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    15 September 2012, Volume 44 Issue 5 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    The Metaphysical Views on History in Confucianism: Ideas of “Occasion, Name, and Fate” as Illustrations
    CHEN Shao-Ming
    2012, 44 (5):  1-9. 
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    This thesis probes into the metaphysical views on history in Confucianism with ideas of occasion, name and fate as illustrations. The aim is neither to provide a philosophy of history, nor to study the theoretical foundation of a scientific historiography, but to reveal the prerequisites of Chinese traditional historical narratives under the influence of Confucianism by analyzing the history of ideas. These ideas are often not theoretical expressions; on the contrary, they are something inserted in the overall background of ancient life. They influence history, life, morals and religions. To understand this is not only to understand Confucianism and historiography, but also to understand our spiritual tradition itself.
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    On Xunzi’s Doctrine of Rituals, Standards of Justice and Social Distinctions
    CUI Yi-Ming
    2012, 44 (5):  10-16. 
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    In politics, Xunzi argues for the government with rituals. Its main point is “the illumination of rituals.” What need to be “illuminated” are “standards of justice” and “social distinctions.” According to Xunzi, “standards of justice” are the value principles of rituals;” that is, “rituals” are morally justified because they conform to “standards of justice.” “Social distinctions” are the functional essence of “rituals,” and “rituals” are endowed with practical rationality because of “social distinctions.” Both “standards of justice” and “social distinctions” have rich meanings in Xunzi, and the relationship of them is fairly complicated. A deep examination of “standards of justice” and “social distinctions” as well as their relationship helps us understand the way of thinking, features of theory construction and historical limitations in traditional Chinese philosophy.
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    The Ontological Implication of Mou Zongsan’s “Vertical Interpretation of Vertical Relationships”
    YANG Ze-Bo
    2012, 44 (5):  17-22. 
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    The “vertical interpretation of vertical relationships” is an important conception in Mou Zongsan’s Confucianism. This conception is aimed at arguing that conscience is able to create beings. With its creation, everything in the universe has its moral significance and value and every case of moral achievement changes: the sufferings and sins followed by sacrifice to achieve morality are transformed into special happiness. From this we can solve the problem of perfect good (summum bonum) in Kant. However, due to some defects in his ontology, Mou Zongsan makes much confusion which is difficult to understand.
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    On Mou Zongsan’s Translation and Understanding of Kant’s “das Moralishe Gefühl”
    FANG Xu-Dong
    2012, 44 (5):  23-27. 
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    “Das moralische Gefühl” is an important conception in the moral philosophy of Kant. Mou Zongsan, who devoted himself in absorbing the philosophy of Kant in Chinese, interpreted it in his own manner in his translation of Kant’s Theory of Ethics. Is “das moralische Gefühl” an ability or an innate endowment? Can “das moralische Gefühl” be the origin of moral cognition? What is the object of “das moralische Gefühl” on earth? On these significant theoretical issues, Mou Zongsan’s understanding of Kant remains to be discussed.
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    Jiangnan Cognition and Chinese Identity: “The Other” and the Formation of the Consensus between Hu and Han in the Northern Wei Dynasty
    LI Lei
    2012, 44 (5):  28-33. 
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    This thesis examines the northern society’s cognition towards the south and the impact of this cognition on the construction of its own culture in the formation of Jiangnan (regions south of the Yangtze River) culture in the Six Dynasties. In the northern society, there were differences in Jiangnan cognition between Xianbei ethnic noblemen and Han scholar-bureaucrats, namely, the different modes of understanding between heterogeneous cultures, and the different understandings of the roles of various kinds of local knowledge in a homogeneous culture. The consensus of the Hu and Han cultures in the late Northern Wei Dynasty was based on the cultural context created by Emperor Xiaowen, in which “Chinese style” of Jiangnan was set up as the spiritual criterion in the northern society. As the result of the cultural assimilation into Jiangnan, Chinese awareness in the northern society became apparent. However, this kind of Chinese awareness was to create a new culture beyond the south, which laid a conceptual foundation for the coming of the flourishing Sui-Tang age.
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    The Development Stages and Characteristics of Cities in Jiangnan in the Qin-Han Dynasties
    HUANG Ai-Mei
    2012, 44 (5):  34-42. 
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    Cities in Jiangnan (regions south of the Yangtze River) had property of administrative seat of a local government in the system of prefectures and counties in the Qin-Han Dynasties. The development of the cities can be divided into three stages, among which the reign of Liu Bi as the ruler of Wu in the Western Han Dynasty and the Late Eastern Han Dynasty had witnessed the high-speed development of Jiangnan. This shows that the development of cities in Jiangnan was closely related to the rising of local political power in the Qin-Han Dynasties. In this process, the administrative levels of the cities were changed when the setting of prefectures and counties changed many times. Meanwhile, with the economic and social development in regions, some cities in prefectures or counties gradually strengthened various differentiated functions, including trade and business circulation centers, production and administration bases, and transportation hubs and ports.
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    A New Study on the Book Inspection System in the Ming Dynasty: Based on Wang Dian’s Book Correction in Jianyang under the Imperial Order
    BAO Shi-Qing
    2012, 44 (5):  43-49. 
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    The regulation about book inspection was not strict in the Ming Dynasty. The central government’s intervention in local publication was inefficient, and did not send imperial officials to carry out special inspections. Thus the responsibility of the book inspection fell on the censors, who were in charge of cultural education, especially officials in schools. Most of time, book inspection was spontaneous, which made relevant policy unstable and unsustainable, No systemic law or regulation had taken shape. Consequently, as a very bright-colored and dazzling phenomenon, there was an active, free and pluralistic book publishing prospect in the late Ming Dynasty.
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    Re-discussion on Discipline Construction History of Chinese Historiography in the First Half of the 20th Century
    WANG Ying-Xian
    2012, 44 (5):  50-57. 
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    Since the modern time, the traditional Chinese historiography has transformed rapidly driven by the dynamic new historical thoughts. During the scientification of the history studies, history of Chinese historiography gradually became a booming sub-discipline, typically demonstrated in the college education. After the relevant institutions, curriculum system, faculty and textbook matured, the intellectual and discipline structure of history of Chinese historiography was built on those elements. A review on the development of it will shed more significance on the present highly specialized history studies.
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    On the Four Essentials of Jiangnan Identity
    HU Xiao-Ming
    2012, 44 (5):  58-64. 
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    In the progress of Chinese history and culture, there are the tangles and conflicts of such two lines: the obvious one is cultural blending, and the hidden one is regional identity. Jiangnan (regions south of the Yangtze River) identity is an important phenomenon in the process of cultural blending and conflicts. What are essential for Jiangnan identity are four kinds of identity respectively in cultivation, migration, aesthetics, and spirit of freedom. They connected with the historical, social lifeline of China itself, the endogenous modern spirit, the special form of universal values, and the cultural consciousness rooted in the native land. In the age of globalization, Jiangnan identity must actually help us reconnect our land, folks, history, meaning and life. The relationship between the Jiangnan culture and Chinese spirit also remains to be unveiled.
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    Structural Features of Social Transformation and Its Performance in Contemporary China
    DU Yu-Hua
    2012, 44 (5):  65-71. 
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    As an important theme, “social transformation” is paid close attention by domestic and foreign academic circles. With the integral and radical alteration of the social structure as its essence, social transformation is featured by integrity, progressiveness, heterogeneity, overlapping and formality. From the perspective of the structural features of social transformation, China’s reform and opening course in the last over thirty years has experienced three different stages. China’s contemporary social transformation presents a gradual process from the traditional social structure to the modern one in respects of initiating mechanism, motivation source, main content, basic process, social impact, and general form. Thereby, it promotes to a great extent the social modernization and development of various courses in China.
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    Understandings of the “Chinese Mode” in the West
    CAO Jing-Wen
    2012, 44 (5):  72-78. 
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    In recent years, China’s development road and development mode, as an important theme, have been paid close attention by oversea scholars. The majority of oversea scholars believe that the rapid rise of the 〖HJ1.4mm〗Chinese economy shows the existence of the Chinese mode. It presents a pattern with many features and originality, which differs from the modes of East Asia, Europe and the United States, and Latin America. The Chinese mode provides a good example to a large number of developing countries. It is conducive to the maintenance of the world peace and especially demonstrates that socialism has a bright future. Oversea scholars also analyze the existing problems in the Chinese mode. Although their points of view are not completely correct, they help us keep a sober mind towards the Chinese mode, and better promote the healthy development of the cause of building socialism with Chinese characteristics.
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    Research on Goal Realization Mechanism of Fairness and Efficiency in China’s Real Estate Market
    ZHANG Yong-Yue, WANG Yuan-Hua
    2012, 44 (5):  79-85. 
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    Since the reform and opening up, China’s real estate market, which regards efficiency as priority, has witnessed its high-speed development. However, it also produced a variety of unfair phenomena. To develop China’s real estate market in the future, we have to deal with well the relationship between efficiency and fairness, and achieve the goal of the unity of efficiency and fairness based on social common prosperity. Therefore, we should establish four mechanisms: a law of incentive compatibility, government regulation on the market, the supply of indemnificatory apartments, and the efficient allocation of indemnificatory apartments. We should take positive measures to establish the housing security laws, carry out the survey of housing information to find out the housing situation, increase the effective supply of commercial residential buildings and reduce speculative demand for housing, increase the supply of multi-level indemnificatory apartments and improve its function, and to enhance the efficiency and fairness in the allocation and operation of indemnificatory apartments.
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    Low Carbon, Low Carbon Real Estate and Economic Policies
    SUN Bin-Yi
    2012, 44 (5):  86-91. 
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    Currently, low carbon real estate has become a popular choice for the whole society. The government adopts the policies of strong administrative interventions and subsidies to encourage low carbon real estate, but it ignores the indirect and invisible effects of the policies in the future. The government has not fully considered the negative impacts of low carbon real estate policies on relative prices, incentive conditions, competitive processes, supply and demand. The real basis for the development of low carbon real estate is to simulate the enthusiasm of social subjects of all levels by mainly taking market-oriented approaches through the use of low carbon energy policies of full life cycle.
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    The Interactive Relationship between China’s Real Estate Prices and Inflation during 2002—2011
    SHI You-Wen, MA Wen-Jie
    2012, 44 (5):  92-101. 
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    By comparing the national average real estate prices index with CPI data from 2002—2011, we can find that the interactive relationship between China’s real estate prices and inflation trends is very complex. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify the dynamic relationship between them. In this respect, based on the theoretical analysis, we make a cointegration equation and a vector error correction model based on real estate prices, inflation rate, the general money supply, short-term interest rate and economic output in China from January 2002 to December 2011, and then proceed to make related test and analysis. The empirical result shows that: In the interval range of samples, there exists a long-term stable dynamic equilibrium relation between China’s real estate prices and inflation; in the short term, real estate prices fluctuation has a weak impact on the inflation, while inflation has a significant positive impact on real estate prices.
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    Determination of the Impact of the Real Estate Policy Information on Market Value
    ZHANG Bin, GU Zhen-Yue
    2012, 44 (5):  102-106. 
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    Information is an important commodity in the informational society. How to determine the value of all kinds of real estate policy information in the real estate market is a research subject with practical significance. According to the determination of the impact of macro financial policies, land policy and housing reform policy on the price of commercial residential buildings through the synthetical model based on the study of all kinds of information value measurement, the land policy has the most significant influence, while the macro financial policy has relative high value coefficient, and the information value of the housing reform policy has a lag of a week.
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    Discarding the West-centrism and Reconstructing the System of Native Religious Studies
    AN Lun
    2012, 44 (5):  107-113. 
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    Created and developed in the powerful and prosperous period of the West, the theories of religion were largely based upon the model of Christianity. Because of their west-centrism, they lack universality and cannot properly interpret many religions including indigenous Chinese religions. Over the years, the Chinese academia blindly copied the theories in the West only resulting in creating much misunderstanding in the religious studies in China. Currently, intellectuals in the circle of religious studies in China have realized the necessity of reconstructing a proper system for religious studies. In this backdrop, it is more and more important to discard the west– centrism in the theories of religion with recognition of its harm to national religious research on the one hand and to reconstruct the system of religious studies for future religious studies in China on the other hand.
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    Transformation of lay Buddhism in Modern Times and Its Sociological Significance: A Case Study on Lay Buddhism in Shanghai in the Republic of China (1912—1949)
    TANG Zhong-Mao
    2012, 44 (5):  114-123. 
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    Lay Buddhism is the motivator and main force of the revitalization movement of Buddhism in modern China. Compared to traditional lay Buddhism, modern lay Buddhism has transformed in aspects such as its core members, organizational structure and social function. In respect of the core groups of modern lay Buddhism, massive people engaged in the newly developing industry and commerce and new intellectuals are interested and committed themselves in Buddhism study and belief practice. As lay Buddhists, scholars, thinkers and even revolutionists, they conduct Buddhism study and bring Buddhism to actual social life. In respect of organization form and social function, modern lay Buddhism has extricated itself from the traditional form of organization, which was dependent on temples and led by Buddhist monks. Lay Buddhists in modern times start to build their own form of organization independent of Buddhist monks, and conduct sermons and practices of proclaiming somebody as a Buddhist and Buddhist disciplines, study and preach, and wide-ranging social charity in various forms on their own. Therefore, in addition to theoretical studies of Buddhist doctrines and intellectual history, a sociological examination of the transformation of the organization form, core members and social function of lay Buddhism from the perspective, will help us not only inspect the complete picture of the development of modern lay Buddhism, but also understand thoroughly the social background in depth behind the transformation of modern lay Buddhism and the basic features of its rational proceeding. In this way, we can deepen our understanding of the interaction between “metaphysical theories” and “physical social conditions” in modern Buddhism.
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    The Role Presupposition of Composition Assignment in China’s College Entrance Exam in the Past 60 Years
    ZHANG Jia-Yi, Hu-Sheng
    2012, 44 (5):  124-132. 
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    Since the founding of new China, China has held national college entrance exam for 62 years, in which there have been 229 composition topics. According to the statistics of composition types and the analysis of high frequency words in composition assignments, there are obvious tendencies of “the exclusion of poetry style,” “the individualization in topic” and “being closed in answer,” which reveal the problems concerning the role presupposition of composition assignment and the expectation to the role of examinees. These problems remain to be corrected.
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    How to Refer to Controversial Areas in International Journalism: A Case Study on People’s Daily (1946—2012)
    HAN Xiao-Ye, FAN Zu-Kui
    2012, 44 (5):  133-140. 
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    We begin to know something in its reference. How to refer to controversial geographical areas in journalistic language-for example, “Dokdo,” “Takeshima,” “Dokdo (Takeshima in Japanese)” or “Takeshima (Dokdo in Korea)”-concerns many issues such as how to keep objectivity in journalistic language, how to express precisely and appropriately the standpoint and use discourse power in journalism, and also how to protect national interests. According to the analysis of the corpus in People’s Daily from 1936 to 2012, the reference of controversial areas should follow three major principles of pragmatics, namely, journalism objectivity, national interests, order of pragmatics, and four sub-principles, namely, difference between the original statement and quotation, match between subjects and their behaviors, difference between direct and indirect quotations, and difference between title and text.
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    The Intentionality Principle and Reported Speech in Criminal Court Trials
    LU Jing-jing
    2012, 44 (5):  141-145. 
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    In juristic criminal trials, verbal behavior is mightily featured by the interactive competition among three parties of defense, prosecution and court. Speakers’ intentions can be obviously divided into two types: cooperation and antagonism. Accordingly, reported speech in criminal trials can be “affirmative” or “negative.” Thus the “direct quotation” and “indirect quotation” in general sense have difference meanings in this respect. Furthermore, 〖JP2〗all facts in court are determined by reporting and the reporters should take their own responsibilities for what they report. Therefore, reported speech in court, whether it is affirmative or negative, whether it is the “direct quotation” or “indirect quotation,” will assume corresponding legal responsibility, which makes reported speech in court different from those in literature, news reports and academic articles.
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    Reference to the Chinese Literature of Pinghua in Ancient Korean Chinese Textbooks: A Case study on Xunshi Pinghua
    WANG You-Min, GUAN Xu
    2012, 44 (5):  146-151. 
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    This thesis mainly studies the similarities and differences between Chinese pinghua (a style of storytelling popular in the Song Dynasty 960—1279) and the Chinese textbook Xunshi Pinghua in the Choson Dynasty from the perspective of language, content and style. By investigating the transformation and adoption of pinghua in the textbook, this thesis also explores the possibility of learning from it how to edit Chinese textbooks for foreigners nowadays. Firstly, Xunshi Pinghua changed the language form of pinghua and contained both vernacular and ancient Chinese side by side,so that Koreans could make good use of their ancient Chinese skills and improve their oral Chinese easily. Secondly, Xunshi Pinghua adopted the storytelling function of pinghua but made the textbook more interesting through some edition and change of pinghua stories. Thirdly, Xunshi Pinghua flexibly applied narrative style of pinghua. It adopted the dialogs between different characters in pinghua, but abandoned its description of scenes and characters’ psychology.
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