华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版) ›› 2024, Vol. 56 ›› Issue (5): 79-88.doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.05.008

• 文学研究 • 上一篇    下一篇

黄侃《文心雕龙札记》 成书详考


  • 接受日期:2024-08-18 出版日期:2024-09-15 发布日期:2024-10-11
  • 作者简介:周兴陆,北京大学中国语言文学系教授(北京,100871)
  • 基金资助:

A Detailed Examination of the Publication of Huang Kan’s Reading Notes on Literary Mind and Carving Dragon

Xinglu Zhou   

  • Accepted:2024-08-18 Online:2024-09-15 Published:2024-10-11


黄侃早年在北京大学授课,有《文心雕龙札记》 传世,已成为现代文史学术经典。该书从讲义到公开出版,过程颇为复杂。最早采用油印和铅印形式,凡31篇。铅印的下半部16篇庋藏北大图书馆,至今缺乏研究。1920年代初,顾名将最初油印31篇的下半部20篇改题《文心雕龙笔记》 作为平民大学讲义铅印。1927年文化学社版即据该本,并附录骆鸿凯《物色》 。黄侃离开北大后在武昌高等师范学校和中华大学任教,约于1923年铅印31篇本讲义,并在《华国》 月刊连载,因《华国》 停刊而中辍。1935年黄侃去世,中央大学《文艺丛刊》 刊发讲义上半部11篇。1947年,四川大学将《文艺丛刊》 与文化学社本合集为31篇本刊印,流传不广。1962年,中华书局再次将两者合集出版。但已非《札记》 的原貌,须要进行文本复原的工作。黄侃《文心雕龙札记》 是现代大学讲义的形态演变的一个典型个案,产生于近现代思想转型期骈散相争、文白对立的北大讲坛,因此更有细致探讨的必要。

关键词: 黄侃, 《文心雕龙札记》, 讲义


Huang Kan taught at Peking University in his early years and his teaching handout at that time Reading Notes on Literary Mind and Carving Dragon has been handed down as a modern classic of literature. Its process from a handout to a public book was complicated. It was first issued in 31 pieces in mimeograph and typographic print forms. The latter 16 pieces in the typographic print form are collected in the Peking University Library, which have been lack of research so far. In the early 1920s, Gu Ming issued the latter 20 pieces from the original 31 pieces in the mimeograph form, with the title “Notes on Literary Mind and Carving Dragon”, as a teaching handout in the typographic form for Beijing Civilian University. The Wenhua Society edition (1927) was based on this version, with the appendix of Luo Hongkai’s “Wuse”. After leaving Peking University, Huang Kan taught at Wuchang Normal University and Zhonghua University. He printed this lecture handout (31 pieces) in about 1923, and serialized it in Huaguo. But it stopped when this monthly journal was ceased to publish. When Huang Kan died in 1935, the Literature and Art Collection of National Central University published the former 11 handout pieces. In 1947, Sichuan University compiled the Literature and Art Collection edition and the Wenhua Society edition into 31 pieces, which were not widely circulated. In 1962, Zhonghua Book Company published the two editions together again. However, it needs text restoration since it is no longer the original appearance of the Reading Notes. Huang Kan’s Reading Notes is a typical case of the evolution of a modern university teaching handout. It is necessary to discuss it in detail because it came into being at Peking University with the conflict between rhythmical prose and modern prose, and that between classical and vernacular styles of writing in the turning point of modern intellectual history.

Key words: Huang Kan, Reading Notes on Literary Mind and Carving Dragon, teaching handout