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    15 November 2016, Volume 48 Issue 6 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    CAI Yuan-pei’s Cultural Personality and the New Culture in the Early Years of the Republic of China
    YANG Guo-qiang
    2016, 48 (6):  1-12.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2016.06.001
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    Concerning the cultural trends in the early years of the Republic of China, cultural positions were always tangled with political ones. With his cultural personality of “being mean”, CAI Yuan pei helped to create the “freedom for academic studies and intellectual disputation” in Peking University, integrating the new culture with the over 2,0000-year-old doctrine of “cultivating self” by “restraining one ’s selfishness” in Confucianism. A pure sprit of “learning for learning s sake” was created in the debates over the West versus China, the past versus the present, and the new versus the old, and the frequent changes of the governments and non stop political chaos for over a decade. Thus, there was a spectacular scene with novelty at the various levels of academic studies, styles of study, and intellectuals as both individuals and groups. In an age when intellectuals were actively or passively involved in politics, CAI i’s cultural personality made him distinct from both “politicians” and his contemporaries embracing new culture. He promoted the culture in Peking University to an unrivaled level so that the university has been reputed as the cultural symbol in the early years of the Republic of China.

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    Chinese Philosophy into the World and the Issue of Translation(Symposium)
    PENG Guoxiang & WANG Huaiyu & HAN Zhenhua & Andrew LAMBERT
    2016, 48 (6):  13-22.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2016.06.002
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    When Chinese philosophy goes into the world, the translation of philosophy and the philosophy of translation becomes more and more pressing. The skill of the foreign language, professional knowledge and the capacity of the mother language—all these three elements are essential to successful translation. Regarding translating Chinese philosophy into English, it is not necessary to coin new words or use difficult words, while the primary task is to grasp the exact connotations of words and texts to be translated. Successful translation relies on a translator’s careful arrangement to establish a medium between two languages and two kinds of thought. What is difficult for a translator is to make a balance between seeking for similarities and respecting differences. The loss of meaning in the translation of philosophy is not only understandable, but even inevitable in some cases. An ideal translation not only remains loyal towards the real intention of an original text, but participates in and interprets its inexhaustible meanings. The tension between the original meaning and the translated meaning lies in the translation of Chinese philosophy, especially the works of modern Chinese thinkers. In translating modern Chinese thought, a translator shall not ignore the pressure from the readers. In order to effectively introduce Chinese thought to Anglo American philosophers, who prejudice non Western traditions, a translator must try his or her best to translate attractive works. Last but not the least, we must be cautious that in the context of the “linguistic turn”, the dilemma of translating or interpreting philosophy may be counted as a result of “linguistic relativism”, or even “linguistic determinism”.

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    KANG You-wei and the Modulation of Political Conservatism in the Early Years of the Republic of China: Focusing on Revolution and Restoration
    GAO Bo
    2016, 48 (6):  23-30.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2016.06.003
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    Under the pressure of anti-Manchu nationalism in the late Qing Dynasty, KANG You-wei attempted to response with his doctrine of revolution and three generations from the perspective of the official script school of Confucianism. He argues that revolution has been normal in Chinese history, and the ultimate goal of political evolution is to found a republic. According to him, the particular title of a “monarch without real political power”, which not only implies the ideal of republic but also meets the common people and elites ’s desire for a symbolic authority, can serve as a provisional instrument towards republic. From the beginning of the Republic to the Restoration Period, KANG intended to restore the monarchy of the Qing government both in theory and in practice, depriving its sacred meaning and making it only a symbol of a nation state. This concept denies the divinity of monarchy and affirms the dominance of republicanism in ideology. The failure of political conservatism in the early years of the Republic of China, together with its transformation into cultural conservatism afterwards, is related to the self-limitation of such concept in the respects of theory and value.

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    Local Forces in the 1920s, Their Absorption into CPC, Power Reorganization and Transition to “National Revolution”: A Case Study of ZHANG Tai rong ’s Diary in Fenghua
    2016, 48 (6):  31-42.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2016.06.004
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    Examining the diary of ZHANG Tai rong, an ordinary intellectual and following the main clues of his personal experience, this thesis finds out a process of power reorganization of local elites with different social statuses and political positions in the 1920s. On the one hand, the elites who had won prestige in local society persevered in the tradition of local autonomy and took advantage of the new form of political party; on the other hand, intellectuals at middle and lower levels joined CPC in the “Mass Movement” and played more and more important roles in local affairs. The local situation of parties and identities was complicated. Intellectuals at middle and lower levels began to have the consciousness of national revolution inspired by the anti imperialism in the May 30th Movement in 1925. The case in Fenghua was a micro model of Chinese political development in the 20th century: party politics was connected with some political practice in the late Qing Dynasty; the traditional local elite-rule model was formally ended after local power ’s absorption into CPC; more social strata could be penetrated and more common people could be controlled only when individuals and groups were rigorously organized. In this way, CPC gained extensive support in society, strengthening its leadership in Chinese politics.

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    Academic Independence and Its Limitation: A Reexamination of the Election and Appointment of President of Academia Sinica in 1940
    ZHANG Jian
    2016, 48 (6):  43-51.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2016.06.005
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    Academia Sinica was once the fortress of academic freedom and independence in the Republic of China. The election of its president was strongly disrupted by political power after the death of CAI Yuan pei in 1940. The members at the appraisal meeting, with their academic conscience, selected WENG Wen-hao, ZHU Jia-hua and HU Shi as the candidates while rejecting CHIANG Kai shek's personal appointing of GU Meng-yu. This could be understood as the victory of academic freedom and independence against political power. However, the further selection of the presidential candidate and the appointment was severely suffered from the intervention of political elements, so that HU Shi was almost dismissed from his post as Chinese Ambassador to the U.S., and it was ZHU Jia-hua as a bureaucratic official rather than WENG Wen-hao as an authentic scholar that took charge of the president. The whole incident showed the limitation of academic freedom and independence. Furthermore, due to worse political intervention, Academia Sinica under the leadership of ZHU Jia-hua had to struggle for survival. This demonstrated that it was hard to win the academic freedom and independence under severe control of political power.

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    The Journey to Hangzhou: On the Route between Wenzhou and Hangzhou in the Late Qing Dynasty and the Period of the Republic of China
    DING Xian yong
    2016, 48 (6):  52-61.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2016.06.006
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    In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Wenzhou, with its most undeveloped transport, was the furthest prefecture away from Zhejiang s provincial capital Hangzhou. By studying historical materials such as the diaries of the examinees from Wenzhou, who took the imperial examinations in Hangzhou, we find that the route between Wenzhou and Hangzhou was 500-kilometer long and it took nearly two weeks to cross mountains and rivers to arrive in Hangzhou with simple and primitive transport. Since the modern times, the route between Wenzhou and Hangzhou has changed a lot. It took 3 days by ship, 1 day after the highway was built and only 2 hours by plane. The travel expenses, trip safety and transport services were all the obstacles to travelling for people in Wenzhou in the late Qing Dynasty and the Period of the Republic of China. However, with the development of new transport in modern times, local people in Wenzhou began to travel out of isolated Wenzhou and make journeys worldwide.

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    On Fictional World Daily in the Late Qing Dynasty
    CHEN Da kang
    2016, 48 (6):  62-70.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2016.06.007
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    As an important publication of novels in the late Qing Dynasty, Fictional World Daily had greatly promoted the rising and thriving of short novels at that time. However, the Daily is not extant and few scholars know about it. Examining related materials, this thesis attempts to figure out the basic facts of the publication, collect the fragments of its novels, infer its editor0-in-chief and analyse the situation after its alteration.

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    Urbanization: Memorial Style, Mystification and Poetry
    ZHU Jun
    2016, 48 (6):  71-76.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2016.06.008
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    The “memorial style” and “mystification” demonstrate different historical trends of urbanization: the former shows the will of power while the latter commercial hegemony. The urban modernization presents a historical cycle of “mystifying-demystifying-remystifying” and is day by day alienated as the illusion of symbols and ruling by symbols. The construction of a “poetic city” aims to restore to the idea that“a city serves as a theatre for daily life”, facilitating the unity of poetry and daily life. It is to establish an urban philosophical paradigm rooted in life world by emphasizing the criticism and reconstruction of modern cities via “poetry” beyond the three dimensions of “divinity”, “power” and “humanity”.

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    Manchukuo Pupils and “Implanted Fairy Tales”
    CHEN Shi
    2016, 48 (6):  77-84.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2016.06.009
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    During 1932—1945, the Japanese invaders propped up a puppet state in northeastern China, that is, Manchukuo. During 14 years, the Japanese colonizers and Manchukuo authorities developed a set of “young citizens” training programs. In order to “educate” teenagers more efficiently, they started to launch publications controlled by the authorities. Under this circumstance, Manchukuo Pupils came into being. Investigating Manchukuo Pupils and some fairy tales issued by the journal, this thesis presents the phenomenon of “implanted fairy tales”, explores the colonist ’s expectation and imagination of “young citizens”, exposes their control of children’s readings, reveals their motivations for implanting elements of the “harmonious coexistence of five nationalities” and “a happy land with benevolent government” into fairy tales, and discusses their nature of using fairy tales to create a fictional paradise.

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    On the History of Annotations to Vimalakirti-Nivdesa Sutra in the Middle Ancient China
    GONG Juan
    2016, 48 (6):  85-92.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2016.06.010
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    The intellectual history of annotations to Vimalakirti-Nivdesa Sutra since the middle ancient times shows that the Sutra exerted extensive and profound influence on the study of sutras in the middle ancient China and the activities of annotation and learning of the Sutra also reached its prime at that time. A great number of annotations of high quality had been created by various schools, including the schools in the Guanzhong area represented by Kumarajiva, SENG Zao, SENG Chao and ZHU Dao sheng,the Earth and Perturbation Theories, the School of the Three Sutras, the Tiantai School and the Dharmalaksana School. This thesis examines the formation and development of different schools of the annotations to Vimalakirti-Nivdesa Sutra in the middle ancient times in order to clarify the intellectual contexts of the annotations of these different schools, and consequently make a new judgment on the relationship between the author of Dunhuang version of Vimalakirti -Nivdesa Sutra(T2771) and the Northern Perturbation School represented by TAN Qian.

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    “Zhengfan” and “Yifan” in Buddhist Sutra Translation Theories in Ancient China
    TAO Lei
    2016, 48 (6):  93-100.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2016.06.011
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    As the two methods used in Buddhist sutra translation in ancient China, “zhengfan” and “yifan” were respectively applied to translate the nouns referring things both in China and in India and those referring things only available in India. We can find the definitions of “zhengfan” and “yifan” in Official Record of Sifenlv Xingshichao written in the late Tang and Five Dynasties. However, the initiator of these two categories was XUAN Zang, the great Buddhist sutra translator who suggests the “method of transliteration in five situations”. In the Northern Song Dynasty, a monk named YUN Kan of the Vinaya School in the Southern Mountain borrowed the concept of “categories of things” in traditional literary theories to elaborate and develop DAO Xuan’s translating strategy of the “inter-translation of things and meanings”. In this way, “yifan” can be also applied in translating abstract conceptions.

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    From Community-oriented to Community-centered: Reconstructing the Service Model of Social Work concerning Disaster
    WU Yue-fei & WEN Jun
    2016, 48 (6):  101-110.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2016.06.012
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    The persistent emphasis on the endogeneity and combination effect of disasters in social science deeply breaks through the restrictions of traditional thoughts from the perspective of natural science and technology. Consequently the disaster management becomes “community orientated”. There is a debate over whether and how social work in the community can provide effective service to cope with disasters nowadays. Critically examining the dominant service model of social work concerning disaster in the West, this thesis advocates to reconstruct the service model from “community-oriented” to “community-centered” so that community itself, as a subject with multiple relationships, can return to the center of social service concerning disaster and make more effective service possible from an anti-sectarian professional standpoint.

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    Local Construction of Social Work Knowledge: The Approach and Strategies Based on Practice
    AN Qiu ling
    2016, 48 (6):  111-117.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2016.06.013
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    It’s necessary to shift from localization to local construction in developing social work knowledge. A possible approach is to turn back to practice. The domain of practice, in which social and cultural elements converge, provides an ecological environment for the local construction of social work knowledge in China: “Chinese problems” can serve as the logic starting points while practical wisdom as important intellectual resources. Here are the basic strategies: pay close attention to the frontline social workers and clients, make cross culture dialogues about social work practice, and develop problem oriented knowledge in practical research.

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    Abe Cabinet s Diplomatic Mode towards China from the “Hedging” Perspective
    CAI Liang
    2016, 48 (6):  118-124.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2016.06.014
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    Since the Sino-Japan relations are characterized by coexistence of security trust deficit and close interdependency, Shinzo Abe Cabinet has carried out “Hedging” policy towards China, that is, Abe Cabinet s diplomatic policy to China presents a “hedging” mode composed of “check and balance” and “cooperation”. The goals of the policy are to contain China s “security” threats to Japan, and to avoid further deteriorating of mutual relations so as to protect Tokyo s interests. The “check and balance” dimension mainly targets at domestic and oversea domains as well as the institutional aspect. These measures include but not limit to enlarging investment on defense, strengthening Tokyo-Washington alliance and upgrading security cooperation with China s neighboring countries, and meanwhile hyping that “China is a threat” in the international community. The “cooperation” dimension means economic pragmatism and controllable exchanges, that is, Japan enhances its economic cooperation while improving communications via multi dialogue channels with China in this respect.

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    The Predicament of the Sino-Japan Relations and Possible Choices since the 21st Century
    HUA Gui ping
    2016, 48 (6):  125-131.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2016.06.015
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    Since the normalization of the Sino Japan relations, each generation of Chinese leaders have attached great importance to the Sino Japan relations and confirmed the wish for long lasting friendly relations with Japan. Since the 21st century, the relations between the two countries have experienced ups and downs due to historical issues and practical interests. Chinese government continuously adjusts the policy towards Japan on the premise of maintaining friendly Sino Japan relations. In the current predicament of Sino Japan relations, China and Japan should implement the fundamental spirit and concrete content of the four political documents agreed by the two nations, work together to promote the bilateral relations towards the lofty goals of “living together peacefully, maintaining a long lasting friendship for future generations, mutual beneficial cooperation and common development”.

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    On the Development of the Sino Japan Relations from a Perspective of Historical Philosophy
    YAN De-xue
    2016, 48 (6):  132-140.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2016.06.016
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    The development history of the Sino-Japan relations is quite outstanding in the whole history of international relations. Objective historical facts in over 2000-year history provide an essential condition to conclude the law of historical development of the relations between these two countries. From the perspective of macro-history, nationalism that insists historical fatalism and Tian-xia doctrine that advocates applying traditional ideas for today’s seek, Japan’s invasion to foreign countries with the anxious consciousness of hardship, China’s frequent changes of dynasties in history, the construction of the two East Asian orders of the “rites system of the Celestial Empire” and “Great East Asian Order”, the “mechanical effect” of geopolitics on war haunted Korean Peninsula, and other elements such as the historical responsibilities and ideas of morals and profits of the two nations political leaders, form the main paradigm of philosophical development of the Sino-Japan relations. Meanwhile, the laws and reasonable conclusions drawn from the paradigm include important connotation of “learning from history” for Sino-Japan relations.

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    Basic Solutions to the Housing Problem of Migrant Workers
    ZHANG Hong ming
    2016, 48 (6):  141-144.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2016.06.017
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    Because of the diverse backgrounds of migrant workers, overlapping of economic and non economic problems, the gap between the real paying ability of migrant workers and their potential paying ability, excessive functions that the housing of migrant workers bears, the need to match the housing of migrant workers with the supply capability of cities with great differences, the housing problem of migrant workers is very complicated and difficult to solve, which needs to be treated prudently and cautiously. From the perspective of the government, we should adopt measures such as encouraging the parties concerned to provide low cost housing, allocating public lease housing or offering housing guarantee under suitable conditions, encouraging developers to build more medium and small sized apartments and including migrant workers into the public accumulation fund system in order to relief the housing pressure of migrant workers in reality in a middle and short term. Of course, the fundamental measure to solve the housing problem of migrant workers is to monetize the legitimate rights of peasants in villages in order to improve migrant worker’s capability to pay the housing in cities and to make peasants a powerful force that participates in urbanization, industrialization and marketization and even a new driving force that promotes Chinese economic development.

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    On Housing Public Accumulation Fund System Targeting at Migrant Workers
    PENG Jia liang and LUO Yi
    2016, 48 (6):  145-151.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2016.06.018
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    The attention has been increasingly paid to the housing financial support problem for migrant workers throughout the whole society. With the proposed citizenization of new citizens, migrant worker’s housing consumption has become an urgent need, while financial policy support is strongly requested at the same time. However, the existing housing public accumulation fund system is mainly targeted at urban residents, excluding migrant workers from this welfare system. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out institutional innovation combined with the actual demand of peasant-workers and establish an improved housing public accumulation fund system. Such institutional reform will not only promote housing purchase of migrant workers directly by satisfying their financial demand thus leading to the prosperity of the real estate market, but also contribute to the achievement of social fairness.

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    The Identification of Housing Financial Risk of Peasants Purchase Based on the Internet Big Data
    LONG Sheng-ping and HE Yan-jun
    2016, 48 (6):  152-156.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2016.06.019
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    It is an important task confirmed at the central economic conference which was held last year to promote peasants’housing purchase ability and resolve the real estate inventory in the third or fourth tier cities. However, it is hard for the bank to recognize the loan risk in actual operation process, because the central bank credit system failed to cover the majority of peasants. Based on the analysis of the financial risk from the angle of economics, we find that the risk of peasants’purchase is clear. It is important to construct a credit system framework mainly built by central bank and supplemented by internet big data to complement the insufficiency of peasant credit report.

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    On the Purchase Intention and Influencing Factors of Rural-urban Migrants in China
    SONG Yan jiao
    2016, 48 (6):  157-169.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2016.06.020
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    Based on the dynamic monitoring survey data of the national floating population in 2014, this paper studies the characteristics and effects of the subjective purchase intention of the rural-urban migrants by using the binary logit model. The results show that the factors that affect the purchase intention of floating population can be summed up as economic factors, family factors and integration factors. The average monthly household income has a significant U-shaped effect on the purchase intention, but the effect is not robust. The effect of integration factors in the city, such as identification and neighbors’ accommodation types, is significantly positive; the spatial flow pattern has a remarkable influence on the purchase intention. In addition, the purchase intention of the rural urban migrants in different cities presents heterogeneity. The impact of urban size on the willingness of the local house takes on an inverted U shape. The possibility for floating population to buy local housing is the highest in the second tier cities, followed by the third and then the first tier cities.

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