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    15 March 2013, Volume 45 Issue 2 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    On the Advantage and Disadvantage of Transcendental-Pragmatics for Life
    Gunnar Skirbekk
    2013, 45 (2):  1-13. 
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    As the philosophical reflection on presuppositions inherent in speech-act, transcendental-pragmatics has both philosophical and practical significance. In the post-war intellectual constellation, transcendental-pragmatics, as a philosophical response to skepticism and civilization crises, seeks the ground for constructing a modern civilized society. A reasonably revised transcendental-pragmatics is capable to cope with its internal theoretical challenges on the one hand and the change of intellectual and institutional surroundings on the other, and consequently play a positive role in fostering and strengthening a spirit of enlightenment with self-critique and self-consciousness.
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    On the Sinicization of Buddhism and the Relationship among the Three Religions in China
    HONG Xiu-ping and HAN Feng-ming
    2013, 45 (2):  14-21. 
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    The relationship among the three religions, i.e., Buddhism, Confucianism and Taoism, has always been an important issue in the history of Chinese philosophy. Examined in the context of the Sinicization of Buddhism, many significant perspectives of this issue will be understood appropriately. When Buddhism was first introduced into China, it had to depend upon and adapt itself to the local culture of China; then with the development of Buddhism, its conflicts with Confucianism and Daoism emerged; with the gradual communication and fusion among the three religions, sinicized Buddhism characterized by humanity eventually took shape. By analyzing the relationship among the three religions in the historical course of the Sinicization of Buddhism, this thesis attempts to put forward some new points of view and provide some methodological suggestions to the study of the history of Chinese philosophy.
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    Two Concepts of Belief and Their Ideas of Power
    LI Xiang-ping
    2013, 45 (2):  22-32. 
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    Although belief is related to such characteristics as ultimate, transcending and holy, it can be reduced to the construction of a certain holy relation in terms of sociological theory of belief, and based on this “a theory of belief relation” is established, which examines the types of belief practices from the perspective of the relation between god(s) and human beings. In the process of construction, people have not only constructed the forms of belief such as religious belief and folk belief, but also have participated in the construction of mainstream culture and ideology, and finally have constructed a unique field of symbol power. Different belief concepts and different belief types effectively imply different god-human relations and different forms of the construction of the holiness. In terms of the relation between belief and power, there is a distinction between politics of belief and politics of skepticism. In addition, concerning how to construct a belief in justice in modern society, a public and civil belief paradigm, which surpasses both anthropocentric belief and god-centered belief, cannot be constructed until the constitutional democracy is constructed.
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    Religion and Charity, Mirror and Practicing
    LI Tian-gang
    2013, 45 (2):  33-40. 
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    Taking religious institution as a body for charity, this paper deals with some current affairs debating in the field of religious governance. The author suggests that religious institution has been the main body for charity in the history of world and China as well. The religious motivation and practicing has been the origin of charity. Then the paper takes the examples from an Italian Catholic charity organization of Community of Sant’Edegio and a Shanghai Protestant charity group from Pu’an Church to examine the relationship between religion and charity. The author suggests that the charity invested by religious institution should be distinguished as the “fourth section” when sociologists take charity as the “third section”.
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    Reflection on the “Chan Buddhism Fever” in the Late 20th Century
    GU Wei-kang
    2013, 45 (2):  41-45. 
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    The “Chan Buddhism Fever” in 1980s was impacted by the Zen of Suzuki, which was popular in Europe and America at that time. In the particular social and historical conditions, Chan was promoted as an effective medicine with which individuals can perfect their personalities on their own. The rising and spread of “Chan Buddhism Fever” was necessary and reasonable. However, there is still much to do about analyzing the positive and negative aspects of Chan as cultural heritage in cultivating ideal personality and treating the relationship between group and individual so as to serve for the rising of China in the post-modern era.
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    The Ontological Concern of New Confucianism and the Trend of Chinese Philosophy in Future
    JIANG Guo-bao
    2013, 45 (2):  46-51. 
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    Although new Confucianism hasn’t been developed consciously to promote the process of modern Chinese philosophy, its ontological concern does make up the disadvantage of modern Chinese philosophy, that is, jumping over the age of ontology into the age of epistemology. In this manner, modern Confucianism has not only carried forward modern Chinese philosophy objectively, but also revealed the trend of Chinese philosophy in future. In the ontological constructing of Xiong Shili, Fang Dongmei, Feng Youlan, Tang Junyi and Mou Zongsan, we can see the possible trend of Chinese philosophy.
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    Kang Youwei’s Doctrine of Great Unity and World Political Order: A New Philosophical Dream
    LIU Liang-jian
    2013, 45 (2):  52-58. 
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    Kang Youwei develops a theory of world political order in his Book of Great Unity in an age of competing among nation-states. He advocates a world state with great unity to go beyond the separation and conflict among nation-states. Zhao Tingyang echoes Kang Youwei to some degree in his project of tianxia system. A dialogue among Kang Youwei, Zhao Tingyang, Kant, Habermas and Thomas Pogge leads us to have a new understanding of the significance of a world state, which is “a discarded choice” in Kant.
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    GU Zu-zhao
    2013, 45 (2):  59-67. 
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    As the origin of Chinese thought, the Book of Changes has its lasting value. However, the lack of adequate knowledge of the particularity of the Book of Changes as the remains of primeval culture has resulted in frequent misunderstandings and misjudgments in its study. The perspective of cultural anthropology and poetics can help us critically think over such issues as whether Confucius wrote the Commentaries on the Book of Changes, whether the Commentaries were factually written after the Book, which school the Book of Changes belonged to, and who wrote the Book of Changes. With this perspective and method, a new prospect will open up for the study of the Book of Changes as well as Chinese literature in the Pre-Qin period.
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    The Transfer of the Institute of History and Philology to Taiwan and the Academic Construction of Humanities in Taiwan in 1950-60s
    HU Feng-xiang
    2013, 45 (2):  68-80. 
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    There is no doubt that it was the transfer of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica to Taiwan in the end of 1948 that has triggered the academic construction of humanities in modern Taiwan. This article is a fairly complete investigation into this process as well as its influence. Complicated mentalities and situations of the members of the Institute during this transfer are explored in detail. On the other hand, academic activities of the Institute in Taiwan are discussed with main focuses on archeology, ethnology and the influence of using methods of positivism.
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    From “Sinicization” to “Localization”: An Investigation of the “Sinicization” Movement in Social Sciences in Taiwan from the Perspective of Academic History
    WANG Dong
    2013, 45 (2):  81-91. 
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    In early 1980s, a “Sinicization” movement in social sciences was set off in the academic circle in Taiwan. It was first initiated by scholars of sociology, psychology and anthropology, but soon spread throughout the whole circle of social sciences and became the most important academic movement in modern Taiwan. Those important academic subjects brought out during the movement have been also the hot issues studied, discussed and argued continuously in Taiwan’s academic circle for the last 30 years. What’s more, this academic movement was later transformed from “Sinicization” to “localization” with the powerful intervene of various political and ideological forces in Taiwan society, and eventually intersected and overlapped with the “localization” movement in social and political areas. From the perspective of academic history, this thesis is aimed to systematically examine the detailed process of the movement and to analyze the internal and external causes of its transformation from “Sinicization” to “localization” and furthermore to discuss its academic value and experience.
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    The Change of Liberal Economics in the 20th Century in China
    HE Zhuo-eng & LI Xiao-bo
    2013, 45 (2):  92-97. 
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    In modern Chinese, literalism is related to socialism at political and intellectual levels. Intellectually, the change of this relationship can be seen from the perspective of literal economics. When literalism was first introduced into China in the early ten years in the 20th century, the relation between literalism and socialism was external and there was no literal economics. In the following forty years, literalism absorbed social values of fairness and justice into its economic policy, seeking “political democracy and economic equality”. In the second half of 20th century, literalism was remnant in Taiwan, and literal economics trended to turn to liberal economy. Meanwhile, liberal economy was paid more and more attention for its importance to democratic politics. The literalism that immerged in mainland China in the late 20th century echoed this trend. This change had its social and historical causes at home and abroad and was also related to the role of thinkers as well as their thought resources.
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    On the Government Action and Its Practical Significance during the Evolution of Guan Gong Culture
    WU Xiao-feng
    2013, 45 (2):  98-103. 
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    The ideas such as “loyalty, rightness, benevolence, wisdom, honesty and courageousness” advocated in Guan Gong culture not only include oriental Confucian moral values but also are similar to some extent to the values such as “truth, good, beauty, fairness, justice and freedom” in Western philosophy. In the evolution of Guan Gong culture, the ruling class played an important role. To remold national core value system, which is essential to the construction of a harmonious society, the government should function as the leading promoter and executor in recalling the memory of common people and renovating traditional culture. Advocating Guan Gong culture guided by the government is conducive not only to the reconstructing of a socialist core value system but also to the re-rising of Chinese culture in the stage of the world.
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    Loess Plateau, Steamed Bun, Breasts and Tombs: On the Images and their Implication in A Hungry Village
    XIA Zhong-yi
    2013, 45 (2):  104-111. 
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    Reading Prof. Wang Zhiliang’s long novel A Hungry Village is like appreciating a great play. When the stage curtain is open, at least three aspects worthy of attention: the beautiful setting, the framework of the story and the role performance, which are connected to each other on the one hand and different from each other on the other. The narrative factors which are still thrilling up to now are not constructive to the overall structure of the novel. They are only like glistening fibers woven into the bedding (the background of the story).The story is painstakingly arranged in another framework, namely, the overall poetical context crisscrossed with the images of “loess plateau, steamed bun, breasts and tombs” and the historical deliberation implied in this poetical context.
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    Modernity of the Modern Old-style Poetry: On the Poetry Creation of Zhao Puchu
    ZHOU Ping & BAI Li-na
    2013, 45 (2):  112-119. 
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    China is always a country of poetry. Since the May 4th New Cultural Movement, especially since 1949, the “old style poetry” has almost disappeared in the narration of “the history of modern literature” because of the dominant doctrine that “the history of modern Chinese literature is the history of the development of new literature”. But as a matter of fact, while the new style poetry developed vigorously, the creation of different kinds of old style poetry had not ever stopped, and the old style poetry embodied its own unique value in the 20th century. The poetry written by Zhao Puchu, a later Buddhist leader, is a good example. Zhao wrote over 2000 works including various types of old style poetry and antithetical couplet in his life. Due to his continuous innovation in the style and content, his poetry displays another kind of modernity different from that in the new style poetry, namely, “the poeticization of daily life” and “the aestheticization of religious life”. Therefore, we can conclude that the old style poetry, as far as its surviving in modern times and its modern artistic spirit is concerned, do have its “modernity”. They should not be neglected in the history of modern Chinese literature in the 20th century.
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    Narrative, Rhetoric and Time: On the Rhetoric of Repeating in Cao Naiqian’s Novels
    HAN Lei
    2013, 45 (2):  120-124. 
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    Cao Naiqian’s novels have a distinctive language style. A great amount of repeating rhetoric is one of its characteristics. His repeating rhetoric has excellent effect on pushing forward the development of stories, revealing the subjects of poverty and ignorance, containing psychological implication in behaviors and displaying a special idea of time. It helps to reach a high level in the discourse model and narrative model. Moreover, repeating rhetoric implies the author’s concept of Chinese villages as a pre-modern place: time in Chinese villages is stagnant or circulatory, and rural peoples in the bottom of society are fatefully within the cycle of poverty and ignorance. This one-sided denial of the oriental civilization constitutes a serious disadvantage of the author’s position, which is originated from a blind worship of the western civilization.
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    A Comparative Study of the Modal Particle Ye in Notitia Lingae Sinicae and Ma’s Grammar
    LIU Ya-hui
    2013, 45 (2):  125-130. 
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    A comparative study of the descriptions of the modal particle ye in Notitia Lingae Sinicae written by French missionary Joseph de Prémare and those in Ma’s Grammar shows that Joseph de Prémare was the first scholar in the history of Chinese grammar who described the modal particle ye comprehensively from the perspective of grammar in 1728 and the descriptions of ye in Ma’s Grammar were not beyond Prémare’s framework. As for the methodology, Prémare mainly combined grammar and rhetoric based on the particularity of Chinese language. This comparative study also shows different concepts of grammar in eastern and western scholars.
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    The Problems and Countermeasures of the Government Budget with Chinese Characteristics
    LIU Xiao-chuan
    2013, 45 (2):  131-135. 
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    The government budget with Chinese Characteristics is featured by highly centralized financial authority, strong flexibility and powerful administrative guidance, which has played an important role in increasing the national strength at the early stage of China’s economic system reform. But in recent years, some problems concerning the government budget with Chinese Characteristics has emerged, such as budget deficit crisis, striving for interests against people, lacking of coordination with the development of enterprises, etc. All of these are harmful to our social-economic development. Therefore, it is urgent to amend the Budget Law to construct a feasible framework of the government budget with Chinese Characteristics and establish its disclosure and supervision system on the basis of taking an objective and comprehensive view of the government budget.
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    Which has more impact on Analysts’ Investment Rating: Broker’ Interests or Information Advantage?
    FENG Ti-yi
    2013, 45 (2):  136-144. 
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    Taking broker as the research object, we get 63388 investment rating samples for 1597 domestic A shares made by 2805 analysts employed by 111 brokers in order to test the affection of broker’ interests and information advantage on the information contents and the optimism degree of analysts’ rating and market reaction. The results show that analysts’ rating for brokers’ self-trading stocks and institution investors’ heavy-holding stocks have less information contents and are more optimistic due to the conflicts of interests; underwriting relationship can’t add information contents; reputation has more pressure on individual analysts while less on brokers; star analysts provide superior recommendations; geography adjacent to headquarter location adds information contents; the market does react to investment rating. All these conclusions can be used to screen investment ratings, thus helping to protect the interests of investors.
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    Research on the Perceived Value of the Second-hand Electronic Products in Shanghai
    LV Jun & CHEN Hua
    2013, 45 (2):  145-149. 
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    With the increasing demand for a better environment, the concept of low-carbon and green life style has been popularized and filtered into people’s minds. Although the research on second-hand market is increasing, far less work has been down in empirical field than in academic one. This thesis selects the second-hand market of electronic products in Shanghai as the subject, makes hypotheses of research and designs questionnaires in the survey, and makes descriptive statistics analyses of 232 effective questionnaires with parameter evaluation and hypothesis investigation of regression model. The result shows that the key factors to affect the perceived value are brand, purchasing risk and environmental awareness. Therefore, we should attach importance to brand constructing, reduce customers’ purchasing risk and improve customers’ environmental awareness so as to promote the construction of the second-hand electronic products market in Shanghai.
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