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    15 November 2019, Volume 51 Issue 6 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    The Power of Ideas: Its Realization and Restrictions
    GAO Rui-quan
    2019, 51 (6):  1-13.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2019.06.001
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    As a philosophical performance, the historical research of ideas focuses on grand ideas, which are "settled intellectual ‘products’" of a particular culture, and their historical development as well. The interest and motive of this research mainly lies in the belief that ideas are powerful. Major social ideas not only originate from the existing social relations but in turn reshape them. They may be powerful in persuading or moving persons, but it is also possible for them to be coercive and even violent. Ideas are powerful since they are logically "unclear" or "obscure", which makes them structurally different from "concepts". Hence, the abundant implications of ideas do not simply result from rational elements but also from emotional and volitional ones. The rational power of ideas impels theoretical expressions and even philosophical systemic construction, which will strengthen the persuasive power of ideas, whereas the emotional and intentional elements not only make ideas become moving but also actualized as material force in the process of institutionalization. Spreading from individuals to groups is necessary for an idea to realize its power, which is often enlarged because it frequently ignites trends of thought in a modern society. In this process, an idea itself will probably experience transformations at an intellective level. The realization of the power of ideas is eventually restricted by social conditions.
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    Morality and Law as Forms of Social Values
    GAO Guo-xi
    2019, 51 (6):  14-22.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2019.06.002
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    Why can morality and law be mentioned in the same breath? Why can they be combined? Because both of them are special forms of social values, symbolizing the dominating will and pursue of meaning in a society. The mainstream values in the society are maintained through institutions and the belief system, and the legitimacy and ethicality of modern nations as well as their laws are based on justice. Morality and law are established on the same value foundation and consciousness structure. Kant divided moral theories("freedom" opposite to "nature") into rechtslehre and virtue theories, whereas the Confucian tradition combines li(rites), fa(law or legal punishment), morals and politics, which provides the foundation for the combination of morality and law and shows a long history of this practice. Law has its value foundation, that is, only law that meets certain requirements of morality or justice can be dubbed conscience law. It is perceived that law of equity originates from absolute natural law, "natural justice" that is beyond and able to correct human law. Law makers should master the art of law making as well as its principles and spirit to make sure that laws and regulations embody national value aims, social value orientation and citizens' value criterions. Law is at service of social aims and benefits, and the items of law should imply inherent connotations, spirit and conscience. Morality needs the protection of law, while law should aim to elevate virtues and humanity and hence the government is accountable to cultivating the morals of citizens and virtues of the public. In different social cultures, the connotations of ruling by law and ruling by morality as well as their realization methods have different features.
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    On the Organizational Density and Functional Density of Primary Party Organizations: Also on the Evaluation System of Organizational Power of Primary Party Organizations
    QI Wei-ping, JIN Jiang-feng
    2019, 51 (6):  23-28.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2019.06.003
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    It is generally assumed that the organizational power of a primary party organization is equivalent to its organizational capacity. However, this is not true. The organizational power of a primary party organization includes not only its organizational capacity in structure, but also its governance capacity in function, i.e., the resultant force formed by the "substitution rate" among organizational elements. The former is a kind of hard power influenced by organizational density, while the latter a kind of soft power influenced by functional density of the organization. The measures of organizational density include organizational coverage, job coverage and institution coverage, while the measures of functional density include functional coverage and functional substitution rate. Therefore, under the framework of organizational density-functional density, two dimensions, five major systems and dozens of basic items and specific indicators under them constitute the evaluation system of the organizational power of a primary party organization. In spite of its strong theoretical and practical value, this evaluation system has certain limits in guiding primary party construction and social governance. If we blindly emphasize the enhancement of the organizational density and functional density of a primary party organization, it will easily lead to the "involution" of primary governance structure and function.
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    Reconstruction of Rights in Confucianism and Its significance
    CHEN Qiao-jian
    2019, 51 (6):  29-41.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2019.06.004
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    Pertaining to the relationship between Confucianism and rights, there are two opponent views in the academic circle:One holds that they are compatible, while the other insists that they are incompatible. The latter gradually shifts their viewpoint from "Confucianism does not deserve rights" to "rights do not deserve Confucianism". Those who hold that Confucianism and rights are incompatible deny either rights or Confucianism. In spite of this difference, they insist the special origin of "rights" and adopt a historicist methodology, believing that the discourse on "rights" cannot be applied to interpret Confucianism and even the ancient Western world. By analyzing the gist of the concept of "right" and the classification of rights and examining two different understandings of the origin of the concept of "right", especially anthropologic understanding, this paper reconstructs relative ideas in classic Confucianism with the discourse on rights so as to effectively interpret the Confucian idea of "right", convincingly respond to the arguments of those who hold that Confucianism and rights are incompatible and hence develop the doctrine that Confucianism and rights are compatible. This reconstruction of rights in Confucianism will benefit to the developments of both Confucianism and rights and defend the rationality and desirability of rights.
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    Self-centered Transcendence or Self-overcoming Transcendence?: The Dimension of the Other in Confucian Metaphysical Transcendence
    WU Xian-wu
    2019, 51 (6):  42-50.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2019.06.005
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    To prove the legitimacy of Confucianism against the backdrop of the contention between China and the West since the modern times, scholars have emphasized that Confucianism, as Western philosophy, embraces transcendence on the one hand, and Confucian transcendence is internal while Western transcendence external on the other. However, it has been ignored that the transcendence in Western philosophy is self-centered while Chinese transcendence is self-overcoming since Confucianism advocates the inclusion of the other from both temporal and spatial dimensions in the real world. It is due to the fact that Confucianism advocates self-overcoming that it pays more attention to one's moral responsibilities to the other rather than one's rights as well as one's derived duties to the other. This may help to ease the intense conflict rooted in the prevalent consciousness of right.
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    “Enlightenment”: A Thinking Mode in Traditional Chinese Moral Philosophy
    DUAN Jiang-bo
    2019, 51 (6):  51-59.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2019.06.006
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    "Enlightenment"(wu) is a moral cognitive practice that aims to elevate individuals' moral realms under a comprehensive effect of moral emotions, moral rationality and moral actions. It constitutes a unique thinking mode in traditional Chinese moral philosophy. Semantically, the Chinese word "wu" originally means physical "awakening", and then it extends to mean spiritual "enlightenment". By examining the relationship between "enlightenment", "Dao" and "body"(ti), we find out that "Dao" is the purpose of "enlightenment", while "body" and "enlightenment" manifest a common cognitive method in Confucianism. WANG Yang-ming's personal experience of the "enlightenment of Dao" reveals "enlightenment" as the thinking mode in traditional Chinese moral philosophy:taking the "Dao of becoming a sage" as its purpose, experiencing "doubt", "puzzlement", "encountering", "thoroughness" and "proving" step by step, and eventually "realizing the Dao".
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    The Dilemma and Quest of Young Leftists in Kuomintang after the Failure of the Great Revolution
    LI Zhi-yu
    2019, 51 (6):  60-69.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2019.06.007
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    After the failure of the Great Revolution, lots of young leftists in Kuomintang were killed by Chiang Kai-shek even though they were not members of the Chinese Communist Party. Those who survived continued to explore possible roads of Chinese revolution. The radical disposition of young people at that time resulted from their own subjective appeals rather than the manipulation of the CCP. Kuomintang's suppression of revolutionary young people further led to the corruption within Kuomintang and the entire society, pushed radical young to approach the CCP and ultimately overturned the regime of Kuomintang. It is conducive to understanding the inevitability and rationality of the Chinese revolution to study the explorations of young leftists in Kuomintang on the future of China and that of themselves by focusing their subjectivity in historical events after the failure of the Great Revolution.
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    The Concept of “Labor” and Its Impact on Women's Domestic Labor from the Late Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China
    WANG Yan
    2019, 51 (6):  70-79.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2019.06.008
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    Since the late Qing Dynasty, "labor" in Chinese context has gradually become a key political-economic concept emphasizing the collective productive labor exercised in modern factories and public spaces. By placing public labor in industry and agriculture at the top of the hierarchy and unpaid household labor at the bottom, the modern concept of labor overshadowed housework that has been traditionally done by women. Despite of multiple implications of labor and different evaluations of women's household labor, productive labor became the mainstream of the times and the issues on women's household labor were marginalized during the May 4th period. Discourses that advocated a modern perspective of labor sought to eliminate household labor by adopting community cooperation and even the whole set of class revolution, and then absorb woman labor force emancipated from housework into productive labor. In the period of the Republic of China, according to the definition of labor law, while productive labor was ascribed to labor law and the paid household labor ascribed to the margin of labor law, the unpaid woman household labor was ascribed to civil law, which strengthened the perception that women's bearing of housework is their duty to family.
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    The Interconnected East Asia and the 1919 Independence Movement of Korea: A Revolution Being Learned
    Baik Youngseo
    2019, 51 (6):  80-90.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2019.06.009
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    From a perspective of the interconnected East Asia and the global, the cause of the 1919 Independence Movement of Korea was that the participants of the Movement hoped to make full use of the "global moment" when the international order was changing and echo the transformation of the global history with a national social revolution. In addition, the oppression from the colonial authorities contributed another reason for this collective campaign. The participants, media and aims of the Movement consisted of the gathering experience of "people", whose feature was the coexistence of modernity and traditionally as well as the reconstruction of their meaning under the condition of colony. If revolution does not only mean the overturn of political power, but the large-scale transformation of the society as a whole, i.e., the fundamental transformation of thought and culture and the strengthening of the subjective status of the people, then the 1919 Independence Movement of Korea can be perceived as a revolution. Since the result of the Movement presented as "incremental achievements", it can be dubbed a "revolution of continuous learning" or an "on-going revolution".
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    Academic Interpretation of Folk Buddhism and a New Understanding of the History of Chinese Buddhism
    LI Li-an
    2019, 51 (6):  91-97.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2019.06.010
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    The understanding of the history of Chinese Buddhism has always been restricted by elite scholars' academic interpretation of classics, while the folk class' practical application of classics has been ignored. Due to the different ways of using and explaining classics of these two different social strata, there have formed different meanings of classics and different development paths as well. With the absence of authority and the immersion of faith, people at the grassroot level have completely subverted the original system of classical interpretation and invented so-called folk Buddhism. The interaction between elite Buddhism and folk Buddhism and the co-existence of elegance and vulgarity has shaped the internal structure of Chinese Buddhism. We may not only explain this phenomenon from the perspective of classical interpretation and its practical variation, but also interpret academically the belief-type Buddhism via classical interpreting approaches so as to gain a new understanding of the history of Chinese Buddhism.
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    Modern Humanistic Buddhism and a Re-examination of Buddhist “Tradition” from the Perspective of Philosophical Hermeneutics
    CHENG Gong-rang
    2019, 51 (6):  98-106.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2019.06.011
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    From the very beginning, Modern Humanistic Buddhism has had its value pursuit of adapting to modern social and cultural needs by reforming the shortcomings of the traditional Buddhism. Therefore, many people are accustomed to understanding Modern Humanistic Buddhism as opposite to traditional Buddhism. This paper holds that such an understanding of Humanistic Buddhism is not enough, and it fails to reveal the essence and value of Humanistic Buddhism. By referring to the concepts of "foresight" and "tradition" in Gadamer's philosophical hermeneutics in Truth and Method, this paper attempts to clarify and explain Modern Humanistic Buddhism's real attitude towards and its basic idea of "tradition" since the 20th century. The study shows that the main purpose of Modern Humanistic Buddhism's understanding of tradition is to achieve wisdom to break through the barrier between the ancient and the modern, eliminate the opposition between the old and the new and resolve the dispute between the traditional and the modern. This wisdom towards "tradition" is quite similar to the concept of "tradition" in modern Western philosophical hermeneutics. What's more, it can also provide some Buddhist inspiration to dispel the internal tensions between the traditional and the modern, rationality and foresight, subjectivity and objectivity, and particularity and universality in the context of Western philosophical hermeneutics.
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    Rights and Language: An Inquiry into the Theories and Practices of Indigenous Languages Protection Policies in Australia
    HONG Li-jian
    2019, 51 (6):  107-119.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2019.06.012
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    In the 1980s, based on the concept of multilingual education and multiculturalism, Australia produced its national language policy and became the first among English-speaking countries to have such a policy. Since then, Australia has adopted a series of policies to protect and maintain aboriginal languages. In the 21st century, however, under the pressure of globalization, the Australian administration has strengthened English education both at home and abroad. While continuing supporting their languages, the government also wants Australian aboriginals to improve their English. Due to the policy adjustment, many aboriginals have shifted to the dominant language, i.e., English, and consequently this shift has caused the death of aboriginal languages at a more rapid rate. Despite many differences, there are similarities between Australia and China in terms of language issues in a multiethnic and multilingual country. Both of these two countries have one dominate common language-English in Australia and Putonghua in China; both of them have many dialects and minority languages. The challenges that Australia faces in terms of aboriginal language protection are also problems that China and many nations in the world face.
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    How Philippine Media Construct Philippines' Discourse Legitimacy on the South China Sea Issue: Based on Gamson's Approach of “Interpretive Packages”
    YE Shu-lan, YI Yan, WANG Nai-yi
    2019, 51 (6):  120-128.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2019.06.013
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    The South China Sea issue has remained one of important issues affecting Sino-US relations and China-ASEAN ties. From an interdisciplinary perspective of international politics and communication and media studies and based on Gamson's constructionist approach of "interpretive packages", this paper explores how Philippine media construct Philippines' discourse legitimacy. It finds that the Philippine media have made use of three main discourse frames:"victim", "law-abider" and "collaborator". At the same time, they have also developed five discourse strategies:the adoption of metaphors, the description of binary opposition, the application of logical data as well as the usage of visual images. Those discourses on the South China Sea issue from Philippine media have exerted great pressure on the Chinese side. This paper suggests that China should develop the legal and rational discourse in its international communication on the one hand, and enhance its ability in agenda-setting, communication skills as well as telling a good Chinese story of the South China Sea on the other.
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    Pragmatic Studies in Geronto-linguistics: Perspectives, Methods and Topics
    HUANG Li-he, ZHU Qi
    2019, 51 (6):  129-137.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2019.06.014
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    It is necessary to initiate research on geronto-linguisitics that focuses on the language degradation of the elderly group since the aging problem around the world appears to be increasingly severe. Studies in geronto-linguistics should have more comprehensive and profound exploration on pragmatic competence. This paper provides a review of the research on pragmatic competence decline of the elderly group in terms of theoretical perspectives, research methods and current topics. It suggests that we should pay more attention to the following three aspects:the language degradation of the Chinese elderly, comparison between normal elderly and elderly with dementia or between the elderly speaking different mother tongues, and interdisciplinary study involving neurology, linguistics and psychology, etc. Additionally, multimodal studies should also be enhanced.
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    Financial Development, Resource Curse and Economic Growth
    YUE Hua, ZHANG Hai-jun
    2019, 51 (6):  138-150.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2019.06.015
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    For a long time, the "resource curse" is an important issue that plagues the economic growth of developing countries. Can financial development effectively solve China's "resource curse" problem? It is necessary to explore whether financial development is an important transmission mechanism for "resource curse" to influence economic growth. To this end, we must explore the relationship between natural resource abundance and economic growth at different levels of financial development on a theoretical level by constructing a four-sector endogenous economic growth model that includes financial and resource elements; through the use of linear models and non-dynamic panel threshold models, it is confirmed that there is a "resource curse" phenomenon and its financial development threshold effect. The conclusions of theoretical and empirical studies show that there is a significant non-linear relationship between resource abundance and economic growth in China. Only when the level of financial development tends to be reasonable, the "resource curse" can be turned into "resource gospel". In view of this, if China's resource-based regions want to promote high-quality economic growth, they must commit to the rational development of finance.

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    On Trade Opening and Carbon Leakage Effect in China's Industrial Sector: Empirical Comparison of High-Carbon and Low-Carbon Industries
    ZHANG Yun, LIU Mei-lian, WANG Xiang-jin
    2019, 51 (6):  151-161.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2019.06.016
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    Trade openness and carbon leakage have an important impact on China's emission reduction targets. By building a panel model, this paper empirically analyses the impact of trade openness on carbon emission intensity and total emissions of all industries in the industrial sector, and verifies the existence of carbon leakage. Based on the industry characteristics and structural differences, the input-output model is deduced to measure the direct carbon emission intensity and intensity of carbon emissions embodied in net export, which are used to classify the high-carbon and low-carbon industries as the standard for empirical tests and comparative analysis. The results show that there is no positive carbon leakage in industries of low net export embodied carbon emission intensity. In contrast, there is an inverted U-shaped curve between trade opening and carbon emission intensity in industries of high net export embodied carbon emission intensity and industries of low direct carbon emission, and the inflection point has appeared. The differences of empirical results confirm that there are obvious structural differences among different industries in China's industrial sector, and some industries may have negative carbon leakage effects. So China can play a beneficial role in opening up foreign trade to improve the environment, play a structural adjustment role in the direction of opening up policy, and adopt the policy of industry environmental regulation to restrain the development of high net export carbon industry.

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    The Impact of Green M&A on Enterprise Performance: An Empirical Study Based on Chinese Listed Energy-Intensive Firms
    GAO Han, HU Chao-ying
    2019, 51 (6):  162-172.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2019.06.017
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    With environmental issues being increasingly serious, green development has become one of the key ideas in Chinese social development progress. Analyzing the economic and social performance of Green M&A in energy-intensive industry, this paper finds that enterprises can significantly improve their economic performance through Green M&A. State-owned enterprises may sacrifice some short-term economic benefits in order to take more environmental protection responsibilities, but this decision will not affect the long-term economic performance of enterprises. In addition, the social performance of enterprises of Green M&A is not obvious. The reason may be that there is lagging effect in the social performance of Green M&A or that some enterprises use environmental protection as a gimmick to transfer economic benefits. In a word, Green M&A is a new choice for enterprises, and the government as well as related departments should guide and standardize policies more actively and effectively to promote the process of ecological civilization construction in China.

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