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    15 November 2012, Volume 44 Issue 6 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    A New Study on the Cause of the Disasters of Partisan Prohibitions: Based on FAN Ye’s History of the Later Han Dynasty
    MOU Fa-Song
    2012, 44 (6):  1-16. 
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    The three rumors recorded in the “preface” of “The Biography of the Disasters of Partisan Prohibitions” in FAN Ye’s History of the Later Han Dynasty, are not cumbersome meaningless words at all since they aimed at retrospecting to the cause of the Disasters of Partisan Prohibitions. The rumor in Ganling County was targeted on the supreme ruler Emperor Huan of Han. This actually heralded the “controversy of partisans” which “abused the imperial court”. Ganling county was divided into “the north and the south” parts and behind this was, the severe political competition between the powerful official LIANG Ji and notable bureaucrats LI and DU. They were also connected closely with the opposition of the evil and the just in the Disasters of Partisan Prohibitions. The rumors in Runan and Nanyang prefectures unveiled deeply the local social background and their institutional origin. Rumors in schools marked the formation of the public opinion in national intellectual circles. The systematization of well--known scholars based on the public opinion (all the scholars nationwide were called with names in sequence) showed that scholars were very self--organized and highly prestigious in society, which was regarded as the important characteristics of the noble family system later. The narrative of the three rumors in the “preface” of “The Biography of the Disasters of Partisan Prohibitions” conveyed FAN Ye’s understanding and interpretation of the cause of the Disasters of Partisan Prohibitions.
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    Art Embodiment of the Tragic Character and Life Course: On the Poems and Essays of CHEN Bao--chen, “an Old Adherent of the Collapsed Qing Dynasty”
    LIU Yong-Xiang
    2012, 44 (6):  17-23. 
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    Among the so--called “old adherents of the collapsed Qing Dynasty”, many of them have outstanding literary talent. Due to the ideology and the doctrine that “each age has its own typical literature”, they were labeled with “fallacy in Tongcheng school” and “evils engaged in the study of Selected Literary Works” during the Colloquial Language Movement, and rebuked as “diehards” and “reactionaries” for a long time. Except mentioned and criticized in the study of the history of the late Qing Dynasty, their literary achievement has been unfairly ignored. Their literary works are hidden in cabinets and their names are buried in oblivion, leaving no record at all in history of literature. CHEN Bao--chen is a typical example among them. As works of an “old adherents of the collapsed Qing Dynasty”, CHEN Bao--chen’s poetry is the art embodiment of his tragic character and life course. Without unfamiliar literary quotations, his poems are characterized by peace and fairness. He uses idioms and makes vulgar expressions elegant. He is so good at using words, creating atmosphere, expressing deep emotions, and using metaphors and similes that he is able to move different types of readers. He is a talent poet. He is good at the septa--syllabic verse. With unceasing flow of words, his poetic essays are full of unusual ideas organized in strict tonal patterns and rhyme schemes. His essays in ancient style of are written in a free and natural way. Those written in his old age are plain and amiable in tone in spite of the fact that the thinking is a little jumpy and the narrative is a little complicated and confused. As his best essays, the memorials to the throne written in his early age are inspired, daring, valiant and express distinctively his concern about the country.
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    Motifs and the Narrative Pandering to Noble Prize of Literature: On the Narrative Features of the Novels written by CAO Nai--qian, a Shanxi Farmer Writer
    LIU Xu
    2012, 44 (6):  24-31. 
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    CAO Nai--qian’s novels do have something special and distinctive. The narrative is quite simple and the strategy of keeping extremely backwards in narrating creates real and persuasive objective effect. Because of omitting and little narrate intervenes, there is boundless space for readers’ interpretation. The profound reveal of the poverty and ignorance in villages in China creates a unique world of Yanbei (regions north of Yanmen Pass) in terms of meaning instead of cultural object. However, with CAO’s indulgence in poverty and ignorance in his whole writing career, there are three basic motifs in his literature: poverty, ignorance and sexual desire. Each motif appears repeatedly in all his works, which means to simplify and defame villages in China. It is the narrative pandering to the Noble Prize of literature and the abnormal yearning for western identity that cause CAO Nai--qian to take himself out of the reality in China in his novels. This is a serious issue which Chinese writers shall take into consideration.
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    Great Suffering and True Literature: On A Hungry Village, a Novel written by WANG Zhi--liang, a Professor of Russian Literature
    MIAO Jun-Rong
    2012, 44 (6):  32-39. 
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    A Hungry Village is the first work which directly and profoundly represents the tragedy of “people eating people” during “three years of great Chinese famine”. Suffering gives birth to true literature. The novel makes a literary reflection on the miserable historical event, which helps people remember and retrospect the history. Moreover, it also expresses the strongest desire from life instinct of the common people, and reveals the significance of the desire to the social development. What’s more, through the description of nonconventional, unmoral and anti--humanity behaviors such as “people eating people” in extremely arduous conditions, the novel discovers the profound contradiction in human nature and common Chinese people’s understanding of the ultimate value of life in great suffering.
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    “Equality” in Contemporary China
    GAO Zhao-Ming
    2012, 44 (6):  40-45. 
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    Equality, as a modern value, is not the equality among social strata, but the universal equality. The core idea of such equality is the equality of rights. When asking “whose equality?” and “what kind of equality?”, we must distinguish carefully two levels of equality. In discussing equality in today’s China, we must be aware of what problems China has. The denial of the equality among social strata in a patriarchal clan system, the establishment of equal legal rights as well as the possession of minimum material conditions for a life with dignity-- all of these are still the main contents of equality. Removing inequality in our daily life gradually is a more expected way to realize equality.
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    On Moral Issues of the Mainstream Culture from the Perspective of the History of Christianity
    HUANG Li-Zhi
    2012, 44 (6):  46-51. 
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    Christianity has experienced a conversion of “edge--center--edge” because of its cultural value orientation. There were two main characteristics in the spiritual world of the Roman Empire: materializing and hollowing. This actually was the historical condition in which Christianity spread and achieved dominance finally. Christian victory shows that a mainstream culture which can provide moral sublime is essential for maintaining a political framework. Medieval Christianity, which once flourished with the moral sublime, copied the corruption of the Roman Empire and eventually declined because of morality loss. In fact, regardless of its actual state, the existence of a society always depends on moral support, and this is a basic law of building the mainstream culture.
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    Basic Environmental Goods and Rawls’ “Primary Goods”
    WANG Tao-Yang
    2012, 44 (6):  52-58. 
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    Whether and how can basic environmental goods be included on the list of primary goods and then become appropriate for Rawls’s theory of distributive justice? There are two main approaches to address this issue. The first approach is to extend directly the list of primary goods to include the basic environmental goods in Rawls’ theory of distributive justice, starting from the environmental dimension which has actually been ignored by Rawls in his understanding of primary goods. The second approach is to prove the rationality of including the basic environmental goods on the list of social primary goods by discussing Rawls’ discourse upon “justice in health care” in his later political liberalism and showing the importance of the basic environmental goods in respect of maintaining “minimum essential capacities for being a normal and fully cooperating member of society”.
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    From the Said to the Saying: The Dimension of the Other in Levinas’ Doctrine of Language
    WU Xing-Hua
    2012, 44 (6):  59-65. 
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    Because Heidegger links language with being, Levinas thinks that Heidegger’s concept of language is still a traditional one, which takes language as the said. In this way, the non--being is subject to being and the other subject to the ego. According to Levinas, language is the saying primarily; the saying is more original than the said; the saying is the response to the other’s visage; it approaches and comes close to the other, and is responsible for the other. Thereby Levinas gives language ethical significance. The expression in his writings is very difficult because of the practice of the negation of the said and the overemphasis on the saying.
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    Cosmopolitanism, the Debate of the Civilized and the Uncivilized, and their Variations in Modern Times
    XU Ji-Lin
    2012, 44 (6):  66-75. 
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    In the historical process of nation construction in modern China, the traditional Chinese cosmopolitanism and the debate of the civilized and the uncivilized, as historical thinking frames, still dominated Chinese thinkers in modern times. However, under the impact of the West, they had their modern variations. Cosmopolitanism, which considers Chinese civilization as the core, has been transformed to a theory of civilization which regards the West as the center. The debate of the civilized and the uncivilized, which is characterized by cultural sinocentrism, has been dissimilated as racism based on social Darwinism. Between the extreme cosmopolitanism and the extreme nationalism, there are temperate cultural nationalism and neo--cosmopolitanism. The complicated interaction and cross inlaying among them have had profound influence on the nation--state recognition in modern China.
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    The Response of the Historian Circle in the Republic of China to Overseas Sinology
    LI Xiao-Qian
    2012, 44 (6):  76-83. 
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    Since the 20th century, scholars in European countries, the United States, and Japan have studied Chinese history and culture. Due to their scientific method, the discovery and use of new historical materials and the application of many languages, there was rapid progress in overseas Sinology, which virtually brought Chinese historians enormous pressure. HU Shi, CHEN Yuan, CHEN Yin--ke, FU Si--nian and other Chinese scholars took painstaking efforts to awaken nationalism, trying to recapture the center of Sinology back to China and to transform what was originally negative burden into a positive power, which to some extent made a prosperous aspect in the historian circle in the Republic of China. The development of historiography in the Republic of China, especially the fields such as ancient Chinese history, history of sino--foreign communication, history of the Mongolian Yuan were all affected by overseas Sinology. At that time, though the domestic academic circle was filled with an atmosphere of competing with Sinology, they in general held a cautious and rational attitude towards it, neither blindly praised nor totally denied it. However, the mainstream of the academic circle repeatedly advocated learning from overseas Sinology, which had after all objectively encouraged the abuse of foreign assistance and blind belief in foreign studies. This bad practice has not been changed till now. On the contrary, it becomes even worse, which can be the biggest challenge to the Chinese historian circle.
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    Financial Risks of Export Credit Insurance System and Devising of Its Supervision
    LI Ben
    2012, 44 (6):  84-89. 
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    Export credit insurance, supported with national finance by governments, is a special policy which provides protection against risks for enterprises in economic activities such as exporting, investing abroad and foreign project contracting. The failure of investment in Libya fully revealed the incoordination in the overall design of Chinese enterprises’ “going out” strategy and lack of a cooperative system. The legislation of export credit insurance should not only seek huge oversea investment especially in respect of devising the centralized management with specialized departments for state--owned enterprises’ oversea investment and financial risks, but also ensure that the credit insurance company, based on its own state--owned properties, copes with its own financial risks so that it can have long--term operation. We should draw lessons from the related legislation in other countries, and build an organizational structure for the insurance company. The appropriate specialized department with centralized management is China Investment Corporation. Meanwhile, the author suggests establishing an “oversea investment supervision bureau” to supervise oversea investment and relevant organizations.
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    The Doubts in Contract Theory of the Jurisprudence of Economical Analysis and Its Enlightenment: On the Theory of Efficient Breach
    CHEN Rong
    2012, 44 (6):  90-96. 
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    The jurisprudence of economical analysis evaluates the validity of contract according to economical efficiency. Based on Coase’s theory and Holmes’s classical contract risk theory, the jurisprudence of economical analysis proposes the theory of efficient breach. The contract theory of the jurisprudence of economical analysis has been criticized for its individualism and instrumentalism. The theory of efficient breach, which explains rights according to efficiency, may hurt people’s substantive rights and then break the balance of the legal system. There are also fallacies in terms of ethnics in this theory. The compensation of damage to expected benefits is insufficient to remedy the loss of the party concerned, and even brings greater social cost. However, the contract theory of the jurisprudence of economical analysis gives us the following enlightenment: legal research can’t be independent of other branches of learning such as economics and more attention should be paid to the efficiency value of contract law.
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    Public Recognition: On Community Correction from Perspective of Sociology of Law
    LIU Tong-Jun, ZHOU Yuan, ZHOU Guo-Qiang
    2012, 44 (6):  97-102. 
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    Public recognition of community correction is a new execution system that is recognized and accepted by the public. Public recognition is very valuable for the innovation and development of community correction. At present most Chinese are lack of knowledge of and have a lower degree of recognition on community correction, which will bring a negative impact on the localization of community correction. To enhance public recognition of community correction, the following means are necessary: firstly, to really reflect the people's interests and aspirations; secondly, to fully reflect people's idea of justice; lastly, to strongly foster a penalty culture of tolerance.
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    Theoretical Reflection on Public Interest Litigation
    ZENG Yu-Sheng
    2012, 44 (6):  103-108. 
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    Public interest litigation is a new type of litigation different from traditional private litigation. It also provides a new system in which the common people can influence the public life. In definition, public interest litigation and private interest litigation should be distinguished according to “litigation request analysis”. The requests of public interest litigation should mainly be confirmation request or the request to stop infringements. Public interest litigation has many functions such as arousing the common people’s care for public affairs, making “dormant” laws and regulations to execute, stopping illegal acts in future and promoting the development of public welfare organizations. However, there is no real “administrative public interest litigation” in today’s China.
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    The Change of the Global Financial Structure Strength in the Post--crisis Era
    YUE Hua
    2012, 44 (6):  109-115. 
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    The financial crisis erupted in 2008 has not only dragged the world’s economy into a recession but also caused the global financial structure strength under the Dollar--Wall Street regime to begin to change. There are some factors which influence the change of the global financial structure strength, such as the prevailing of hegemonism, the social allocation of capital, the role of credit rating and public opinion supervision in globalization, etc. The contest of the global financial structure strength often happened between the US and Europe. However, the crisis in 2008 offered an opportunity for the emerging market countries to become powerful. Henceforth, the situation that US dollar dominated the world has been changed. Although Euro “challenges” US dollar, it is tested by European debt crisis. Only the emerging market countries with strong economic growth have won more discourse power in the negotiation of building new international financial order. China should accelerate RMB’s internationalization and gain dominance in the international financial competition.
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    Empirical Test on Influence Factors of Italian Sovereign Debt Crisis
    SUN Li, LIN Ruo-Xun
    2012, 44 (6):  116-124. 
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    In the spring of 2010, Greek sovereign debt crisis suddenly broke out, which caused the Eurozone that had not recovered from the global financial crisis to get into predicament that lasts till now. More and more countries which have larger shares of the GDP in the EU have been involved. This shows that it is important to study further on the factors that influence the European sovereign debt crisis. The empirical analysis based on selected Italian annual and quarterly macroeconomic indicators shows that public finance expenditure, interest rates and macroeconomic climate index have positive impact on the long--term debt. However, the exchange rate, long--term national debt yield and current account balance have negative impact. Moreover, public finance expenditure and exchange rate bring prominent impact on the scale of public debt through transmission in several periods. The European governmental authorities should carry out the structural reform starting from the transmission mechanism of the important variables so as to eventually get out of the crises.
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    An Absolute Price Analysis about the Comparative Advantage Theory: On the Cause of the European Debt Crisis and the Reason Why the Marginal Revenue of China’s Export--oriented Economy is Decreasing
    NIE Dan
    2012, 44 (6):  125-133. 
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    Ricardo’s comparative advantage theory, which explains the competitive power of industries with relative prices of products, is not easy to understand. The author “translates” the relative price model of the comparative advantage theory into the absolute price model, not only to make the theory easier to understand, but also to point out a blind spot in the relative price model, and to illustrate how a country in which prices of all goods are absolutely expensive can manage to restore its actual comparative advantage through painful recession, adjustments among industries and price declining -- the so--called “surviving from the fire mechanism”. In this way a classical type of solution for the European debt crisis can be found. Furthermore, Ricardo’s “big country--small country model” can be expanded to explain why the marginal revenue of China’s and other East Asian countries’ export--oriented economy is decreasing.
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    The Study of Australian Literature in China in the 20th Century
    CHEN Hong
    2012, 44 (6):  134-139. 
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    The 20thcentury was an important period in which the translation, introduction and criticism of Australian literature burgeoned and started to flourish in China. This period has witnessed the development from nothing to diversity, from single to ample and from surface to depth. Although this development is related to the social and political development of China itself, it is more closely related to the change of Australia’s international status and the development of Australia--China relation.
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    Development of the Potherb Industry and Inheritance of the Potherb Culture in China: A Case Study on “Xian Shan Potherb” on Wudang Mountain
    WU Xu
    2012, 44 (6):  140-146. 
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    The potherb industry culture, which is regarded as “anthropology of food”, has caused close attention of oversea researchers for a long time, but the domestic research in this field still remains in a blank state. China is a country with rich wild plants resources and a long history of wild plants collecting and eating. In China’s present dual structure of city and countryside, the potherb industry as a newly developing green food project has been regarded as a benevolent project which brings benefits to citizens and profits to villagers, and creates mutual benefits to both city and countryside. Through the investigation of potherb industry culture on Wudang Mountain in Hubei province, we find that local villagers have formed a certain scale in respects of developing the potherb industry and inheriting the related knowledge and culture, which is a positive impact on the interactive relation between city and countryside. The fact proves that the development of the potherb industry and culture is conducive not only to widen the channel for farmers to become rich, but also to enrich the food structure in China, and to establish the mutually beneficial relation between city and countryside.
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    English Abstracts and Keywords of Major Articles
    2012, 44 (6):  147-153. 
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    Total Contents of the Journal in 2012
    2012, 44 (6):  154-156. 
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