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    15 July 2014, Volume 46 Issue 4 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    On the Historical Context and Historical Contradiction of the Imperial Examination System Pursuing Fairness
    YANG Guo-qiang
    2014, 46 (4):  1-20. 
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    When the feudal system was replaced by the province-country, emperors had to select officials for administration. Guided by the Confucian political ideal, selected officials should be wise men. Therefore, both the previous recommendatory system and imperial examination system afterwards were aimed to select “the wise and the competent”. In the recommendatory system, a small number of people choose another small number of people. By contrast, in the imperial examination system, officials are selected according to their intellectual performance in exams, and a large number of people are allowed to attend the selection by “registering with their own resumes”. The selecting process is so extensive, widespread, communal and public that fairness is essential to it. During over 900 years from the early Song Dynasty to the end of the Qing Dynasty, various measures, including the final imperial examination (presided over by the emperor), locked examination hall, covered names of examinees, transcription, regional differentiation, provincial examination, different examinations for sons of officials and common people, and stereotyped writing with eight parts in the range of the Four Books, are all aimed to eliminate some partial advantages and subjective elements in order to maintain fairness that between the influential and the common, the rich and the poor, regions favoring learning and those indifferent to learning, examiners and examinees. Nevertheless, since the wise and the competent are distinguished from the common, eliminating all partial advantages inevitably results in the fact more and more common and ordinary persons are selected, which is against the original purpose of selecting the wise and the competent. Correspondently, the most open official selecting system coexists with the most severe ideological control, and in the process of maintaining fairness, an anti-knowledge tendency arises in the official selecting system, which originally takes knowledge as measurement.
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    The Concept of the “State” in the Entanglement of History and Reality
    LI Lei, QU Jun, MENG Zhong-jie, QIU Li-bo, LIU Yong-hua, WANG Xiang-min, MOU Fa-song, LIU Qing, and XU Ji-lin
    2014, 46 (4):  21-40. 
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    In “The Notion and Self Empowerment of the State in Ancient China”, LI Lei states that it is necessary to make a distinction among the significance of the “state” endowed by researchers, the self statement of the ancient state and the actual structure of the state. The notion of the state in the Western political context cannot express the self statement of the ancient Chinese state, which has had profound impact on the construction of China and its dynamic change. The “politics” of the “state” in ancient China need be justified with the notion of tianxia. In “The Entanglement of Cultivating tianxia and Competing in the World: An Element of Intellectuals’ Cognition of the State in the Transitional Age”, QU Jun argues that in regards to the intellectuals’ cognition of the state in the transitional age (1895-1925), the academic circle is mainly concerned about “how tianxia shrank into a state”; however, if probe into the intellectuals’ understanding, we will more easily find a process transforming from tianxia to the “world”. Therefore, this provides another dimension to examine how the intellectuals molded China with the discovery of the “world” and how cultivating tianxia and competing in the world entangled with each other. In “The ‘State’ in German History”, MENG Zhong-jie argues that Germany is one of few countries that embrace all types of state. By discussing this, we can understand: What are the self proofs of the power in the formation of different types of state? How does each of them construct an effective governance structure? What is the motivation for the state transformation? The combination of these three questions leads to reflection on how the legitimacy of the “state” formed. In “Historical Resources and Legitimacy Construction”, QIU Li-bo states that the transcendence of Chinese history and the historical types of state in China can hardly be realized within China’s historical state, or by simply adding up Chinese historical and political resources. In other words, the transcendence of China’s historical state can hardly be realized in the way of looking back at history. Instead, it should be realized by looking into the future. We should let the future emancipate the past rather than let the past enclose the future. In “Towards a Rational State: On KONG Fei-li’s View on the State”, LIU Yong-hua states that KONG Fei-li concludes that China’s national construction shall be founded on rather China’s own conditions than others. The key to understand this conclusion lies in the fact that people are capable and wise enough to realize the “fundamental task” that they should accomplish. What we should do is to let people participate in politics and political competition. Through the free participation in politics, people will reach common views on the basic principles that we should hold in the political system in public domain. These common views are stable and constitute “an invisible constitution”. In “The National Situations in American Politics”, WANG Xiang-min claims that the notion of state refers to many forms and meanings from the perspective of different stages in American politics. Therefore, methodologically speaking, we must take the particular historical context and theoretical direction into account in using the notions such as state, civil society and benign governance. In “The State and Tianxia: How a Political Organization above the State Is Possible?”, MOU Fa-Song discusses the relationship between tianxia and the state, which seem to be separated from each other at the first glance. If there is or there will be a political organization above the state, it must emerge in a contradictory and dialectical process. On the one hand, there is the integration process of the world; on the other hand, there is a tendency of separation, polarization and even violent division. These two trends existed in China’s history and exist in her reality. In terms of Chinese history, at least before the Song Dynasty, tianxia had been a big state. Only in the Song Dynasty, the demonstration of the legitimacy of the state became especially necessary. After the Song Dynasty, whenever a political entity as a state appears in China, it has to prove its legitimacy or the rationality of its existence. In “The State and Authority”, LIU Qing points out that the notion of the “state” is varied and complicated. It has three important correlative dimensions, that is, the origin of legitimacy, the governance capacity, and transformation ability. The legitimacy in ancient time is founded on authority rather than rational argumentations. Nevertheless, with the decline of hereditary authority, it is hard for us to imagine a modern Chinese or Western state of paternity In “The State Identity and Family-State-Tianxia”, XU Ji-lin argues that in the ancient Chinese notion of “family-state-tianxia”, tianxia represents universal civilization. As the soul, civilization needs a structural body, that is, “state”. The “state” is “China” as a political entity, which overlaps “China” as a civilization entity. However, “China” as a political entity in this sense is not a modern nation-state with its definite sovereignty, territory and people; instead, it is comprised of successive dynasties featured by disruption and unification from time to time. The identity of abstract “China” in ancient China was manifested through the identity of some orthodox dynasties that represented “China” concretely. The nation identity in modern sense is the identity of Chinese nation. Chinese nation is an imaginary “empty body of nation” that has been constructed since the late Qing Dynasty rather than a “national entity” with empirical evidences and self-consciousness. Although Chinese nation regards Huaxia-Han people as its main body, Huaxia-Han people is not equal to Chinese nation.
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    The Concerto of the State and Society: On the Logical Structure of Fukuyama’s Theory of Political Order
    GAO Li-ke
    2014, 46 (4):  41-48. 
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    By integrating the state, the rule of law, accountable government as the institutional assembly of modern political order and explaining the formation of political order in the theoretical frame of the interaction of the state and society, Fukuyama’s theory of political order reviews the evolution of the state, the rule of law and accountable government and their fusion in the interaction of the state and society, regarding the balanced development of the state and society as the goal of a civilized political order. Focusing on religion, Fukuyama interprets the precocious mode of a strong state in China and the mode of strong society with the rule of law in Europe. The most courageous idea in Fukuyama lies in its emphasizing the significance of the national structure to political order and defining the Qin Dynasty established in 221 BC as the origin of the modern state, which endows his theory of political order with capacity to explain both oriental and occidental civilizations.
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    The Mutual Coordination and Development of Modern State Governance and Deliberative Democracy
    QI Wei-ping & CHEN Peng
    2014, 46 (4):  49-55. 
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    The structural transformation of modern state governance shows that cooperation is its inner logic and fundamental strategy. Modern state governance needs both reasonable institutional structure and stable social foundation. As a kind of governance democracy, deliberative democracy can undertake the primary demands of modern state governance effectively at the level of social foundation: deliberative democracy can produce two elements that modern state governance requires, that is participants and social order. On the other hand, modern state governance supports deliberative democracy in political life and social space. Hence modern state governance and deliberative democracy can be well-coordinated. When cooperation and consultation constitute the common values of modern state governance and deliberative democracy, cultivating appropriate public spirit is essential to their development.
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    The Evolution of Privileged Bureaucrat and the Fall of the Soviet Communist Party
    TANG Jing & LI Peng
    2014, 46 (4):  56-62. 
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    When the Communist Party was in power in the Soviet Union, the bureaucratic stratum gradually formed, strengthened itself and eventually collapsed. This phenomenon was characterized by the forming of hierarchy, interest groups and internal closed communication. The bureaucratic stratum and privileges were entangled together, and bureaucracy evolved with the appearance of privilege enjoyment, privilege corruption and multiplied privileges. When the privilege alienation and the institutional transformation eventually occurred, the bureaucratic group cut the flesh and blood ties to the people and party members on the primary level, and its vulnerability became the last straw that caused the final collapse of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. A study of the lesson of the Soviet Union is conducive to understanding the issue of combating corruption and building a clean government and provides important research dimensions and profound historical insights for us to deliberate over party construction, modernization of state administration and their relationship.
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    Social Transformation、Time-Space Compression and The Construction of Ecological Civilization
    Bao Shuangye
    2014, 46 (4):  63-68. 
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    The current Chinese social transformation characterized by features of "Time-space Compression",that meant the "Time-space Compression" of social transformation aim and each field of social system. "Time-space Compression" feature has dual effect on the construction of ecological civilization. On the one hand, the "time space compression" to the construction of ecological civilization in China has brought the advantage of backwardness, This is a "preferred" external conditions and win-win cooperation international environment. On the other hand, the "time space compression" also make ecological civilization construction of China face a more urgent task and the pressure of the international community. In order to steadily promote Chinese ecological civilization needs the optimization of social transformation aim and social structure, and the transcendence of the local ecological thinking.
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    The Relationship between the Local and the National in the Sacrifice System of Jiangnan: A Case Study on Jinze Town, Suzhou Province and Songjiang Province
    LI Tian-gang
    2014, 46 (4):  69-78. 
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    The gods in folk religions have their symbolic meaning of both the local and the national. However, the relationship between the local and the national in folk religion has been seldom discussed in today’s religious circle. By studying the sacrifice forms in folk religion in Jinze Town, this paper attempts to provide a new dimension. A folk religion with “Lord Yang” as the main god has been preserved till now in Jinze Town, Qingpu District, Shanghai. The religious pattern of “temple and bridge” in the town forms a sacrifice system of Confucianism dating back to the Ming and Qing Dynasties, which reflects many features of local religion in Jiangnan area since medieval times. Jiangnan folk religion is a complete faith system, in which Confucian sacrifice is national while various “Lords” are local. Based on the field investigation in Jinze and the examination of local chronicles of Suzhou Province and Songjiang Province, this paper shows that the sacrifice system on the township level is an important pillar that supports local societies in Jiangnan.
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    The Advocating of Daoist Religion in Jingzhou and the Political Fortunes of the Rulers of Liao in the Ming Dynasty
    WANG Gang
    2014, 46 (4):  79-92. 
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    This paper discusses the advocating of Daoist religion and the fortunes of the rulers of Liao state in the Ming Dynasty. Daoist religion played a key role when the rulers of Liao was favored and then suspected by the emperors. While Daoism helped the first ruler of Liao survive from a political risk, it was also one of the elements which led to the destruction of the last ruler of Liao named by ZHU Xian-jie. Because of his advocating of Daoism, Zhu was favored by Emperor Jiajing but was deprived of the title and attacked by Emperor Longqing. Although the collapse of Liao was related to Zhu’s self-indulgent personality, it was also a result of political persecution. The political rival of ZHU took the advantage of Confucians’ hatred of Emperor Jiajing’s following the Daoist doctrines, framed up ZHU and made a false charge of his conspiracy against the empire. However, ZHU’s advocating had an indelible impact on the Daoism in his feod Jingzhou.
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    On the Self Issue from the Perspective of Anthropocentricism
    TU Ke-guo
    2014, 46 (4):  93-100. 
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    Self, as the reflective reference to oneself, has several meanings. It is the agent of social activities, the carrier of social relations, an organic element of social system, the creator and recipient of social values, the subject of social consciousness, the matrix of social culture, and the source of social impulse. In order to promote the development of society, or to realize the healthy and all-around development of individuals, self-consciousness of social subjects at different levels, along with self restoration, is necessary in practice, and theoretically, some problems such as limiting self merely to self of individuals, symptom of non-ego, and egotism dilemma must be explained reasonably. The self issue from the perspective of anthropocentricism contains three main aspects: first, the essence, types, characteristics and significance of self and other basic theoretical issues; second, introverted problems of self, including infantile-self, lost-self, devastated-self, shrinking-self, disdaining-self and commiserating-self; third, external problems of self, including externalized-self, narcissistic-self, egotistic-self and expanded-self. The introverted and external problems respectively represent two opposite attitudes of the subjective self towards objective self and external non-ego.
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    The Application and Development of the Western Concept of “Enlightenment” in the Study of the History of Chinese Philosophy in Modern China
    WU Gen-you
    2014, 46 (4):  101-108. 
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    The concept of “enlightenment” in modern Western philosophy has had extensive influence on every aspect of modern Chinese society. In their writing of the history of Chinese philosophy, HOU Wai-lu and XIAO Jie-fu inherited LIANG Qi-chao and HU Shi’s achievements in the study of the intellectual history of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, and applied the theoretical pattern of Marxism to define the over 300 years’ history from the late Ming Dynasty to the Regime of Emperor Daoguang in the Qing Dynasty as the “transition from the Ming Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty”. They believed that “early Chinese enlightenment thought”, with arising capitalist sprouts, had appeared in this period. XIAO even argued that “early Chinese enlightenment thought” was mainly against “ethical alienization” while European enlightenment against “religious alienization”. The interpretation and application of the modern Western concept of “enlightenment” in the study of the history of Chinese thought in modern China reflects the polysemy and diversity of the concept of “enlightenment” in modern world history.
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    Epicurus and “the quarrel between philosophy and poetry” in Plutarch’s De audiendis poetis
    Zhang Xuanci
    2014, 46 (4):  109-115. 
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    Plutarch mentions Epicurus twice in his De audiendis poetis. These two mentions appear separately in the beginning and the end of the essay which both focus on the relationship between poetry and philosophy. Epicurus appears as an adversary at the first time, while he becomes a friend of Plutarch at the second time. The examine of Epicurus in the De audiendis poetis can not only help us to understand Plutarch’s thoughts on education by poetry, but also help us to understand the ancient issue of “the quarrel between philosophy and poetry”.
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    External governance environment, Financial leverage and Over-investment ——based on the Shenzhen stock exchange listed companies
    Yang Rong, Lu Lina
    2014, 46 (4):  116-126. 
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    Research on the relationship between financial leverage and over-investment, as well as how external governance environment influences the effect which the financial leverage exerts on over-investment has important theoretical and practical significance. In this research, 2251 observation samples in the year 2008 to 2011 from the listed companies in Shenzhen Stock Exchange are selected, for analyzing the relationship among external governance environment, financial leverage and over-investment. Through the empirical research, we find that financial leverage has inhibitory effect on over-investment. And there is a negative correlation between over-investment and local product market competition, information disclosure quality, local degree of marketization, while a positive correlation between over-investment and local government intervention.
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    Analysis of management earnings forecast
    2014, 46 (4):  127-137. 
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    : This paper investigates the effects of internal and external governance mechanism on annual earnings preannouncement and its characteristics. Using analyst number following to measure the entity’s supervision from outside, and ownership nature, equity restriction degree and earnings management to measure internal efficiency of governance, empirical results show that analyst following promotes the disclosure of annual earnings preannouncement, thus increasing information transparency. The less analyst following is, the later annual earnings preannouncement is disclosed and the more bad news presents. Relative to SOEs, non-SOEs prefer to preannounce yearly earnings, but the precision is lower and good news is predominant. The higher the degree of equity restriction among top five shareholders, the less annual earnings preannouncement is, but when it is disclosed, precision is higher and date is later. We also find that the behavior of annual earnings preannouncement does have continuity. In general, effective external supervision and internal governance mechanism do influence annual earnings preannouncement and its characteristics.
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    The Predicament of “Changing the Background”: On Beidao’s Poetry Creation after His Immigration Oversea
    LIANG Yan
    2014, 46 (4):  138-143. 
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    The study on Beidao’s poetry creation after his immigration oversea shows that Beidao does not understand and even repels the present era. Meanwhile, he reflects on the background of the past age, which makes Beidao face more grief in nowadays. We can perceive today’s Beidao and previous Beidao, and the tension in his mind when he faces today’s Beijing and Beijing in the past. In fact, this demonstrates that he hovers between poetry creation and real background, poetry and reality, the reality in the poet’s imagination and the actual reality. The entanglement of life at present and in the past pushes Beidao to reflect on the past and the current. Hence, “changing the background” becomes the most important imagery in Beidao’s poetry creation oversea.
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    Chinese-language Media and the Construction of Cultural Identity of Chinese Immigrants: A Case Study on Australia
    CHEN Hong
    2014, 46 (4):  144-150. 
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    Along with the increase of Chinese immigrants in Australia, the Chinese-language media in Australia have been developed. Up to now, the Chinese-language media in Australia have played an important role in the establishment of the cultural identity and community consciousness of Australian Chinese, as well as in the harmonious life and development of oversea Chinese under the guidance of multi-culture policy. Meanwhile, they played an irreplaceable role in the cultural and social ties of new and old immigrants, and in inheriting and developing Chinese culture. In Australia, the Chinese-language media have become the most important channel to propagate Chinese language internationally. The cooperation between local media across China and the Chinese-language media in Australia provides realtime broadcasting of “Chinese voice” and consequently forms a stronger identity of hometown for oversea Chinese.
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