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    15 July 2012, Volume 44 Issue 4 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    On the Education of Migrant Community and its Management Innovation: A Case Study of Shanghai
    WU Rui-Jun
    2012, 44 (4):  1-6. 
    Abstract ( 1572 )   HTML ( 4 )   PDF (1459KB) ( 1431 )   Save
    The large-scale aggregation of migrants in metropolitan cities results in housing segregation, and could increase the difficulty of solving the education problem of children of migrant workers. Findings from an empirical study in Shanghai suggest that the living condition and housing segregation of migrant communities has a negative impact on children’s social integration and self-identification. The increasing cost and decreasing gains of education result in a new spread of the doctrine that “knowledge is useless.” There is a “lowland effect” on the distribution of urban education resources and a structural imbalance between supply and demand of education resources for children of migrant workers. It is essential to create a new policy system of migrant management based on the concept of “integration” through institutional innovation so as to reallocate public resources such as compulsory education more efficiently and more reasonably.
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    On the Issue of the Passive Urbanization of Suburban Farmers
    WEN Jun
    2012, 44 (4):  7-11. 
    Abstract ( 1990 )   HTML ( 4 )   PDF (1390KB) ( 1299 )   Save
    The conversion from farmer to urban citizen has long been the dream of Chinese farmers. However, in contemporary China, with the development of industrialization and urbanization, the conversion of suburban farmers to urban citizens has become a problematic phenomenon. This is because the urbanization of suburban farmers is a passive process which is institutionally organized. This passive process not only brings frustration to new urban citizens, but also causes new urban-rural conflict and potential social crises. Therefore, to find out possible countermeasures, we must take a close examination on problems of the new urban-rural relationship resulted from the passive process of urbanization of suburban farmers in China.
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    Local values, Public Participation and Endogenous Barriers of the Differentiation between Urban and Rural Areas in Shanghai
    ZHANG Wen-Ming
    2012, 44 (4):  12-17. 
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    The differentiation between urban and rural areas has drawn attention from scholars all along. Economists, in particular, explain it from the most microcosmic perspective. As an urban-based society, Shanghai carries enormous differences between urban and rural areas, which however has been less studied. This thesis argues that the “local values” of rural society have been eroded and ‘enticed’ by the culture of consumerism. This leads to the lack of the identity of self-worth in the suburban and rural areas, and then the declining of local unity. As a result, suburban and rural areas lose the ability to resist the dominating of urban sprawl and change the situation of being deprived.
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    On the Protection of Folk Belief in the Process of Urbanization
    TIAN Zhao-Yuan
    2012, 44 (4):  18-22. 
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    As a cultural legacy, folk belief plays an important role in both rural and urban traditions. Under the process of urbanization, folk belief is being excluded, and even on the verge of extinction. Therefore, protecting the folk belief resources becomes a crucial task. In general, the following three aspects are essential to the protection of folk belief and the promotion of its healthy development in cities: enhancing the understanding of the importance of the folk belief for the construction of urban culture; protecting the physical space of folk belief; and maintaining the community structure for those relocated residents.
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    Radical Revolution versus “Conservative Alternative:”Reflections on Competing Paths toward Modernity in East Asia during the Cold War
    CHEN Jian
    2012, 44 (4):  23-34. 
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    As two different alternatives of modernity construction, radical revolution and “conservative alternative” were in antagonism and competition in East Asia during the early stage of the Cold War. “Radical revolution” seemed to gain the upper hand for a time, but it could not be so dominating as to exclude all “the others” thoroughly. After 1970s, the success of “conservative alternative” characterized by the rising of the “Four Asian Tigers,” together with the self-transformation in domestic and foreign policies in nations of radical revolution, has not only molded and remolded the construction of modernity in East Asia, but also led to the transform of the Cold War in East Asia. With the end of the Cold War, there is a confluence of radical revolution and “conservative alternative” in many aspects.
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    Safeguarding the Soviet Union’s Strategic Interests in Far East: On the Origins of the Korean War and Stalin’s Decisionmaking Motive
    SHEN Zhi-hua
    2012, 44 (4):  35-48. 
    Abstract ( 1861 )   HTML ( 27 )   PDF (1394KB) ( 1889 )   Save
    By the end of 1949, Stalin had used every conceivable stratagem in order to prevent North Korea from launching a war of unification against South Korea. But by late January 1950, he suddenly had a change of mind and decided to wholeheartedly support Kim Il sung to achieve this goal. Whether or not the United States would intervene was only a precondition, not the end. To draw U.S. attention to the Far East was the end result, but not the motive. To encourage and promote the Asian revolution was only the superficial phenomenon, but not the shift in Soviet diplomatic strategy. The signing of the Sino Soviet alliance treaty in 1950 meant that the Soviet Union would lose its only exit to the Pacific Ocean and warm water port. Without doubt, this would cause great loss to Soviet strategic interests. As a result, the Soviet Union would lose its strategic backing in Asia. The reason why Stalin decided to support Kim Il sung’s attack on South Korea was that he hoped to regain, or safeguard Soviet tradition strategic prop in the Far East through this military action. No matter what the outcome might be, the military conflict in the Korean peninsula would guarantee Soviet strategic aim as designed by Stalin.
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    On Compassion and Common Sense, as well as Compassion in Christianity and Buddhism
    HU wei-xi
    2012, 44 (4):  49-58. 
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    Religion is accepted because of its compassion. Every individual has a religious metaphysical impulse never releasing from heart, which desires a union with the ultimate reality of the universe. In this process, the sense of compassion appears in a deeply feeling of conflict between one's limitation and infinite, and a resultant understanding of the universal suffering and the tragic fate of survival. Therefore, compassion is indeed the pity for the tragic destiny of human beings. Compassion roots in our metaphysical nature and hence constitutes a kind of "common sense" of human beings, through which an individual realizes his or her belonging to a group. Combining with religious belief, compassion takes a form of "redemptive love" in practice, which means forgiveness and sacrifice.
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    On Two Philosophical Approaches to the Meaning of Life
    CAI Zhen
    2012, 44 (4):  59-64. 
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    Starting from the reflection on myth of Sisyphus, we can find two major approaches to the meaning of life. The first approach attempts to explain the meaning of life by appealing to the concept of the final end of human life. On this line of thought there are religious account and the nihilist account, however, these two accounts fail in some important ways. The second approach is to find the meaning of life within human life, that is, the activities that we are engaging in and the attitudes that one holds towards them. Richard Taylor’s subjective concept of the meaning of life is a major representative for this approach. His position can be rectified against Susan Wolf’s challenges by appealing to Frankfurt’s account of human desires.
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    On the Integration of Ethics and Morality: A Study focusing on Donald Dworkin
    Zhang Rong-nan
    2012, 44 (4):  65-70. 
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    In contemporary moral philosophy, ethics and morality are regarded as two different categories: ethics deals with how we should live our life, while morality concerns how we should treat each other. Ronald Dworkin tries to integrate ethics and morality by the principle of human dignity. He makes a special interpretation about human dignity by ideals of self-respect and authenticity. Dworkin wants to establish a system of values mutually supporting each other by interpretation. Such an admirable effort encounters some difficulties. For authenticity which involves the principle of responsibility is a first-person ideal, while self-respect which involves the principle of equal objective importance is a second-person ideal. They might conflict with each other when duty of aid is concerned.
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    On Jacoby’s Discussion of the Tension between the Intellectuals and Utopia
    QI Cheng
    2012, 44 (4):  71-77. 
    Abstract ( 1326 )   HTML ( 6 )   PDF (1451KB) ( 1507 )   Save
    With the spread of the claim of the end of the Utopia in the world,the psychiatric diagnosis of the intellectuals has stalled. Jacoby, a Western Marxist, makes a close examination of social history to explore the tension between the intellectuals and Utopia. He discusses the imaginary space of public intellectuals and their hidden Messiah complex in the doctrines of Utopia. By clarifying the distinction between Utopianism and totalitarianism, he defines the genuine intellectuals and affirms the value of Utopia in an age of pluralism. With the conscience of a public intellectual, Jacoby provides his own way to release the tension between the intellectuals and Utopia.
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    On Dworkin’s Holistic Theory of Judiciary
    TANG Feng-He
    2012, 44 (4):  78-85. 
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    In spite of their reasonable aspects, both of the backward-looking judicial mode of positivism and forward-looking judicial mode of pragmatism are biased. The judicial judgments of conciliationism fail to establish consistency between the past and the future either. Since its request to law is explainable judgments, Dworkin’s holistic theory of judiciary combines retrospective factors and prospective ones. Holistic judiciary defines contemporary law practice as an evolving political narration. Therefore it provides a coherent judicial model. However, being out of tune with the pluralistic moralities in modern society, Dworkin's holistic coherentism is subject to the attacks of Raz’s partial coherentism.
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    On the Definition of “Returning Original Property”
    MENG Qin-Guo, XU Jun
    2012, 44 (4):  86-91. 
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    As far as the returning obligation of adverse possession is concerned, what should be returned is essentially not the tangible form but the special property interest of the original possessions. Since such property interest can exist in the property in a changed form, property right remains unless there is no property of any changed form, which is also the object of returning obligation of adverse possession.
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    On the Subject of the Local Government Financing Platform in Economic Law
    LI Hui-Jun
    2012, 44 (4):  92-97. 
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    As an important vehicle for local government to conduct market activities, LGFP (Local Government Financing Platform) should have become one of the most important topics of economic law. The first issue is to define what kind of subject LGFV is in economic law. However, the relevant research is far from sufficiency. Traditional theory of economic law takes “government – mid-level subject in society – market” as a basic framework. While LGFV has a corporate personality, it executes the order of government. In addition, it lacks the independency of a mid-level subject in society. This thesis argues that LGFV should be regarded as a sort of sub-mid-level subject in society, which performs its duty entrusted by the government in the form of a market subject. Although this definition is optimal in the current system, it would be replaced by a more reasonable one with the deepening of marketization due to its innate defects.
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    “Modernity” and Kubin’s Commentary on Lu Xun: A Methodological Examination on A History of Chinese Literature in the 20th Century
    XIA Zhong-Yi
    2012, 44 (4):  98-103. 
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    Through discussing his commentary on Lu Xun, this thesis examines the achievement and failure of Kubin’s taking a modernity theory as a methodology to study Chinese literature in the last century in his A History of Chinese Literature in the 20th Century. The achievement lies in the fact that his study deduces from “modernity” as archetype, via “Chinese modernity” as media, the political and ethical “obsession with China.” This is further considered as “Chinese literature modernity,” in which Lu Xun is examined. This shows a careful methodological reflection of Kubin as a senior sinologist. However, in his study, what Kubin attempts to do is nothing but take Chinese literature in the last century to illustrate the interpretation power of his theory of modernity. Consequently, his commentary on Lu Xun is not satisfying at all.
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    The Silenced Body in Collective Anti-colonial Passion: An Embodied Interpretation of M. Butterfly
    LIANG Chao-Qun
    2012, 44 (4):  104-109. 
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    Most Chinese scholars examine the play M. Butterfly from what they call a postcolonial perspective, but their postcolonial criticism almost unexceptionally silences a crucial dimension—the body. M. Butterfly presents the human body as not only disciplined by but also deviant from power, as is illustrated by the protagonist Gallimard, who, in the process of fulfilling his bodily self, gradually rids himself of the discursive control of the imperial power.
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    On the Structure of Poya Character System and its Stage in the History of Writing Characters
    ZHU Jian-Jun, WANG Yuan-Lu
    2012, 44 (4):  110-117. 
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    There are only three types of structure in Poya character system: pictographic character, associative compounds character and self-explanatory character, whose percentage is respectively 62.96%,30.86% and 6.17%. According to this situation, as well as the form, function and role of Poya characters, we can conclude that Poya character system is in the primary stage of the history of writing characters.
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    On the Construction of a Trans-clause in Modern Chinese
    ZHAO Guo-jun
    2012, 44 (4):  118-122. 
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    A trans-clause is constructed by two or more than two clauses, at least one of which is a non-embedded dependent clause. A non-embedded dependent clause is not an element of any other clause, but it depends syntactically and/or semantically on other clause or the whole sentence. In order to give a throughout observation, a rhetoric -pragmatic approach is needed as well as a syntactic-semantic one. An exploration of the construction of a Chinese trans-clause may benefit both Chinese grammar study and teaching Chinese as a second language.
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    An Analytical Framework of Gold Reserves Based on the Financial Stability and the Appropriate Scale of China’s Gold Reserves
    LI Wei, ZHANG Kun, Zhao Wan-tong
    2012, 44 (4):  123-131. 
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    The appropriate scale and structure of international reserves based on the financial stability is a research focus at home and abroad. It is generally believed that the totality of China’s foreign exchange reserve has been clearly excessive. This thesis constructs an analytical framework including gold reserves, financial instability, cross-border capital flows and variables of real economy, and consequently uses theoretical models and empirical methods to explore which factors are relevant to gold reserves in emerging market economies and measure the scale of China’s necessary gold reserves. This comprehensive research has some findings: a relative higher level of financial instability will directly result in a significant increased proportion of gold reserves; the ability of international reserves to withstand economic and financial crisis is limited; foreign exchange reserves and gold reserves are not simply alternative to each other. China monetary authorities should reduce the scale of foreign exchange reserves and simultaneously increase the scale of gold reserves so as to keep more than 3000 tons. In addition, the structure of the international reserves should be optimized to ensure domestic financial stability.
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    A Empirical Study of Hedging Effectiveness of China’s Stock Index Futures
    YE De-lei,GU Jing
    2012, 44 (4):  132-138. 
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    Using EGARCH model, this thesis first investigates the hedging effectiveness of CSI300 index futures contracting with 10 heaviest warehouse stocks of the fund, and then investigates the hedging effectiveness of CSI300 index futures contracting with 10 stocks that are randomly selected from SME board of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. It is found that the former hedging effectiveness is not very satisfactory, while the latter effectiveness is even worse. In order to offer more practical hedging tools, China should learn the experiences of overseas markets, and launch index futures on stocks of SME board and stocks of other industries as soon as possible, such as SME index futures. In the end, using the same method, this thesis carries on a simulative empirical test on the hedging performance of virtual SME index futures, which proves that the policy idea is worthy of being put into practice.
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    The Persistence of Disaggregate Inflation and Its Implications for Monetary Policy in China
    SU Zhi-fang, HU Ri-dong, WANG Hui-shu
    2012, 44 (4):  139-144. 
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    This thesis applies ARFIMA model to study the dynamics of China’s disaggregate inflation and measures the inflation persistence of disaggregate inflation by using impulse response function. The results show that sub-components of CPI is neither a first-orderly integrated process nor a stationary process, but a fractionally integrated process. Moreover, the persistence of eight sub-components of CPI is different from total CPI. The persistence of residence and medical categories is relatively stronger than that of food, tobacco and alcohol, and household equipment categories, while that of transportation, communications, clothing and educational categories is relatively small. This means that there will be different lengths of time for each of sub-components in the CPI to continue variation after a shock, and the same monetary policy will have diverse effects for different sub-components; we must be cautious of the high weight and great persistence of food sub-component, which means that there will definitely exist greater pressure for total CPI if food prices rise. Therefore, monetary authorities should not only pay attention to the persistence of total CPI, but also take into consideration the discrepancy of inflation persistence between the CPI sub-components and total CPI in making anti-inflationary policies.
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    An Empirical Research on Small- and Medium-sized Investors’ Satisfaction with Brokerage Business of Domestic Securities Companies
    HE Xiao-zhou, JIANG Wei-wen
    2012, 44 (4):  145-151. 
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    Taking the black box model of the satisfaction of small- and medium-sized investors, this thesis classifies and names the factors relevant to satisfaction according to the factor analysis of the first hand data collected by questionnaire and investigates into the key factors by using regression analysis. The results show that consulting and service factors are most important, and other factors, including hardware facilities, brand recognition and company location, are also significant. Therefore, securities companies should take corresponding measures to improve the satisfaction of small- and medium-sized investors.
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