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    15 September 2014, Volume 46 Issue 5 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    The Questions from Emperors: the Questions in the Final Imperial Examination and the Patternized Anxiety in the Song Dynasty
    FANG Xiao-yi
    2014, 46 (5):  1-9. 
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    The current study on the questions in the final imperial examination in the Song Dynasty usually confines itself to their historical values and stylistic significance. After being accepted as the only content in the final imperial examination, the practice of questioning and answering became an important way of communication between the emperor and the literati. The palace questions normally reflected the anxiety of the emperor, which often derived from the contrast between the present governance and the ideal one in the ancient, the excellent one in the Han or Tang Dynasties, or that of previous emperors in the Song Dynasty. The anxiety also came from natural calamities or the doctrines and recordings in the Confucian Classics. Such anxiety, as well as its causes, had occurred in the palace questions before. It can be called “the patternized anxiety”, which belongs to the political discourse shared by the emperor and the literati. It shows the serious limitations of ancient emperors in political imagination. Once the political situation was severe, however, the palace questions would possess some special political imprints mingled with and conceived by the patternized anxiety and usual political discourse as well.
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    Do Words Represent or Distort the Voice of the Mind?: A Case Study on the Poetry of BI Yuan
    YANG Xun
    2014, 46 (5):  10-16. 
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    According to the notion that “words represent the voice of the mind”, a literary work is an authentic record and an accurate description of the author’s mind or experience. Nevertheless, ancient authors often revised their works over a long time, so that the last versions, quite different from the previous ones, did not reflect what actually had occurred. For example, BI Yuan, a famous writer during the reigns of Emperors Qianlong and Jiaqing in the Qing Dynasty, modified his own poems from style to content to some extent in editing them in old age. So we should carefully examine the effectiveness and applicability of the notion of “words representing the voice of the mind”.
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    From the “Tianxia without Boundary” to the “Shadow Dynasty”: On The Ways to Establish a State In the East Jin Period as well as Its Result
    LI Lei
    2014, 46 (5):  17-27. 
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    The real situation of ancient Chinese dynasties, which does not fit into the Western concept of empire, shall be understood with some concepts revolving around the notion of tianxia, the ancient Chinese version of cosmopolitanism. After the collapse of the West Jin Dynasty, the East Jin Dynasty obtained its legitimacy in the consensus of tianxia of the Han people and other ethnic groups. Although its real power was far away from that of an ideal tianxia, the East Jin Dynasty, at least formally, did maintain a tianxia regime due to the tianxia consciousness of its surrounding ethnic groups. All of MURONG Xianbei, Koguryo, and other tribes in the northeast remote from the center of the East Jin confined themselves to the consciousness of tianxia despite the fact that they chose different ways to build their states. Different from the unified “tianxia without boundary” of the Han and West Jin Dynasties, the tianxia of the East Jin consisted of numerous political powers sharing a same tianxia consciousness. Enlightened by the term of the “shadow empire” in Thomas J. Barfield, this thesis describes such a new tianxia system as the “shadow dynasty”, which was comprised of various political regimes restrained by the central imperial court.
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    Returning to Rural Areas as One Aspect of the Social Mobility of the Intellectuals in Jiang’nan during the Late Qing Dynasty and the Early Republic of China: A Case Study on Kunshan
    QU Jun
    2014, 46 (5):  28-35. 
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    Besides routine migration from villages gradually to small cities, big cities, and then even to foreign countries, the intellectuals’ social mobility between urban and rural areas in Jiang’nan (regions south of the Yangtze River) during the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China also consisted of a tendency of returning to rural areas willingly or reluctantly due to their difficulties in the upward mobility on the one hand and the available accommodation for them in villages, towns and small cities at that time on the other. With a case study of the schools and the conditions of their teaching staff during 1912-1925 in Kunshan, this thesis discusses the tendency of returning to the rural areas in the intellectuals’ social mobility between urban and rural areas in Jiang’nan during the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China and the significance of the tendency in modern China as well.
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    Coordination and Suspicion: U.S.-ROK Relations Before and After EC-121 Incident of 1969
    LIANG Zhi
    2014, 46 (5):  36-46. 
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    It appears that U.S. and Republic of Korea coordinated closely to deal with the Korean Peninsula issue before and after EC-121 Incident of 1969. In fact, new evidences reveal a profound suspicion between Washington and Seoul. The incident deepened the ROK’s mistrust of U.S. security commitment and led up to new U.S.-ROK confidence crisis. Finally, Seoul sought ways to improve relations with DPRK and achieve self-reliance in national defense. On the other hand, EC-121 Incident obliged President Nixon shelve his plan of reducing U.S. armed forces in ROK. Washington considered the implementation of U.S. presence reduction until November 1969. The main reason for U.S.-ROK confidence crisis lies in the obvious difference of cognition and conduction for Korean peninsula affairs between Washington and Seoul. The case study also indicates that although common enemy may promote the two countries or regions with very different capabilities to form an alliance, they do not necessarily share similar strategic thinking and judgment.
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    On the Influence of the Spirit of Christianity on HE Lin’s Philosophy of Mind
    GU Hong-liang
    2014, 46 (5):  47-53. 
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    When HE Lin studied in the US, Christianity influenced not only his daily life emotionally but his intellectual life rationally as well. Thus Christianity provides a strong and vigorous spiritual support to his “new philosophy of mind”. We can see the implicit elements of Christianity in his interpretation of the “three meanings of the Supreme Ultimate (taiji)”, “the equivalence of mind with principle” and the spiritual manifestation of a Confucianist. Christianity has penetrated HE’s philosophy of mind in an imperceptible way and become one of its essential factors. This endows HE’s “new philosophy of mind” with a special philosophy of religion which is absent in other philosophical systems of modern Confucianism and provides him with a religious dimension in his new development of Confucianism.
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    The Notion of Justice in Marx’s Criticism on Fetishism
    SUN Liang
    2014, 46 (5):  54-59. 
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    We cannot read Marx’s notion of justice at a literal level. Both the epistemological concept of reification (Verdinglichung) and the ontological one of objectification (Versachlichung) contained in Marx’s criticism of fetishism can serve to define the basic principles of justice. According to the concept of justice in Western political philosophy, the justice of contract based on capitalism, a special social form, is regarded as the natural property of all forms of society. Hence the justification for the justice of exchange results in a fetishism of justice. Through criticizing the traditional understanding of justice in terms of the ontological objectification and bringing out its foundation on a society of commodity transition, Marx deconstructs such justice from the perspective of Communism. In the course of developing socialist market economy nowadays in China, we shall dialectically adopt a transitional constructive notion of justice so as to achieve the “self realization of human beings”.
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    Thought and Language: A Reexamination of the Thesis of the Priority of Language
    YU Feng
    2014, 46 (5):  60-67. 
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    Partly due to the effort of Dummett, Evans and other thinkers, the relation between thought and language has become one of the key issues concerning the foundation of analytical philosophy. In recent decades, Dummett’s “thesis of the priority of language”, that is, linguistic analysis as the unique approach to philosophy, has been accepted by most of analytical philosophers. However, Evans, Peacocke and other philosophers oppose Dummett and insist that thought is prior to language in the order of philosophical explanations. Providing a new framework to rethink the nature of thought and a new direction to the study of concepts, this opinion challenges the basic hypothesis of concept ontology and concept acquisition in traditional cognitive sciences and the philosophy of mind.
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    Body and Belief in Traditional Chinese Medicine: A Case Study on Qiushi
    ZHU Jing
    2014, 46 (5):  68-74. 
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    Qiushi, which literally means “autumn mineral”, was made from human’s urine and considered as a kind of elixir in ancient China. This thesis explores the cultural and theoretical background of the production and indications of qiushi. The function of the human body and the effectiveness of traditional Chinese medicine are discussed with qiushi as a case. The technology of qiushi resulted from the combination of some Daoist practices and the knowledge of medicine. Long term elements are taken into account in the evaluation of the effects of medicines, and the interaction between medicine and human body is emphasized – these constitute the features of the cognitive patterns in traditional Chinese medicine. The effects of medicines are explained in terms of yin, yang and five elements. Medicines and human body, which is in flux, interact with each other through their similar factors. The beliefs in traditional and classical theory have played an important part in the application of qiushi for a long time.
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    Leo Strauss and Two Directions in Political Philosophy
    WU Guan-jun
    2014, 46 (5):  75-86. 
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    Leo Strauss has occupied the focal point of Sinophone circles of political philosophy for over a decade. His critique of modernity and effort to resuscitate classical political philosophy has attracted heated discussions. Strauss labels his political philosophy as both “Socratic” and “Platonic.” However, what Socrates and Plato have opened up are two opposite directions in political philosophy. Strauss’s subtle oscillation between these two directions is a case worthy of deep analysis. By virtue of such analysis, we are able to further trace the inner lineage from ancient Greek political philosophy to contemporary continental radical political philosophy.
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    Classified Governance and Extensional System: Governance of Social Organizations in Current China
    WANG Xiang-min
    2014, 46 (5):  87-96. 
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    The rise of social organizations as well as its governance has been important themes regarding national governance in the new century. Nowadays, there have been three kinds of classified governance models towards social organizations set up by local governments: firstly, promoting the construction of pivotal social organizations, including people’s organizations and register-free organizations; secondly, managing the service-oriented social organizations under the project system; thirdly, incorporating the grassroots and diversified interest-expressing social organizations into political system by the absorption of leaders, organizations and functions. These constitute a more positive and delicate system of classified governance, which not only shows the political character of extensional system but also proves the growth of practical political knowledge.
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    New Urbanization: The Return of Humanism in Urban-rural Relations
    ZHANG Wen-ming
    2014, 46 (5):  97-107. 
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    Emphasizing that urbanization is the urbanization of people, the new urbanization, from the policy’s view, will objectively lead to the change of identity. In the context of the complicate urban-rural relations in a century, the new urbanization has profound social consequences. It tried to solve the issues in the institutional stratification of the right of citizens and farmers and establish an “egalitarian society with citizenization”. The relationship between urban and rural areas, which actually equals to the “combined” relationship of human and nature deducted by the capital in the industrialization and urbanization, is the symbol of moving toward the social rationality from economic rationality in the human society. The respect of “people” in the new urbanization strategy is considered as a returning to the nature of “citizenization”: urban-rural relations essentially are the human relations. The process from competition to combination in the development of urban-rural relations is also the process to equality by dissolving the artificial social stratification and respecting citizenship.
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    The Contemporary Transformation regarding the Theories of Social Construction in China
    ZHENG Xiong-fei
    2014, 46 (5):  108-122. 
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    As “an objective existing historical process”, or as “a thinking mode and conceptual innovation”, social construction has always existed along with social development of past ages. In this new century, the connotation of social construction has surpassed the set pattern that “social construction is equivalent to the construction of various social undertakings” and has penetrated into the resources allocation and the improvement of people’s livelihood. Meanwhile, its denotation can no longer be generalized as “a generic name of all kinds of constructions aiming at social survival and development”, but extends gradually to benefits allocation and pattern optimization. Social construction does not subordinate itself to political or economic field but return to sociality. It emphasizes the role of the “society” rather than “supplements the deficiency of the governmental facilities”. Its purpose is not only to solve social problems or to establish “a rich and happy society”, but also to improve people’s livelihood and beneficial relationships. Its methods are no longer limited to democratic politics, culture, psychology or education, but concentrated on the innovation of social administration mechanism and the optimization of social development path. This historical transformation has its own momentum, layers and correlations. However, it is not perfect and needs further improvement in research direction and key points.
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    “Diqing Experience” of Establishing a Multi-ethnic Community: Its History, Reality and Inspiration
    LIU Qi
    2014, 46 (5):  123-130. 
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    Among the Tibetan areas in China, Diqing Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture is famous for its variety of ethnic groups and stability of social order. In previous studies, some scholars have summarized its experience in keeping social order from several perspectives, such as the good implement of ethnic policies, the relationship between identities of the nation and of the specific ethnic group, and the develop model of tourism, etc. However, these works are basically satisfied themselves with mere descriptions of empirical materials. Diqing Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture is located at a junction of several different ethnic groups, which have established “regional communities” based on long-time communal living. After the ethnic identification in the 1950s, the new ethnic identity pushed people to redefine themselves into clear and distinct categories. However, this new identity of nationality is not much more than a hollow label, while ethic norms and emotional ties based on regional communities are still the basic forces to keep society’s cohesion and stability. By thoroughly discussing “Diqing experience”, we can have a better understanding of the predicament of contemporary ethnic policies, as well as the way to construct China as a multi-ethnic state.
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    Do Chinese Elements Matter?: Consumer Evaluation on the Localized Adaption Strategy for Global Brands from the Perspective of Stereotype Consistency
    HE Jia-xun, WU Yi & XIE Run-qi
    2014, 46 (5):  131-145. 
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    With the ever enhancing of China’s soft power in the world, the adoption of Chinese elements has been popularly practiced by numerous global brands as a localized adaptation strategy, the consumer attitudes towards which has seldom been studied. Taking six global brands’ real products from three categories as study objects, this thesis adopts the construct of stereotype consistency and collects data by survey from Chinese consumers in Shanghai to explore how Chinese elements used in global brands’ product adaptation strategy affect consumer attitudes. By applying total effect moderation model to integrate the variables of brand local iconness and global identity/local identity altogether and probe into their mediation and moderation effects respectively, this thesis addresses several key findings. Firstly, the stereotype consistency of Chinese elements positively affects brand local iconness and product purchase likelihood. Secondly, brand local iconness partially mediates the relationship between stereotype consistency and product purchase likelihood. Finally, consumer cultural identity (global identity vs. local identity) plays a moderating role in the process above. These findings make innovative theoretical contributions to interpreting the influence mechanism of Chinese elements on consumer attitudes, initiating empirical study on Chinese elements and providing global brands with suggestion on effective utilization of Chinese elements. In general, to improve consumer attitudes, the marketers of global brands shall understand thoroughly the true meanings and essences of local cultural elements and integrate them into the brands in a way as consistent to the stereotypes as possible. Notably, this adaptation strategy shall be adjusted to market segmentation with different cultural identity
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    The Changes of China’s Potential Growth Rate in Economic Transformation and the Breakthrough for New Round of “Promoting Reform through Opening up”
    YIN De-sheng
    2014, 46 (5):  146-155. 
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    Economic restructuring is the main direction for the transformation of China’s economic development mode. But in the process of economic transformation, China’s economic growth has relatively slowed. There is a growing concern about the endogenous growth momentum and long-term trends in China. With HP filtering method and multivariate state space method, this thesis finds out that the potential growth rate in China has relatively declined from the double-digit before the global financial crisis in 2008 down to about 8% in 2012. Lower capital allocation efficiency, together with capital supply shocks, is an important reason for the recent decline in potential growth rate. For the long-term economic growth momentum in China, the breakthrough of new round of “promoting reform through opening up” lies in market-oriented reform and globalization configuration of capital element, which can take China (Shanghai) pilot free trade zone as a test base. The market-oriented reform of capital element needs the liberalization of interest rate and exchange rate, while globalization configuration of capital element depends on RMB internationalization and capital account liberalization.
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    On China’s Intergenerational Income Mobility and Transfer Mechanism
    LONG Cui-hong & WANG Xiao
    2014, 46 (5):  156-164. 
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    The study on intergenerational income mobility, which reflects the equality of opportunity in economic and social conditions, is practically significant. Through the optimizing of estimation methods and eliminating the deviation factors, this thesis analyzes CHNS data from 1989 to 2009 and finds out that in 2009 the overall intergenerational income elasticity of China is about 0.6, and the urban and rural area is respectively 0.8 and 0.5. This means that China’s intergenerational income elasticity is still on the high side compared with other countries. An empirical study on the internal transfer mechanism of intergenerational income mobility from the perspectives of education, health and social capital shows that human capital plays an important role in the process of China’s intergenerational income inheritance, and social capital is also having a significant influence on the inheritance. Therefore, on the one hand, the government should further increase the intensity of public expenditure and use a variety of ways to increase the justice and fairness of people sharing public resources such as health care and education; on the other, the government should continue to strengthen the reform of market economic system and break barriers regarding labor market segmentation and labor mobility between the urban and rural area, and remove occupational segregation and industry monopoly pattern, so that we can improve social efficiency, dynamic equal opportunity and income fairness.
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    On the Study of Subjectivity concerning the Quantity of Modern Chinese
    LIU Cheng-feng
    2014, 46 (5):  165-177. 
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    The study of subjectivity in modern Chinese concentrates on the “subjective quantity” of modern Chinese, that is, a speaker’s subjective evaluation of the deviation of the actual quantity from the supposed one. This thesis argues that the subjectivity of quantity, which is not the same as the subjective quantity, means a speaker’s subjective evaluation of the deviation of the actual comparison quantity in a unit from the potential comparison quantity in a unit. There are two types of the subjectivity of quantity in modern Chinese, namely, the “deviation” of the actual comparison quantity in a unit from the potential comparison quantity in a unit, and the “approaching” of the former to the latter. While the “deviation” mainly concerns the subjectivity of adverbs in syntax, the “approaching” is relative to the subjectivity of optimization in linguistic practice: in an unnatural conversation, for instance, the speakers will choose their subjective expressions according to their information advantage.
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