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    15 July 2013, Volume 45 Issue 4 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    Restoration Study on the Reading Method and Meaning of the Original Linear Text of The Zhou Book of Changes
    FU Hui-sheng
    2013, 45 (4):  1-14. 
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    Confucius, in his understanding of The Zhou Book of Changes, took the linear text as the source domain to elaborate its philosophy, while the linear text was the target domain of the sixty-four hexagram system as the source domain. Therefore, the linear text became a double face mirror. After Confucius, people continued his way of elaboration, and formulated “the three two-line reading model” in The Appendices to The Zhou Book of Changes. Therefore, the original “two three-line reading model” as the historian-sorcerer’s method went into oblivion, and the original textural meanings became vague and fragmental. The later exposition and the annotation of the linear text up to now have long been unable to be close and appropriate to the original. In the perspective of history, before the sixties of the twentieth century, it was unimaginable to restore the original reading model and the textual meaning, even though many scholars tried hard. Now the development of linguistic philosophy and linguistics, especially the philosophy in the flesh and the cognitive linguistics, makes it possible for us to apply these knowledge and methods to the archaeological reading and study of the original text. Possibly some words in the text were revised or added for omissions in the past, but on the whole, the original method and meaning of the linear text have been basically restored through four steps: the two-trigram structure, vertical and horizontal image lines, dynamic holistic-partial integrated analysis and cultural and thinking characteristic analysis. The restored linear text demonstrates the three characteristics recorded in The Zuo’s Commentary on The Spring and Autumn Annals: changing images, Ji Dan’s virtue and the ideological foundation of hegemony of the Zhou Dynasty.
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    A New Study on the Recognition Parameters of the Inquiring Act
    CHEN Jia-xuan
    2013, 45 (4):  15-19. 
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    The tone of speaking has a function of speech act. Inquiring is an important tone and its basic function is “acquiring information”. Inquiring is not only related to a declarative act of “giving information”, but also related to an imperative act, which is act-demanding, and a promising act, which is act-giving. Then, how can we identify a certain speech act as inquiring? Besides the acceptable formal marks such as interrogative intonation, pronouns, patterns, and modal particles, there are other recognition parameters of the inquiring act: interrogative auxiliary word, single-noun sentence, incomplete sentence, contextual position, especially “punctuation” and the structure of adjacent pair.
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    The Coherence of the Narrative at a Court Trial: A Cognitive Schemata Perspective
    YU Su-qing
    2013, 45 (4):  20-26. 
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    Due to the complicated narrative process of a court trial, the coherence of the narrative presents complexity and multilayer. Previous researchers have focused on its chronological sequencing, logic sequencing, and thematic sequencing. Since any narrative act involves an exchange of information, an analysis of the coherence of the narrative at a court trial from the perspective of the prototype and its variations in cognitive schemata is conducive to the understanding of the fundamental features of the narrative at a court trial.
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    Language Expectation and Language Variation in Rural Areas in the Process of Urbanization: Based on an Investigation of Huaxi Dialect Pronunciation
    Xiong Xianghua
    2013, 45 (4):  27-33. 
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    According to social linguistics, the transformation of a dialect is mainly restricted by social conditions such as population migration, the division of administrative regions and geographical environment on the one hand and by psychological factors such as language attitude and language emotion on the other. The investigation of the pronunciation transformation of Huaxi dialect in Guiyang shows that other elements, together with the above-mentioned factors, play an important role. The popularity of the mass media, which mainly uses mandarin, and the popularization of education in schools, which takes mandarin as the campus language, are more important social elements. In the process of urbanization, people’s language expectation deriving from their life expectation is an important psychological element in the pronunciation transformation of a dialect.
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    Opening the Transcendent Perspective of “Being”: Overcoming the Misunderstanding in the Study of Parmenides’ Philosophy
    ZHONG Jin
    2013, 45 (4):  34-40. 
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    Hegel led the study of Parmenides’ philosophy into a wrong path. He neglected the metaphysical nature of philosophy in his understanding of the concept of “Being”. It ought to be an inescapable duty for all historians of philosophy to take on the metaphysical perspective so as to probe into the deep implications of Parmenides in philosophy and the history of philosophy as well. This will make it clear that without the transcendent perspective, ontology, as an essential part of philosophy, will also lead to a wrong path.
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    Is There “Transparent White”?: Philosophical Significance of Late Wittgenstein’s Remarks on Colour
    JIANG Yu-hui
    2013, 45 (4):  41-48. 
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    Remarks on Colour is no doubt one of the most controversial manuscripts of later Wittgenstein. To fully comprehend its profound but sometimes intricate arguments, we need to put it back into the overarching development of his thinking, that is, from Tractatus to Investigation and beyond. If the aporia of “colour exclusion” can be considered as the main motivation leading to the rupture of his early system, the indeterminacy of colour percept/concept which was originally proposed as a feasible solution has also some implicit meaning within its context. With the contributions from contemporary colour science, this thesis intends to bring this meaning to light.
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    The Change of “the Other” behind the Theory of “Hermeneutic Circle”
    SONG Jian
    2013, 45 (4):  49-53. 
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    “The other” is related to both epistemological difference and ontological externality. In the stage of “words-text” and “text-historical context”, “the other” as epistemological difference received universal attention, and correspondingly, hermeneutic was regarded as the skill or art to understand “the other”. In the stage of “tradition-the subject in understanding”, “the other” as ontological externality became evident. It is clear that the benign development of the hermeneutic circle demands seeking common ground with “the other” at the epistemological level on the one hand, and reserving differences with “the other” at the ontological level on the other. It remains as a difficult theoretical problem for hermeneutics to keep the balance of these two levels.
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    The Compromise between Socialism and Consumerism in China
    GE Kai
    2013, 45 (4):  54-60. 
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    How did the consumerism survive under the ideology of communism in China in 1950s? Consumerism continued to exist in a society with a different ideology after 1949. What were policies behind this continuity? What was the international influence from other socialist countries? Through examining the advertisements in 1950s, this thesis aims to illustrate that there were various continuities, rather than sharp breakage, in the societies around 1949. This can help us understand why consumerism re-flourished in a sudden moment in China after the practice of reform and opening up policy. This study can also be seen as a response to the changed international trend in the research of Chairman Mao’s, that is, from studying what had been changed to studying what had been inherited in Chairman Mao’s time.
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    The Jiaozhou Bay Incident: Its Origin, Negotiation and Crux
    MA Yong
    2013, 45 (4):  55-61. 
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    The Jiaozhou Bay Incident occurred in the end of 1897 had a great impact on China’s historical course after the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895. It brought a great test for the reform movement which was just initiated at that time. Young intellectuals such as Kang Youwei and Tan Sitong generally believed that China had fallen into a crisis of life and death. With reference to new and old documents, a careful analysis of the sequence of events, cause and effect of the Jiaozhou Bay Incident will reveal that there was little political hue of this incident. Germany had intention to set up a naval base in China so as to effectively protect its benefits in the Far East and its investment in China and seek the counter-balance with big powers. The Chinese government didn’t absolutely reject the requirement of Germany, but it had not found a win-win solution to this issue.
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    A New Study on Civil Litigation in the Han Dynasty
    ZHANG Zhao-yang
    2013, 45 (4):  62-71. 
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    The valuable documents of three cases excavated from Juyan, that is, “Kou En Case”, “Zhao Xuan Case” and the “Dead Foal Case”, are crucial for the study on civil litigation in the Han Dynasty. However, it has always been controversial in their interpretations: Does “Kou En Case” show that the Han government tended to penalize civil affairs? Why the repayment demanded in “Zhao Xuan Case” did not match the debts? And what is the nature of the sentence in the “Dead Foal Case”? With a thorough analysis of the bamboo slips of Juyan in the Han Dynasty and a comparative study of similar cases, we find that the Han government did not tend to penalize civil affairs, the mismatching of the repayment and debts in “Zhao Xuan Case” is a false impression caused by the wrong estimation of times of dun for debts, and the sentence of the “Dead Foal Case” is mainly civil in nature. Furthermore, we can discern the noticeable features of civil litigation in the Han Dynasty in the light of The Statutes and Ordinances of the Second Year excavated from Zhangjiashan, Hubei Province. These features show that civil litigation was obviously different from criminal litigation, and civil litigation had entered the advanced stage of being heard according to the law.
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    On UNESCO and OECD’s Discourses about Equal Access to Education
    DOU Wei-lin
    2013, 45 (4):  72-81. 
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    As an important foundation of social fairness, equal access to education has been paid much attention by international organizations. UNESCO and OECD, the two typical and influential international organizations, issued a series of educational reports concerning equal access to education, which have deepened the understanding of equal access to education and influenced the educational policies in each country. With an analysis of related reports on equal access to education of these two international organizations, this thesis reveals the similarities and differences of these two international organizations in their understandings and policies of equal access to education, as well as what China can learn from them.
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    On the Formation of China’s Image in the Field of Climate Change from the Perspective of International Communication
    ZHANG Li-jun
    2013, 45 (4):  82-87. 
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    China hopes to build an image of a responsible country in the field of climate change, but the reality is far from this. China suffers from many negative labels, which have formed an international image of China as a climate threat. From the perspective of international communication, the image of “China as a climate threat” results from several elements, including the cooperation of diversified international communication bodies, the common transmission of diversified channels, and the adopted transmission ways fit to international public emotions and ethics. That China pays attention to this fact, builds an appropriate model of foreign communication and fights for China’s discourse power in climate diplomacy is the key to eliminating the rumor that China is a climate threat and reshaping China’s moral image in the field of climate change.
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    Three Dimensions of the Communist Party of China’s Doctrine of Fairness
    SONG Jin
    2013, 45 (4):  88-94. 
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    In the broad sense, fairness can be divided into fairness of the starting point, fairness of the course and fairness of the result. The doctrine of fairness of the CPC (Communist Party of China) includes all these three kinds of fairness. The CPC regards fairness of the socio-political system as the fairness of the starting point and as the precondition of the realization of social fairness. With regards to fairness of the course, the CPC emphasizes the crucial role of administrating by law in the realization of fairness, regarding administrating g by law as the basic guarantee for the realization of fairness of the course. Concerning fairness of the result, the CPC devotes itself to keeping the balance between fairness and efficiency, regarding the maintaining of people’s well-being as the basic method to promote fairness of the result. Respectively concerning social and political institution, fundamental state policy and fairness of distribution, Fairness of the starting point, fairness of the course and fairness of the result form the three dimensions of the CPC’s doctrine of fairness.
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    Transcending the “Dualistic Predicaments”: Marx’s Analysis of Social Structure and Its Methodological Feature
    DU Yu-hua
    2013, 45 (4):  95-101. 
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    Structural analysis is an important construction for Marx to solve the “historical puzzle” and create his theory of social structure. Unfortunately, for a long time, there have been various predicaments of “binary oppositions” in all kinds of Western theoretical analyses of social structure. As a result, although the analysis of social structure was used widely, a tradition of scientific and efficient methodologies has not been formed in fact. In this regard, we should return to Marxist classical tradition. By studying Marx’s analysis of social structure, we find that Marx’s method of structural analysis, which is characterized by the unity of totality and individuality, abstractness and concreteness, stability and dynamic, objectivity and subjectivity, will help us transcend traditional predicaments of “binary oppositions”.
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    The Establishment of Aboriginal Consultative Organization in the Period of Whitlam Regime
    WANG Shi-ming
    2013, 45 (4):  102-110. 
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    In 1960s-1970s, the positive change of Australian policy towards aboriginals is closely related to the daily loosening of the “White Australia Policy”. In early 1970s, when Gough Whitlam held high the banner of reform and promoted the multi-cultural policy, Australian aboriginals met an unprecedented opportunity of changing their own fate. When the labor party regarded “autonomy” as the direction and aim of the reform of the policy towards aboriginals, the National Aboriginal Consultative Committee was established, which was the first step of the reform. The establishment of this organization to some extent reflects the fact that aboriginals as a whole hope to influence the policies of the government. However, due to the restricts of objective conditions, this organization, which has merely symbolic meaning rather than real influence, cannot play the expected role.
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    Evaluation and Forecast of BRICS Cooperation
    NIU Hai-bin
    2013, 45 (4):  111-117. 
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    With the deepening of BRICS’ cooperation, there are controversies about the prospect of BRICS’ cooperation, especially the arguments that the unity of BRICS will break, the unity is unworkable or have a conflicting agenda with the West. At the end of the first round of summit meetings of BRICS, it is conductive to the sound development of BRICS’ cooperation to understand the significance and prospect of BRICS’ cooperation properly. The past five years’ cooperation has proved that BRICS is an emerging force with an open, progressive and cooperative spirit. Its cooperation foundation has been consolidated, its cooperation mechanism has been deepened and its influence has benefits the world as a whole. How to integrate the influence of BRICS to current international institutions has become the key to the construction of an effective global governing system. In order to achieve a better prospect of BRICS’ cooperation, we need to improve the global governing system in a gradual way, which demands deepened internal cooperation among BRICS members and the cooperation spirit among leading powers as well. Which role will China play in BRICS cooperation? This is a crucial question.
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    Globalization of Chinese Brand and the Brand Strategy of Embedding Chinese Elements: A Case Study on Li Ning
    HE Jia-xun
    2013, 45 (4):  118-124. 
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    The big challenge that Chinese multinationals face is how to build a global brand when they have already expanded their business on a global scale. For the enterprises, it is an important brand strategy to give consideration to Chinese and Western cultural differences and to blend the values and elements of the two cultures to build the global orientation of Chinese brands. With theoretical and practical analyses, this thesis elaborates on the important strategy of Chinese leading companies, that is, embedding Chinese cultural elements in the product design. This strategy has been successfully applied by Li-Ning since 1999. Chinese leading companies can learn more from Li’s practice in enhancing their value-added brand image in the world.
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    Focusing on Main Business and Diversifying Investment: Compatibility or Contradiction?:A Case Study on Youngor
    YE De-lei & TIAN Yan-hua
    2013, 45 (4):  125-130. 
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    If Youngor simply and mechanically had focused on the development of garment industry in the time of listing, it would have been restricted by a series of environmental factors. In a specific stage of economic development in China, it is reasonable for Youngor to choose the three carriages of garment industry, real estate and financial investment as its industrial layout. Youngor’s practice should not be simply interpreted as ignoring its proper occupation. Focusing on main business does not mean that a company should not be involved in any other industry or business at any time. The development mode of Youngor brings enlightenment to others, but it should not be simply imitated. Youngor’s practice of investment choice actually reflects the development environment of China’s real economy. What we need to do is to clean up and optimize the economic environment rather than simply require enterprises to follow certain rules or disciplines.
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    Short-term Wealth Effect and Performance Increase of Mergers and Acquisitions: A Case Study on Shares of Shanghai Friendship Group Inc. Merged Shanghai Bailian Group Co.
    WANG Xia & RAO Ying-ying
    2013, 45 (4):  131-137. 
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    This thesis applies the event study method and accounting method to investigate the case that Shares of Shanghai Friendship Group Inc. merged Shanghai Bailian Group Co. This M&A created positive short-term wealth effect on both the amalgamated company and the target company. The financial situation and profitability of Shares of Shanghai Friendship Group Inc. has been improved. This thesis shows that market investors has affirmed Shanghai SASAC promoted the integration of advantage assets to realize the “Four Center Goal”. For shareholders, M&A has created the positive wealth effect and the short-term financial performance has been increased.
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    Institutional Investors’ Activism, Venture Shareholders’ Control Rights Competition and Corporate Governance: A Case Study on NVC Lighting Technology Corporation
    ZHANG Mu-bin
    2013, 45 (4):  138-144. 
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    With the example of NVC Lighting Technology Corporation, this thesis examines the influences of institutional investors’ activism on venture shareholder’s control rights and corporate governance. This research reveals that constantly dispersed shareholding structure and increasingly powerful institutional investors will become normal in China. Whether institutions as large shareholders will improve corporate governance depends in part on their objectives, their preference and cost-revenue tradeoff. In the long term, institutional investors’ activism will promote corporation governance, and help to improve venture shareholders’ financial abilities and risk prevention abilities, and will contribute to a mature professional managers market and more powerful protection of stakeholders’ interests.
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