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    15 November 2021, Volume 53 Issue 6 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    The Relationship between the Written Law and Juridical Practice in the Northern Wei Dynasty
    Yao-zhong YAN
    2021, 53 (6):  3-11.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2021.06.001
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    As the foremost historian who has conducted overall systemic research on the system in the Wei, Jin, Northern and Southern Dynasties, LV Si-mian has contributed profound works concerning the law in the Northern Wei Dynasty. As an ethnic regime that entered the Central Plain, the Northern Wei Dynasty experienced a great many juridical practical controversies between the traditional customary law of Xianbei (an ancient nationality in China) and the criminal law written in Chinese characters. The solution of various controversies was entangled with the Sinicization of Xianbei people. Hence, the Northern Wei authorities showed profound political wisdom in the process of solving these problems, which exerted great impact on later generations.

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    The Genre,Language,and Style in the Writing of Vernacular General History:A Study of LV Si-mian’s Vernacular History of China
    Qing SUN
    2021, 53 (6):  12-22.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2021.06.002
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    “Writing vernacular general history” was an important change in the rise of new history and vernacular language in modern China. It followed two directions: the tradition of telling historical stories started in the Song Dynasty and the new written form created based on the colloquial in the modern period. Completed in 1922, LV Si-mian’s Vernacular History of China made conscious exploration into the genre, language, and style in the writing of vernacular history, which differentiates the work from modern vernacular history that followed the tradition of telling historical stories in the previous two decades. As an “insider” of China’s literature revolution and historical revolution in the 20th century, LV Si-mian consistently worked in the front lines of rebuilding written language and new general history, whereas keeping the two revolutions at arm’s length. Rather than taking an either-or approach to the relationship between the classical and the vernacular and that between paraphrasing and writing, his approach was more holist when he considered the problem of rebuilding national language and national history. He sought a “vernacular language” that is “easy” and unformalized while maintaining its “spiritual” tie to primary sources. To rebuild the new written form of writing of Chinese history, especially general Chinese history, his practice directs to a whole scheme that includes historical excerpt, the genre of new national language, and the new style of quotation. Such exploration was distinctive and far-reaching in a time when the opposition between the Chinese and the West on the one hand and the new and the old on the other gradually came into being.

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    LV Si-mian’s Historical Writing and Its Transformation:A Review of LV Si-mian’s Research on Chinese Marriage History
    Fang-ting JIN
    2021, 53 (6):  23-31.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2021.06.003
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    From the 1920s to the 1940s, LV Si-mian published a few works on Chinese marriage history, which were revised and rewritten several times. In LV Si-mian’s historiographical structure, the study of Chinese marriage history is placed in a rather special position, and the approach to the study of marriage history quite typically demonstrates LV’s style. Taking it as an important case in the paradigm shift of modern historiography, and examining the specific circumstances of LV Si-mian’s writing and revising the study on Chinese marriage history, we can reveal that “rewriting” the same topic from time to time not only reflects the historian’s development and revision of his own academic views, but also the complex historiographical practice of modern scholars’ “recreating the past” with new ideas and concepts.

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    Philosophy of Practice and Theory of Practices
    Yong-liu ZHENG, Lu-xia CHEN
    2021, 53 (6):  32-43.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2021.06.004
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    Although both philosophy of practice and theory of practices share the concept “practice”, there are few works that systematically explore the relationship between these two traditions. There is no unified tradition of practical philosophy in the West, and after Hegel, there is a division between traditional and modern practical philosophy. In terms of understanding the elements of practice, modern practical philosophy shows its affinity with Aristotle. Theory of practices directly inherits and develops modern practical philosophy, while its relationship with traditional practical philosophy is indirect and mediated by modern practical philosophy. Theory of practices develops the basic claims of modern practical philosophy in terms of fundamental philosophical positions, dualism, practical normativity, and future dimensions of practice into various fields such as sociology, anthropology, cultural theory, linguistics, philosophy of science, and even feminism, organizational studies, and consumption studies, thus providing a discipline-specific account for understanding various aspects of vivid social life. Modern practical philosophy and theory of practices may be unified in the future.

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    What kind of Character Trait Can Be Called as a Virtue?:On Rosalind Hursthouse’s Neo-Aristotelian Theory of Virtue Standard
    Yi-tian LI
    2021, 53 (6):  44-52.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2021.06.005
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    Neo-Aristotelianism is the major paradigm of contemporary virtue ethics. It must not only construct its theories of action and motive based on the critique of modern moral philosophy, but also establish the conceptual standard of virtue to answer the question of “what kind of character trait can be regarded as a virtue”. As one of important Neo-Aristotelian scholars, Rosalind Hursthouse assumes three interrelated propositions: first, a virtue benefits its possessor; second, a virtue makes its possessor a good human being; third, the above two features are interrelated. Hursthouse identifies the first proposition as a suggestion with high probability, puts the second one into a vision of ethical naturalism, and takes Aristotle’s theory of human nature as the foundation of the third one. With these strategies, Hursthouse makes the response to the given challenges, and provides justification and defense for her Neo-Aristotelian theory of virtue.

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    Ethical Healing of Moral Anxiety:From the Perspective of the Relationship between Ethics and Morality
    Yan WANG
    2021, 53 (6):  53-59.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2021.06.006
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    As a feeling of pain, moral anxiety comes from the special situation that a person fails to deal with. It is a person’s intuitive experience of and immediate response to moral uncertainty or uncertain morality. Based on the distinction of uncertain objects, moral anxiety includes normative anxiety (survival anxiety) and belief anxiety (existence anxiety). In terms of the ultimate direction of uncertainty, moral anxiety is a moral way to reveal the ethical situation of a person’s freedom or self-limitation. The ethical healing of moral anxiety lies in tracing back the fact of human beings’ relational existence and the necessity of human’s value existence, rethinking human beings’ condition and reshaping human’s image in the connection of group, self, object and self.

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    A Syntactic and Semantic Analysis of “Wuyi ”,a Poem in The Book of Songs:A Case Study of a Verby Language with Conjoin as the Main Sentence-making Strategy
    Jian-hua HU
    2021, 53 (6):  60-76.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2021.06.007
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    In the spirit of new descriptivism, this paper makes a detailed analysis of the poem titled “Wuyi” in The Book of Songs in terms of syntax and semantics, claiming that archaic Chinese is more qualified as a verby language than modern Chinese. Many nouns, prepositions or adverbs in modern Chinese are verbs in archaic Chinese represented by The Book of Songs. In addition, conjoin played an important role in sentence-making in archaic Chinese and many serial verb constructions or subordinate structures (including verb-resultative constructions) in modern Chinese are probably verb conjoined constructions in archaic Chinese.

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    The Retrospect of Contemporary Linguistic Theories
    Bao-jia LI
    2021, 53 (6):  77-95.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2021.06.008
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    Western semantics history could be summarized as historical orientation, psychological orientation and contextual orientation. In other words, Western semantics of the 19th century has been successively overlapped with biology, psychology and sociology. All “new theories” in modern times we are worshipping, including psychology, subjectivity, sociality, form and function, statics and dynamics, context and situation, metaphor and metonymy, and meaning domain and prototype theory, are beneath previous masterpieces. Owing to the three trends of formalism in the 20th century, three cracks formed in Western humanistic view of language. Not until the 1960s, did a return to traditional humanistic view of language in contemporary Western linguistic study emerge. Based on dozens of previous original works of German, French, English and Russian languages, this paper traces the origins of these “new theories” in order to promote the research of the linguistic and intellectual history.

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    “Bringing the State Back in” and the Transformation of Political and Economic Studies
    Zhen-hua ZHANG
    2021, 53 (6):  96-106.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2021.06.009
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    The state is the center of modern political life and one of the most important concepts in political science. With the wave of “bringing the state back in”, the society-centered reading of the state has been challenged, while the concepts such as state autonomy, state capabilities and so on have become increasingly popular. There has been a far-reaching influence on a variety of theoretical systems including political economy. The acquisition of the main body of the state has changed the division logic of the state and the market in liberalist political economy and the importance of institutions has gained greater emphasis. This transformation proves to be illuminating for understanding the socialist market economic system with Chinese characteristics. As the main theoretical finding in understanding the East Asian Miracle, “developmental state” has replaced liberalism to become the dominant paradigm in understanding politics and economy in the East Asia.

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    The Return of Epidemic and Political Research on Global-regional Health Issue
    2021, 53 (6):  107-115.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2021.06.010
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    Epidemic outbreaks, from a comprehensive and inter-connected perspective, are simultaneously local and global events. Reviewing the outbreak of the plague in Surat, India in 1994, we can understand the interaction of the governments of each country, the Indian government and the local state governments in India in terms of public health and political authority, as well as their specific political concerns, social anxieties and priorities. During the epidemic, there were overlapping multi-layer narratives at the global and local levels, indicating that there are multiple concentric circles in public health and its politics. To meet and solve the complex challenges related to epidemic naming, public health and political impact, we must analyze the intersection between them and clarify different concepts and reactions. The Surat epidemic provides an important opportunity for WHO to adopt a more interventionist strategy, and provides an important reference point for establishing a global disease monitoring network and strengthening cooperation among countries in public health governance. The continuous tense regional situation and concerns of different countries affect the political game on epidemic cognition. The plague in Surat and the disputes surrounding it show that it is necessary to list global health as a priority that is both comprehensive and professional. It needs to be grasped as a whole, rather than simply understood as a game of interests among different levels such as international, national and local. This research will help us understand and construct public health issues under today’s changing global political ecology.

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    Return to Person and Experience:An Approach to the Research on Pilgrimage besides the Political and Economic Process and Social Functions
    Jian-bo HUANG, Xu-wen ZHENG
    2021, 53 (6):  116-126.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2021.06.011
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    Pilgrimage research has been rising and has yielded abundant achievements in the (Western) academic circle in recent decades. Among the literature of pilgrimage research, mostly is either on the formation of pilgrimage or on the social consequences of pilgrimage. The first approach emphasizes the political and economic process of the formation, while the second focuses on the functions of the pilgrimage. Mainly based on the fieldwork of a Catholic Pilgrimage practice in Mount She, Shanghai, this paper aims to explore an experience-centered approach, or a rather “insider’s” view to look at the pilgrimage besides the two dominant approaches. This approach focuses on the socially, culturally and historically embedded person, especially the pilgrim’s bodily experience. In this way, this study hopes to present the original status of the pilgrim to acquire a more comprehensive understanding of pilgrimage.

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    The Goddess-Paper Gods in Columbia University’s “Paper Gods Collection”
    Ming-jie Li
    2021, 53 (6):  127-134.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2021.06.012
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    The “Paper Gods Collection” in the East Asian Library of Columbia University in the United States, contains a relatively organized set of “Goddess- Paper Gods”. Using this set of sacrificial ceremonial paper prints as the graphic evidence and referring to the relevant literature in the period, the outline of the fertility customs in Beijing in the 1930s can be restored. As markers of people’s fertility rituals in the early period of the Republic of China, these Paper Gods provide us with a chain of evidence for reviewing the related popular religion and social activities, which were still prosperous in daily life of the year. Via the system of “Goddess - Paper Gods” with clear division of labor and orderly hierarchy, knowledge of child-bearing, concept of clans, neighborhood communities, and other former local knowledge were revealed, which strongly proved the embedded and isomorphic relationship between popular religions and daily life in a specific historical period. Paper Gods should be valued in the dimension of “memory auxiliary” as a cultural tradition closely related to customs.

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    On Patterns of Social Work Knowledge in China’s Practice Field
    Qiu-ling AN
    2021, 53 (6):  135-142.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2021.06.013
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    After the necessity to construct a knowledge system of social work in China became the consensus in academic circles, the way of construction has become a hot topic. Based on the perspective of practical knowledge within a post-modern context, this paper emphasizes the production of local social work knowledge based on practice. By focusing on the practice of frontline social workers, it summarizes and presents four knowledge patterns currently existing in China’s practice field: narrative knowledge, metaphor knowledge, physical knowledge, and conceptual knowledge. The connotations and features of these different knowledge patterns are clarified. These patterns reflect the practical wisdom and knowledge of social workers and are crucial to China’s own knowledge of social work. The summarization and research of the patterns of social work knowledge in China’s practice field will lay an empirical foundation for the construction of China’s own social work knowledge system.

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    On the Characteristics and Sustainable Development of China’s Real Estate Industry in the Post-Development Era
    Yong-yue ZHANG, Jin-xing HU
    2021, 53 (6):  143-151.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2021.06.014
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    2021 is the year when China’s two centennial goals meet and the beginning of China’s 14th Five-Year Plan. It is under this historical background that China’s real estate industry has entered the post-development era when the area of land purchase and the area of new construction of housing have reached the highest range. In the post-development era, the development of the real estate industry presents new important characteristics, including the stock housing transaction gradually becoming the main body of the housing market, the transformation from the profit model of providing “tangible products” and obtaining “capital gains” to providing “intangible services” and obtaining “cash flow income”, the innovation of business format and the enrichment of the real estate industry chain. In the post-development era, the driving force for the sustainable development of the real estate industry still exists. To better promote the high-quality and sustainable development of China’s real estate industry in this new condition, the government should optimize and improve the regulation policies while the real estate enterprises should make scientific decisions and promote innovation.

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    “To Be” or “Not To Be”:On the Impact of Rising House Prices on the Formation of Zombie Enterprises
    Xian-zhu WANG, Bei QIAO
    2021, 53 (6):  152-164.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2021.06.015
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    The impact of rising housing prices on enterprise production and operation is a hot issue in academic circles. Based on the micro data of Chinese industrial enterprises and the macro-economic data of 70 large and medium-sized cities from 2004 to 2013, this paper deeply discusses the impact of housing price rise on zombie enterprises and its mechanism. The results show that: under the external impact of rising housing prices, the financing constraints of enterprises have changed significantly, and then have a significant inhibitory effect on the formation of zombie enterprises. From the perspective of the difference in enterprise nature, the rise of housing price has an obvious heterogeneity on the formation of different debt degrees. It also influences whether a zombie enterprise is housing-related. In effect, the rise of housing prices can more significantly reduce the probability of zombie of housing-related enterprises and enterprises with low debt ratio. Further, rising housing prices will stimulate zombie enterprises to “revive”, which is mainly realized by alleviating the financing constraints of zombie enterprises. This paper provides a possible explanation for the formation of zombie enterprises and their “revival” in the background of rising housing prices. However, in the long term, an enterprise still needs to enhance its own competitiveness to obtain the ability of sustainable development.

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    The Effect of Economic Policy Uncertainty on the Fluctuation of House Prices:Evidence from Cities of Yangtze River Economic Belt
    Fang ZHANG
    2021, 53 (6):  165-176.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2021.06.016
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    In recent years, in order to dampen the excessive rise of housing prices in China, governments have frequently implemented a series of macroeconomic policies to adjust the housing market. To some extent, house prices in urban China have been shocked by economic policy uncertainty (EPU). By using the data of 25 big cities in Yangtze River Economic Belt and three urban agglomerations from January 2006 to March 2021, we find that there is a long-term integration between EPU and housing prices through panel integration test. Panel Granger causality test shows that, compared with second-hand housing price, EPU has more significant causality impact on new housing price. PVAR model indicates EPU has no direct significant effect on housing prices, however, the conditional β convergence analysis shows EPU has significantly accelerated the convergence of new housing price and second-hand housing price. Therefore, government should pay attention to the different effects of EPU on the new-built and second-hand housing markets, and implement city-specific policies based on reasonable expectations. Meanwhile, governments can systematically adjust the housing market by taking advantage of the spillover effect of economic policies to achieve the synergetic development of regional housing market.

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