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    15 November 2020, Volume 52 Issue 6 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    Between Thought and Academics
    GAO Rui-quan
    2020, 52 (6):  3-8.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2020.06.001
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    As he organized and promoted the traditional academic research in his late years, Mr. WANG Yuan-hua led the change of the trend of the time in the 1990s by his striving hard in the intellectual field. His most influential works are his series of “reflections on the May 4th Movement” or “reflections on enlightenment”. They demonstrate that he was not “confined in hackneyed and stereotyped expressions”; rather, he persisted in “spreading genuine knowledge as his tenet, instead of deluding people with brave words or meeting the need of the vulgar custom”. Furthermore, his attitude of being faithful to truth is consistent with his life-long pursuit for “independent personality and free spirit” in academic activities and intellectual exploration.
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    Between the Qian-jia Philological Style and the Wei-Jin Metaphysical Style: The Significance of Restudying WANG Yuan-hua
    CHEN Ping-yuan
    2020, 52 (6):  9-14.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2020.06.002
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    The idea of “academics with thought and thought in academic depth” proposed by Mr. WANG Yuan-hua against the backdrop of a turbulent time shows his personal spiritual efforts. The academic taste of this idea is to realize the unity of comprehensive understanding and specialist knowledge, the unity of philosophy and philology, and the unity of the Qianjia style and Wei-jin style. Moreover, besides learning and speech, WANG's “Wei-Jin taste” also embodies a rare and invaluable independent personality. Both WANG Yao and WANG Yuan-hua were important figures who deeply influenced the intellectual trend of the time. WANG Yuan-hua was a spiritual symbol in Shanghai and even in the national cultural circle in the 1990s. In an age of specialization, it was difficult to become a scholar and even more difficult to become a person with comprehensive understanding and lofty spiritual pursuit. These two Mr. WANGs were not only interested in the Wei-Jin scholarship, but also committed to Wei-jin spirit to some extent.
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    An Individual's History of a Hundred Years: On the Inner Tension in the Thought of WANG Yuan-hua and Its Reasons
    HU Xiao-ming
    2020, 52 (6):  15-20.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2020.06.003
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    Mr. WANG Yuan-hua's thought is characterized by its strong inner tension between various elements, including academics and thought, the normativeness and limitedness of reason, individual consciousness and group consciousness, the May 4th spirit and the post May 4th spirit, democracy and science, the ambiguous meanings of “people”, the ethics of conviction and the ethics of responsibility, the dilemma of Confucianism, the darkness and brightness of Chinese tradition and so on. On the one hand, the inner tension in thought is originated from the time; on the other hand, the inner tension together with the problems remain unsolved provides intellectual potentiality for the time. The inner tension in WANG can be traced back to his training in the Hegelian way of thinking and his multiple academic origins and resources. He was a rare theorist in the Party embracing comprehensive academic backgrounds of traditional Chinese learnings, Russian literary theories, German classic philosophy and liberalist thought of politics and economics(as a follower of GU Zhun and SUN Ye-fang), as well as Western and Japanese sinology. In addition, his free and independent personality also led to the inner intension. He once said that he was an individual thinker who would join neither an organization nor a cooperative society so as to maintain the inner dynamic in thought and independence and freedom in personality. The last but not the least, every influential thinker functions as the mind and conscience of the time. The features of WANG's thinking were closely related to the Chinese history in the 20th century. By examining his personal history of a hundred years, we can understand the complex history of the 20th century in China.
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    Reflection,Retreat and Re-enlightenment: On WANG Yuan-hua's Thought in His Late Years
    LI Tian-gang
    2020, 52 (6):  21-27.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2020.06.004
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    In his “third reflection”, WANG Yuan-hua sublated his early thought and academics by adopting a Hegelian philosophy. His way of thinking is the “reflection” in German philosophy and his spiritual resource is the idea of “retreat” from his family tradition, while his thought is still fundamentally characterized by “re-enlightenment” after his “third reflection”, a new version of “enlightenment” distinct from the old version germinated in his early years. Advocating the idea of “academics with thought and thought in academic depth”, WANG made a critical reflection on China in the past century and an imagination of the uncertain future of the human beings in the new century. He left invaluable learning in his late years.
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    WANG Yuan-hua's Recognition of WANG Guo-wei and CHEN Yin-que as the Value Origin: On the Three “Inheritors” of Chinese Lineage of Learning in the Past Century
    XIA Zhong-yi
    2020, 52 (6):  28-44.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2020.06.005
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    WANG Yuan-hua's recognition of WANG Guo-wei and CHEN Yin-que as his value origin can be examined from two perspectives. From the perspective of the microscopic complex of Tsinghua lineage, WANG Yuan-hua's tie to WANG Guo-wei and CHEN Yin-que is legendary. When WANG lived in the South Yard of Tsinghua University with his parents before the age of eight, WANG Guo-wei and CHEN Yin-que happened to be his close neighbors. In his late years, WANG theatrically returned to his “childhood” with a deep recognition of WANG Guo-wei and CHEN Yin-que as the value origin of personality symbols. From the perspective of Chinese lineage of learning in the past century, this is related to the macro narrative of modern intellectual history. Since all of the three representatives(LIANG Qi-chao, WANG Guo-wei and CHEN Yin-que) who marked the modern development of the academic tradition had Tsinghua background, it is legitimate to claim that Tsinghua lineage is the modern paradigm of Chinese lineage of learning. Therefore, WANG's recognition of WANG Guo-wei and CHEN Yin-que as his value origin after his “third reflection” in the 1990s naturally made him a person who transmits the one-hundred-year academic tradition from the 20th century to the 21st century. WANG Guo-wei, CHEN Yin-que and WANG Yuan-hua played different roles in promoting the development of the academic tradition in the past century: WANG Guo-wei was an “academic hermit” who dwelled poetically in the late Qing Dynasty; CHEN Yin-que shifted his role from an “academic hermit” to an “academic adherent of the former period” after the revolution; and WANG Yuan-hua transmitted modern tradition in the cross-century period as a “post-adherent”.
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    The Undertone of WANG Yuan-hua's Thought and the Change of His Concept of Reason
    XU Ji-lin
    2020, 52 (6):  45-54.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2020.06.006
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    WANG Yuan-hua was a son of the May 4th period and a revolutionary intellectual of the December 9th Movement. In his youth, he joined in the revolution not only because of the stimuli of the crisis of national subjugation and genocide, but also because of his heroic personality that pursued freedom and his sympathy for common people. Russian literature in the 19th century and Romain Rolland helped to form the undertone of his thought, that is, humanism. By reading Hegel in the mid-1950s, he gained the ability of rational reflection besides the power of will and emotion. With the inspiration from GU Zhun and his reflection on Hegel in the 1990s, WANG's concept of reason and research methodology experienced a transformation from rationalism to empiricism. This was also related to his reflection on the studies of the Song Dynasty and returning to the studies of the Qing Dynasty. What contributed to this shift of reason, besides external historical factors, was the belief in humanism that WANG had persisted for all his life.
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    On WANG Yuan-hua's Reading Notes of The Analects in His Late Years
    FU Jie
    2020, 52 (6):  55-61.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2020.06.007
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    WANG Yuan-hua's reading notes of The Analects published in the early 1990s are not only conducive to our understanding of Confucius and The Analects, but also help us understand WANG's academic thought and ideas. Although there is loss and gain in his notes, his efforts to correct the learning style and strive for truth by examining former annotations leave invaluable inspirations to later generations.
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    Query on the Argument of a “Minor Sentence”
    SHI You-wei
    2020, 52 (6):  62-75.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2020.06.008
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    As an attempt to theoretically reflection on Chinese language itself, a “minor sentence” is a term introduced to Chinese by Mr. ZHAO Yuan-ren. This has opened up a research path independent of the Indo-European perspective. However, many details in the theory of a “minor sentence” are doubtful: (1) a single sentence is a full sentence with two minor sentences as the subject and the predicate; (2) the subject and the predicate of a single sentence are comprised of one question and one answer; (3) the subject scope is excessively enlarged; (4) a single sentence is the smallest complex sentence, and a clause of a complex sentence is also a subject. In order to solve these problems centering on a “minor sentence”, we can replace a “minor sentence” with a phrase with a broader meaning and establish the principle of typicality. The typicality of a single sentence is that “the subject/topic is a reference, while the predicate/description is a statement”. This is also a reasonable basis for the distinction between a single sentence and a complex sentence in Chinese.
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    Language as the Criterion for the Division of a Cultural History: Five Breakthroughs in Human Beings' Language-thinking
    ZHU Xiao-nong
    2020, 52 (6):  76-90.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2020.06.009
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    In a grand way, the history can be either divided into agricultural society, industrial society and so on according to the criterion of material culture, or divided into slave society, feudal society and so on according to the criterion of institutional culture. This paper, however, proposes a division criterion of “language-thinking”, which can be defined as language, the way of thinking with language, and the cognition involved with linguistic thinking. Consequently, we can distinguish the fourth culture of language-thinking from material, institutional and spiritual culture. With the five breakthroughs in “language-thinking”, the grand history can be divided into six phases: the pre-linguistic phase, the phase of linguistic culture, the phase of civilization, the phase of rational culture, the phase of scientific culture, and the emerging phase of AI. This paper also analyzes the features of each phase of language-thinking culture by comparison.
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    The Essence and Clustering System of Tonal Particles in Mandarin
    WANG Jue
    2020, 52 (6):  91-104.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2020.06.010
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    This paper is to establish a clustering system of tonal particles by restudying the essence of the particles. The essence of tonal particles in Mandarin is shown in the following three aspects: (1) the mood structure is consisted of tonal particles and intonations, in the mode of “intonation + tonal particles”, with intonation representing superior mood while tonal particles the inferior tone; (2) the phonetic form of tonal particles has the characteristics of super-phonology, especially the tone, which interacts and varies with the intonation in the flow of speech, has the characteristics of super-tone; (3) there is iconicity relationship among the three opposites of denture, labial and zero initial, denoting three tones of affirmation, undefinition and surprise, and iconicity relationship among the binary opposites of low vowel /A/, middle vowel /ə/, denoting the strength of various tones. Therefore, the structural pattern of tonal particles can be expressed as follows: tonal particles = the initialtone type + the finaltone strength. Then, according to the principle that “the initial is the longitude while the final is the latitude”, a clustering system of tonal particles in Mandarin is established. This system not only helps to explain the dynamic order of tonal particles, but also helps to explain their synchronic functions and their grammaticalization directions.
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    Major Philosophical Propositions and the Establishment of the Academic System of Marxist Philosophy in Contemporary China: Historical Inspection and Reflection on the Intellectual History
    WANG Hai-feng
    2020, 52 (6):  105-114.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2020.06.011
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    Philosophy is the theoretical self-awareness of human beings. Philosophical thought is contained in major philosophical propositions. The innovation of philosophical thought in fact lies in new explanation or invention of major philosophical propositions. A history of philosophy is a history of criticizing and reflecting on existing philosophical propositions and endowing them new connotations of the time on the one hand and creatively proposing new philosophical propositions on the other. By analyzing the intellectual history of Marxist philosophy in China since the modern times, we find that the innovation of philosophical theories and new explanations of philosophical propositions have been interwoven with each other and co-composed new chapters of the sinicization of Marxist philosophy. The study of China's Marxist philosophy and the construction of its academic system shall be centered on deep explanations of the three philosophical propositions that contain theoretical wisdom and the spirit of the time: “casting the consciousness of Chinese national community”, “constructing community with shared future for mankind” and “realizing the people's aspiration for a better life”. Hence, it contributes intellectual wisdom to a great rejuvenation of Chinese nation.
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    From the “Logic of a Spectator” to the “Logic of Action”: On the Discourse Shift from the Perspective of Mises' Criticism of Weber
    WANG Shi-zhong
    2020, 52 (6):  115-123.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2020.06.012
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    It is urgent for the theoretical construction of Marxism in Contemporary China to move from the “logic of a spectator” to the “logic of action” so as to implement the idea of “practice” thoroughly. Ludwig von Mises' transcendentalist verification approach to “praxeology” based on his criticism of Weber's sociology has greatly promoted the scientific form of the “logic of action”, providing significant reference for us to re-understand Marxist “theory of surplus value” and thus construct the “logic of action” in Marxist philosophy. However, Mises' construction of the “logic of action” is not successful. His failure is shown in his misunderstanding of “socialism”and his confusion about “historical” issues. How to demonstrate the theoretical significance of Marxist philosophy in the interaction and competition with modern Western sociology is significant for the promotion of deep sinicization of Marxist philosophy today.
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    The Universalization of Local Political Experience: The Identity Construction of American Political Science
    WANG Xiang-min
    2020, 52 (6):  124-136.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2020.06.013
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    Why has American political science, as a knowledge summary of regional political experience, become Western politics and even politics itself? How has American political science distinguished itself from European politics? How has American political science become a lame giant of(specialized and scientific) research by excluding teaching, political education and practical application? How does American political science write the history of politics after expelling historical analysis from the methodological domain of political science? We can see these problems when we read Handbook of Political Science(1975) and A New Handbook of Political Science(1996) in a comparative way.
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    Brand Globalization, Country Brand Image, and the Spillover Effect of Within/Outside Product Category
    HE Jia-xun, HUANG Hai-yang, HE Ying
    2020, 52 (6):  137-151.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2020.06.014
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    Against the background of brand globalization and reverse COO(country of origin) effect in the emerging market of China, this paper explores the influence of global brand equity on country brand image and its spillover effect on consumer brand attitudes. The empirical analysis shows that perceived brand globality positively influences brand quality, brand prestige, and brand knowledge, which then positively affect basic country image, product country image, and category country image. Furthermore, compared with basic country image and product country image, category country image generates more spillover effect in driving consumer brand attitudes toward within product category, which further transfers into brand attitudes toward outside product category. On the whole, the above findings theoretically construct reverse and spillover paths of product brand equity on country brand equity, which in practice provide strategic guidance both for Chinese enterprises to promote brand globalization and for Chinese government to improve country brand image through business perspective.
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    The Development of Chinese Brand Cultural Archetype Resources in the Context of Globalization: A Conceptual Model Based on the Archetype Theory
    WANG Tao, XIONG Sha-sha, ZHOU Ling
    2020, 52 (6):  152-163.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2020.06.015
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    Culture is crucial and strategic asset to an international brand. Every multinational brand in China has shown its concern about how to develop Chinese cultural archetype resources so as to explore the international market. Based on the archetype theory, this study proposes a conceptual framework for developing Chinese cultural archetype resources in the context of globalization. It suggests that Chinese culture archetype resources can be converted into brand prototype characterization through archetype strategies(symbolic strategy vs. anthropomorphic strategy vs. narrative strategy) based on value symbols, characters and theme stories. According to certain perception standards(cultural symbolism of China vs. cultural coherence of a host country), we can test the effectiveness of the conversion. Extending the application of the archetype theory, this study will help enterprises to have a deep understanding of the role of Chinese culture archetype resources in brand internationalization. This paper ends with a discussion on future research questions and agenda implied by the conceptual framework.
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    Which Kind of Stories Are More Helpful to Enhancing the National Brand Confidence in Webcast: Also on the Mediating Effect of Cultural Transportation and Regulating Effect of Time Anxiety
    GUO Rui, YE Yong-qing, LUO Yang, TAO Lan
    2020, 52 (6):  164-177.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2020.06.016
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    In response to the central government's call for Chinese brand building and cultural confidence, it is urgent to use Chinese traditional culture to build national brand confidence, which may become a breakthrough for the development of Chinese national brands. However, current research has paid little attention to the development of new channels for the national brand confidence under the current craze of livestreaming. Combining the theory of cultural replacement and construal level theory to examine two experiments, this paper investigates the influence of the type of a livestreaming brand story on brand confidence, as well as the moderating effect of time anxiety and the mediating effect of cultural replacement. The results show that compared with consumer experience stories, emotional stories of brand culture are more likely to make consumers feel higher national brand confidence with the effect of cultural transportation, and time anxiety has a moderating effect on the perception of national brand confidence. This study expands the current research on brand confidence of national brands, and also provides practical guidance for building national brands with brand confidence under the craze of livestreaming.
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    Abstracts and Keywords of Major Articles
    2020, 52 (6):  178-182. 
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