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    15 September 2013, Volume 45 Issue 5 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    The Transformation of the Role of China in Global Production Networks
    Tang Haiyan
    2013, 45 (5):  1-9. 
    Abstract ( 814 )   HTML ( 16 )   PDF (666KB) ( 1804 )   Save
    Based on the theory of intra-product international specialization and the technique of value chain decomposition, this paper carries out an in-depth investigation of the transformation of the role of China in the global production network (GPN) from the aspects of quantity, products and regions. It shows that the role of China in the GPN has transformed from “a processing workshop” into “a production base” or even “a world factory” after over ten years’ efforts in industry upgrading. China has played a dominant role in the GPN of low technology products, but still played a subordinate role in the GPN of medium and high technology products. However, the subordinate degree of China is much smaller than many developing countries and even some high income countries. China acts as an important hinge in regional production networks and links these geographically separate networks into an integrate GPN through the bilateral “triangular trade”. The degree of collaboration with China, “a world factory”, determines the competitiveness of a regional production network to some extent.
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    Influence Factors on Private Enterprises’ Contributions to Strategic Emerging Industries
    CHENG Gui-sun, ZHU Hao-jie & ZHANG Yong
    2013, 45 (5):  10-16. 
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    By using China’s strategic emerging industries panel data from 1998 to 2010, this paper constructs a theoretical model and makes empirical analysis on influence factors on private enterprises’ contributions to strategic emerging industries. The result shows that some factors, including industry profit, industry incomes and the number of enterprises, the R&D funds, the number of patents, the export delivery value and the R&D inputs of the government, will have positive influences on the market performance of private enterprises in developing strategic emerging industries; but the factors such as the number of employees, the industry output value, the output value of foreign companies and the number of the state-owned enterprises will have negative impacts. This paper also makes suggestions as to how we can encourage private enterprises to enter and develop strategic emerging industries.
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    Structural Adjustment of China’s Financial Market: The Way to Avoid Crisis with the Liberalization of Capital Control
    ZHOU Lian-shi
    2013, 45 (5):  17-23. 
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    The countries in practicing the liberalization of capital control have roughly experienced three different consequences: no crisis, no crisis but the imbalance occurred in national economy, and financial crisis. China’s financial market has high similarities with the third category. Besides its small scale of the market with low resistance of risk, the speculative factor is quite active, which originates from the disproportion of China’s market structure. Therefore, according to the financial structure theory of Raymond W. Goldsmith, we need to carry out structural adjustment of financial market so as to avoid financial crisis with the liberalization of capital control. We should establish a structure of capital market with the core business of corporate bonds, set up a structure of monetary market with the note discounts as the major part, and strengthen the connection between fundamental and derivative financial futures markets.
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    On the Hot Spots in China’s Employability Studies
    JIA Li-jun, GUAN Jing-juan,& YANG Ya-bei
    2013, 45 (5):  18-24. 
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    Based on co-term analysis, this paper explores the hot spots and their interrelations in employability studies as well as their social and economical implications. The hot spots mainly lie in higher education, higher vocational education, teaching reform and employment guidance. Driven by the knowledge-based economy, an ability-based society has been taking shape and employability has become a core element during the new round upgrading of human resources. As a result, in order to provide human resources with good quality for further development of economy, higher education must optimize its own personnel training strategy based on the trends of economic structure readjustment. Meanwhile, it’s also essential to accelerate the upgrading of higher vocational colleges and to comprehensively promote the guidance of career development and management throughout the process of personnel training.
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    The Concept of Responsibility in the Textbooks on Self-cultivation in the Early Years of the Republic of China
    GU Hong-liang
    2013, 45 (5):  25-32. 
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    The introduction of Western theories of free will and rights into China since the late Qing Dynasty helped to open a new perspective for modern intellectuals to understand responsibility. In other words, responsibility became a modern value. An examination on the concept of responsibility in the textbooks on self-cultivation in the early years of the Republic of China will show us an unfamiliar theoretical discourse. In the frame of moral responsibility, these textbooks give a more reasonable justification for the undertaking of moral responsibility in combing the theory of free will with the doctrine of the innate knowledge of good. The acceptance of legal obligation, besides moral responsibility, results in a modern transformation in Confucian idea of responsibility. While at the level of law, rights and obligations are equal, at the level of ethics, moral responsibility precedes moral rights: one can enjoy his or her moral rights only if he or she has borne his or her moral responsibility well. In teaching people a normal system of responsibility, these textbooks really attempt to lead modern Chinese people to become Confucians with a sense of responsibility. They are aimed at fostering modern Confucians rather than constructing the identity of modern national members.
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    A Comparative Study of Mou Zongsan’s Early Theory of Perfection and Later Theory of Unity
    YANG Ze-bo
    2013, 45 (5):  33-39. 
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    Mou Zongsan’s theory of unity consists of two sections: the early theory of perfection and the later theory of unity. Although the latter is more improved and at a higher spiritual level, it has more mistakes in some crucial theoretical issues, especially taking formlessness as a new a priori principle of unity and explaining formlessness with the concept of “putting down”. Because of these mistakes, Mou’s later theory of unity is much more confusing and complicated so that it is less accurate than his early theory of perfection.
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    Natural Way and Social Order: The Political Wisdom in Liji
    ZHU Cheng
    2013, 45 (5):  40-45. 
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    Liji (The Book of Rites) elaborates on the Confucian wisdom of the unity between natural way and social order. In Liji, daily life and political life are founded on and then justified and authorized by the ultimate natural order in all things under heaven. Knowing the world and knowing human are united in connecting nature, life and politics. Therefore, we should take consideration of and show respect for the dimension of nature in human activities so as to achieve the harmony between human behavior and natural order.
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    The Philosophical Implications of “Listening”: Centering on the relationship between “Listening”, “a Sound” and “the Human Being”
    WU Long
    2013, 45 (5):  46-51. 
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    It seems that we have ignored “listening” as an important way to know the world and ourselves. The ancient Chinese character for “listening” itself embodies well a deep philosophical understanding: by listening we reach and obtain something with our ears. In terms of the relation between “a sound” and “listening”, we can make a distinction between listening to “a sound” and listening to “silence”, i.e., the sound of heart. As the agent of listening, the human being exists in the whole practical process of listening, which cannot be merely understood as an instant action. One can also recognize a different world and a different self through “listening”.
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    The Modern Significance of the Buddhist Concept of Death
    LI Hai-bo
    2013, 45 (5):  52-56. 
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    The traditional standard of cardiac death has been challenged with the advancement of modern medical technology. The newly proposed standard of brain death, which mainly caters for the demand of organ transplantation, wears a color of utilitarianism and is vulnerable to condemning from humanism. The uncertainty of the medical standard of death has brought about a lot of disputes in the fields of law, ethics, politics, etc. Buddhism holds a special concept of death, regarding “the being of death”, which constitutes one of the four life stages, as a clear boundary between life and death. Buddhism also uses “life, warmth, consciousness” as clinical indexes to judge death. The standard of death provided by Buddhism can effectively resolve the contemporary contradictions between the standard of death and organ transplantation.
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    The Doctrine of “the Self-realization of the Original Enlightenment” in The Awakening of Faith
    MENG Shu-yuan
    2013, 45 (5):  57-62. 
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    The structure of “the Two Aspects of One Mind” in The Awakening of Faith demonstrates well that Chinese Buddhism is characterized by its emphasis on the self-realization of the original enlightenment and the dimension of internal transcendence. Prominently promoting the subjectivity of a human being in his becoming a Buddha, The Awakening of Faith is a landmark in the process of humanization of Chinese Buddhism. Its theory of Mind-substance holds the unity of substance and function, mind-pollution and mind-purification, and enlightenment and non-enlightenment. It presents a new doctrine of “the original enlightenment of True Thusness”, according to which True Thusness can realize it’s self-salvation and return to its original purification through the cultivation practice of the self-realization of the original enlightenment.
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    On The National Obligation to Provide Housing Security
    LING Wei-ci
    2013, 45 (5):  63-68. 
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    After the disintegration of the “public rental housing allocation system” under the planned economy system, China has gradually built a new housing policy system which regulates the free housing market on the one hand and provides affordable housing on the other. It has been an important issue in the institutional construction and theoretical study to what extent the state has the obligation to provide housing security under legal restrictions. This paper analyses two levels of the national obligation on housing security with legal concepts “basic life” and “basic housing need”, maintaining that the security of basic housing need should be strictly restricted by laws and the constitution, while the security of those beyond basic housing need should respect administrational discretion, which should be based on improved democratic elements in policy making.
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    Fairness, Justice and Judicial Public Faith
    JIANG De-hai
    2013, 45 (5):  69-76. 
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    Being essential to judicature, fairness and justice constitutes the premise of judicial public faith. Judicature with no fairness and justice has no judicial public faith. The history of judicature witnesses not only constantly advancing fairness and justice but also continuously improving judicial public faith. In modern times, judicial public faith is not only the requirement of democracy, but also the demand that the judicature must meet in order to reach social stability and present human wisdom. The more advanced our society is, the more powerful judicial public faith it will have. To improve judicial public faith, fairness and justice of judicature must be built. It is absolutely the necessary courage and wisdom to hold the banner of fairness and justice highly and rightly in the process where judicature guards the implementation of the constitution and judicial public faith is enhanced.
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    Moulding the Image of the Party-nation: The Movie Education Movement in Zhejiang Province in 1930s
    FENG Xiao-cai
    2013, 45 (5):  77-84. 
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    Since their introduction into China, movies have been closely related to political propaganda. When the Nanjing National Government was founded in 1927, movies were taken as a shortcut technological method to mould the image of the party-nation effectively and provide discipline education for the common people. Since the early 1930s, the authorities of the Nanjing Government had promoted the Movie Education Movement with great efforts. Hangzhou was an important center. Hangzhou Affiliate of China’s Association of Movie Education and Zhejiang Education Department jointly organized mobile movie projection teams, who went deep into towns and countries in the whole province to show movies. Movies became an important medium that made the common people know about “the image of the party-nation”. People could also come close to movies as modern invention. Obviously, both the choice of movies and the promotion of projection were closely connected with Nanjing Government’s purpose of “moulding the image of the party-nation”. However, this propaganda of the party-nation was paradoxical, and the mass education that skimmed over the surface had no practical effect in fact.
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    Continuation and Transformation: China Welfare Institute in the Early Days of New China
    XU Feng-hua
    2013, 45 (5):  85-97. 
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    In August 1950, with Zhou Englai’s support, Soong Ching Ling reorganized China Welfare Foundation and transformed it into China Welfare Institute, whose funds source was also changed from collected donations to financial grants from the government. Correspondingly, its function has been continued and meanwhile transformed: looking after women and children and the external promotion became its key points. With such an established role orientation, it was transformed from a non-government institution to an organization of people in the early days of new China. Its continuation is due to its social function and its contribution to the career of the Communist Party of China, and more importantly, due to Soong Ching Ling’s special status and her political influence. This practice of fitting a non-governmental organization into the national governmental political system weakens the original vigor of the non-governmental organization, reduces its effective social cushion space and increases the stress and financial burden of the governmental departments.
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    Kojève and China: An Interpretation of Kojève’s Comments on Liang Qichao’s The Concept of Law and the Theories of in the Pre-Qin Period
    XIAO Qi
    2013, 45 (5):  98-105. 
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    This paper tries to interpret Alexandria Kojève’s view of China according to his unpublished book review written in 1927. In this review, Kojève denies Liang Qichao’s idea expressed in his History of Political Thought in the Pre-Qin Period that legalism is similar to Western theories of law. Kojève believes that the relation between Legalism and the Confucianism is merely that between a practical politics and a theoretical philosophy, and China and the Western world belong to two completely different worlds. In fact, the deeper reasons of Kojève’s belief of the particularity of Chinese culture can be found in his consideration of the particularity of the Russian road of development in 1920s. In his reflection on cultural universality and cultural particularity, Chinese culture obviously becomes a strong defense for the particular road in Russia. What’s interesting is that in all his life, Kojève has experienced intellectual transformation from the East to the West and again to the East, which is always accompanied by an attention to China or the East.
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    How to Tell about Chinese Stories?: On Some Theoretical and Practical Issues in “Chinese Culture Going abroad”
    HU Xiao-ming
    2013, 45 (5):  107-111. 
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    Reflecting a new cultural strategy to meet new opportunities in the global information era, the new discourse “Chinese culture going abroad” has its own emphasis different from those in cultural exchange and cultural dissemination. By analyzing its relations between cultural dissemination, cultural exchange, cultural identity and cultural originality, we can see some mistakes in this discourse and try to find out some countermeasures. The first mistake is the unilateralization of the self, that is, to ignore or despise other dissemination powers. The second one is the exteriorization of the image. While cultural exchange is aimed to learn from other cultures with a perspective of the whole human beings rather than Chinesizing foreign countries, the “Chinese culture going abroad” policy emphasizes too much localism, or the so-called moralization and humanization advocated in ancient China. The third one is the overstress on cultural particularity. Even though there is no absolute, fixed and abstract universal value, it is formalist to refuse to learn what is beneficial for us with the excuse of the particularity of our culture and the need to “go abroad”. The fourth mistake is the cultural secularization. Therefore, first, we should separate appropriately the cultural China and the realistic China and the cultural China should keep relatively its transcendent meaning. Second, we should disseminate really good culture with connation, depth and thickness. Only with an explicit orientation in theory, we can direct our new culture strategy feasibly. Third, we should understand clearly core values in the main body of Chinese culture.
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    The Absence of Subject Consciousness in Institutional Image Communication and Its Reconstruction: A Case Study on the Red Cross Crisis in the “Guo Mei-mei Scandal”
    FAN Xiao-ling
    2013, 45 (5):  112-122. 
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    An effective speech act involves both the element of speaking and that of listening, while “listening” is related to not only the behavior of the listener, but also the speaker’s paying attention to the listener’s voice. Furthermore, there are two types of listeners, that is, direct “target recipients” and indirect “non-target recipients”. In the “Guo Mei-mei scandal”, the Red Cross ignored its own subject position as a “non-target recipient”. It failed to listen effectively, so that it couldn’t speak directly, effectively, or immediately. This resulted in a gradual collapse of Red Cross’s image. Therefore, we should set up some NGO “green groups”, which pay attention to public life, public security and public interests, and help institutions listen and speak effectively.
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    Shanghai Middle School Students’ Conceptual Structure of the National Images of Japan, the United States and Korea
    HU Yi-ming
    2013, 45 (5):  123-128. 
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    Any speech act is not only subjective, but also inter-subjective. The national rhetoric act is a response to the external national rhetoric act as well as an expression of domestic social will. Accordingly, “the national images of foreign countries in the mind of Chinese teenagers” is an important issue that may influence the national image cognition and international relations in future. The relevant studies in the academic circle still remain in the narrations of “individual examples” and “the impression of the author”. With a psychological and experimental “free association” method and weighting statistics, this paper tries to establish an objective analysis model to reconstruct the conceptual structure of the Japan image in teenagers. After testing some students in a middle school in Shanghai, we have following findings: first, the images of Japan, the US and Korea in the patients are positive in general; second, comparatively, the national image of Japan contains more negative information in the patients; third, the important difference between Japan and other countries is that there is a “mutual embedding” phenomenon between Japan and China in cognition. This research probes into the possibility of analyzing the images of countries in Chinese teenagers at the level of f “psychological structure” and provides a certain reference for the rhetoric of national images.
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    The Dissemination of Each Chinese Province’s Image in Western Cyberworld
    BAI Li-na
    2013, 45 (5):  129-135. 
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    The image of a province is not only an important part of the image of a nation, but also an important resource for social and economic development in this province. The construction of the image lies in rhetoric, whereas the dissemination of the image relies on a certain medium. Network is the most powerful propagation medium in this age. It is an urgent task for us to know exactly the image of each Chinese province in the network, especially in Western network. With Chinese and English as the language media, this paper investigates the current dissemination of 30 Chinese provinces in Western cyberworld. It will provide references not only for the rhetoric and dissemination of the images of Chinese provinces, but also for the construction of China’s national image.
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    The Oversea Newly Discovered Unpublished Historical Data about Mei Guangdi
    YANG Yang
    2013, 45 (5):  136-143. 
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    Mei Guangdi is a spiritual leader of Xueheng School. The current study on Mei focuses on theoretical interpretation from the perspective of cultural conservatism and little work has been done in revealing his thought according to historical data. This is mainly due to the few extant historical data about Mei. My investigations in Harvard University Archives, Yanjing Library, Taiwan Archives of National History and Special Archives of the Kuomintang in Taiwan show evidently Mei’s excellent English when studied abroad, his initial teaching position in Harvard University as a lecturer of Chinese language, his political activities after coming back to China and the detailed information about his death because of illness.
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    The Significance of Folk Custom to Literature
    HUO Jiu-cang
    2013, 45 (5):  144-147. 
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    What dose folk custom mean to literature? This core issue of the literary folklore has not been deeply discussed by now. In order to discuss the significance of folk custom to literature, we must understand the meaning of folk custom to contemporary life and figure out the essence of folk custom. As inherited culture of human life, folk custom originally is the legal resource of daily life. Externally, folk custom is a distinguishing feature of a special existence of life; internally, folk custom is a symbol of community identity. Only if a writer grasps the connation of folk custom, he or she is able to create excellent literary folklore works.
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