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    15 January 2022, Volume 54 Issue 1 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    Enlightenment and Emotion:“Human Science” in Thought and Literature in the 18th Century
    Wen JIN
    2022, 54 (1):  2-14.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2022.01.001
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    It has been argued, justifiably, that the Enlightenment in the 18th century is the “Age of Sensibility” when the question of emotion (largely referred to as affections, passions and feelings during this period) received unprecedented attention and inquiry in both philosophical thought and literary articulations. What are basic demands of an individual? What kind of emotion do these demands arouse? What is the historical process of such emotion? How individuals interact with the material world and the society comprised of others? All of these questions became hot topics in the Enlightenment and the core of “human science” at that time. The notion of emotion in the 18th century contained two contradictory aspects: On the one hand, emotion is the bridge transfers the fluctuation of the body to “soul” or “mind” (according to the terms in the 18th century); on the other hand, it also demonstrates the conflictions between body and soul. By analyzing these two aspects of the notion of emotion in the Enlightenment, we can probe into the origin of Western modernity and its inherent paradox, understand better our own circumstances, and put forward an original scheme of the spiritual world and community life for people today against the backdrop of “modernity”, a cultural pattern that prevails in the world yet embraces great diversity.

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    Grief:How Can an Aesthetic That Does Not Aim at Pleasure be Possible?
    Xu-guang LIU
    2022, 54 (1):  15-26.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2022.01.002
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    It can be often perceived that our everyday aesthetic experience produces grief which is of independent aesthetic value with no need to be transformed into pleasure. Firstly, this kind of grief stirred up in aesthetic experience is non-utilitarian. It is not a tangible physical pain, nor does it originate from the hurt of the object’s existence to our lives. Secondly, the grief is pure, purposeless, non-conceptual and irrelevant to value judgment, arising directly from our inner feelings. Thirdly, it is also absolute, uncaused, unconditional, yet universal and even metaphysical. Such non-utilitarian, pure, absolute grief can be called “free grief”, as opposed to “free pleasure” deduced by Kant. There are two modalities of aesthetics with one seeking after free pleasure and the other free grief. The former allows us to pursue spiritual liberation and experience freedom, while the latter permits us to strive for individual spiritual affirmation and awakening so as to return to the self. The free self is perhaps the common destination of these two modalities of aesthetics.

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    Shame,Reparative Reading and Literary Affect Studies
    Mu-ren ZHANG
    2022, 54 (1):  27-36.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2022.01.003
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    The publications of the American scholar Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick between 1993 and 2003 contribute to the burgeoning of literary affect studies in the Western academia. Combining psychologist Silvan Tomkins’s affect theory and Michael Franz Basch’s discussion on narcissism, Sedgwick reconstructs the destructive self-experience of shame as a politically productive affect. As a strong embodied experience, shame not only efficiently questions the personal identity, but also constantly negotiates the relationship between the self and the other. Through the example of shame, Sedgwick advances debates about “the politics of discomfort” in the field of affect studies. The exploration of the role of interpersonal relationship – as opposed to social structure – in political transformation also resembles her call for the shift of critical practice from “paranoid reading” to “reparative reading”.

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    In What Sense Can Hermeneutics Be a Practical Philosophy?:Debate between “Statement of Turning” and “Statement of Going”
    Qi-fu PENG
    2022, 54 (1):  37-47.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2022.01.004
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    German hermeneutic philosopher Gadamer had a famous statement of “hermeneutics as practical philosophy”. Around this statement, China’s hermeneutic academia has been debating for more than a decade on “practical philosophical turning” in Gadamer’s philosophical hermeneutics and such issues as “In what sense is Hermeneutics a practical philosophy? ” Through a thorough examination, we can find out that Gadamer had completed “the turn of practical philosophy” in the whole Western hermeneutics with the first draft (in 1955-1956), related public lectures (in 1957) and the publication (in 1960) of Truth and Method as three landmarks. His later-years’ philosophy was only a further continuation of this turn. Gadamer’s philosophical hermeneutics became a practical philosophy not because it focuses on practical issues in the field of “ethics” or “political science”, but because it philosophically considers “understanding” itself as a particular “practice”. Gadamer was to restore the practical philosophical tradition in hermeneutics, rather than to transform hermeneutics into ethics. In the theoretical construction of contemporary Chinese classic hermeneutics, we must pay attention to “the practical philosophy orientation”, especially the methodology concerning the great theme of “the concretization of the universal”.

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    On ZHANG Shi-ying’s Philosophy of Hope
    Chun-fang GU
    2022, 54 (1):  48-59.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2022.01.005
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    It is a fundamental problem for contemporary Chinese philosophy in constructing philosophy as a discipline and Chinese philosophy to embody Chinese spirit and Chinese characteristics and promote the status and influence of Chinese philosophy in the history of world philosophy while absorbing and integrating Western academic achievements. Based on his comparative study and deep reflection of Chinese and Western classical, modern and contemporary philosophy, ZHANG Shi-ying has constructed his “philosophy of hope” that breaks through the fixed conceptual framework, surpasses the reality and expands the future in a grand and rigorous way of philosophical thinking and integrating Western and Chinese philosophy. ZHANG’s “philosophy of hope” is a philosophical system with originality, inheriting the philosophical tradition of XIONG Shi-li and FENG You-lan and discovering the unique value and positive significance of Chinese philosophy in today’s world philosophy. This paper explores the core thought and historical contribution of ZHANG’s “philosophy of hope” from the following four perspectives: “to replace abstract philosophy with poetic philosophy”, “to make unlimited pursuit in the limited space and time”, “to achieve the highest freedom with aesthetic appreciation” and “to experience the divine beauty at present”.

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    Kant’s Discussion on “Crooked Timber” and “Straight Wood”
    Yong-ling BAO
    2022, 54 (1):  60-68.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2022.01.006
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    In “The Universal Concept of History from the Perspective of World Citizens”, Kant puts forward the famous “crooked timber” puzzle, believing that the paradox reflected in it is the most difficult problem and the final problem that can be solved by mankind. Accordingly, Kant systematically interprets the complex interactive relationship between individual freedom and social legal order by using the core metaphors of “crooked timber” and “straight wood in the forest”, which seem to be contradictory. The metaphor of “crooked timber” can also be regarded as a variation of Plato’s “cave metaphor” describing human perceptual defects. It implies that man, above all, is an existence in the order of nature, which is an empirical issue concerning “what it is in reality”, that is, “what human beings are in practice”, whereas “straight wood” demonstrates a value pursuit of “what it should be”, that is “what human beings should be like”. It shows that individuals’ potential to develop independent personality in social community and hence highlights human beings’ individuality, awareness of being independent, human dignity and value. The metaphors of “crooked timber” and “straight wood” together with other subordinate metaphors help to approach Kant’s unique anthropological concept and play an important role in Kant’s reflection and reconstruction of the concept of “nature”.

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    Personality Right in Public Law:From a Perspective of Concept
    Xiao-yan ZHANG
    2022, 54 (1):  69-81.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2022.01.007
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    The protection of personality right in public law needs to accurately define the connotation of personality right. “Personality right” first appeared in Roman law, and was treated as a concept of public law in German Basic Law in 1949. It has developed in judicial practice and theory of public law. The concept of personality right mainly originated from Kant. Examining Kant’s relative ideas helps us understand the dimension and connotation of personality right. To provide value guidance and theoretical support for the protection of personality right in public law, this paper explores the general concept of personality right in public law from the perspective of history, theory and juridical practice and then clarifies the objective legal order requirements of personality right to the state.

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    Cold War History Studies in the English Academic World in Recent Twenty Years:Retrospect,Critique and Prospects
    Ya-feng XIA
    2022, 54 (1):  82-94.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2022.01.008
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    Three correlative traits stand out in the Cold War history studies in the English world in the first 20 years of the 21st Century. First, with the “decentration” in the Cold War studies, the relationship between the Cold War and the Third World becomes a hotspot issue. Second, renewed attention is paid to the Cold War history in Europe, putting Europe in the central place rather than treating it as an object in great-power confrontation. Third, there are still lots of influential works on U.S.-Soviet Cold War History, in particular, on the peaceful end of the Cold War. Although scholars continue to debate on some of the very basic issues regarding the Cold War, Cold War studies will be an eternal field of inquiry. It will be remembered and studied like such historical events as World War I and World War II.

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    “Alienated” Intergenerational Relationship and the Family Structure Transformation of the Second Generation of Migrant Workers:Taking the Second Generation of Older Single Male Workers as an Example
    Tian-fu WANG, Ou WANG
    2022, 54 (1):  95-107.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2022.01.009
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    The available research findings believe that the resource and emotional connection between the second generation of migrant workers and their parents is close. Through the urban and rural multi-sited ethnography of the coastal industrial zones and the inland migrant workers’ sending areas, this paper finds that it has formed a new type of “alienated” intergenerational relationship between the older single male workers of the second generation and their parents. The analysis also shows that the establishment of such relationship has gone through three periods: the relative intergenerational independence in the early part of the working life, the intergenerational conflict in the difficult period of marriage, and the stagnation of the exchange of resources and emotions and the alienation of the relationship during the hopeless period of marriage. Behind this kind of intergenerational relationship are the opposition of intergenerational family goals, the lack of family cooperation, the separation of work and living space, and the rupture of intergenerational bonds caused by these factors. This intergenerational relationship shows the multiple aspects and multiple paths of the family structure transformation in the process of urbanization. The older single male workers have become a kind of individual families separated from family cooperation, and they have also become potential new urban distressed groups.

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    “Love without Affinity”:Left-behind Children’s Experiences and Constructions of Their Parent-child Relationship
    Li-na XIAO
    2022, 54 (1):  108-117.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2022.01.010
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    This paper aims to reexamine the problem orientation prevailing in extant research on left-behind children from a comprehensive perspective of children and social structure. Through the analysis of the qualitative data gathered from the fieldwork in a middle school and nearby villages in Hunan Province, this paper reveals in detail the mixed feelings towards migrant parents amongst the left-behind children and their agency in constructing their parent-child relationship of “love without affinity”. Furthermore, the emotional tension in this construction is rooted in their family practices to pursue a better life, which are both material and emotional. On the one hand, such family practices are shaped by structural and cultural contexts associated with migration; on the other, they provide an impetus for structural and cultural transformation.

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    Between “Family” and “Society”:Interpersonal Relationships,Materials and Social Memory among Rural Migrants
    Xiao HE
    2022, 54 (1):  118-126.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2022.01.011
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    In the context of migration and participation in a market economy, migrant workers live in the restructured social realm between “family” and “society”. In the memory of “family”, “hometown” and “career”, interpersonal relationships and material entanglements play an important role of media. Meanwhile, the material media also introduce new possibility of “memory” and “forgetting”. Memory in such communication becomes uncertain and even inexpressible. This inexpressible uncertainty opens up a space for the memory and acknowledgement of interpersonal relationships, worry about the “forgetting” of interpersonal relationships and moral critique of unfamiliar “society”. Memory is not constructed in the social context at present but introduces uncertainty into our understanding of the “present” and the “society”.

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    Crowding Effect or Scale Effect:On the Impact of Population Inflow on the Level of Basic Public Services
    Feng LAN, Chen WANG, Wei-zeng SUN, Cheng-cai JIAO
    2022, 54 (1):  127-142.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2022.01.012
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    Accurately identifying the impact of population inflow on the level of basic public services is an important prerequisite for the rational allocation of public service resources, the orderly guidance of the spatial transfer of labor, and the promotion of high-quality and coordinated development of new urbanization. It is necessary to combine the 2005-2018 data of the main population inflow areas-70 large and medium cities across the country- and the urban settlement threshold index to measure the basic public service levels of each city and conduct regional differences analysis. Based on the spatial panel model and instrumental variables Law, this paper empirically examines the impact of population inflow on the level of basic public services, and analyzes the heterogeneity of cities of different scales. The results show that the overall level of basic public services in Chinese cities has been facilitated, the differences between cities have been improved, and regional imbalances have been significantly reduced; the impact of population inflow on the level of basic public services in the inflow areas has a certain lag, but in the long run, the “scale effect” of population inflows in China will eventually exceed the “crowding effect”, thereby significantly improving the level of local basic public services. Further research also finds out that the impact of population inflow on the basic public service levels of cities of different scales is different. It mainly shows the “crowding effect” for super large cities, while it is more prominently shown as the “scale effect” for other cities. Population inflow will have a negative spillover effect on the level of basic public services in neighboring cities. Regional GDP per capita, urbanization rate of the permanent population, and local government financial autonomy can all significantly improve the level of basic public services in the inflow areas. The above conclusions not only enrich the research of basic public services, but also provide a significant inspiration for ensuring and improving people’s livelihood and promoting regional coordinated and sustainable development.

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    The Impact of Digital Economy on Urban Economic Resilience in the Yangtze River Delta Region
    Yan HU, Yu-qi CHEN, Yan LI
    2022, 54 (1):  143-154.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2022.01.013
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    Under the new development pattern, accelerating the development of digital economy and strengthening the resilience of urban economy are important ways to realize the high-quality development of regional economy. Based on the panel data of 41 cities in the Yangtze River Delta region from 2011 to 2019, this paper empirically studies the impact and path of digital economy on the economic resilience of cities in the Yangtze River Delta. The results show that: (1) The benchmark test shows that digital economy can significantly improve the economic resilience of cities in the Yangtze River Delta, and has the most significant effect on the improvement of urban economic resistance. (2) Heterogeneity analysis shows that digital economy development has a significant effect on promoting urban economic resilience within the Yangtze Delta metropolitan. (3) The mediating effect test shows that digital economy can influence urban economic resilience by promoting innovation and entrepreneurship and improving social security. (4) The spatial effect test shows that digital economic development has a positive spillover effect on urban economic resilience in the Yangtze River Delta region. Therefore, to make digital economy play a more positive role in enhancing the resilience of urban economy, we shall promote the integrated development of digital economy and real economy, facilitate the joint development of digital economy and social security system, accelerate the introduction of talents in metropolitan areas and strengthen the construction of digital economy in non-metropolitan areas.

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    Spatio-temporal Dynamics and Influencing Factors of National City Glory Lists:From the Perspective of Multi-honor Joint Creation
    Cheng-dong YI, Tian-yu BI, Zhi-ji HUANG, Zheng-de FAN
    2022, 54 (1):  155-171.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2022.01.014
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    The city-based awarding and commendation projects designed and implemented by the central government (National City Glory Lists) have played an important role in promoting urban non-economic development. This paper analyses the spatio-temporal dynamics of the number of times on-the-list cities and the influencing factors from the perspective of Multi-honor Joint Creation by using four typical projects as National Civilized City, National Garden City, National Sanitary City and National Model City for Environmental Protection. It finds out that the number of the cities on the list has been increasing year by year, and Multi-honor Joint Creation cases gradually becomes dominative. The number of cities on the list reveals the spatial pattern of more in the east and less in the west, and gradually extends to the central and western parts of the country. The frequency of cities on the list has been significantly characterized by spatial agglomeration, this trend is increasing year by year and the hotspot pattern is hot in the east and cold in the west. The process and evaluation system of the National City Glory Lists share many common features, resulting in the similarity of stimulating signals, mechanisms and motivation of participants. In this way, cities can obtain a diminishing marginal cost effect for Multi-honor Joint Creation. The factors that influence the ability to become a city on the list are political mobilization ability, financial and economic strength, and the ability to build urban infrastructure and provide public services. There is indeed an asymmetric promotion effect between different projects. Finally, in order to optimize the mechanism of the National City Glory Lists and improve the performance of urban governance, we shall improve evaluation methods, strengthen review work, optimize evaluation indicators, and innovate projects based on new development concepts.

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