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    15 January 2016, Volume 48 Issue 1 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    Rural Governance: Problems and Solutions
    QI Wei-Ping,LIU Yi-Fei,HAO Yu-Qing,LUO Xing-Zuo,ZHANG Jin-Song,SHANGGUAN Jiu-Rui
    2016, 48 (1):  1-12.  doi: 10.16382/ j.cnki.1000-5579.2016.01.001
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    Rural Governance constitutes the important foundation and essential part of national and social governance in contemporary China. In order to realize rural governance with Chinese characteristics, we must solve the following problems not only at the theoretical level but at the practical level as well: rural governance cannot hinder the modernization of state governance; CPC organizations at the primary-level have to face the arduous task of regaining the cohesive force and building democracy; the leadership of such CPC organizations depends on smoothening the relationships with various social organizations in rural areas; successful communitization of rural areas and citizenization of rural population in the process of urbanization is essential to the modernization of rural governance; beautiful countryside construction and rural modernization shall be unified in rural governance.
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    Farmers’ Virtue Enlightenment and Rural governance: Focusing on the Transformation of the View Concerning Righteousness and Profit and that Concerning Principle and Desire
    LI Wei-Chao
    2016, 48 (1):  13-18.  doi: 10.16382/ j.cnki.1000-5579.2016.01.002
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    Since the practice of reform and opening-up, there has been a shift of the view concerning righteousness and profit and that concerning principle and desire in China’s rural areas: with the turning from traditional morals of regulating profit by means of righteousness and desire by means of principle to new pursuits of combining righteousness with desire and principle with desire and even to giving propriety to profit and desire unfortunately, the trend of the separation of profit from righteousness and desire from principle implies value crisis of treating morals in a utilitarian and even nihilistic way. Therefore, it is essential for the rural governance to achieve new rational understandings of the relationship between righteousness and profit and that between principle and desire by absorbing traditional wisdom and adapting to the new situation of the time.
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    On Master Liu’s Essay on Rites and Its Different Versions Compiled in Later Periods
    FANG Guang-Chang
    2016, 48 (1):  19-30.  doi: 10.16382/ j.cnki.1000-5579.2016.01.003
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    The oldest version of extant Master Liu’s Essay on Rites (Liushi Liwen) as a Dunhuang manuscript from the Northern and Southern Dynasties is reputedly a ritual text of worship advocated by venerable Master LIU Sa-he in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. By examining the text variation and historical transformation of extant Master Liu’s Essays on Rites, including the Dunhuang manuscript and 16 versions compiled in later periods, this paper finds that Master Liu’s Essays on Rites has been changing itself with the times, catering to the people and mixing various elements of many cultures, which may provide a good perspective for us to study the evolvement of ritual Buddhism.
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    An Philological Investigation of the Meishan Shuilu Ritual Text
    HOU Chong,ZHANG Bei-Bei
    2016, 48 (1):  31-38.  doi: 10.16382/ j.cnki.1000-5579.2016.01.004
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    Although they are often placed in the same category, the relationship between SU Shi’s Eulogy of Shuilu Scenes and Meishan Shuilu Ritual Text has not been cleared due to limited documents. Based on the message of “the rare edition of Chan Master Fa-yong in Fayun Temple” in the brief introduction to the Eulogy, this paper finds that the Eulogy was written in 1091 and thus independent of the Shuilu rite organized by SU Shi for his dead wife in 1093. The two Buddhist records newly unearthed in Kunming show that Meishan, also called Longhua Shuilu Ritual Text, was compiled by lay Buddhist ZHANG Xing-yun and Chan Master Bao-yue in the Southern Song Dynasty. It adopts SU Shi’s Eulogy based upon YANG Er’s Shuilu Ritual Text and Zen Master Zu-jue’s Shuilu Fast Ritual Text.
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    Dao-yin’s “Eulogy and Prayer of Sacrifices Offering” in Dunhuang Manuscripts and Its Academic Value
    WANG Zhao-Guo(Ding-Yuan)
    2016, 48 (1):  39-44.  doi: 10.16382/ j.cnki.1000-5579.2016.01.005
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    This paper introduces Daoyin’s “Eulogy and Prayer of Sacrifices Offering Ordered by the Emperor on the Occasion of Erecting a Stele at the Pagoda of Chan Master Dai-hui on July 30th of the 16th Year of the Kaiyuan Period in the Tang Dynasty” in the third Dunhuang manuscripts, and reconstructs the content of the text according to the manuscripts. Then the paper discusses the nature of the text, indentifying it as a prayer text of sacrifices offering. It finally evaluates the text in the studies of Monk Yi-xing, the life of Dao-yin and sacrifices offering events during the Tang Dynasty.
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    What Is the “Inverse Cultivation”?: Starting from Its First Appearance in Sutras
    WU Xiao-Jie
    2016, 48 (1):  45-50.  doi: 10.16382/ j.cnki.1000-5579.2016.01.006
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    What does “inverse cultivation” means? This shall start from its first appearance in the Sutra of Sukhavati in Ten Directions. Among four kinds of people mentioned in the sutra, only those who understand Buddhist doctrines and put them into practice can conduct “inverse cultivation”. The “inverse cultivation”, as a ritual of fast and offering sacrifices, does not oppose the cultivation for gaining meritorious rewards after death. On the contrary, they are essentially the same in encouraging people to do good things and get meritorious rewards.
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    On the Rituals in the Practices of Pure Conducts of Jingzhuzi
    CAO Ling
    2016, 48 (1):  51-57.  doi: 10.16382/ j.cnki.1000-5579.2016.01.007
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    XIAO Zi-liang’s Practices of Pure Conducts of Jingzhuzi is significant for the study of Buddhist rituals in the Southern and Northern Dynasties. By investigating its content of rituals and structure, this thesis finds that all the 31 chapters of the Practices are about the rituals and orderly arranged from this perspective. The Practices are essentially of confession rituals with the form of “five confessions”, which has been reformed so as to reinforce rituals’ function of teaching people to do good. This has greatly influenced the arrangement of rituals in Methods of Confession in Cibeidaochang. Besides, the thesis makes the comparison of the ideas of rituals between the Practices and Da?abhūmika-vibhā?ā-?āstra and detectes the contributions made by XIAO’s Practices.
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    Celebration and Politics: Exploration of the Historical Events Concerning “Celebration Ceremony of the Victory of Anti-Japanese War” in 1945
    ZHOU Wu
    2016, 48 (1):  58-76.  doi: 10.16382/ j.cnki.1000-5579.2016.01.008
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    After the victory of Anti-Japanese War in 1945, the national government in the secondary capital Chongqing decided to hold a nationwide celebration ceremony of the victory under the name of the nation on World Anti- Fascist War and China’s Anti-Japanese War Victory Day and issued Implementation of Celebration Ceremony nationwide. Chongqing was the first to establish “Celebration Ceremony Preparatory Committee in the Secondary Capital” and held a grand ceremony in Jiaochangkou on September 3rd. Immediately after that, “Celebration Ceremony Preparatory Committee in Shanghai”, with its office on No. 65, Gedeng Road (today’s Jiangning Road), was established to prepare for the celebration ceremony in Shanghai. However, the ceremony in Shanghai was postponed to October 10th because the administrators of the allied armies, national armies and Shanghai municipal government failed to arrive in Shanghai on the Victory Day. The ceremony was held in Shanghai Race Club with unprecedented spectacular scene and fervent atmosphere. It was the first grandest civil “celebration” ceremony as well as an outstanding ceremony under the name of the nation held in Shanghai after the withdrawal of concessions and the unity of municipal authorities. However, the ceremony has not aroused enough attention of scholars up to now. Focusing on Shanghai, this paper explores the preparation and concrete process of the ceremony and discusses the relationship between the celebration ceremony and politics based on related archives and other materials.
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    The Johnson Administration’s Debate and Decision on the ABM Deployment
    LIU Lei
    2016, 48 (1):  82-92.  doi: 10.16382/ j.cnki.1000-5579.2016.01.009
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    During the time of the Johnson administration, U.S. military and the government had heated and long-lasting debates on the deployment of the Nike-X ABM system against the backdrop of national defense strategy adjustment. The Johnson administration finally decided to deploy a limited ABM system in some selected regions for such reasons: internal political struggle, intention to force the Soviets to join in the arms control negotiation, and defense against the third party’s missile strike. This was the first official ABM deployment decision in American history, which deeply influenced America’s ABM deployment policy afterwards.
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    Language Contact and the Emergence of New Languages
    YOU Ru-Jie
    2016, 48 (1):  93-100.  doi: 10.16382/ j.cnki.1000-5579.2016.01.010
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    In modern China, all the new languages are hybrid languages which emerge due to language contact rather than population migration or the division of existing languages. A hybrid dialect is a new dialect with stable phonology after mixing up two or more dialects. It has been used as mother tongue by local residents with simplification of phonology as its most prominent feature. There are four types of hybrid dialects: boundary, migration, Creole and Koine dialects.
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    On the Causative and Passive Markers in Shanghai Dialect
    YANG Kai-Rong
    2016, 48 (1):  101-108.  doi: 10.16382/ j.cnki.1000-5579.2016.01.011
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    “Jiao34/nian23/bek5” are all causative markers in Shanghai dialect, but the causative meanings they represent are different. This paper argues for a new classification of the markers’ causative types and discusses the grammaticalization of “bek5???”, whose meaning extends from ‘providing’ to passive. We analyze corpus data and hold that it is through negative causative factors (i.e. non-permission) that “bek5???” acquires its passive meaning. Only “bek5???” that denotes non-permission has both causative and passive interpretations. This semantic connection is crucial to why “bek5” can function both as a causative and a passive marker.
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    A Study on Conversational Repair Strategies in CSL Classroom
    WU Yong-Yi,WANG Dan
    2016, 48 (1):  109-115.  doi: 10.16382/ j.cnki.1000-5579.2016.01.012
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    Applying the theory of conversational repair and using classroom records, corpuses, interviews and other research methods, this paper conducts a small empirical research on the type and proportion of conversational repair in CSL (Chinese as second language) classroom. The result objectively shows the dominant position of other-initiation and other-repair in the CSL classroom conversational repairs, in which the teachers (others) are overwhelmingly dominant. This is a unique phenomenon in the second language learning and acquisition, different from the daily conversation of the first language (mother tongue). Meanwhile, this paper makes another creative attempt to construct a theoretical system after sorting out conversational repair strategies for both CSL teachers and students.
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    On the Incompatibility of Plural Marker “Men” with Numerals: From the Perspective of the Distinctions of Chinese-English Number Categories
    SANG Zi-Hong
    2016, 48 (1):  116-121.  doi: 10.16382/ j.cnki.1000-5579.2016.01.013
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    This paper discusses the incompatibility of plural marker “men” with numerals in Chinese from a cross-linguistic perspective between Chinese and English. It comes to a conclusion that “men” is both an addictive plural marker and an associative plural marker. As an addictive plural marker, noun phrases plus “men” doesn’t refer to atomic members and is consequently incompatible with a numeral which signifies an exact number. When “men” is an associative plural marker, the heterogeneity between members in the set it refers to causes the failure of counting due to the fact that counting is based on homogeneity. In contrast, English plural marker “-s” entails general numbers including singulars and plurals so that it is compatible with numbers. While “-s” implies both singulars and plurals, “men” is a real plural marker which exclusively refers to plurals.
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    On the Seduction in Oleanna
    LIANG Chao-Qun
    2016, 48 (1):  122-129.  doi: 10.16382/ j.cnki.1000-5579.2016.01.014
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    The hegemony of discourse production constantly courses misunderstandings, resulting in gaps and contradiction in our consciousness. Almost all the available researches on David Mamet’s Oleanna unconsciously interprete it in the mirror of production, which has caused evasive interpretations. This paper places the play back into the tension between production and seduction both in Baudriallardian sense, reading carefully the seduction scenes in the play on stage and exculpating the accused character and the equally accused playwright. The significance of the play is not in its apparent confrontation with feminism, but in urging us to break the discursive monopoly of production, and facing our seducible self, and guiding us into a conscious reconstruction of the tension between production and seduction.
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    Exploring New Urban Poetics: On XU Fang’s Poetics and Poetry
    XU Dao-Jun
    2016, 48 (1):  130-136.  doi: 10.16382/ j.cnki.1000-5579.2016.01.015
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    As an urban poet with consciousness, XU Fang has constructed a new kind of urban poetics different from traditional pastoral, modernist ones and even that of the school of “urban poetry” in the past. XU’s urban poetry mainly creates “pure poetry” of urban life, rebuilds a harmonious relation between human beings and cities, and grasp the current in the context of modern time and agricultural time. Embodying her idea of urban poetics, XU’s works consists of the following three aspects: First, regarding the city as a thing-in-itself and “the second nature”, she describes the city from the perspective of a dweller and an observer at the same time; second, she captures the new life styles in the city, finds out the characteristics of city life and affirms the distinguished significance and value of the city; third, she takes the city as a method to experience the city. XU’s exploration of urban poetics and urban poetry is significant in promoting urban poetry originated in Shanghai to a new level.
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    Design of Corporate Control, “Capitalist” Endowment and Entrepreneur Background
    LAN Fa-Qin,ZHENG Wei,SONG Ju-Sheng
    2016, 48 (1):  137-145.  doi: 10.16382/ j.cnki.1000-5579.2016.01.016
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    Due to “capitalist” endowment, actual controllers often make corporate control structure sophisticated with the intent to raise capital leverage, relief information disclosure pressure, establish platform for related transaction and satisfy the requirement for IPOs in China’s securities market. Via the empirical research on the A shares of private-owned listed companies in both Shanghai and Shenzhen markets, this paper finds that the younger and better educated the corporate actual controllers are, the higher their “capitalist” endowment would be, and this is especially true for controllers who own the business and management education background. However, special political identity will make actual controllers more cautious in exerting “capitalist” endowment and avoid intricate structure design of control right.
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    “Eight Provisions”, Executive Control and the Perks
    YANG Rong
    2016, 48 (1):  146-157.  doi: 10.16382/ j.cnki.1000-5579.2016.01.017
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    In recent years, excessive perks in state-owned companies have aroused widespread concern. Taking the A-share state-owned companies listed from year 2010 to 2014 as samples, this paper empirically verifies that the “Eight Provisions” restrains the perks by executive control. It restrains not only the total perks but also the unusual perks. The “Eight Provisions” have more power in restraining the perks in lower executive control companies and listed central state-owned corporations. Therefore, to maximize the deterrent effect of the “Eight Provisions” on the perks, it is necessary to implement the “Eight Provisions” further in listed central state-owned corporations.
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    Competition in Product Market, Internal Pay Gap and Company Performance
    HAO Dong-Yang
    2016, 48 (1):  158-168.  doi: 10.16382/ j.cnki.1000-5579.2016.01.018
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    Some exploratory research has been made on the relation between internal pay gap and company performance, yet there is no deep analysis on whether the relation varies with market circumstance. Based on institution background in China, this paper focuses on the relation between internal pay gap and company performance in the condition of different product market competition. The result shows that the relation forms an inverted U shape, and the turning point of the U shape moves to the right when the competition in product market gets more intense, which means that the best level of company’s internal pay gap will be higher when the competition in product market is more intense. This tells us that relevant government departments shall consider industry difference when controlling the internal pay gap to promote income equality. It is suitable to take advantage of bigger internal pay gap in the industries or companies of more intense competition so as to make internal pay gap fully play an incentive role.
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    Empirical Test on Financial Listed Companies’ Executive Pay-for-Performance Sensitivity: Based on Performance Index PFMI
    SUN Li,YANG Li-Ping
    2016, 48 (1):  169-179.  doi: 10.16382/ j.cnki.1000-5579.2016.01.019
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    The high pay of the executives in financial companies has attracted the attention of the government and society. Since the financial sector plays an important role in the macro-economy, the government unveiled a series of compensation management and performance evaluation regulations. Considering the particular operation mode of the four different financial sub-sectors, that is, banking, insurance, securities and trust, this paper designs performance proxy variables PFMI according to the “financial performance evaluation standards”, and takes mixed regression and panel data regression approaches to study executive pay-for-performance sensitivity of the 42 financial companies listed on A-Share. This is quite different from most current studies, in which only one single financial performance indicator has been used. By comparing the sub-sectors of the financial industry, this paper shows that the listed banks’ executive pay has a positive correlation with bank performance and the executive pay-for-performance sensitivity is higher than other financial sectors while the pay-for-performance sensitivity of insurance takes the second place. Also, there is no significant correlation between the executive pay and the operation performance for securities and trust. These findings will have some empirical reference value for further improvement of financial institutions remuneration management.
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