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    15 July 2020, Volume 52 Issue 4 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    Science, Technology and Humanities and the Way of University at the Dawn of a New Civilization: An Interview with Academician QIAN Xu-hong
    FU Chang-zhen, LIU Liang-jian
    2020, 52 (4):  1-10.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2020.04.001
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    In the new transformation of the world civilization, it is urgent for us to change our way of thinking. This requires to return to the origin while at the same time become more modern. The quantum thinking is not only most advanced but closely connected with the philosophy of Laozi as well. In this way, the harmony of the Chinese and the Western, the Past and the Present, and science, technology and humanities is demonstrating the dawn of a new civilization. Due to the “entanglement” of Science and technology with humanities, science and technology reshapes humanities while humanities guide science and technology. Modern science and technology can provide new theoretical instruments, new research materials and technological means for humanities. We ought to let ethics guide technological innovation and human life, and construct a particular Chinese knowledge system. Universities and colleges shoulder three missions, i.e., “cultivation”, “civilization” and “development”. The premise of strengthening moral education and cultivating people is the unity of three kinds of spirit: scientific spirit with questioning, humanistic spirit with caring, and faith spirit with mission.
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    On the National Governance Advantages of the New-type Socialist Party System with Chinese Characteristics
    QI Wei-ping, CHAI Yi
    2020, 52 (4):  11-18.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2020.04.002
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    The new-type party system, as an innovative fruit of socialism with Chinese characteristics, is showing its unique advantages and efficiency in the practice of the national governance. Generally speaking, a party system determines the party's dominant role in the national governance and regulates the party's motivation of effective practice in national governance. The particular efficiency of the new-type party system has four main outstanding advantages: the correct direction of the national governance by upholding the leadership of the party, integrated political advantages by upholding the cooperation of multi-parties, the most extensive interests and benefits of people by developing coordinative democracy, the integrity of the party in power by innovating new forms of democratic supervision. The request of political practice in the new era is to transform the advantages of the new-type party system to the efficiency of the national governance to the greatest extent and to continuously provide systemic support for the promotion of modernization of the national governance.
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    Mutual Learning of Chinese and Western Cultures and the Construction of “a Community of Shared Future for Mankind”: From the Perspective of Political Ecology
    LIU Jing-xi
    2020, 52 (4):  19-29.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2020.04.003
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    From the perspective of the positional relationships between different cultural types of humans, cultures are concrete, particular, experience-bounded and diverse due to the regional and ethnic limitation. However, civilization, as the extraction, abstraction and transcendence of a culture, is characterized by commensuration and universality. It is the transcendental feature of civilization that provides metaphysical space for Chinese and Western cultures to reflect, learn mutually and integrate into each other. The comparison between Chinese and Western cultures aims to realize mutual compliment and reflection based on the particularity of their ways of thinking, whereas the comparison between Chinese and Western civilization aims to achieve integration and sharing based on commensuration. For a backward country in terms of modern civilization, whether it can overcome the syndrome of culture or civilization adaptation determines its speed of entering the common civilization progress in the world. How fast it catches up with the progress of modern civilization depends on how well it overcomes the culture or civilization syndrome. As an original civilization with glorious history and tradition, Chinese culture has experienced arduous modernity transition and still has a long way to go. In this process, it is urgent for Chinese culture, based on its own unique experience and culture, to find and extract transcendent and universal values that have commensuration with human common civilization through comparison and mutual learning between Chinese and Western cultures, and form and develop consensus. Only in this way can the modern transformation of Chinese culture and the effort to construct “a community of shared future for mankind” meet our expectation.
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    Family in China: The Characteristics of Chinese Culture in View of LIANG Shu-ming
    GAO Li-ke
    2020, 52 (4):  30-37.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2020.04.004
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    In face of the conflict against modern individualism since the great social transformation with the eastward spread of Western culture in the late Qing Dynasty, it has been a core issue in the century-long debate between “the ancient versus the modern” to discuss the destiny of ancient Chinese concept of “family” in the modernity transformation and the value of “family” in modern Chinese society. In contrary to the anti-familism trend during the May 4th period, LIANG Shu-ming objects to simply denying family system based on progressivism and considers family as an important legacy of Chinese culture. According to LIANG, family in Chinese culture is not only a moral source that cultivates morality but also plays a religious role for people to find life meaning. Chinese people organize their society with ethics by extending the relationships in a family. Such organization is different from group organization for it doesn't have boundary or forms conflicts. The wisdom of relativism of Chinese culture based on ethics can eliminate the value conflicts between individualism and collectivism in Western culture.
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    Debates on the Theme of the Journey to the West in a Century: Also on the Theoretical Significance of the Concept of “Theme”
    CHEN Da-kang
    2020, 52 (4):  38-52.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2020.04.005
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    Debates on the theme of the Journey to the West have experienced several changes in a century. In the 30 years after the explanations of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism were denied, LU Xun and HU Shi's idea that the theme of the novel is games predominated. In the following 30 years, the doctrine that the theme is class struggle became an authoritative explanation. In the recent four decades, dozens of new ideas have appeared one after another, along with the concepts such as the core themes, sub-themes and multi-themes. There have also been lots of debates on the themes of other classics and even modern short novels. Cihai, a comprehensive dictionary of China, modifies the definition of “theme” to adapt to the status quo and textbooks of literary theories eliminate related accounts. If dating back to the origin of the concept “theme” and analyzing its meaning, we may find out the debates have gone beyond the denotation of the concept. A careful examination of the starting point and key concepts can help to avoid unnecessary disputes.
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    The Cultural Politics of Old Things in the Mid-Tang Dynasty
    TIAN Xiao-fei
    2020, 52 (4):  53-65.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2020.04.006
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    By examining the descriptions of old things in medieval Chinese writings, this paper finds the appearance of a culture of sentimentality at the turn of the 9th century. This culture of sentimentality indicates a deep-seated anxiety about the blurred boundary, on a conceptual and ideological level, between humans and things, and bespeaks the complex dynamics in the relationship of self and other at a time of profound cultural and intellectual changes. It anticipates and yet remains profoundly different from the Northern Song antiquarianism, thus revealing gaps and fissures in the neat teleological narrative of the “Tang-Song transition.”
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    Special Titles of Individual Collections in the Ming and Qing Dynasties as well as Their Significance of Literary History
    HE Shi-hai
    2020, 52 (4):  66-76.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2020.04.007
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    There are many special titles of individual collections in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, which indicate no information of authors or/and the feature of the book as a collection. This makes it difficult to figure out whether they are collected works or not simply by looking at the titles. However, as elaborative products of the authors, these special titles reveal information full of the significance of literary history, including the authors' personal experiences, emotions and ambitions, literary ideas and historical background.
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    Discourse, Comparison, and Reflexivity in Area Studies
    Michael HERZFELD
    2020, 52 (4):  77-84.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2020.04.008
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    Two points are vital for the survival and florescence of area studies as an interdisciplinary research field. First, specialists in each group must focus on the discursive nature of what they do, rather than treating it as somehow a natural condition of the universe. Second, they must talk to each other. Area studies can hardly expect to flourish except by embracing an intellectual attitude that is both critically self-aware and radically comparative.
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    “Soil-bound China”: Technology, Capital and Ethics in Ecological Agriculture
    LU Cheng-ren
    2020, 52 (4):  85-96.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2020.04.009
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    After “earth-bound China”, “soil-bound China” has become the core issue in the field of agricultural cultivation and food safety. This paper first discusses the multiple factors affecting soil amelioration, and then examines the ignored connection between natural and technical agricultural planting on the one hand and farmers' belief ethics and ethical implication of farming methods on the other, including the nature of human beings and human conduct, and the tie between people and soil. With the change of the structural conditions of agricultural planting, an ecological farmer has totally become an individualist in soil improvement due to the special natural terroir of the farm, the personal perception, and the knowledge and ethical principles constructed by farming methods. Compared with Leopold's land ethics of negative symbiosis, the “soil ethics” of ecological farmers establishes the positive nature of their cognition and action in the obvious autonomic moral setting, which is different from the Chinese individualism of “an individual short of public virtues”.
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    On the Construction of Resilient Evolution of “Dwelling Biotope”: Broadening the Vision of Disaster Anthroposophy with an Ontological Turn
    ZHANG Yuan, TANG Yun
    2020, 52 (4):  97-106.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2020.04.010
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    Disasters are complex phenomena affected by both the natural world and social relations. To go beyond the problematic dichotomy between nature and culture as well as anthropocentricism in disaster anthropology, this paper proposes the concept of “dwelling biotope” to analyze the complex entanglement of natural and social factors in resilience construction, which is central in disaster studies. With an ontological turn, disaster anthropology can utilize theories and methods of topography to embrace a broadened holist perspective and a more pragmatic approach so as to investigate resilience construction and other related issues.
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    Informal Financial Business and Local Border Society in Myanmar: A Case Study of Money Exchanges Shops in “The City of Golden Triangle”
    YANG Yi, HUANG Jian-bo
    2020, 52 (4):  107-116.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2020.04.011
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    Border trade plays an important role in Myanmar's economy, meanwhile the border area is the “arena” for contending powers among ethnic armed forces, Tatmadaw, and the NLD government. Money exchange and remittance shops are common informal financing forms in the border areas of Myanmar. How to promote the normalization of money exchange shops has been a difficult challenge to the Myanmar government in strengthening border management and state-building. In this case study of money exchange shops in Tachilek, “the City of Golden Triangle”, informal financial business is a node embedded in the local society of Tachilek and connects the state, various local authorities and ordinary people, and hence the border society with ambivalent illegal but licit trade networks has been build up. Through understanding “illegal” and “licit” in the context of Myanmar border, this paper reveals the underlying social cause of the difficulty to change informal financial forms, and deepens our understanding of the complicated situation on the Myanmar border.
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    Italian City Gates in Renaissance and Baroque Period
    LIU Yao-chun
    2020, 52 (4):  117-133.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2020.04.012
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    The Evolution of Italian city gates in Renaissance and Baroque period underwent three stages. The first one was the early and middle Renaissance in the 15th century(Quattrocento). In this transitional period, the arch of ancient Rome became the model to imitate, and the tower-gates of the Middle Ages did not disappear utterly, but co-existed with the city-gates with the style of new Renaissance. The second one was the flourishing and late Renaissance in the 16th century(Cinquecento). In this period, the impact of the “modernized” cannon forced city authorities to reinforce urban defense, mainly by building new bastion-fortified-wall and new city gates. Treviso and Verona under Venetian rule witnessed the first new Venetian-Imperial-Style of city-gates, which gave up the medieval tower-gate. In addition, more and more Italian cities adopted the arch of ancient Rome as the reference or inspiration for the design of city gates. The third one was the baroque period(the 17th century and the first half of the 18th century). This period witnessed the reduction of defensive function and the increase of the ritual function of city gates, which was closely related to the “performativity” of ceremonies in Italy. In order to display the power and majesty of the rulers, and to meet the need of political and diplomatic ceremonies, the design of city gates continued the motif of ‘triumph arch’ revived in the Renaissance, and meanwhile pursued the Baroque taste for bizarreness and magnificence, and the theatricality of city gates.
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    Research on the Roundtable Negotiations of Modifying Criminal Laws during the Transitional Period
    TAI Yu-ri
    2020, 52 (4):  134-142.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2020.04.013
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    In Hungarian Roundtable Negotiations held in 1989, the 4th Working Committee for political negotiation was set up to deal with the principles for the modification of the criminal law and the criminal procedure law. The committee was authorized to re-rule whether certain political behaviors are guilty according to the nation's request of promoting political system reform. The Hungarian Socialist Worker's Party and the Opposition Roundtable Delegation managed to achieve agreements on most issues. Subsequently, many amended terms were drawn based on the given laws and regulations. Meanwhile, the modification of the criminal law and the criminal procedure law passed by the Parliament helped to remove some political obstacles and create necessary legal conditions for Hungary to return to Europe and the European Union.
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    Different Types of Elderly Migration Influenced by Concrete Cultural Systems: A Framework
    REN Yuan, JIN Yan, CHEN Hong-lin
    2020, 52 (4):  143-155.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2020.04.014
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    Since the beginning of the 21st century, the population and the migrant ratio of elderly migrants have increased obviously. The elderly migrants are diversified and can be categorized into three patterns, namely Employment Migrants(EM), Children-Caring Migrants(CCM), and Care-Seeking Migrants(CSM). With a three perspectives framework of life course, family arrangement and institutional factors, this paper shows that elderly migration is rooted in a society's own cultural and instructional background. There are still abundant human resources in elderly migrants, and family arrangement has typically important influence on elders' migration. Meanwhile, other factors that influence the migratory and livelihood arrangement of the elderly people include household registration system, social security system and other social institutions, and education condition, health condition, migration distance and the condition of the new residential area.
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    On the Wage Effect and Gender Heterogeneity of Children's Accompanying Migration
    ZENG Yong-ming
    2020, 52 (4):  156-169.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2020.04.015
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    Taking the self-selection rather than a stochastic process of children's accompanying migration into account, this paper uses the China Migrants Dynamic Survey(CMDS) data in 2013 to examine the effect of children's accompanying migration on their parents' wage with Endogenous Switching Regression Model(ESRM), which would reduce endogeneity of self-selection. There are some new findings. First, self-selection factors affect family decision-making, and children have self-selection as they migrate. Second, quite different from popular judgment, children's accompanying migration would restrain their parents' wage rate significantly. It will underestimate the negative effect of children's accompanying migration without considering the self-selection. Third, the wage effect of children's accompanying migration has the gender heterogeneity of “father benefit, mother damage” by reducing mothers' wage by 8% while promoting fathers' wage by 2%. Working time, working stability, health level as well as consuming level can help to explain the gender heterogeneity of wage effect. Happiness from children's migration and family gathering cost mothers' wage, and social gender identity still plays a key role in gender heterogeneous wage effect. This paper suggests that the government should create convenient conditions for the migration of workers' children, further improve the policies for the migration of children, reduce the costs of migration to offset or exceed the wage effect of reduction, and increase the happiness and social integration of rural migrant workers' families. The service policy of rural migrants with the family as a unit must include gender factors in the public policy category in the top-level design, and pay attention to the policy supply of gender equality.
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    Residential Model, Housing Type and Migrant Population's Will of Settling in Cities: An Empirical Study Based on Guangzhou
    WU Kai-ze, HUANG Jia-wen
    2020, 52 (4):  170-183.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2020.04.016
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    Housing is not only a common problem in the process of global urban development, but also a focal issue of migrant population settling in cities in current China. Bases on the 2014 housing questionnaire data on newcomers to Guangzhou, this paper studies the influence mechanism of residential models and housing types on migrant population's will of settling in metropolis. Results show that education level, family economic capacity, occupational status, housing tye and residential model have significant impact on migrant population's will of settling in cities. The migrant population who rents formal housings and lives together with family members has stronger will of settling in cities. A housing type functions as an intervening variable between a residential model and the will of settling in cities. The migrant population living together with family members tends to choose formal housings and has higher probability to settle down. This paper proposes to construct a benign and complementary dualistic housing rental market, protect the dwelling right of those people who live in informal housings, convert informal housings from temporary residential place to the incubator of the middle class, which can promote the new urbanization process more effectively.
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