华东师范大学(哲学社会科学版) ›› 2013, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (5): 107-111.

• 国家形象传播与修辞 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 华东师范大学中文系,上海,200062
  • 出版日期:2013-09-15 发布日期:2013-11-06
  • 通讯作者: 胡晓明
  • 作者简介:胡晓明

How to Tell about Chinese Stories?: On Some Theoretical and Practical Issues in “Chinese Culture Going abroad”

HU Xiao-ming   

  • Online:2013-09-15 Published:2013-11-06
  • Contact: HU Xiao-ming
  • About author: HU Xiao-ming

摘要: “中国文化走出去”是一个新的话语。它与文化交流、文化传播的重心不一样。体现了全球化信息化时代的新的文化战略与新的机遇。由分析“走出去”与文化传播与文化交流、文化认同、文化创意等概念之间的各种关系,可以看到在这一问题上存在的认知误区及应对之策。误区之一是自我单向化,即无视或轻视其他传播力量。误区之二是形象外向化。文化交流着眼于全人类主义,向其他文化学习,而不是将外邦中华化。而“中国文化走出去”则过于强调地方主义,强调中国古代说的德化、教化。误区之三,文化特殊化。没有一种绝对、固定、抽象的普世价值,然而对我们有利的、该学的不学,借口文化的特殊,借口走出去,就只是一种形式主义。误区之四,即文化世俗化。因此,第一,应该适当切割文化中国与现实中国。文化中国应该保持相对的超越意味,第二,要真正拿好东西、有内涵、有深度、有浓度的文化,传播出去。只有从理论上有了明确的定位,才能切实指导我们的新文化战略。第三,要对什么是中华文化主体的核心价值,有清楚的认定。

关键词: 中国文化走出去, 文化特殊化, 文化超越, 文化认同

Abstract: Reflecting a new cultural strategy to meet new opportunities in the global information era, the new discourse “Chinese culture going abroad” has its own emphasis different from those in cultural exchange and cultural dissemination. By analyzing its relations between cultural dissemination, cultural exchange, cultural identity and cultural originality, we can see some mistakes in this discourse and try to find out some countermeasures. The first mistake is the unilateralization of the self, that is, to ignore or despise other dissemination powers. The second one is the exteriorization of the image. While cultural exchange is aimed to learn from other cultures with a perspective of the whole human beings rather than Chinesizing foreign countries, the “Chinese culture going abroad” policy emphasizes too much localism, or the so-called moralization and humanization advocated in ancient China. The third one is the overstress on cultural particularity. Even though there is no absolute, fixed and abstract universal value, it is formalist to refuse to learn what is beneficial for us with the excuse of the particularity of our culture and the need to “go abroad”. The fourth mistake is the cultural secularization. Therefore, first, we should separate appropriately the cultural China and the realistic China and the cultural China should keep relatively its transcendent meaning. Second, we should disseminate really good culture with connation, depth and thickness. Only with an explicit orientation in theory, we can direct our new culture strategy feasibly. Third, we should understand clearly core values in the main body of Chinese culture.