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    15 May 2018, Volume 50 Issue 3 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    On the Global Significance of XI Jin-ping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era
    CHEN Jin-long
    2018, 50 (3):  1-6.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2018.03.001
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    XI Jin-ping's thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era contains Chinese wisdom for the development of socialism in the world, Chinese experience of realizing modernization in a developing country, and Chinese solution to the global governing. It clarifies the theoretical puzzlement of "the end of history", "the clash of civilizations" and "Western centrism", so that it plays an important role in human intellectual history. Therefore, one should adopt an international vision and a global perspective to understand and evaluate the theoretical significance and practical value of XI Jin-ping's thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era.
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    The Ideological Construction of an All-out Effort to Enforce Strict Party Discipline in a New Era from a Historical Perspective
    YANG Feng-cheng
    2018, 50 (3):  7-14.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2018.03.002
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    It is a historical conclusion as well as a call of the time to regard the ideological construction as the fundamental construction of the Party. Since ideal and faith are our root and soul, we must hold high the banner of faith. We must arm ourselves with theories by reading and studying original works and investigating basic principles so that we can realize genuine learning, genuine knowledge, real faith and actual application. Attaching great importance to the integration of the Party spirit education and moral cultivation is essential to XI Jin-ping's thought of an all-out effort to enforce strict Party discipline. It also embodies the inheritance and development of the Party's ideological construction.
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    Philosophy of Social Sciences and Its Methodology
    CHEN Jia-ming, YING Qi, ZHANG Liu-hua, XU Zhu, HE Min-nian
    2018, 50 (3):  15-35.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2018.03.003
    Abstract ( 341 )   HTML ( 7 )   PDF (3498KB) ( 848 )   Save
    The issue concerning philosophy of social sciences and its methodology is only the focus of current theoretical philosophy and practical philosophy. It also has become an intellectual platform and a workplace for cross-discipline practice. It can be traced back to the distinction, as well as the connection, between the explanation and understanding, in Neo-Kantianism, which goes through the issue of methodology of social sciences from beginning to end. This structure also forms a contrast with causal research pattern and normative research pattern in current philosophical discussions of social sciences. If practical reasoning is the hub and axis that runs through the history from Aristotle's practical philosophy to philosophy of action in Wittgenstein and his disciples, normative reasons, as well as an independent and self-sufficient concept of norm, seems to direct recent debates on philosophy of social sciences. In order to create an important opportunity to restart, philosophy of social sciences and its methodology in the Chinese context should face the multi-dimensional intellectual ecology of current methodology of social sciences that shows objectivity, normativity and complexity on the one hand and stick to the practical approach of action analysis based on the concept of "rationality" and case orientation on the other.
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    Military Countermeasures of the Russian Council of Ministers during World War I
    ZHANG Guang-xiang, AN Yan
    2018, 50 (3):  36-45.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2018.03.004
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    In World War I, Russia suffered from successive military defeats and domestic revolutions. As the highest administrative executive organ in Russia during the War, the Council of Ministers was confronted with lots of formidable tasks. It did make great efforts to solve the coordination of relevant departments, arms supplies, sources of troops and transportation problems, which had a direct impact on the outcome of the war in Russia. By analyzing the effect of the Council of Ministers during the War, we can draw a conclusion that the Council of Ministers failed to provide strong support for the front military activities of Russia, and the Czar, the Queen Group, the Council of Ministers itself and other factors had influence on the activities of the Council. The study of the military countermeasures, as well as their results, of the Russian Council of Ministers during World War I provides us with new research materials and perspectives for further examination of the causes of the outbreak of October Revolution and the end of the reign of Romanov dynasty in Russia.
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    A Restudy of Several Issues in the Transformation of China's National Security Strategy in 1960s
    NIU Jun
    2018, 50 (3):  46-62.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2018.03.005
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    China's national security strategy began to undergo a dramatic transformation in the middle of 1960s, which finally resulted in a historic shift of China's foreign policy in the early 1970s, that is, the Sino-US relations shifting from confrontation to reconciliation. Began roughly from 1964-1965, this transformation was mainly initiated and implemented in the interaction of the following two systems. One is the system of Sino-U.S. security relations and Sino-Soviet relations constructed in the Cold War system, and the other is China's strategic decision-making system, which gradually formed through handling the wars, crises and defense affairs after the founding of the People's Republic of China. It will be very helpful for understanding the evolution and basic characteristics of China's strategic decision-making in the Cold War to deeply analyze and interpret the transformation of these two systems since the mid-1960s and the interaction between them, and in particular, how this interaction has triggered and promoted the transformation of China's security strategy and foreign policy. This study will also provide a more accurate start point to interpret why the establishment of Sino-U.S. diplomatic relations(1969-1978) and the "normalization" of Sino-Soviet relations(1979-1989) respectively took almost ten years.
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    Logic Evolution of Marx' Criticism of Religion
    HU Jian
    2018, 50 (3):  63-71.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2018.03.006
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    Marx' criticism of religion is by no means fragmentary; on the contrary, it constitutes a logical evolution from the criticism of religion to class conflicts and to the criticism of a political nation and then to the criticism of civil society. Marx examined the criticism of religion before, pointing out that the criticism of religion should not limit itself to the criticism of religion itself but instead should also extend to the secular dimension to grasp the essence of a political nation. The form of a political state hasn't eliminated religious conflicts, whose premise lies in the elimination of class conflicts. Although political emancipation confirms the content of "human rights"in a civil society, it makes "human rights" serve as the tool of "civil rights" in a political state. This upside-down phenomenon reflects the objective opposition between a political state and a civil society and also demonstrates that political emancipation does not mean the emancipation of man. The revolution of a civil society is to reconstruct it by reconstructing its property relationship.
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    The Dialogue between Marxists and Christians during the 1960s and Its Contemporary Significance
    ZHANG Liang
    2018, 50 (3):  72-79.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2018.03.007
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    In 1960s, the Catholic Paulus-Gesellschaft organized a series of conferences of the dialogue between "Christians and Marxists", which, with the spread and comments via public media, were socially influential and historically significant. By reviewing the historical context of this series of conferences and examining its themes, ideological background and historical causes, this article explores the possibility of communication, mutual understanding and reaching consensus to some extent between Marxism and Christianity. When globalization has already been a trend today, discourse power in various contexts still needs to be expressed, communicated, understood and renewed in "dialogues" to achieve the grand target of building "a community of shared future for mankind".
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    Isostructural Reasoning: How Chinese Logic Operates?
    ZHU Xiao-nong
    2018, 50 (3):  80-97.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2018.03.008
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    A natural language logic is based on the grammar of the language. Chinese logic, which is based on Chinese grammar, is thus different from Greek logic. Isostructural reasoning is universal to human species as it has a biological origin. Chinese people, however, are especially good at and fond of making isostructural inference because the isostructural principle in Chinese grammar has shaped the way Chinese people think and reason, which is reinforced by the homophonic association mechanism in Chinese linguistics. These linguistic factors have contributed to the isostructural reasoning. Isostructure and root-branch function as the two main categories of thinking in Chinese logic. In addition, isostructural reasoning and comparative reasoning constitute the two fundamental procedures of Chinese reasoning.
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    Different Types of Understanding the Relationship between “Speech” and “Act”: A Historical Perspective of Conceptual Relationship
    GAN Li-hao
    2018, 50 (3):  98-105.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2018.03.009
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    A historical examination of "speech" and "act" in a conceptual network of "thinking", "mind", "body", "society" and "material" reveals that there are plenty of ways to understand them. According to the primitive concept of mantra, speech can directly influence material without the medium of act. According to the concept of karma in Buddhism, "mind", "speech" and "body" are a set of parallel concepts, while "act" is their upperseat concept. Christianity attaches great importance to the role of speech, believing that it directly creates body, material and act. "Speech" and "act" are dichotomous concepts in Confucian political philosophy and ethics. Psychological behaviorism holds that speech is the act of body under conditioned stimulus. Daily language schools claim that speech is act from the perspective opposing logic positivism. While body linguistics considers act as a subtype of speech from the perspective of semiotics. From the perspective of existentialism, physical phenomenology reduces speech to a kind of act. In short, a historical study of concepts should pay attention to conceptual relationship rather than merely one concept.
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    A Re-exploration of the Effect of Chinese Disyllabification
    WU Yao-gen, WU Wei-shan
    2018, 50 (3):  106-112.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2018.03.010
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    Disyllabification is a particular linguistic phenomenon, which appeared in the evolution of Chinese in middle ages. As a basic form of Chinese rhythm, it is one of the starting points of the study of Chinese rhythmic syntax. It is generally recognized that disyllabification is quite simple, since it is just a disyllabic cluster and a main form of Chinese words. However, it is by no means simple since from a diachronic and dynamic perspective disyllabification has at least two important results:the effect of pivot in constructing Chinese hierarchical system, and the effect of integration in shaping Chinese morphology.
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    Contract Reference Points, Executive Compensation Incentives and Excess Perquisites
    YANG Rong
    2018, 50 (3):  113-125.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2018.03.011
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    Based on the contract as a reference point theory, this paper takes the data of China's listed companies from 2009 to 2014 as samples to study the relationships among contract reference points, compensation incentives and excess perquisites. We find that there is a positive relationship between contract reference points and excess perquisites; compensation incentives benefit to reduce excess perquisites, and play a moderator role in inhibiting the relationship between contract reference points and excess perquisites, with significant differences due to the elements of companies' ownership and manager market degree. The study also shows that compensation incentives of state-owned listed companies have a negative adjustment effect on the relationship between contract reference points and excess perquisites after the implementation of the "eight regulations" policy. The research findings can provide relevant evidences that support and guide how to design the contracts of executive compensations reasonably and solve the problem of excess perquisites effectively.

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    Will Stress Be Changed into Motivation?: Peer Reference Gap, CEO External Pressure and Accounting Information Quality
    LUO Kun, SANG Zhao-yang
    2018, 50 (3):  126-138.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2018.03.012
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    From the perspective of behavioral economic theory, this paper takes agency theory and cognitive evaluation theory as the basis, selects the data of China's listed companies for 2008-2015 years as the sample, and empirically studies the relationship among the peer reference gap, CEO external pressure and the quality of accounting information. The results show that:(1) the greater peer reference gap of CEO, the lower the quality of accounting information; (2) the pressure of external debt will strengthen the relationship between the peer reference gap and the quality of accounting information, which has the crowding-out effect; the pressure of analyst coverage will inhibit it, which has the governance effect. After considering endogenous problems, the above conclusions are still true. Further studies have found that the crowding-out effect of CEO external pressure on the relationship between the reference gap and the quality of accounting information is more significant in the state-owned enterprises and the short-term debt samples.

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    Progress, Hot Spots and Frontiers of MBA Research: An Analysis Based on Knowledge Map
    OU Li-hui, YAN Bing-jin, XU Xin
    2018, 50 (3):  139-148.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2018.03.013
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    By means of the relevant literature MBA research Citespace V visualization software, this paper conducts a quantitative analysis of texts of three decades(1988-2017) from Web of Science database, and clearly displays the evolution of research focus in international MBA field in the way of visual knowledge map. The result shows that the total amount of research papers in MBA field has been increasing since 1988 and gained a breakthrough increase during 2008-2014; the number of issued papers on MBA varies in different countries, with the U.S. and the U.K. ranking the first and the second and the U.S. contributing more than a half of the total amount while the text centrality of papers in the U.S. only reaching half of that in the U.K.; the institutions that issued most amount of papers are mainly research universities in the U.S. and the U.K., especially state universities in the U.S.; the academic works of authors are related, among which scholars such as Pfeffer J in the U.S. have great influence; the key high-frequency hotspot words in different periods have different characteristics, which is related to the development of social economy. Meanwhile, the co-citation map of cluster analysis reveals the frontier research of MBA field and shows 9 high-frequency words in MBA research field for the past 30 years and the current frontier themes are MBA course reform and online MBA course. The research of MBA field in China started late and its impact is relatively limited. The real national situation of China, present status of enterprises and temporary management theories should be combined in order to promote the deep research of this field.

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    Right to Be Forgotten: A Study of System Constitution and Chinese Localization
    YU Hao
    2018, 50 (3):  149-157.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2018.03.014
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    The right to be forgotten is a right to cope with the threat caused by modern IT, and also an expansion of traditional right of information deletion. In the era of big data, the problem of the right to be forgotten has become more pressing. As for system constitution, personal information subject is the subject of the right to be forgotten, the subject of duty is the information controller, and the object of right is the specific personal network information. Due to different understanding of the right of privacy and the freedom of expression, the European Union and the United States have different views on the theoretical basis and the protection path of the right to be forgotten. Based on the reality of China, the existing judicial decisions and the perspective of "personality interest", the right to be forgotten should be identified as the right of personal information rather than the right of privacy. Therefore, we should make The Protection of Personal Information Law based on the existing Tort Liability Law and other related laws as well as the foreseeable Civil Law, so that we can completely localize the way to protect the right to be forgotten.
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    On Procedures for Application of Employment Prohibition in China's Criminal Law
    CHEN Qing-an
    2018, 50 (3):  158-166.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2018.03.015
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    There is no clear legal foundation for procedures for application of employment prohibition in China's Criminal Law, which has influenced the effect of application of employment prohibition. Although there is something in common between employment prohibition and restraining order, they have more differences rather than similarities, so that there should be independent procedures for application of employment prohibition. In order to secure fair and adequate application of employment prohibition, subjects initiating and participating such application should be diversified and social investigation system should be introduced. The time of announcing employment prohibition and the execution subject should be flexible according to the fact that the prohibited person is a natural person or a unit, combining the content of the prohibited issue. In addition, the corresponding system of regaining the right to employment should be established. For the purpose of balancing freedom and order, the prohibited person should be endowed with rights to appeal and complaint.
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    On the Crime Pattern of Village Officials
    SU Min-hua
    2018, 50 (3):  167-172.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2018.03.016
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    In judicial practice, there are different disposals for the same or similar behaviors of village officials. This is mainly because of the dual identities of village officials and the complicated property related in the investigation. To differentiate public business and village business is the premise of determining the nature of the crime committed by village officials. We should adopt methods of systemic and purpose analyses, when judging whether a village official is helping the government handle administrative matters or not. In terms of the property of capitals, the fund of "one matter one discussion" is general national transfer payment. Village officials who gained by cheating, occupied and misappropriated the fund of "one matter one discussion" should be punished as the crime of corruption and embezzlement of public funds.
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