华东师范大学(哲学社会科学版) ›› 2013, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (5): 25-32.

• 中国哲学与文化 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 华东师范大学中国现代思想文化研究所,上海,200241
  • 出版日期:2013-09-15 发布日期:2013-11-06
  • 通讯作者: 顾红亮
  • 作者简介:顾红亮
  • 基金资助:


The Concept of Responsibility in the Textbooks on Self-cultivation in the Early Years of the Republic of China

GU Hong-liang   

  • Online:2013-09-15 Published:2013-11-06
  • Contact: GU Hong-liang
  • About author:GU Hong-liang

摘要: 利用民国初期修身教科书来研究责任观念,呈现出一种不同的理论话语。在道德责任观念框架之内,修身教科书把自由意志论和良知论结合起来,为道德责任的承担提供更合理的论证。在道德责任观念之外,接纳法律义务观念,使儒家的责任观念发生了现代的转化。权利和义务的关系不仅可以在法律的层面上得到理解,两者是对等的;也可以在伦理的层面上得到理解,把道德责任看作是优先于道德权利的,享受道德权利是尽道德责任的结果。修身教科书虽然教给人们一套观念形态的责任规范体系,但是它的潜台词是把现代中国人塑造成为一个有责任心的儒者。与其说修身教科书是在建构现代国民身份,不如说是在塑造现代的儒者。

关键词: 民初, 教科书, 责任认知

Abstract: The introduction of Western theories of free will and rights into China since the late Qing Dynasty helped to open a new perspective for modern intellectuals to understand responsibility. In other words, responsibility became a modern value. An examination on the concept of responsibility in the textbooks on self-cultivation in the early years of the Republic of China will show us an unfamiliar theoretical discourse. In the frame of moral responsibility, these textbooks give a more reasonable justification for the undertaking of moral responsibility in combing the theory of free will with the doctrine of the innate knowledge of good. The acceptance of legal obligation, besides moral responsibility, results in a modern transformation in Confucian idea of responsibility. While at the level of law, rights and obligations are equal, at the level of ethics, moral responsibility precedes moral rights: one can enjoy his or her moral rights only if he or she has borne his or her moral responsibility well. In teaching people a normal system of responsibility, these textbooks really attempt to lead modern Chinese people to become Confucians with a sense of responsibility. They are aimed at fostering modern Confucians rather than constructing the identity of modern national members.