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    15 November 2014, Volume 46 Issue 6 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    The Debate of Heaven and Human from the Perspective of Value
    YANG Guo-rong
    2014, 46 (6):  1-7. 
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    From the perspective of value, the debate of heaven and human involves both the being of human itself and the relation between human beings and objects. Concerning the being of human, Confucianism focuses on transforming innate nature into virtue, while Daoism aims at maintaining and returning to innate nature. Both of them have their own insights and blind points. It would be reasonable to overcome the confrontation and separation between innate nature and virtue, which implies that we shall confirm the nature of human beings and simultaneously avoid the formalization and externalization of social norms. Regarding the relation between human beings and objects, we need to realize overcoming at three levels today: First, overcome the pre-modern perspective, which adheres to the primitive unity of heaven and human; second, discard the biased modern perspective so as to overcome the abstract separation of heaven and human; third, overcome the post-modern perspective so as to re-establish the unity of heaven and human in an advanced historical stage with fully developed interaction of heaven and human. Through seeing and treating the relation between heaven and human from the aspect of historism, we value the unity of the principle of humanism and the principle of nature.
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    From Poems of Renjinglu Villa to Poems of Jing’an: “Loyally Retelling” and “Creatively Saying Something More” about QIAN Zhongshu’s On the Art of Poetry
    XIA Zhong-yi
    2014, 46 (6):  8-26. 
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    In the study of academic history, while “loyally retelling” requires scholars of later generations to understand the climax reached by predecessors in certain field, “creatively saying something more” means to question its limits. Such practice could be found in QIAN Zhongshu’s evaluation of the poetry of HUANG Zun-xian and WANG Guo-wei in his On the Art of Poetry (Tanyi Lu), which demonstrates that QIAN goes beyond LIANG Qi-chao in aesthetic judgement and cultural perspective. In the poetic circle in the late Qing Dynasty, it was only WANG Guo-wei, rather than HUANG Zun-xian praised highly by LIANG Qi-chao, who was capable of blending the essence of Western learning (instead of superficial opinions concerning Western institutions and material things) into classical poetry in perfect harmony. It is a pity that no scholar of literature history has “loyally retold” the insightful view QIAN presented in 1948. However, why could WANG Guo-wei, who studied in Japan for less than one year,have a much deeper understand of the essence of Western learning than HUANG Zun-xian, who had been frequently sent to Europe and the U.S. on diplomatic missions for nearly 20 years? This key question, which should have been put forward and answered by QIAN, leaves space for scholars of young generations to “creatively say something more”.
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    On Teaching Marxism as a Problem of Praxis
    Josef Gregory Mahoney
    2014, 46 (6):  27-37. 
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    The author examines his experiences teaching Marxism for three years in a liberal education paradigm in a U.S.-based university. A tension in liberal education exists between institutional inclinations to produce graduates as ideological subjects versus endowing them with the sort of critical thinking abilities that might help them see through if not deconstruct subjugating ideologies. In many respects, teaching Marxism is well suited to revealing such tensions and the dilemmas they pose. Thus, while “educating responsible citizens” might sometimes be merely a euphemism for producing disciplined, market-oriented “outputs” in a manner that Marxism fundamentally opposes, this paper concludes that teaching Marxism can provide a vital means for strengthening critical thinking abilities, particularly in a period of compounding political, economic and environmental crises. However, the predictable and perhaps insoluble problems that arise when teaching Marxism in turn help produce a radical pedagogy seeking critical praxis in the classroom and beyond.
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    On the Social and Historical Bases of the Forming of the Middle Class Ideology
    WANG Hao-bin
    2014, 46 (6):  38-44. 
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    It is important for the middle class, an important impetus for modern society transformation, to form its own class consciousness, that is, transforming from a “spontaneous class” to a “class for itself” in the Marxist sense. The middle class culture and ideology took into shape in public sphere such as English cafes, French salons and bistros, as well as the wide-spread publications along with the invention and popularization of printers, all of which constructed an arena that can challenge the feudal authorities. At the same time, the modern humanities and social sciences as the reflection of zeitgeist provided the richest soil and firmest foundation for middle class ideology. Under the impact of the middle class public sphere and Enlightenment, the middle class ideology finally formed and the middle class was transformed into a “class for itself” from a “spontaneous class”. Accordingly, the political revolution was ignited, which caused great transformation of modern social power structure.
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    The Outline of a Theory of Reasoning in Light of Classical Pragmatism
    ZHANG Liu-hua
    2014, 46 (6):  45-52. 
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    The possibility of practical logic is a core issue in contemporary philosophy and other rational enterprises. According to classical pragmatists, reasoning, in the first, was as a constitute of human life, not as a calculus external to the world. In general, all the logical reasoning were doing things reasonably, therefore, reasoning should be seen as a committed action or an intentional inquiry. This theory of reasoning offers a better alternative to the approach of informal logic or natural logic to practical reason. This paper gives a outline of a theory of reasoning in light of classical pragmatism, and responds to its main challenge and made some prospects for its philosophical relevance.
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    Three approaches to embodied cognition
    HE Jing
    2014, 46 (6):  53-59. 
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    The basic claim of embodied cognition is that the body plays an important role in human cognition. However, this basic claim involves three important questions: What is body? What is cognitive process? To what extent the body is important to cognition? This paper explains different understandings of three different approaches to embodied cognition, i.e., sensorimotor approach, extended functionalism approach and enacted approach, and finally defends the enacted approach of embodied cognition.
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    "International Chinese": How Should Chinese be Developed as an International Language?
    Lijian Hong
    2014, 46 (6):  60-72. 
    Abstract ( 666 )   HTML ( 7 )   PDF (2200KB) ( 1955 )   Save
    What is the concept of Teaching Chinese as an International Language? If we look at the nature of Chinese against the context of globalisation, we will have to treat the term Chinese as a plural. I argue that there are many Chineses in the world. The sum total of them should be called International Chinese. All Chineses are cultural resources in their respective countries. Not only there are linguistic differences among themselves, there are also cultural differences. The fundamental issue of Chinese and Chinese teaching in overseas countries concerns preliminarily the language rights of the overseas Chinese people. How should Chinese and Chinese language teaching be developed in countries outside China? This should be determined by local Chinese communities and relevant governments in the world. The discussion of the concept of Teaching Chinese as an International Language will help us to replace the traditional monolingual concept of Chinese and Chinese teaching with a new concept when teaching Chinese against the concept of globalisation, so that Chinese can be understood and developed as an international language.
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    On the Classicality of The Forty-two Chapter Sutra
    FU Hui-Sheng
    2014, 46 (6):  73-83. 
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    The Forty-two Chapter Sutra is now the earliest extant Chinese translation of the Buddhist sutras. All the previous studies about it were mainly sortout of the documents, and comparative analysis and judgment of the materials. They did not take into consideration the factors of translation, translation cooperation and the special historical context of the primary contact between Chinese and Indian languages and cultures, and thereby produced some speculations. Because of random additions of new understanding of Buddhism in different historical periods, the sutra was even denied of its validity of existence. This thesis examines the translators, translation purpose and translation approach of the sutra, analyzes its form, content and two different editions, and reveals clearly its features of translation-editing policy on the basis of the previous studies. Therefore it outlines briefly the earliest period of the historical development in the translation of the Buddhist sutras mainly with the translation-editing policy from The Forty-two Chapter Sutra to The Preface to Dharmapada by Zhi Qian. It points out that the fact of classicality and continuously being classicized of the sutra in the history. This study provides certain academic reference for re-understanding of the sutra in the history of Chinese Buddhism, the intellectual history of Chinese Buddhism, the history of the Chinese translation of the Buddhist sutras, and the development of the theoretic system of the Chinese translation of the Buddhist sutras as well.
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    From being reclusive to being secular: a research on Xu Yuan(1883-1919)
    ZHAO Ying-ying
    2014, 46 (6):  85-92. 
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    With the rapid urbanization and the fierce democratization and revolutionization, Shanghai Xu Garden went through the process of being a private garden to a literati gathering garden, to a commercial amusement park, to a quasi-park by Jiangnan compradors and Jiangnan literati from 1883 to 1919. During this process, Jiangnan compradors became from artistic scholars to tasteful merchants to gentry merchants, while Jiangnan literati changed from artistic scholars to political literati. As a result, the reclusive keep-out-of-politics tradition of Jiangnan culture gradually gave its way to the secular keen-on-politics trend.
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    Power and Space: On the Kingship and City of Paris in the Late Middle Ages
    ZHU Ming
    2014, 46 (6):  93-99. 
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    Since the Valois Dynasty in 14th century, the French kings had been more and more interested in making Paris as a place for the demonstration of power. This was related to the political situation of that time. When the internal and external crises forced the kings to seek for the legitimacy of their kingship, they made the space as a strategy. Via buildings, arts, rituals as well as urban planning, the kings manifested their control upon the urban space. All their efforts were carried out in order to strengthen their own authority and to consolidate their rule. The symbols of power were integrated with space, which reflected the character that in the Middle Ages the cities were closely connected with politics. In other words, cities were space of the demonstration of power.
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    Go Back to Marx: The Construction of National Governance System Under the Structural Theoretical Perspective
    DU Yuhua
    2014, 46 (6):  100-107. 
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    Taking the social structure elements as the origin, Marx’s social structural theory constructed theatrical structure from macro, medium and micro level respectively. No matter from content and methodology, this theory has important guiding significance for the construction of national governance system. Therefore, we should “go back to Marx”. Starting from longitudinal and transverse aspects of structure system, we should rationally coordinate the relations between each element of different levels and fields of social structure to construct national governance system, and then promote the modernization of governance capacity and perfection of national governance system with effective institutional supply and its executive power.
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    Power list system: institutional response of state governance and governance capacity in modernization
    XIE Jian-Ping
    2014, 46 (6):  108-112. 
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    Power list system is the important process of Chinese communist system scientific construction in the new period, and also an important measure for promoting the national governance system and management modernization, is the system response to the party leads the people in running the country. Power list system including basic attribute, operation of the power of its authority and power list of the basic track of boundary feature and other institutional connotation. Implementation of power list system, one should strengthen the system configuration of power construction, to strengthen top-level design, improve the level of institutionalization of state governance. Two must strengthen the power operating system construction, to ensure that as a single Lvquan, raise the level of national governance. Three must strengthen the public rights system construction, outstanding balances will, improving democratic governance. Four must strengthen power supervision system construction, constructing the accountability mechanism, improve the scientific level of state governance.
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    The Change of Liquid Shares, the Growth of Earnings and the Performance of Stock Price: Based on An Analysis of Growth Enterprise Market
    YE De-lei & MENG Ying & LIU Yu-ning
    2014, 46 (6):  113-120. 
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    The change of liquid shares, the growth of earnings and the performance of stock price are three interdependent aspects. Any unidirectional relationship between any two of them should not be analyzed separately. Using the method of simultaneous equations, we tried to analyze all of the interactions between these three aspects at the same time (including positive correlation and reverse correlation). In this article, we found company performance and share price performance to have a positive association. Meanwhile, we used many ways to measure the change of liquid shares, but its connection with company performance became relatively complicated. When it comes to the rate of share price change, optimistic impacts have been detected in the change of the top 10 liquid shareholders, the number of liquid shares per capita and the scale of liquid shares respectively, and vice versa. Nevertheless, there is a negative relation between the ratio of the total liquid shares of the top 10 liquid shareholders and the rate of share price change.
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    The Correlation between Valuation and Incentive Role of Accounting Information ——the Test based on Cash Flow Information
    Jingjing Xu
    2014, 46 (6):  121-128. 
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    This paper studies the correlation between valuation and inventive role of cash flow information in Chinese stock market. Specifically, using data from year 2002 to year 2012 in Chinese stock market, this paper discusses whether there’s a correlation between valuation and incentive role of cash flow information, and what’s the difference compared to earnings information. The results show that there’s a positive correlation between the valuation and inventive role of cash flow information, but this correlation is weaker compared to earnings information. This paper is a complement to the studies about the correlation between valuation and inventive role of accounting information. This paper also can be a reference to people who care about valuation or compensation contract.
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    The Impact of CEO Characteristics on R&D Investment Intensity: An Empirical Study Based on Chinese Listed Manufacturer Firms
    XUE Yue & CHEN Qiao
    2014, 46 (6):  129-138. 
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    This paper chooses the listed manufacturer firms in China as samples from 2009 to 2011, with focusing on exploring relationships between their CEO characteristics and R&D investment intensity. By analyzing the results, CEO’s career background, the relationship with government and the percentage of corporate shares CEO owns have a statically positive relationship with R&D intensity. Then, this paper concluded that: firstly, those creative CEOs who grasp opportunities for innovation and avoid investment risks, contribute to R&D investment, which promotes rapidly development of the firms; secondly, relationship with government should be paid attention to and well made use of.
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    A Review of Research on the Formation of Psychological Contract and Managerial Implication about EmploymentRelationship
    SHI Jian-wei,WANG Sheng,ZHOU Ping
    2014, 46 (6):  139-145. 
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    Mainly focusing on the content, structure and break/violation of psychological contract, the existing researches paid less attention to formation of psychological contract. In order to strengthen the application value of psychological contract in human resource management, many scholars suggested attaching great importance to the study on formation of psychological contract. Here we reviewed the relative researches based on three aspects, including psychological schema, influencing factors and dynamic evolution process. According to the above, managerial implications of establishing and maintainingsound psychological contract between employees and organizations were put forward.
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