement and financial conversion, we can find that China's financial deepening is suffering from the lack of trust and high cost of financial conversion. The two indices, θ and Ψ, show that there are still some disadvantages in China's financial deepening, which have led to the loss of national welfare, the inefficiency of economic growth and conversion between savings and investment, etc.. The process of China's financial deepening will be accelerated if contract enforcement is promoted by institutional construction and financial conversion cost is cut down by financial innovation.

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    A Study on RMB Equilibrium Real Exchange Rate: 1980—2005
    Ji-sheng HUANG, Lin SHEN
    2007, 39 (6):  102-109. 
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    This paper employs the BEER model, taking the data from 1980-2005, to estimate RMB equilibrium real exchange rate and real exchange rate misalignment. In the period of 1980-1985, RMB real exchange rate is overvalued because of the high RMB nominal exchange rate; in the period of 1986-1995, RMB real exchange rate is undervalued because of the successive depreciation of RMB nominal exchange rate. The range of undervaluation has been reduced since the exchange rate regime reform in 1994. In the period of 1996-2003, RMB real exchange rate is overvalued. Since 2004, RMB real exchange rate has been a little undervalued. Currently we should regulate RMB real exchange rate to make it return to an equilibrium level.

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    A Comparative Performance Analysis of the Two Types of Open-End Stock Investment Fund in China
    Dong-an YUAN
    2007, 39 (6):  110-113. 
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    This empirical study indicates that the average performance of the domestic common stock index funds with passive management were significantly better than, at least not significantly worse than, that of the domestic common stock funds with active management from the beginning of 2006 to the end of June, 2007. This tends to support the semi-strong form EMH. The number and scale of the domestic common stock index fund is relatively small, so we will see it experience a faster development in the near future.

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    An Empirical Analysis of the Difference between the Inter-Bank Bond Repo Rate and Shibor
    Mu-yang HUANG
    2007, 39 (6):  114-116. 
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    The Inter-Bank Bond Repo Rate and Shibor are two guidance short-term interest rates in China's Monetary Market. They reflect the short-term financing costs of the Inter-bank bond market and the Inter-bank borrowing market respectively. This empirical analysis on the difference between the Inter-Bank Bond Repo Rate and Shibor finds out three indices, i.e., the well-balanced, attention and close attention numerical intervals, which will help the Central Bank monitor risks of the Inter-bank local currency market easier.

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    The Interactive Relations between the Final Consumption and the Income Growth in China: A Three-stage Least Squares (3SLS) Estimation
    Xin-ru WU
    2007, 39 (6):  117-121. 
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    This paper establishes three structural models to examine the interactive relations between income growth and final consumption in China. It turns out that final consumption is an important impetus to the income growth in the future. This conclusion is of great significance for our country to make polices to enlarge domestic demand on the purpose of promoting the income growth.

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