华东师范大学(哲学社会科学版) ›› 2012, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (6): 32-39.

• 史外文学叙事研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 南京林业大学人文学院, 江苏 南京, 210037
  • 出版日期:2012-11-15 发布日期:2012-11-20
  • 通讯作者: 缪军荣
  • 作者简介:缪军荣

Great Suffering and True Literature: On A Hungry Village, a Novel written by WANG Zhi--liang, a Professor of Russian Literature

MIAO Jun-Rong   

  • Online:2012-11-15 Published:2012-11-20
  • Contact: MIAO Jun-Rong
  • About author: MIAO Jun-Rong

摘要: 《饥饿的山村》是第一部深刻而直接地描述“三年困难时期”人吃人悲剧的作品。苦难出文学,《饥饿的山村》的价值不仅在于对这一惨痛的历史事件作出文学的回应,帮助今天的人们反思历史,抵抗遗忘,更重要的是通过对苦难的描述,深刻表现了普通百姓那种出自生命本能的最强烈的欲望,揭示了这种欲望对于社会发展的意义,更从“人吃人”这种极端状态下的违反常理、违反道德的反人性行为中,发现了大苦难中人性的深刻矛盾和中国百姓对于生命终极价值的理解。

关键词: 王智量, 《饥饿的山村》, 苦难, 人吃人, 生命价值

Abstract: A Hungry Village is the first work which directly and profoundly represents the tragedy of “people eating people” during “three years of great Chinese famine”. Suffering gives birth to true literature. The novel makes a literary reflection on the miserable historical event, which helps people remember and retrospect the history. Moreover, it also expresses the strongest desire from life instinct of the common people, and reveals the significance of the desire to the social development. What’s more, through the description of nonconventional, unmoral and anti--humanity behaviors such as “people eating people” in extremely arduous conditions, the novel discovers the profound contradiction in human nature and common Chinese people’s understanding of the ultimate value of life in great suffering.

Key words: WANG Zhi--liang, A Hungry Village, suffering, people eating people, value of life