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    15 May 2013, Volume 45 Issue 3 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    On John Fryer’s “Movement of Writing Up-to-day Novels”
    CHEN Da-kang
    2013, 45 (3):  1-14. 
    Abstract ( 1094 )   HTML ( 234 )   PDF (909KB) ( 2859 )   Save
    The “Movement of Writing Up-to-day Novels” initiated by English Missionary John Fryer has always received high evaluation in the research of novels in modern times. By analyzing John Fryer’s articles for soliciting and the articles he received, this thesis is aimed to reveal that this movement was quite religious, most of the authors who participated in this activity were Christians, most of the articles they wrote were not novels and consequently this movement did not have great influence on the development of novels in modern times and was not related to the “new novels” thereafter. However, these articles have a high value as historical documents, from which we can know about the thoughts and activities of foreign missionaries, the operation of religious organizations in different areas, the psychologies of Christians, the middle and lower classes’ understanding of the current situation and future of the nation and their understanding of literature, etc.
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    A Tentative Study on the Improved Novel Press
    SU Liang
    2013, 45 (3):  15-19. 
    Abstract ( 1296 )   HTML ( 60 )   PDF (557KB) ( 2790 )   Save
    The Improved Novel Press was founded in 1908, the last year of Emperor Guangxu’s reign. It published about a hundred of books of novels. This volume was merely smaller than that of the Commercial Press and Novel Forest Press in the history of novels in the late Qing Dynasty. Among its published novels, 80% are original works. No other publishing house of its contemporary had issued so many original novels. Due to the difficulty in collecting and obtaining documents, the Improved Novel Press has been rarely mentioned in the academic circle for many years. Therefore, it is necessary to collect related materials completely in order to make a systemic examination of the rising, development and decline of the Improved Novel Press and the features of its published novels.
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    An Interpretation of Mo Sou (Collected Essays on Calligraphy) of the Tang Dynasty from the Perspective of Folklore
    CHANG Yun-he
    2013, 45 (3):  20-25. 
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    Mo Sou (Collected Essays on Calligraphy) of the Tang Dynasty has been misinterpreted all the time: some claim it is vulgar, others believe it was written by the great calligraphy master Wang Xizhi. Taking advantage of the research findings of modern folklore, this thesis probes into the issues such as the author of Mo Sou, its completion process, the features of its writing technique teachings and its social background and finds out that Mo Sou was not completed in a short time by a single author. In fact, it was added, improved and eventually finalized to be its extant version during the popular spreading in the Tang Dynasty. Its writing technique teachings are as same as those of folk arts and crafts and characterized by being systemic, confidential and mysterious. The appearance of Mo Sou was closely related to the demands for writing in classic copying, imperial examination system and political administration in the Tang Dynasty.
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    The Theme of Han Yu’s “Preface of Seeing off Li Yuan, Who Is Returning to Pangu”: Analysis and Correction
    Shao Ming-zhen
    2013, 45 (3):  26-31. 
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    As a masterpiece in the history of ancient Chinese essays, Han Yu’s “Preface of Seeing off Li Yuan, Who Is Returning to Pangu” has been always highly evaluated. It is believed that its theme is to praise hermits’ pleasure of living in mountain and forests, satirize arrogant people of higher status as well as those who shamelessly serve them and abandon themselves to power and money. However, a careful reading of the “Preface”, together with an examination in the context of Han Yu’s thoughts and life, shows that the common understanding of the essay is improper. In other words, “praising” and “revealing” are not Han Yu’s real intention.
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    Liang Qichao’s Rediscovery of the Lyric Tradition in Chinese Literature in 1920s
    ZHANG Guan-fu
    2013, 45 (3):  32-37. 
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    In the context of the New Culture Movement, Liang Qi-chao corrected his position in earlier years of emphasizing reforming Chinese literature by learning from European literature with an undervaluation of traditional Chinese literature, especially the orthodox literature of poetry. He gave a new analysis and interpretation of the history of Chinese poetry in the frame of studies of ancient Chinese civilization. He argued that the lyric spirit is the fundamental spirit of Chinese literature. In clarifying and explicating the profound lyric tradition in ancient China, he spoke highly of Qu Yuan, Tao Yuan-ming and Du Fu because of their personalities and poetic achievements. Liang Qi-chao rediscovered the lyrical tradition in Chinese literature so as to take it as an important resource and paradigm for the construction of new literature and new culture. Here we will find some disagreement and dialogues between Liang and the mainstream discourse in the New Culture Movement and literary revolution.
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    On the Heritage of Marx’s Concept of State
    ZHANG Wen-xi
    2013, 45 (3):  38-45. 
    Abstract ( 1171 )   HTML ( 14 )   PDF (479KB) ( 2425 )   Save
    To explain a concept of state based on historical situations is better and more precise than from perspective of instrumentalism or expressionism. This thesis attempts to recognize the heritage of Marx in the intellectual history, clarify Marx’s concept of state in the tradition of Marxism and the tradition of western thought in general, and understand clearly the features and connotations of Marx’s concept of state. Hereby we recognize the relation between the self and history, and, more importantly, prevent the arbitrary dispelling of the self so as to transform the “personal” control to the “interdependence of united individuals”.
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    Rethinking of the Three Mistakes in the Study of “Post-Marxism”
    SUN Liang
    2013, 45 (3):  46-51. 
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    It is difficult to define the real connotations of post-Marxist and post-Marxist. Some scholars in China accept the view of J. Geras and Wood. Concerning this view, we should return to the methodology of “criticizing the premise of theoretical thinking” and then to reflect on such three questions: Should we give priority to the standards of “historical materialism” or the regression to the “democratic” context? How can we define the operation platform and the methodological limits of “post-modernism”? Post-Marxism has no theoretical contribution or we should “reasonably evaluate” its contribution to the innovation in the research paradigm of historical materialism? Obviously, after clarifying all the above-mentioned questions, we will find theoretical flaws in current study of “post-Marxism”. It is necessary to rethink the reasonability of the research paradigm of post-Marxism so as to promote the research on post-Marxism of Laclau and Mouffe.
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    On the Classical Pragmatism from the Perspective of Fallibilism (By ZHANG Liu-hua)
    ZHANG Liu-hua
    2013, 45 (3):  52-59. 
    Abstract ( 1076 )   HTML ( 15 )   PDF (469KB) ( 1900 )   Save
    In the revival of pragmatism, a perplexing problem is how to get the point of the pragmatic maxim. This paper argues that falliblism is the kernel of pragmatism at least in the classical sense, and wherein pragmatism offers an appropriate conception of normativity against the prevalent logic of dogmatism or of scepticism.
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    On Rorty’s Anti-essential Ethics and the Issue of Relativism
    KONG Wen-qing
    2013, 45 (3):  60-66. 
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    Through discussing Rotry’s pragmatist epistemology and ethics, this thesis examines the reason why Rotry’s anti-essential ethics is always labeled as relativism, and how he responds to this critique. Moreover, the thesis further discusses the issue that the virtue ethics is labeled as relativism as well. This critique is of no significance since it is built on essentialism.
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    Three Kinds of Discourse of Daoist Liberalism
    CAI Zhi-dong
    2013, 45 (3):  67-73. 
    Abstract ( 1429 )   HTML ( 18 )   PDF (506KB) ( 2405 )   Save
    Daoist liberalism has obviously been an intellectual tendency in China’s society since the 20th century. To foster liberalism in the cultural soil of traditional Daoism, Daoist liberalism has developed three kinds of discourses: firstly, political liberalism, which put forward an argument from the idea of wuwei in Daoism that the ruling class should control its action on one hand, and respect the political subjectivity of people on the other; secondly, tiandao-liberalism, which equates the idea of tiandao (Dao of Nature) in Daoism with the Western concept of the law of nature; thirdly, a comprehensive liberalism based on spiritual freedom stressed by Zhangzi and other philosophers of Daoism, which helps to solve the weakness of political literalism in the construction of spiritual world. Which insights and blind spots are included in these arguments? Is Daoist liberalism possible? This thesis tries to answer these questions.
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    A Tentative Study on the Legal Independence in Modern China
    WANG Li-min
    2013, 45 (3):  74-81. 
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    This article is divided into four parts. The first part discusses some general issues concerning the legal independence in modern China, which includes the definition of legal independence, its relationship with regime and sovereignty and its transformation during the Opium War. The second to the fourth parts cover other legal problems closely related to consular jurisdiction, concession, Hongkong and Macao in modern China. The discussion involves the immediate causes of China’s loss in legal independence and the consequences thereof as well as China’s efforts and achievements in restoring its legal independence.
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    The Truth and Proposition in Law: Review On Patterson’s Law and Truth
    SHAN Feng & CHEN Kun
    2013, 45 (3):  82-91. 
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    A great variety of propositions of law are used in legal practice. Does a proposition of law have its true value? What does it mean to say that a proposition of law is true? In answering these questions, Patterson criticizes legal formalism of Ernest Weinrib, moral realism of Michael Moore, semantics theory of David Brink, legal positivism of Hart and Dworkin and law interpretation theory of Stanley Fish. Moreover, combining the “modalities” (forms of argument) that Philip Bobbitt raised in constitutional interpretation and W. V. Quine’s “maxim of minimum mutilation”, he puts forward his own theory of propositions of law and explains the possibility of knowledge in legal field. Patterson also emphasizes the autonomous feature of the legal system and the judicial practice as well.
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    The Institutional Obstacles in the Rehabilitation of Special Population and Their Countermeasures
    WANG Rui-shan
    2013, 45 (3):  92-96. 
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    Special population’s most obvious symbol is their special social experience and living status. Some of them (such as the mental patients) lack competence, others have special social experience (such as a penalty). They have certain difficulties in adapting or returning to normal social life, and hence need special care and help from the society. This article focuses on the institutional obstacles, as well as their causes, for special population to return back to their normal social life, and put forwards suggestions about how to eliminate these obstacles and construct the management and service system of special population.
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    On the Narrative Structure of Zuo Zhuan and Its “Implication” Based on the Historical Facts during the Reigns of Duke Yin and Duke Huang: An Interpretation of Zuo Zhuan from the Perspective of Historical Aesthetics (Part Ⅰ)
    LU Xin-sheng
    2013, 45 (3):  97-109. 
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    Zuo Zhuan (Zuo’s Commentary on Spring and Autumn) is not only a “classic” but also the only book of “history” in the “thirteen classics”. As the origin and source of Chinese historical writing, Zuo Zhuan implies “historical aesthetics”, which not only has had a profound influence on the development of Chinese historical writing, but also will help us overcome the absence of human beings in the shadow of things in current historical study.
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    On the Formative Education in the First Years of the Republic of China: A Case Study on Republic Textbooks Issued by the Commercial Press
    QU Jun
    2013, 45 (3):  110-115. 
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    The establishment of new style school institutions and the vigorous rising of “printing capitalism” provided strong motivation of creating blended education system at that time. Moreover, the sudden occurrence of the Revolution of 1911 had solidified and deepened this education system. Textbooks, the core of this education system, had played an important role in the transformation of the formative education system in the first years of the Republic of China. The complexity of the compiling process of these textbooks and the richness of their forms and contents reflect multi-aspects of the formative education, as well as the society as a whole, in the first years of the Republic of China.
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    Evolution of Gender-based Division of Labor in Rural Areas: A Case Study on Tangcun Village in Northern Hu’nan Province in the Collectivization Period
    LI Bin
    2013, 45 (3):  116-120. 
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    In the Collectivization Period, the gender-based division of labor in rural areas experienced a change from “men working in the fields while women sitting at the loom” and “men responsible for external affairs while women responsible for internal affairs” to both men and women engaged in farming work. At the beginning of the Period, rural women were still engaged in traditional handicraft and subsidiary production. In order to solve the shortage of labor force in agriculture, young women were mobilized to participate in farming work. Women’s involvement in productive work will advance their emancipation- this is essential to the idea of women’s emancipation in China. However, women’s participation in farming work did not achieve gender equality, which the ideology had promised. There is no causality between women’s participate in farming work and their emancipation.
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    On the Differentiation of Housing Price to Income Ratio in Chinese Cities
    DING Zu-yu
    2013, 45 (3):  121-127. 
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    As an important index that measures whether the housing price matches people’s income, housing price to income ratio has strong regional characteristics. The housing price to income ratio varies in China’s different cities. This thesis uses the rank-size analysis method to study the major trends of housing price to income ratio of 287 Chinese cities from 2006 to 2010, and then uses the principal component analysis and cluster analysis methods to divide Chinese Cities into five types and analyzes the detail of this ratio in each type city. The result shows that: (1) The differentiation of housing price to income ratio in Chinese Cities shows a trend of expansion from 2006 to 2010, and big cities’ ratios rose more obviously. (2) From the first-tier cities to the fourth tier cities, housing price to income ratio showed a downward trend; (3) Resource-based cities’ housing price to income ratio was between the third-tier cities and fourth-tier cities. (4) Regression analysis shows that urbanization rate had positive influences on housing price to income ratio, but GDP had weak positive influence.
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    The Relationship between Real Estate and Financial Industries Based on I-O Model: Empirical Research on the Case of Yangtze River Delta
    XIE Fu-quan & HUANG Jun-hui
    2013, 45 (3):  128-136. 
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    It is crucial to quantize the relationship between real estate and financial industries and to make countermeasures against existing drawbacks for their development. Taking Yangtze River Delta as an example, using the input-output analysis to quantize the relationship between real estate and financial industries, and comparing with that in different countries, we find that in this area, real estate industry depends too much on financial industry; the dependency is much above the international level; and to some extent, the correlation between real estate industry, financial industry and construction industry has some unreasonable factors, which lead to weaken the relationship between real estate industry and construction industry. Also, real estate industry has too weak connections with itself. There are some differences among provinces in Yangtze River Delta, and causes of these differences are complicated. In the long term, in order to solve the above-mentioned problems in or even beyond Yangtze River Delta, we should start from two directions: one is “reform and innovation”, the other is “risk precaution”.
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    Theoretical Model and Empirical Analysis of Early Warning on Shanghai’s Real Estate Market
    WANG Sheng, DI Qing & BAI Yu-chen
    2013, 45 (3):  137-144. 
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    The fluctuation of real estate market will perplex other sections and even the whole national economy. Therefore, the early warning of this fluctuation is very important. Combining the method of forecasting through statistical fitting and the 6-sigma early warning method, this paper selects key indexes of price, sales volume, investment and coordination degree in Shanghai’s real estate market to fit into the established model. The result shows that there is difference in the price affection model among several sub-markets in Shanghai. While the comparative price ratio of outside-ring district was mainly related with sales rather than investment factors, the comparative price ratio of inner-middle districts was more related with the matter of supply-demand and reasonable investment ratio. Thus, we can make respective forecasting models, alarming statistics, and early warning control charts reflecting the reality.
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    The Fair Distribution of Public Rental Housing: A Case Study on the Netherlandish Mode and Its Inspiration
    HU Jin-xing & CHEN Jie
    2013, 45 (3):  145-150. 
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    Fair distribution is the lifeblood of public rental housing allocation, which includes five dimensions such as allocation criteria justice, allocation process justice, information justice, interactional justice and distributive justice. The governments of the Netherlands have focused on the fair distribution of public rental housing since the end of the World War II, and have taken successively the distribution model and the choice-based letting model to improve the fair distribution. The Dutch experience provides inspiration for us in this field. The public rental housing allocation should adhere to the principle of fair distribution and should advance systematically fair distribution from the following five aspects: distribution mechanism, distribution system, distribution institution, distribution operation scheme and housing allowance system.
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