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    15 September 2020, Volume 52 Issue 5 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    Global Intellectual History: Reexamining the Intellectual Origins of the Modern World Order
    LI Hong-tu
    2020, 52 (5):  3-10.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2020.05.001
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    As a research field that has begun to gain attention only recently in the international academic circle, global intellectual history is still in search of its subjects and possible paradigms. From a global perspective, Europe has played a key role in the formation of the modern world order, which renders it necessary to return to Europe in global intellectual history studies, as an alternative to the present approach that mostly proceeds from non-European regions. Global intellectual history should explore the intellectual origins of the modern world order and examine the intellectual content that has shaped the modern world order. The return to Europe, to be sure however, is not to treat Europe as the world's center but to rethink about ideas and thoughts in the process of their global circulations and interactions. In addition, the research should not be confined to a historical mode of thinking only, but also becomes future oriented, excavating intellectual resources for the construction of a future world order.
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    The Annales School's Theory of a Total History and Its Practice
    WANG Jia-feng
    2020, 52 (5):  11-16.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2020.05.002
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    A total history is the general goal of the historiography reform raised by the Annales School. By dividing historical time into three phrases, it tries to define the basic elements that determine the social changes so as to understand the slowly changing social structure and its features and reveal the general trend and process of historical development. Fernand Braudel is a representative of this intellectual school. But it is barely satisfactory in its pursuit of a total history because there are both insurmountable practical difficulties and obvious theoretical deficiencies. For all that, the Annales School has made great achievements and gained enormous influences. Since the end of the last century, with the return of political history, a new series of problems have appeared. We should evaluate the Annales School's theory of a total history and its practice from a longue-durée perspective so as to have a more complete understanding of its gains and losses.
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    Commerce, Liberty and State Governance in the Early Modern Age: A Study of Intellectual History
    ZHOU Bao-wei
    2020, 52 (5):  17-33.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2020.05.003
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    The "commercial society" emerged and developed gradually in the early modern age. It was in the context that people had updated their understanding of commerce as a new mode of production along with a new life style. It was best captured and implied by the metaphor of "Lady Commerce". Being capricious, jealous and unpredictable, the nature of commerce lies in its direct association with the metaphor, especially in terms of the global liquidity of industrial and commercial capital, as well as the unprecedented challenges posed by "capriciousness" and "global liquidity" to the governance of modern states. It is in tackling the grave challenges brought by "Lady Commerce" that political economics has taken shape as a fresh pattern of knowledge and discourse of state governance. Emerging economies like the Netherlands and the United Kingdom have come to the forefront and the reasons for their rise and shine are discussed in depth, while the relationship between commerce and liberty has also been systematically examined.
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    Durkheim, Althusser and Aron on Montesquieu and the Turn of Western Thought
    CHONG Ming
    2020, 52 (5):  34-42.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2020.05.004
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    WANG Yang-Chong analyzed the precursory contribution of Montesquieu to the rise of Western sociology, particular his influence on its founding father, Auguste Comte. After Comte, sociologist Émile Durkheim, Marxist philosopher Louis Althusser and liberal philosopher Raymond Aron also discussed the pivotal role of Montesquieu in the history of Western thought, particularly his pioneering contribution to the emergence of modern social sciences. Durkheim and Althusser argued that Montesquieu didn't fully develop the scientific character of his social studies because he was bound by the traditional philosophy, while Aron emphasized that the philosophical nature of Montesquieu's thought should be taken seriously. This divergence concerns not only the difference of disciplines between philosophy and social sciences, but also the relationship between fact and value and that between plurality and universality, which are fundamental to modern scholarship and modernity.
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    French Experience in the Transformation of the Regime of Historicity
    HUANG Yan-hong
    2020, 52 (5):  43-52.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2020.05.005
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    The concept of the "regime of historicity", proposed by French historian François Hartog, focuses on different understandings of the relationship of the three dimensions of time, i.e., the past, the present and the future, in a given age or society. In the modern regime of historicity, people believe in the priority of the future and are convinced that history will lead to a better future. It is the French Revolution and the post-revolutionary reflections that have shaped this futurist regime. However, two centuries after the French Revolution, the radicalism which previously motivated people to transform societies fundamentally in order to realize an idealized future is gradually vanishing, and the world has entered into an age in which the present takes precedence over the past and the future. Although the concept of presentism is universal to some extent, Hartog merely concentrates on the French experience so that he fails to embrace the diverse time experiences in different countries in the post-revolution era.
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    On Three Kinds of Wisdom
    YU Zhen-hua
    2020, 52 (5):  53-67.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2020.05.006
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    This paper proposes a concept of style-oriented wisdom by integrating Ryle's concept of "intelligence" and Aristotle's idea of "eudaimonia". According to this concept, wisdom means that an agent's activities/actions show a certain style characterized by creativity. Creative activities/actions not only help people accomplish particular tasks, i.e., "do things correctly", but essentially lead to human "eudaimonia". When embodied in theory, practice or technology, style-oriented wisdom constitutes theoretical wisdom, practical wisdom or technical wisdom. Examining the gain and loss in contemporary debates on wisdom in analytic epistemology is conducive to clarifying the connotations of these three kinds of wisdom. To examine these three kinds of wisdom in current philosophical context is to promote the theme of "transforming and resetting the classical three terms".
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    The Historical Course of Confucian Self-Cultivation and Its Modern Destiny
    CHEN Li-sheng
    2020, 52 (5):  68-79.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2020.05.007
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    The Confucian notion of self-cultivation or cultivation of the person first appeared in the Five Classics. It had experienced two different eras with the shift from "moral cultivation" to "spiritual training", with the former aiming for the ideal personality of "Confucian gentleman" whereas the latter for "becoming a sage". Along with the collapse of the Qing dynasty, in the "transitional era" that witnessed the greatest transformation in the past three thousand years, the Confucian tradition of self-cultivation was transformed into spiritual resources for cultivating "new gentlemen"(nationals or citizens) and "new sages"("sages for revolution"). We are now confronted with another transitional era marked by the "distinction between human and machine", an updated version of the classical "distinction between human and animal". Inevitably, how to respond to such "acceleration" and "globalization" of our time has become a fundamental issue for human existence, and how to reactivate Confucian resources for personal cultivation is an issue that must be taken seriously in the current project of constructing "Chinese discourse" in philosophy.
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    Post-human Social Landscapes and Artificial Intelligence
    LI Heng-wei, WANG Hao-sheng
    2020, 52 (5):  80-89.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2020.05.008
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    Under the impact of intelligent technology represented by AI, the belief that human nature is unshakably stable held by traditional humanism is shaken, with concepts such as "post-humans" and "post-human society" emerging in various intellectual trends of technology and culture. For most post-humanists, technology is the key to leading humans to a post-human society. From the perspective of reflective interaction between humans and technology, we can divide post-human society into three different landscapes, namely, Industry 4.0 society, Cyborg society and technology singularity society. Various intellectual trends of technology and culture such as human-centralism, super-humanism and the idea of technology singularity supporting different post-human social landscapes are worth further exploration.
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    How Is Swarm Intelligence Possible?
    HE Jing
    2020, 52 (5):  90-96.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2020.05.009
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    Based on the latest autonomous methodology and neural network model, swarm intelligence is a type of collective artificial intelligence beyond the individual artificial agent. On the one hand, this new development of artificial intelligence displays the new types of intelligence that may overpower individual human intelligence in some specific domains; on the other hand, it discloses some fundamental differences between swarm intelligence and human collective intelligence. For human beings, interaction is essentially a mutual regulative process among individuals. This mutual regulative social interaction sustains and shapes the individual autonomy, and at the same time constitutes "our"(plural "my") understanding of the world, that is, collective intelligence.
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    In the Blanks of Official Narrative: Contemporary American Historical Novels' Revision of History
    YU Jian-hua
    2020, 52 (5):  97-105.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2020.05.010
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    Influenced by New Historicism, recent American literature is attempting to rewrite history with a number of new historical novels. The authors use controversial historical events or legal cases as source materials for fictional representation in an attempt to reinterpret history by highlighting the parts obliterated by the official narrative, thus providing alternative perspectives and leading towards a renewed historical perception. This paper is not an in-depth analysis of any individual work, but aims at drawing a general picture of contemporary American novelists' political involvement and historical counter-writing through a brief review of some representative works. This paper attempts to reveal, from the joint concerns of the authors, the oppression of the marginalized by the will of the state power.
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    Alterity and Divergence: Thinking about Interculturality via Levinas and Jullien
    WANG Jia-jun
    2020, 52 (5):  106-119.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2020.05.011
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    Three kinds of difference can be distinguished in Levinas. Combined with Jullien's elaborations, these three kinds of difference can also be used to distinguish three ways of thinking about interculturality:distinction treats different cultures as different parts of unity, strangeness treats other cultures as exoticism and heterogeneity, and alterity views another culture as an ethical object that can never be captured by the subject. But at the same time, we should also be fully aware of the differences between these two thinkers. While alterity in Levinas emphasizes the priority of the other over the self, divergence in Jullien emphasizes the reflection on the self through the other. On the one hand, in cross-cultural communication, the "intelligible common" pursued by divergence can balance the asymmetry between the self and the other in Levinas; on the other hand, the other-oriented ethics in alterity is also a necessary complement to the idea of divergence, and divergence is bound to occur in the responsibility to the other. Divergence and alterity need to be implemented in life. Only by returning to the simplicity and complexity of life can Levinas and Jullien be activated and their limitations be overcome. Correspondingly, cross-cultural communication based on alterity and divergence should also be expanded from understanding to life. This cross-cultural life will not only expand the subject's freedom and possibility, but also function as a strategy to resist global capitalism.
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    Perspective as a Metaphor: On the Writing of Literary History in Auerbach's Mimesis
    LU Cheng
    2020, 52 (5):  120-127.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2020.05.012
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    The word "perspective" is frequently used in Auerbach's Mimesis:The Representation of Reality in Western Literature. It is not only used in a metaphorical sense, but also constitutes Auerbach's writing and construction of the relationship between text and reality. The metaphor of perspective has the function of constructing literary space and introducing historical consciousness. It is also employed to scale whether an author has historical consciousness or a broadened worldview. Through Vico's humanistic historicism and Herder's idea of cultural equality of all ethnic groups, Auerbach overcomes the epistemological limitations of perspective and forms the principle of "historical perspective" in writing literary history. As supplements and variations of the metaphor of perspective, figural interpretation and multiple consciousness reflection are jointly used to construct a European literary history by Auerbach, presenting multiple aspects of representation of reality in literature.
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    Maritime Community of Shared Future: Interpretation and Evolution of International Law in Historical Waters
    MA De-yi
    2020, 52 (5):  128-137.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2020.05.013
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    The claim of "historical rights" in international maritime disputes faces with the dilemma in which its meaning has not been consolidated and the legal value in international law is limited. However, the codification and gradual development of the legal regime concerning historical waters shows that its content of rights and the legal effect in international law are constantly evolving. Historical waters claimed by a country are not limited to internal waters, territorial waters or special bays. That the concept of maritime community of shared future is integrated into the understanding of the legal regime concerning historical waters provides a new vision and reason for archipelagic waters as historical waters. This replenishes the concept of maritime community of shared future and helps gain international social identity. As an archipelago water, the South China Sea does have its legal status of a historical water, which should be recognized and respected by the international community.
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    On the Defects and Solutions of International Cooperation Mechanism for Recovering Fugitives and Stolen Money
    MEI Ao
    2020, 52 (5):  138-145.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2020.05.014
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    The recovery of fugitives and the recovery of stolen money are the two main themes of international cooperation against corruption at present. While the recovery of fugitives is to repatriate corrupt offenders to bring them to justice, the recovery of stolen money is to recover illegal income and proceeds illegally transferred abroad. In the context of international cooperation in the recovery of fugitives, we should strengthen law enforcement cooperation, realize information sharing, improve the mechanism of anti-flight work, and combine the repatriation of immigration law with the system of exhorting criminal suspects to return home. In the context of international cooperation in the recovery of stolen money, bilateral cooperation should be further strengthened, and the illegal transfer of assets should be combated at the source as soon as possible through mutual recognition and enforcement of the confiscation order system to implement extraterritorial recourse and the effective use of anti-money-laundering mechanisms. China should actively intervene in the topic of international anti-corruption cooperation, providing China's wisdom and China's scheme for the international cooperation in recovering fugitives and stolen money, enhancing the voice of developing countries in the international cooperation of anti-corruption and the recovery of stolen money, and striving to promote the sustained and healthy development of anti-corruption international cooperation.
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    The Evolution of the Yangtze River Delta Integration and Its High-quality Development Logic
    LI Zhan, ZHANG Yan
    2020, 52 (5):  146-156.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2020.05.015
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    The integration of the Yangtze River Delta has started since 1980s. In the past four decades, it has gone through four stages, namely, planning coordination,elements cooperation,docking mechanism, and national strategy of integrated development with higher quality. The integration degree and level have been significantly improved, forming a good foundation for the national strategy to promote the coordinated development of provinces and cities.
    However, there are still some problems in the integration of the Yangtze River Delta, such as administrative barriers, insufficient legal support, low marketization degree of cooperation mechanism, insufficient function of central city and the undeveloped regional spatial connections. When economy development has changed from high speed to high quality, the Yangtze River Delta should strive to be the pacesetters in the coordinated development of regional economy in China. Therefore, it is necessary to break the restriction of administrative division so as to establish national leading institutions and market-oriented cooperation system and build a new system of regional integration. The Bay Area should function as an important platform and carrier for regional development. Starting with the joint construction of national strategic projects, we should establish a new mechanism for jointly building industrial projects to share the benefits of fiscal and tax revenue, and promote the high-quality development of regional integration.
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    Place-based Policies and High-quality Employment: The Empirical Study on the Establishment of SEZs in China
    ZHENG Si-qi, SONG Zhi-da, SUN Wei-zeng, WU Jing
    2020, 52 (5):  157-171.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2020.05.016
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    Using the data of 2014 and 2016 China Family Panel Studies, this paper empirically investigates the effect, heterogeneity and mechanism of Special Economic Zones(SEZ) policies, as typical place-based policies in China, on local employment matching quality. The results indicate that:first, the employment shock brought by the establishment of SEZ significantly reduced the employment mismatch for local areas and SEZ significantly improved the employment matching degree of the county by 19% as far as average education years are concerned; second, SEZ had a more significant effect on improving the employment matching quality of female workers, young workers and highly educated workers; third, SEZ improved the employment matching quality and alleviated the structural contradiction of employment market by expanding the scale of employment market, adjusting industrial structure, increasing the demand for professional skills, and providing more promotion opportunities for younger workers. Based on the above findings and the employment situation under the impact of COVID-19, this paper suggests that relevant departments should implement supportive policies to encourage self-employment, promote industrial structure escalation dominated by "digital economy + new infrastructure" and improve employment quality by strengthening industry-university-research cooperation and accelerating talent cultivation in universities and colleges.
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    Will FDI Increase the Efficiency of Local Government Fiscal Expenditure on Environmental Protection: An Analysis of Spatial Spillover Effect Based on SDM
    LI Xiu-zhen, ZHANG Jie, QU Yin-xiao, HAN Yun
    2020, 52 (5):  172-183.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2020.05.017
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    China adheres to the concept of green and open development. The influence of foreign direct investment(FDI) on the efficiency of local government fiscal expenditure on environmental protection and its spillover effect are of great significance to the external development and environmental protection in different regions of China. This paper uses the output-oriented DEA method to calculate and compare the efficiency of local government fiscal expenditure on environmental protection in 30 provinces. Then this paper analyzes the influence of FDI on the efficiency of fiscal expenditure on environmental protection and their spatial spillover effect through the Spatial Durbin Model(SDM). The results show that there is a significant spillover effect on the efficiency of fiscal expenditure on environmental protection and the efficiency in eastern provinces is higher than that in the western and the central ones. On the whole, there is a positive relationship between FDI and the efficiency of fiscal expenditure on environmental protection, but the empirical results of different regions show that there are significant differences in different regions. Therefore, in order to improve the efficiency of fiscal expenditure on environmental protection, China needs to make overall planning, guide the realization of the balance between different regions, make FDI play an active role in improving the efficiency of fiscal expenditure on environmental protection, and pay attention to the positive geographical spillover effect of foreign direct investment in various regions.
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