Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences) ›› 2023, Vol. 55 ›› Issue (1): 156-169.doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2023.01.015
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Gui-xin WANG, Jun-song DING
Gui-xin WANG, Jun-song DING. Migrant Children and Urban Migrant Workers’ Entrepreneurship[J]. Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2023, 55(1): 156-169.
变量名称 | 子女随迁 | 非子女随迁 | 总样本 | |||||
观测值 | 均值 | 观测值 | 均值 | 观测值 | 均值 | |||
创业 | 41 715 | 0.513 9 | 18 218 | 0.361 9 | 59 933 | 0.467 7 | ||
生存型创业 | 41 715 | 0.436 1 | 18 218 | 0.312 1 | 59 933 | 0.398 4 | ||
机会型创业 | 41 715 | 0.077 8 | 18 218 | 0.049 9 | 59 933 | 0.069 3 | ||
性别 | 41 715 | 0.586 6 | 18 218 | 0.561 1 | 59 933 | 0.578 9 | ||
年龄 | 41 715 | 34.800 1 | 18 218 | 34.324 7 | 59 933 | 34.655 6 | ||
年龄平方/100 | 41 715 | 12.532 9 | 18 218 | 12.201 9 | 59 933 | 12.432 2 | ||
民族 | 41 715 | 0.096 5 | 18 218 | 0.080 9 | 59 933 | 0.091 7 | ||
受教育年限 | 41 715 | 9.774 1 | 18 218 | 9.788 6 | 59 933 | 9.778 5 | ||
健康水平 | 41 715 | 0.851 0 | 18 218 | 0.878 5 | 59 933 | 0.859 4 | ||
家庭收入对数 | 41 715 | 11.272 2 | 18 218 | 11.258 6 | 59 933 | 11.268 0 | ||
家庭规模 | 41 715 | 3.748 7 | 18 218 | 3.696 2 | 59 933 | 3.732 8 | ||
流动时间 | 41 715 | 6.829 4 | 18 218 | 5.046 5 | 59 933 | 6.287 5 |
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (6) | |
LPM | LPM | Probit | Probit | Logit | Logit | |
子女随迁 | 0.151 7*** | 0.143 9*** | 0.151 6*** | 0.143 9*** | 0.151 6*** | 0.143 7*** |
(0.004 3) | (0.004 3) | (0.004 3) | (0.004 3) | (0.004 3) | (0.004 3) | |
性别 | ?0.000 3 | 0.000 0 | 0.000 2 | |||
(0.004 1) | (0.004 1) | (0.004 1) | ||||
年龄 | 0.016 6*** | 0.016 9*** | 0.016 9*** | |||
(0.002 9) | (0.002 9) | (0.002 9) | ||||
年龄平方/100 | ?0.018 9*** | ?0.019 2*** | ?0.019 3*** | |||
(0.0040 ) | (0.004 0) | (0.004 0) | ||||
民族 | ?0.051 2*** | ?0.051 5*** | ?0.051 2*** | |||
(0.007 0) | (0.007 1) | (0.007 0) | ||||
受教育年限 | ?0.019 2*** | ?0.019 4*** | ?0.019 3*** | |||
(0.000 8) | (0.000 8) | (0.000 8) | ||||
健康水平 | 0.025 8*** | 0.025 7*** | 0.025 4*** | |||
(0.005 8) | (0.005 8) | (0.005 8) | ||||
家庭收入对数 | 0.079 6*** | 0.080 0*** | 0.079 5*** | |||
(0.003 9) | (0.003 9) | (0.003 9) | ||||
家庭规模 | 0.038 1*** | 0.038 0*** | 0.038 0*** | |||
(0.002 5) | (0.002 5) | (0.002 5) | ||||
流动时间 | 0.002 5*** | 0.002 5*** | 0.002 5*** | |||
(0.000 4) | (0.000 4) | (0.000 4) | ||||
常数项 | 0.362 5*** | ?0.858 5*** | ||||
(0.00 36) | (0.065 1) | |||||
样本量 | 59 933 | 59 933 | 59 933 | 59 933 | 59 933 | 59 933 |
Adj_R2 | 0.020 | 0.048 |
“生存型”创业 | “机会型”创业 | ||||||
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (6) | ||
LPM | Probit | Logit | LPM | Probit | Logit | ||
子女随迁 | 0.121 1*** | 0.123 3*** | 0.122 5*** | 0.022 8*** | 0.023 4*** | 0.022 9*** | |
(0.004 2) | (0.004 3) | (0.004 3) | (0.002 1) | (0.002 4) | (0.002 4) | ||
其他控制变量 | 控制 | 控制 | 控制 | 控制 | 控制 | 控制 | |
常数项 | 0.463 8*** | ?1.322 3*** | |||||
(0.064 7) | (0.037 4) | ||||||
样本量 | 59 933 | 59 933 | 59 933 | 59 933 | 59 933 | 59 933 | |
Adj_R2 | 0.038 | 0.051 |
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (6) | |||
感觉已经是本地人 | 感觉本地人愿意接纳我 | 感觉本地人看不起我 | ||||||
Probit | Oprobit | Probit | Oprobit | Probit | Oprobit | |||
子女随迁 | 0.085 8*** | 0.061 0*** | 0.035 5*** | 0.065 4*** | ?0.013 7*** | ?0.003 5*** | ||
(0.003 8) | (0.002 8) | (0.002 3) | (0.003 7) | (0.003 4) | (0.000 6) | |||
其他控制变量 | 控制 | 控制 | 控制 | 控制 | 控制 | 控制 | ||
样本量 | 59 933 | 59 933 | 59 933 | 59 933 | 59 933 | 59 933 |
(1) | (2) | (3) | |
Probit | Probit | Probit | |
子女随迁 | 0.328 3***(0.011 3) | 0.327 2***(0.011 3) | 0.332 5***(0.011 3) |
感觉已经是本地人 | 0.017 7***(0.004 9) | ||
感觉本地人愿意接纳我 | 0.021 5***(0.004 3) | ||
感觉本地人看不起我 | 0.015 2(0.012 2) | ||
其他控制变量 | 控制 | 控制 | 控制 |
Lambda | ?0.130 7***(0.0072) | ?0.130 2***(0.007 2) | ?0.133 1***(0.007 2) |
Wald test | 314.62*** | 313.59*** | 329.06*** |
样本量 | 59 933 | 59 933 | 59 933 |
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