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    15 January 2013, Volume 45 Issue 1 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    The Relation between Zhang Zhi-dong and Kang You-wei and Their Cooperation in the Shanghai Qiangxue Association and the Qiangxue Journal
    MAO Hai-Jian
    2013, 45 (1):  1-10. 
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    Zhang Zhi-dong and Kang You-wei began to contact each other in Nanjing, in autumn of the 21st year of Emperor Guangxu’s reign. Zhang Zhi-dong took charge of Liangjiang (Jiangnan Province and Jiangxi Province) Governor because of the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895, opposing to the peace negotiation conducted by Li Hong-zhang et al. Kang You-wei became famous because he launched the Gongche Shangshu Movement and sent in memorials to Emperor Guangxu. The middleman between them was Zhang Zhi-dong’s assistant Liang Jing-fen. Huang Shao-ji also participated in their activities afterwards. After meeting each other, Zhang Zhi-dong helped Kang You-wei organize the Shanghai Qiangxue Association and issue the Qiangxue Journal. There were big disagreements between Zhang and Kang in terms of intellectual and political thoughts. Kang insisted on his own doctrines in the Qiangxue Journal and consequently broke with Zhang Zhi-dong et al, which was the turning point in their relation. This also shows they turned against each other politically because of their intellectual divergences. There are new historical data in “Archives of Zhang Zhi-dong” in the library of the Institute of Modern Chinese History in Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, which help us know more details of this process.
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    On the History of the State Yu in the Shang and Zhou Dynasties
    WANG Jin-Feng
    2013, 45 (1):  11-14. 
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    There was a state named Yu in the Shang and Zhou dynasties. In the Shang Dynasty, the military leader called “little official Yu” was in the state Yu. People in the state had connection with a clan by marriage. The state Yu was located in Xiajin county, Shandong province in the Shang and Zhou dynasties. By examining the related inscriptions on bronze objects, we could know more historical details about the state Yu.
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    Romantic Spirit of Religion: Zhu Qian-zhi’s Seeking for the Meaning of Life in the May 4th Period
    DENG Jun
    2013, 45 (1):  15-23. 
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    Encountering the subversion of dominant values, the intellectuals in the May 4th Period were compelled to seek for new faith in order to settle the soul. Moreover, the twins of “faith and doubt” brought about a seesaw struggle in the mind of each intellectual in this period. Zhi Qian-zhi was famous for his romantic, unruly and even maniac image during this period. His sensitiveness of religion forced him to seek for the transcendence of life. As an intellectual in the May 4th Period, the tension of “doubt and faith” made him painfully move back and forth between revolution and suicide, and hope and despair. The thesis is aimed to unfold the complicated and rich spiritual world of intellectuals in the May 4th Period by analyzing Zhu Qian-zhi.
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    Public Ethic and Personal Virtue: A Double Track Model of Ethics in the Transitional Period in Britain, Japan and China
    GAO Li-Ke
    2013, 45 (1):  24-31. 
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    The relation between modernity and tradition is crucial to ethics in the transitional age of enlightenment. The two great figures in Scottish Enlightenment, that is, D. Hume and A. Smith, created a double track model with “justice and goodness” dichotomy, responding effectively to the issue of the moral transformation from the ancient to the modern along with the rising of a commercial society. This double track model has been echoed in East Asia in Fukuzawa Yukichi’s “personal virtue-social morality,” Liang Qi-chao’s “personal virtue- public virtue” and “moral - ethic” and Li Ze-hou’s “social moral-religious moral.” In the enlightenment in Scotland, Japan and China, the double track with “public ethic and personal virtue” provided us with a theoretical framework to dialectically deal with the debate of the invariable and the variable in morality and that of creating modern public ethic and inheriting traditional virtues.
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    Intention, Reason, Action and Related Claims of Pragmatism
    CHEN Ya-Jun
    2013, 45 (1):  32-37. 
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    An action is a performance with an intention while an intention may constitute a reason for the action. However, it is not true that each intention will constitute a reason of an action. Whether an intention is qualified to be a reason is not solely determined by an individual agent. In contrast, this involves a social perspective. From the social perspective, we can legitimately claim a reason rather than an intention of an action. An individual agent is responsible for the intention whereas the society ensures the reason. In an ideal action, its intention is compatible with its reason. An intention is not rational unless it is a consequence of a material inference, which is by no means private but formed in social practice and followed by the public. A material inference does not need to be reduced to a formal inference. The main difference between new and classical pragmatism is that the former cares more about how reason (language) affects an action, whereas the latter pays more attention to how an action affects reason (language). New pragmatism not only supplements but also diverges from classical pragmatism to some extent.
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    Dialectical Argument and the Dialectical Tier
    JIN Rong-Dong
    2013, 45 (1):  38-45. 
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    Feng Qi’s concept of dialectical argument is closely similar to Johnson’s concept of argument that takes the dialectical tier as an essential component of argument, so it is possible for the two to combine and complement with each other. On the one hand, with the help of Johnson’s proposal for the typology of the dialectical materials and his elucidation of the criteria for the dialectical adequacy, we can better comprehend the contributions and limitations of Feng’s concept of dialectical argument; Feng’s seeing “achieving unanimity through the contention of diverse opinions” as a universal law of the contradictory movement of thinking and knowing can, on the other hand, lay a more solid foundation for the justification of the arguer’s dialectical obligation.
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    Institutional Assessment from the Perspective of Political Philosophy
    REN Jun
    2013, 45 (1):  46-52. 
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    The moral assessment of social institutions is a core subject in political philosophy. According to the conceptual distinction made by Simmons, legitimacy is about the way in which an institution is established, while justifiability refers to the virtues that institution has. To justify an institution is to show that it is not only just but also “stable for the right reasons.”
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    On the Embodiment of Perceptual Experience: From the Perspective of Molyneux’s Problem
    HE Jing
    2013, 45 (1):  53-58. 
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    Molyneux’s problem was brought up more than 300 years ago, and it has been one of the main issues in the field of philosophy of mind and psychology. The answer of “no” to this question entails a perceptual principle of empiricism. In recent years, the research on the imitation of newborns triggered the rethinking of Molyneux’s problem and the traditional perceptual principle. This is a process of applying the embodied perceptual theory, and also a process of testifying its validity.
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    A Study of Sentiment: Returning to the Root of Literature
    YIN Guo-Ming
    2013, 45 (1):  59-66. 
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    In 1950s, Prof. Qian Gu-rong put forward the doctrine that “literature is a study of human beings”; in 1980s, with his deeper understanding of the charm of literature, he claimed that “literary creating is thinking with sentiment”. The reason why literature remains flourishing in human beings’ life is that it experiences, witnesses and preserves the sentiment of human beings in history in a specific and vivid way, revealing the most subtle, most thrilling and deepest pulsation of humanity. Therefore, sentiment is not only the unique connotation of cultural psychology in literary creation, but also should be the fundamental subject in literature theories.
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    The “Emancipation” of Ah Q and the “Reverse” of Enlightenment: Rereading The True Story of Ah Q
    LUO Gang
    2013, 45 (1):  67-73. 
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    Based on Qu Qiu-bai’s examination of Lu Xun in “Preface to An Anthology of LU Xun’s Essays,” this thesis rereads The True Story of Ah Q. The discussion of “What is Ah Q’s surname?” becomes the starting point of Ah Q’s biography written by the “author”. the narration that “Ah Q wants to be surnamed Zhao, but Elderly Gentleman Zhao does not allow him to be surnamed Zhao” becomes the starting point of the whole life story of Ah Q. What’s more, if The True Story of Ah Q demonstrates Lu Xun’s most profound reflection of “the Revolution of 1911,” then he is taking the collapse of “rural space” as the starting point to reflect “the Revolution of 1911” in the discussion of “What is Ah Q’s surname?” and the narration that “Ah Q wants to be surnamed Zhao, but Elderly Gentleman Zhao does not allow him to be surnamed Zhao”. To interpret The True Story of Ah Q in this way is not to prove that Lu Xun refutes with foresight the “new theory of the Revolution of 1911” from “rural space” to “power of each province”, but to reveal that he foresees profoundly the revolutionary but simultaneously tragic result due to the collapse of “rural space”. That is to say, a multitude of Ah Qs will be expelled consciously or unconsciously from the patriarchal society under a tender veil. They are like ghosts wandering in wildness a group after another. This makes the “emancipation” of Ah Q become a key to a new understanding of “enlightenment”.
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    On Some Puzzles in the Interpretation of Du Fu’s Shu Xiang
    CHENG Yu-Hei
    2013, 45 (1):  74-78. 
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    In interpreting Du Fu’s Shu Xiang, there have always been some divergences, one of which involves that the expression “pin fan” won’t fit with the whole poem if it is explained as “sorrow and painstaking”. In effect, “pin pan” must be understand as an adjective with the meaning of “frequent”, which won’t contradict “san gu” (visiting three times). The structure that there is no conjunction between the two clauses in the third verse of the poem can be seen in Du Fu’s poetry. The meaning of the second half of the poem is consistent. The connection between the third verse and the last verse is natural. There is no obstruction in meaning at all.
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    Two Paradoxes of Happiness: Income Paradox and Desire Paradox
    FU Hong-Chun, WANG Jin
    2013, 45 (1):  79-86. 
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    There is a formula of happiness: Happiness = income / desire. In order to “maximize happiness”, two completely contrary approaches are possible: one is to maximize the numerator in the formula, i.e., to increase income, whereas the other is to minimize the denominator in the formula, i.e., to lessen desire. The former results in an “income-paradox” (or Easterlin paradox) typically in contemporary West. In contrast, the latter brings out a “desire-paradox”, which can be easy find in ancient China. These two paradoxes can be understood and consequently solved within one framework of economics.
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    Individual Ideas, Collective Ideas and Institutional Transition
    JIANG Wan-Sheng, ZHANG Feng-Zhu
    2013, 45 (1):  87-93. 
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    According to their existing form, ideas fall into two categories: individual ideas and collective ideas. When disseminated to a certain extent, individual ideas turn into collective ones through individual awareness, collective imitation and social opinions. Widely accepted by group members, collective ideas bring free individuals together into a cohesive community. Restraining the behaviors of community members, collective ideas enable community members to conduct consistent actions, which is essential to an institution. The change of collective ideas is the sign of institutional transition, and it can also direct institutional transition. When collective ideas start to change, original institutions will no longer adapt to the changed collective ideas. At this time, institutions and collective ideas will weaken each other, and collective ideas will promote the change of the existing institutions and the birth of new ones
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    The Private Order in Online Transaction: Reputation,Enforceable Contract and Credit Evaluation System
    YIN Hong
    2013, 45 (1):  94-102. 
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    Due to the deficiency of online transaction contracts, the lack of credit reporting system and the imperfection of law, public order could not solve the problem concerning credit in online transaction and the private order concerning reputation has gained wide attention recently. According to the principle of “incentives, coordination and authority”, the private order is analyzed into three kinds: “the spontaneous”, “the intermediary” and “the organized”. An online transaction model is established to theoretically prove the role of private order in preventing moral risk in online transaction. Therefore, according to the three kinds of private order, it is necessary to design and improve external mechanisms to guarantee that the private order plays a stable role in the place of public order to some extent.
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    On Group Contradiction of Urban Inhabitants and Their Interest Expressing Channels in China
    LI Jian-Zhong
    2013, 45 (1):  103-108. 
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    There are a lot of social strata and sub-groups among city inhabitants in China. They have different interest requirements, thus, social management in city has to face interest disputes among different groups, particularly the contradictions between officials and common people, between labor and management, between poor and rich. These interest contradictions are characterized by its complexity and increasing violence. Once an interest dispute arises, most urban inhabitants normally intend to express their interest demands and solve problems in legal ways. However, if these ways are ineffective, inhabitants involved will inevitably seek for expressing channels out of the system, and this may lead to group events. Urban government, social organization and inhabitants ought to jointly pay high attention to it.
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    Knowledge, Institution and Interest: Understanding Chinese Reform from Three Dimensions
    HU Jian
    2013, 45 (1):  109-121. 
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    The past over 30 years has witnessed Chinese reform. However, the debate on the reform has never stopped up to now. This is mainly because different people understand reform in different ways. The ultimate goal of theoretical study is to make the society reach a new consensus in the understanding of reform. However, in recent years, Chinese academic circle tends to overgeneralize Chinese reform with labels such as “Chinese mode” and “Chinese way”. This results in some deviations in understanding the complicate social practice of Chinese reform. China's reform is an innovative process of system transition, which involves lots of issues, including the relation between knowledge stock and knowledge increment, methods of institutional innovation and its efficiency, and the adjustment of social interests. Therefore, we should understand Chinese reform from three dimensions: knowledge, institution and interest. Certainly, to understand the reform is not just to summarize the experience and lessons, but to help Chinese society to understand better the significance and urgency to deepen reform.
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    Norms of Advertising Endorsement: To Learn from American Experience
    YU Lin-Yang
    2013, 45 (1):  122-127. 
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    The criterion for identifying advertising endorsement is that we can discern the endorser’s true identity from the advertising. The essence of advertising endorsement is the commercial use of the personality right and the future of “speaking for the sponsor in public” makes the endorsement easily become the tool of false advertising under the drive of interest. America is the first country that has made norms of advertising endorsement with the duty-oriented idea of legislation. To fully protect the consumers’ interests is the typical character of the norms of advertising endorsement in America. Considering the social policy of protecting consumers’ interests and restricting false advertisements, we should integrate our intricate legal norms and make specific duty-oriented norms.
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    Tobacco Control in Media Reports from the Perspective of Fear Appeal: A Case Study on Reports of Tobacco Control in People’s Daily
    CHEN Hong & HAO Xi-qun
    2013, 45 (1):  128-140. 
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     May 31st, 2012 is the 25th World No Tobacco Day. Tobacco has become one of the most serious public health issues in the world. In order to persuade people to smoke less or quit smoking, the way of fear appeal is commonly used in the media reports. In the past six years’ reports on tobacco control in People’s Daily, the informing strategies are monotone, and the level of using fear appeal is low, which make them fail to achieve the best persuasive effect.
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    On the Shift of the “Sound Changing Point” in Singing Art
    SHI Guo-xin & CAO Xu
    2013, 45 (1):  141-146. 
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    The shift of the “sound changing point” in singing art is one of the important skills in voice changing. However, for a long time people are lack of complete and correct knowledge of it, which causes sidedness and randomness in sound changing. In order to explore the basic law of the shift of the “sound changing point” in singing art, this thesis elaborates the issue from several aspects such as the shift phenomenon of the “sound changing point”, the voice condition of shifting the sound changing point, the restraining factors of shifting the sound changing point, etc.
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    Feminine Voice and Its Power: On Musicological Expression of “Social Gender” in Chinese and Western Cultural Contexts
    ZHONG Fang
    2013, 45 (1):  147-150. 
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    From the perspective of musicology, this thesis takes an overall examination of expressions related to social gender in Chinese and Western cultural contexts, analyzing their relation, similarities and differences. Based on deep elaboration of western theories and deep understanding of the modes and objects of Chinese academic thinking, this thesis tries to probe into the meaning and purpose of the social gender theory for the research of Chinese musical culture.
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