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    The Modern Significance of the Buddhist Concept of Death
    LI Hai-bo
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2013, 45 (5): 52-56.  
    Abstract780)   HTML12)    PDF (504KB)(2251)      
    The traditional standard of cardiac death has been challenged with the advancement of modern medical technology. The newly proposed standard of brain death, which mainly caters for the demand of organ transplantation, wears a color of utilitarianism and is vulnerable to condemning from humanism. The uncertainty of the medical standard of death has brought about a lot of disputes in the fields of law, ethics, politics, etc. Buddhism holds a special concept of death, regarding “the being of death”, which constitutes one of the four life stages, as a clear boundary between life and death. Buddhism also uses “life, warmth, consciousness” as clinical indexes to judge death. The standard of death provided by Buddhism can effectively resolve the contemporary contradictions between the standard of death and organ transplantation.
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    The Doctrine of “the Self-realization of the Original Enlightenment” in The Awakening of Faith
    MENG Shu-yuan
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2013, 45 (5): 57-62.  
    Abstract829)   HTML13)    PDF (478KB)(2099)      
    The structure of “the Two Aspects of One Mind” in The Awakening of Faith demonstrates well that Chinese Buddhism is characterized by its emphasis on the self-realization of the original enlightenment and the dimension of internal transcendence. Prominently promoting the subjectivity of a human being in his becoming a Buddha, The Awakening of Faith is a landmark in the process of humanization of Chinese Buddhism. Its theory of Mind-substance holds the unity of substance and function, mind-pollution and mind-purification, and enlightenment and non-enlightenment. It presents a new doctrine of “the original enlightenment of True Thusness”, according to which True Thusness can realize it’s self-salvation and return to its original purification through the cultivation practice of the self-realization of the original enlightenment.
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    The “Mokcha” in Upanishads and “Nirvana” in Buddhism
    YAO Wei-Qun
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2012, 44 (1): 123-127.  
    Abstract1421)   HTML4)    PDF (1623KB)(2586)      
    Many concepts in the ancient Indian holy writing Upanishads have important influences on later Indian religious and philosophical sects. The formation of Buddhist concept of “nirvana” was based on its absorption, reference and transformation from the concept of “mokcha” (release) in Upanishads. The concept of “mokcha” took the theory of self as its basis, while the concept of “nirvana” took the theory of dependent origination and theory of nonself as its basis. The concept of “mokcha” was a key content in the mainstream thought of Brahmanism, while the concept of “nirvana” was also a central element in its religious doctrine. They both were ancient Indian religious and philosophical theories with their own characteristics, and had their important positions in the development of Indian culture.
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    Devadatta: Demon or Bodhisattva? 
    ——Some Misjudgments and Clarifications in Reading Classics
    XIA Jin-Hua
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2012, 44 (1): 128-134.  
    Abstract1848)   HTML5)    PDF (1543KB)(2230)      
    Devadatta has been taken as a demon to murder Shakyamuni Buddha for a long time, and the academic circles have generally approved of this view. In fact, the matter was not so simple. The academic circles at home and abroad have not brought to light the event of Devadatta as yet, because they have only confined to Pali Theravada canons and authority of Vinayapitaka. This paper has a discussion on three respects: records of Mahayana sutras and their relations with Agama sutra and Vinayapitaka, doubtful points of “five hellish sins”, and “five improper ways of gain” advocated by Devadatta. It shows that Devadatta was a most controversial mystical figure in the Indian Buddhist history. He wasn’t a demon, but a great Bodhisattva to be imbued with a sacrifice spirit.
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    A Study on the Origin of the Lotus Throne of Buddhist Sculptures in Wuchang Lianxi Temple in the Fifth Year of the Eastern Wu Yong’an Period
    ZHANG Tong-Biao
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2012, 44 (1): 135-143.  
    Abstract1310)   HTML2)    PDF (1605KB)(1658)      
    In Buddhist sculptures produced in the Han Dynasty and Western Jin Dynasty at the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, the Buddhist lotusthrone was one of the most obvious characters. It was absolutely different from those Buddhist sculptures’ in the area of Sichuan area, upper reaches of the Yangtze River during the same period. The Buddha sculpture made at Wuchang Lianxi Temple in A.D.262 (the fifth year of the Eastern Wu Yong’an period), was standing on a lotusthrone. It was most likely to be the first lotusthrone found in Chinese Buddhist sculptures, and also an embryonic form of the image of the Great Miracle at Shravasti in ancient India. The lotusthrone was firstly shown in some images of GajaLakshmi and Brahma in India, and nothing to do with Buddhism. Therefore, the isolated lotus image found in the Han and Jin dynasties was nothing to do with Buddhism, and it could not be taken as evidence for the spread of early Buddhism in China.
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    The Shurangama Sutra and the Northern Sect of Chan in the Late Ming Dynasty
    Xia Zhi-qian
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2011, 43 (3): 92-97.  
    Abstract1934)   HTML23)         
    In the “classical narrations” about the history of Chinese Chan Buddhism, its northern sect seemed to be only a footnote and even disappeared after the Song Dynasty. From the angle of the intellectual history, this paper makes a survey of the history of the northern Zen in the late Ming Dynasty under the background of “Shurangama scholarship”. The northern Chan finally obtained its legality and right to speak on the ground of popularization of Shurangama Sutra hundreds of years later. And it became a hot topic concerning Chan thought in the late Ming Dynasty. To some extent, it reflected introspections on the Buddhist tradition itself.
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    An Analysis of “the Flesh-body Bodhisattva” in Chinese Buddhism
    Shen Hai-yan
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2011, 43 (3): 98-104.  
    Abstract1398)   HTML24)         
    The flesh-body bodhisattva in Chinese Buddhism is a peculiar phenomenon. This paper makes an analysis of its background and significance from eight perspectives in order to reveal characteristics of Chinese Buddhism.
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    A Study on the Formation and Author of the Greater Consecration Sutra
    Wu Xiao-jie
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2011, 43 (3): 105-111.  
    Abstract1455)   HTML22)         
    The twelve volumes of Greater Consecration Sutra were written by some Chinese monks in the Northern and Southern dynasties, and therefore the sutra was an apocrypha. There are different views about its formation. However, according to some evidence, it is convinced that the last three volumes formed before Emperor Taiwu of the Northern Wei Dynasty, who destroyed Buddhism. And the first nine volumes formed after the emperor. In 457 AD all the scriptures were clustered together for edition and revision as twelve volumes. The author of this sutra should be Monk Hui Jian.
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    An Exploration of Taoist Traces in the Text of A Treatise on Stored Treasures ----A Concurrent Study on the Publication Date of A Treatise on Stored Treasures
    Liang Qiao-ying
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2011, 43 (3): 112-120.  
    Abstract1202)   HTML20)         
    A Treatise on Stored Treasures is a Buddhist work compiled in the Taisho Revised Edition of Tripitaka, which has had an influence on later generations. This paper tries to explore its Taoist marks and examine its publication year.
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