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    15 September 2016, Volume 48 Issue 5 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    The Transformation of Humanities and Modern Society(A Symposium)
    2016, 48 (5):  1-20.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2016.05.001
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    There has been continuous interactive relationship between humanities and modern society since the late Qing Dynasty. Nevertheless, along with the high speed development of social economy, humanities have been impacted by new social factors since the beginning of the new century. Positively speaking, today we have a new opportunity to conclude and promote the relationship between humanities and social transformation, and the theorization of Chinese experience has been urgently demanded. Negatively speaking, humanities face unprecedented pressure due to social ideology and academic system as well.

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    After “Nora Left Home”: The Trauma of Abandoned Children and Misunderstandings of Emancipation
    YANG Lian fen
    2016, 48 (5):  21-27.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2016.05.002
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    Although it had once vigorously promoted the legalization of Chinese women’s education in the late Qing Dynasty and early years of the Republic of China, the doctrine of “good wife and devoted mother”was denied in the New Culture Movement. “Nora left home” became the myth of the establishment of female subjectivity after the May 4th Movement. After the rejection of the doctrine of “good wife and devoted mother” in the New Culture Movement, “abandoned children” became a common phenomenon in the emancipation of women. Meanwhile, the trauma of abandoned children, via obscure writings, became a certain modern “fable”, revealing the unconsciousness of father power in the emancipation of Chinese women.

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    The Writing of “Essay” and Its Cultural Logic after the May 4th Movement
    XU Cong hui
    2016, 48 (5):  28-34.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2016.05.003
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    The academic circle has gained some achievements in the research of “essay”, an important subject in the research of modern Chinese literary forms. However, lots of issues remain open to discussion, including the context where the concept of “essay” was put forward and its essential cultural logic. ZHOU Zuoren put forward the concept of “essay” after he read Buddhist sutras during his stay in the West Mountain to recuperate his health in 1921. The writing of “essays” of ZHOU Zuoren et al. formed a response to revolutionary discourses represented by leftwing literature. Such literary practice implies an effort to resist revolutionary ecstasy with individual reason, object the instrumentality of revolutionary literature with literary beauty, and deconstruct various forms of “eightpart essays” as stereotyped writing. ZHOU attaches great importance to “practice” and “affairs” while depreciates “empty words” and “moral integrity”. He consequently creates a literary paradigm, which is full of wide knowledge and philosophic wisdom and is characterized by peace, calmness, leisure, ease and bitterness.

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    The Soviet Union’s Policies towards the Baltic Sea Region: Their Changes and Lessons
    CUI Hai zhi
    2016, 48 (5):  35-42.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2016.05.004
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    The Soviet Union’s conquest of the Baltic Sea region resulted in ethnic conflicts. In order to eliminate the rebellion in the Baltic Sea region and to strengthen the control of the region, the Soviet leaders promoted the sovietization by force and established a controlling system in the region. After the death of Stalin, the Soviet leaders once made some positive changes in their policies towards the Baltic Sea region. However, the problems caused by Soviet policies were restrained and covered due to the Soviet leaders misguided view of ethnic problems. Thus the tension between the Soviet central government and the region was increasingly intensified. During the Gorbachev period, wrong policies towards the Baltic Sea region adopted by the Soviet leaders aggravated the independence tendency of this region, which finally led to the loss of the Soviet control of this region and finally the disintegration of the Soviet Union. There are serious lessons we should learn from

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    The Transformation of East Asia Strategies of USA and the Response of South Korea during 1969—1972
    LIANG Zhi
    2016, 48 (5):  43-49.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2016.05.005
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    Nixon administration began to perform strategic contraction in East Asia in the late 1960s and early 1970s. The measures such as downplaying of EC121 crisis, decreasing of the U.S. forces in South Korea and the reconciliation of Sino-U.S. relations vacillated Korea’s belief in America’s promise of Korean national security and also made Seoul realize that it could not force Washington to comprise by threatening with its strategic position as it had done before the Cold War. Therefore, Park Chung Hee administration tried its best to comply and coordinate with Americas adjustment of its strategies towards East Asia, in order to urge Washington to provide more military aids to South Korea, dissuade the U.S. forces from withdrawing, prevent Nixon administration from jeopardizing the interests of Seoul in its reconciling the Sino-U.S. relations. Seoul also promoted the defense independence of South Korea with all its strength and made efforts to improve its relations with communist countries. As a result, South Korea not only resolved the impact of “Nixonism” to a great extent but also gained some interests. However, in the mid and late 1970s, the secret nuclear development plan as one of the main measures of South Korea’s defense independence made the U.S. withdraw all its forces in South Korea, so the US-Korean alliance fell into the crisis of trust again.

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    Nixon’s Secret Commitment for Ending the Vietnam War: Also on the “Soviet Union Channel” in U.S.Vietnam Peace Talks and Its Function
    SHAO Xiao
    2016, 48 (5):  50-58.  doi: 0.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2016.05.006
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    In order to end the Vietnam War, American President Nixon finally made a secret commitment to North Vietnam via the “Soviet Union channel” after he took office: As long as Hanoi agreed to have “a decent interval” after signing the peace agreement, that is, Hanoi would not attack South Vietnam immediately after the U.S. forces withdrew, U.S. would allow it to unify Vietnam by war. Nixon’s secret commitment made North Vietnam eventually agree to sign the Paris Agreement.

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    The Qingmiaohui Association That Cross Ethnic Groups and Unite Villages in Taomin Region on Qinghai Tibet Plateau: A Restudy of the State Governance Policy towards Culture Diversity and Its Regional Practice
    FAN Chang feng
    2016, 48 (5):  59-65.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2016.05.007
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    As a country with diverse cultures and civilizations, China shall adopt a governance policy that embraces cultural pluralism towards border areas. For instance, in Taomin Region where “Han people and Tibetan people influence each other in terms of customs” in Qinghai, Qingmiaohui Association, as a basic type of social organization, forms multiple “stellar clusters” that cross ethnic groups and villages. Facing the reality that there are different ethnic groups with different religions in the region, these cross village Qingmiaohui organizations create a cultural mode for people to share different cultures and knowledge across villages. Just like the rotation and revolution of “stellar clusters”, these local social organizations and their activities play an important role in keeping a longterm stable and regular relationship between local society and the state, showing a good example for the unity of multiple ethnic groups and local social governance in border areas in China.

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    The Nature and Development Strategy of Social Work Professionalization in China from the Perspective of Recognition
    ZHANG Hai
    2016, 48 (5):  66-72.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2016.05.008
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    The past ten years has witnessed the breakthrough in social work professionalization in China. Recognition has become the core driving force for the development of social work, and the lack of recognition has hindered this development. From the perspective of recognition theory, the professionalization of social work is a process where self recognition forms and recognition from others is obtained in the private sphere, the social sphere and the value field. This has been proved by the practice of the development of social work professionalization in China. Therefore, it is the core strategy for the development of social work professionalization in China to orientate towards the future and strengthen the social recognition of the social work concerning its management status, governance capacity and governance contribution.

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    RMB Joining SDR Implies Adjustments to Standards and Corresponding Improvement
    LI Ben;SONG Yu jie
    2016, 48 (5):  73-79.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2016.05.009
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    On November 30th 2015, the IMF declared that RMB officially joined the SDR basket of currencies, positively affirming that RMB is in line with “freely usable currency” standard(FU). Judging from the three assessment standards of the IMF about SDR in different periods, we can see that the joining of RMB shows the adjustments to past standards with respect to “freely usable currency”. In this process, both China and the IMF have made efforts, which has enriched relevant international law practice. After RMB joined the basket, the RMB exchange rate marketization accelerates accordingly. While the IMF might put forward new requirements for relevant exchange rate reform to China, and even Europe and the United States proposed to sign the “New Plaza Accord” with China. In this regard, China should adhere to corresponding improvement and space in the exchange rate sovereignty under the framework of international law, and meanwhile guarantee the two way legal counterbalance driven by the external exchange rate stability and market oriented reform.

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    Forgiveness over Justice: On the Restorative Justice Programme at the Judicial State under Regulations
    JIN Guo
    2016, 48 (5):  80-89.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2016.05.010
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    The restorative justice programme is a further development of traditional criminal judicial systems. It is a kind of institutional pattern in a highgrade form rather than a return to the legal action pattern in the primitive society. In essence, the restorative justice programme attempts to replace penalty punishment with nonpenalty punishment in a larger scale; it also attempts to replace criminal liability undertaking with civil liability undertaking in order to solve the problem of criminal liability undertaking; on the procedure, it attempts to use the advantage of the solutions to civil disputes to complement the defects and deficiencies of the solutions to criminal cases. The idea of forgiveness over justice is the ethical foundation of the restorative justice programme. The social foundation of the restorative justice programme lies in the socialization of the state’s power. The judicial authority that represents the state’s will is checked and balanced by this socialized power.

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    Social policies: are “European models” models for China?
    Attila Marjan
    2016, 48 (5):  90-101.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2016.05.011
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    Since the 1990s, Chinese scholars havedelved deeper and deeper into the research of social models in Europe. Their studies have focused more on the areas of individual policy, including medical care, employment, labour market, aging issue, pension system, and have started to look at these issues from the perspective of what China could learn from European ways. In fact, the EU is a union of welfare states, not a welfare union. Social policy is a loosely harmonized area in the EU based on more or less voluntary cooperation between member states, whereas a cross EU welfare payments systemdoes not exist. EU’s social policiesare an inspiration for China, but the European models themselves have come under pressure and proved unsustainable lately. China should base its social security system on its own particular circumstances, of which the major constraints are underfinancing, insufficient coverage, geographical fragmentation and inefficient institutions. To attain a balance between a flexible and effective market economy and adequate social security provision remains to be the main internal challenge for China for several years, maybe decades.

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    On the Signing of the Ranger Agreement
    WANG Shi ming &;WANG Yanfen
    2016, 48 (5):  102-111.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2016.05.012
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    The Ranger Agreement signed in 1978 is the first agreement about the development of uranium in the aboriginal land in the history of Australia. As the result of the pressure that aboriginals received from the Commonwealth government and the mining interest groups, the Agreement reflects the increasing clearness of the standpoint and policy of the Commonwealth government on developing uranium, and the ambition of the mining interest groups to “lawfully” develop mines in aboriginal owned land under the name of “national interest”. Meanwhile, it mirrors the fragility and fuzziness of aboriginal land ownership. However, it shall be admitted that it has set an example in carrying out a comprehensive investigation on environmental disruption and other problems caused by the development of uranium as well as their countermeasures.

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    The Mechanism Guarantee and Implementation of the Construction of ChinaMongoliaRussia Economic Corridor from the Perspective of “One Belt and One Road”
    WANG Hai yan
    2016, 48 (5):  112-118.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2016.05.013
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    As one of six international economic corridors, ChinaMongoliaRussia Economic Corridor is an important programme in the construction of the silk road economic belt put forward in the 13th five year plan. The political and economic cooperation, the established regional and sub regional cooperation mechanisms and docking development strategies among the three countries lay a sound foundation for the construction of the Corridor. However, the construction faces both opportunities and challenges. Hence, it is significant to examine the extension and connotation of the construction of the Corridor and to put forward targeted policies by analyzing the measures to construct the Corridor, which will promote the realization of the strategic prospect of “One Belt and One Road”.

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    The Construction of the Green Silk Road Economic Belt in Middle Asia: Its Implementation and Policies
    XU Hai yan
    2016, 48 (5):  119-125.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2016.05.014
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    Chinese government proposes to “construct the silk road economic belt jointly” and meanwhile emphasizes the leading role of environmental construction. It is the important connotation and goal of China’s construction of “One Belt and One Road” to build a green land bridge jointly by integrating the construction of the silk road economic belt and the environmental construction, and to build China Middle Asia community so as to sustainably support the green development of the silk road economic belt. The Aral Sea disaster, which mainly caused by the extensive farming in Middle Asia in the mid 20th century, is the most serious environmental problem we meet in constructing the green silk road economic belt jointly. We need to learn from this severe lesson, regard promoting the management of the Aral Sea by modernizing the agriculture in the area as the breakthrough point and deepen the construction of the silk road economic belt so as to improve fundamentally the ecological environment in Middle Asia. In this way, we can put the local rich farming resources and the new energy resources into a full play so as to build another food channel and new energy channel for the silk road economic belt.

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    Research on the Incentive Regulation Mechanism of Pollution Control: From the Theoretical Perspectives of Jean Tirole
    GUAN Hua &;ZHAO Li ming
    2016, 48 (5):  126-132.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2016.05.015
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    Since French economist Jean Tirole won the economics Nobel Prize, his new industrial organization theory and new regulation economics has drawn wide attention from researchers. By using the new regulation theory of Tirole, this thesis analyzes the regulation problem of pollution control enterprise. It can be found that under the condition of complete information, a fixed price contract can encourage the enterprise to play optimal effort level so as to realize the maximization of social welfare; and in the case of asymmetric information, a fixed price contract containing yardstick competition can be used in the regulation and solve the welfare loss due to asymmetric information to a certain extent. This finding can be quite helpful for China’s relevant government departments to regulate pollution control enterprise.

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    Local Interests and Their Coordination Mechanism in the Regional Governance of Air Pollution: A Case Study of the Region of Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei
    WANG Hong mei;XING Hua &;WEI Ren Ke
    2016, 48 (5):  133-139.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.10005579.2016.05.016
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    The severe situation of regional complex air pollution calls for strengthened regional governance. Due to different structures of economic and social development between regions, regional governance of air pollution will produce different effects on the local interests of different administrative regions. So the coordination of local interests becomes the key to the control of air pollution. According to their different degrees of competition, local interests can be divided into three types: competitive interests, complementary interests and noncompetitive interests. Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei Province have very complex local interests, but there’s not a long term and stable interests coordination mechanism to adjust them. In the process of regional air pollution governance, Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei present new characteristics of the local interest relations. Therefore, to control the air pollution in the region of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, we should build new and different coordination mechanisms according to different interest relations, which include embedding third party mechanism and performance evaluation system reform to promote positive competition, setting up new benefits compensation mechanism and multi agent network governance system to balance interests, building authoritative regional interests coordination organization and marketization mechanism to advance negotiation efficiency.

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    Development and Improvement of the Study of Enterprise Environmental Information Disclosure: From the Perspective of Disclosure Index Design and Construction
    ZHANG Xiu min; XUE Yu
    2016, 48 (5):  140-149.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2016.05.017
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    In the area of enterprise environmental information disclosure, the design and construction of disclosure index is the basis of and key to the research. Based on the recent relevant classical documents at home and abroad, this thesis generalizes the development process of the design and construction of its index, demonstrating that the research perspective has experienced two stages, that is, from pollution disposition to environment prevention, and there are similarities and differences between domestic and international research. The investigation threshold of disclosure index gets broadened in the digital time. Moreover, the development of diverse assignment modes is a gradual progress as well. With its application range and limit, every mode of index will affect the conclusion of subsequent study. The examination of the design and construction of disclosure index shows how to approach internet disclosure and semantic analysis.

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    Empirical Research on the Relationship between Workplace Friendship and Flourish at Work
    CHEN Hong an; LI Le;LIU Jun hong;WU Lu qiong ;JI Chang wu
    2016, 48 (5):  150-160.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2016.05.018
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    The organization is facing fierce competition and increasingly complex environment. The sustainable development ability of employees at work is very important for the organization’s growth and survival. Flourish at work is a new perspective in the field of positive organizational behavior. This thesis aims to explore factors and mechanism that affect this new variable and draws the following conclusions through questionnaire survey and empirical study: (1) Workplace friendship significantly has a positive effect on flourish at work, and the vitality of work and learning dimension; (2) workplace friendship has a positive impact on psychological capital and its diverse dimensions; (3) psychological capital and its dimensions have significant positive correlation with flourish at work.

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    The Definition and System Construction of Event Nouns in Mandarin Chinese
    HAN Lei
    2016, 48 (5):  161-175.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2016.05.019
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    The category of event is a complex category fused by two basic categories of thing and action. From the perspective of crosslanguage, the category of event is a marked map, and it is coded by a word rather than a sentence. However, lots of unmarked event nouns can be found even in morphological languages, and the ambiguity of event nouns is also a common linguistic phenomenon. So the function standard of distribution is still the vital method of defining event nouns in morphological languages. Comparing the existing frameworks of mandarin Chinese and the ones in morphological languages, we can find that their common core function is event structure realization of nouns. So the method defining Chinese event nouns can be named the Event Structure Diagnosis. Different weights can be added on these frameworks according to their priority differences. These differently weighted frameworks can serve as standards for defining the potential members of event nouns according to word senses. In this way, a mandarin Chinese event noun classification system can be roughly constructed.

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    “Lexicalized and Productive Supermini Comedy” in Global Language and Culture: Reanalysis of the Value of Chinese Xiehouyu
    CHEN Jia xuan
    2016, 48 (5):  176-183.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2016.05.020
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    It is generally agreed that China’s comedy creation falls behind the West and Chinese people are not humorous in regard to their cultural character. Effectively this is not true. Xiehouyu, as a unique linguistic form in Chinese, can be considered as the best embodiment of Chinese comic spirit. It is not only a kind of rhetoric, but also a subset of Chinese vocabulary system and a comedy style as well. The dominant idea that xiehouyu is composed of “introduction” and “explanation” is not exactly right. In fact, it contains three elements, that is, “introduction”, “explanation”, and the “pause” between them. Such a special structure of “introduction + pause + explanation” is typically comedic. In addition, it also functions as “vocabulary” and “rhetoric”. Thus, as a “lexicalized and productive supermini comedy” in the global language and culture system, it uniquely demonstrates Chinese comic spirit.

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    The Early Publication of Communist Manifesto in China: From the Perspective of Mass Communication
    ZHANG Guo wei
    2016, 48 (5):  184-190.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2016.05.021
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    The modern media, especially the publishing, played an important role in the early propagation of Communist Manifesto in China. Focusing on the propagation of the content of Marxism, previous research has overlooked the activities of media and related participants. With more unearthed documents and new research methods, the research of the development of Marxism in China from the perspective of mass communication is quite promising. This thesis studies the publishing and propagation of Communist Manifesto in the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China, analyses the characteristics of the propagation in different periods, examines the function of media technology and media industry in these periods, and probes into the construction of the identities of propagators and receivers under the influence of modern publishing as a new type of media. In this way, we can obtain a comprehensive understanding of the interactive relationship between modern media and the propagation of Communist Manifesto in China.

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    Abstracts and Keywords of Major Articles
    2016, 48 (5):  191-196. 
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    Abstracts and Keywords of Major Articles

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