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    30 May 2006, Volume 38 Issue 3 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    On the Issues Essential to the Interpretive Framework of China's Modernity
    Jia-ming CHEN
    2006, 38 (3):  1-3, 48. 
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    In order to establish an interpretive framework of China's modernity, attentions are to be paid to the following issues: 1) Modernity is different from modernization; 2) The objects criticized, the ideas provided, and the consequences followed of China's May 4th enlightenment are different from those of the Western Enlightenment; 3) As a result of the above mentioned, China's modernity takes a special form.Making strong, reformation, revolution, science, democracy, development, harmony, etc., have become consecutively the Keywords of China's pursuit of modernization.The author believes that, by reflecting on them, an interpretive framework of China's modernity will emerge.

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    On the Internal Causes of the Emergence of the Philosophical Problematics in Modern Chinese Philosophy
    Gen-you WU
    2006, 38 (3):  4-9. 
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    The author believes that there were three newly developed trends in Confucian "pragmatic philosophy" (Jingshi Zhexue) in the late Ming dynasty: First, a number of Confucian scholars became more and more interested in the natural sciences.Second, a few Confucian scholars, such as Huang Zongxi, were against the view of seeing the relationship between ruler and minister as something similar to the relationship between father and son, or seeing the relationship between ruler and minister as something similar to the relationship between lord and servant.They insisted on the separation of the ideal political system from the traditional Confucian ethics of consanguinity and the ethical norms that governed the lord-servant relationship.Third, some Confucian scholars, such as Dai Zhen, believed that morality should not go over its boundary to take the place of law.The idea of just law should not be confused with the ethical norms of respecting elders.These three newly developed trends in Confucianism indicate that there was an inner motivation for the new philosophical problematics in modern Chinese philosophy.

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    The Modernization of Contemporary Chinese Logics and Its Problem
    Rong-dong JIN
    2006, 38 (3):  10-15. 
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    Historically speaking, the interconnectedness between contemporary Chinese logics and modernization was revealed by slogans such as "Logics serving Four Modernizations" and "Modernization of Logics" put forward in 1978.While the latter paid more attention to the modernization of the teaching and research of logics, the former emphasized the relationship between logics and the historical process of modernization.In the past 20 years, the modernization of contemporary Chinese logics has been proceeding positively.However, it is still a question which merits attention that how the teaching and research of logics takes part in the construction and criticism of Chinese modernity by putting into practice their socio-cultural function.

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    Organizing Manuscripts: the Invisible Hand of Literary Writing——An Investigation with a Focus on People's Literature(1949-1966)
    Jun WU
    2006, 38 (3):  20-27. 
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    This is a case study of People's Literature (1949-1966), a well-known literary journal in China.The author attempts to display how the practice of "organizing manuscripts" acquired a unique political-cultural status and obtained thereafter special significance, function and value.On the one hand, the practice of organizing manuscripts contributed directly to the writing of (the history of) literature; On the other hand, the history of organizing manuscripts itself is a unique history of literature.

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    LI Jin-fa: a Dreamer of Poetry
    Gui-liang WEN
    2006, 38 (3):  28-32,63. 
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    Li Jinfa was the first who introduced Western symbolism into modem Chinese poetry. Many have discussed the symbolic features of Li Jinfa's poetry. The focus of this paper is Li's poetic experimentation with vernacular Chinese and his constructive exploration of literary Chinese in the 20th century.

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    Discriminating Two Kinds of Women's World
    Zhi-ying DONG
    2006, 38 (3):  33-34. 
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    Modem China witnessed the birth, development and thriving of journalism. Newspapers and magazines multiplied. Some magazines were of the same title. They are easy to be confused. In this paper, the author tries to discriminate two kinds of Women's World.

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    On the Publication, the End of Publication and the Editor of the Journal Embroindered Portrait Novel
    Ying-xia WEN
    2006, 38 (3):  35-38. 
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    The journal Embroindered Portrait Novel played an important role in the literature of late Qing Dynasty.There are some unsolved problems about it because of limited information.There was a great deal of advertisements of the journal on various newspapers at that time.According to these ads, the journal was badly delayed in the first year of its publication, the time limit of the end of its publication was January 30th, 1907, and its editor was Li Boyuan.

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    The Copyright Lawsuit about LI Bo-yuan's Novel Officialdom's True Feature
    Ying-hui LIU
    2006, 38 (3):  39-43. 
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    Li Boyuan's novel Officialdom's True Feature was pirated.He indicted those who offended his rights and won the case.This is an important case in novel history but few know about it due to the lack of enough information.The author of this paper detects the whole story from a careful reading of the advertisements of some newspapers in late Qing Dynasty.

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    The Reform of Political Institutions and its Inner Momentum
    Zhi-hua WU
    2006, 38 (3):  44-48. 
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    Since the adoption of the reform and opening up policy, China has carried out five rounds of political reform.Although great progress has been made, the anticipated results have not yet been achieved.Lack of inner motivation is an important factor and this in turn has to do with the interest paradox confronting those who implement political reform.The author of this paper puts forward a set of proposals which might provide inner momentum for the reform of political system.

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    The Decline and Reconstruction of the Normative Theory of Legitimacy
    Xiao-dong GUO
    2006, 38 (3):  49-56. 
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    In contemporary political sociology, there is an apparent tension between the empirical theory and the normative theory of legitimacy.By "disenchanting" the ultimate values of the traditional normative theory of legitimacy, the empirical theory gives rise to the decline of the normative theory.However, the radically "instrumental" orientation of the empirical theory makes it easy to be integrated into the "control system of political discourse" and become a tool of "epistemic enslavement".It has become an essential part of the reflection and reconstruction of modernity to reflect on the empirical theory and reconstruct a new normative theory of legitimacy.

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    On the Organizations of the Gilds in China and England
    Zhi-lin JIN
    2006, 38 (3):  57-63. 
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    With the incessant advance of the productive forces, the England gild changed its forms of organization.Roughly speaking, the English gild went through three developmental stages, namely, gild merchant, craft gild and company.The Chinese gild and the England gild shared some common nature.However, restricted by the social and economical environment of the Chinese feudal cities, the Chinese gild had its uniqueness in terms of forms of organization.Firstly, the Chinese gild never took the forms of organization such as the English gild merchant and company.The craft gild was the sole organization of Chinese gild.Secondly, some Chinese gilds were apparently native-place organizations.The craft and commerce gildhall with economic functions was a model of this kind of gild organizations.

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    On the Nationalization Reform of the British Labor Party Government in the Early Years after World War II
    Xue-de NI
    2006, 38 (3):  64-68. 
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    From 1945 to 1951, inspired by the winning of the general election, the British Labor Party Government vigorously implemented its "Democratic Socialist " reform.While constructing the Welfare State, the Government tried to nationalize departments such as coal, transportation, electric power, steel etc.This paper tries to identify the causes, the characteristics and the impacts of the nationalization movement of this period so as to gain a better understanding of the socialist theory and practice of the post-war British Labor Party.

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    On the Greek Factor of the Conflict between the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia
    Cheng-dun HAO
    2006, 38 (3):  69-73. 
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    The armed uprising led by the Greek Communist Party broke out again in 1946.While Yugoslavia gave it considerable support and aid, the Soviet Union was rather passive, or even negative towards it.The difference came out as a result of the divergence of two countries' attitudes towards the Cold War policies of the western countries.While Yugoslavia advocated strategic attack, the Soviet Union maintained strategic defence.The divergence was clearly revealed in their attitudes towards the Greek civil war.Thus, the Greek civil war was an important occasion which led to the conflict between the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia.

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    On the Reconstruction of Discourse in the Study of Administrative Ethics
    Kang-zhi ZHANG
    2006, 38 (3):  74-79, 110. 
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    Since the modern times, most of the important problems in the development of the social sciences and the humanities have been caused by the discourse conflict between holism and individualism.The conflict reflects the differentiation of modern society and reacts upon society itself.In the historical transformation of human society, administrative ethics attempts to solve this problem and reconstruct a rational discourse environment.In this direction, the most urgent tasks are, among others, the rejection of holism and individualism, the overcoming of holistic and individualistic orientations, and the breaking with the myth of positivistic methodology.

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    Why is Justice prior to Efficiency?
    Jiang-bo DUAN
    2006, 38 (3):  80-85. 
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    Justice and efficiency are usually taken as two parameters to evaluate the rationality of social institutions.Rawls has a well constructed argument for the thesis of the priority of justice to efficiency.He attempts to solve the conflict between justice and efficiency by designing an impartial social society which combines "the opportunity principle" and "the difference principle".The author believes that Rawls' thoughts are relevant to the evaluation of China's reform of institutions.

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    On the Basic Ethical Principles of Sustainable Development
    Jian-jun SU
    2006, 38 (3):  86-91. 
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    Sustainable development includes at least four aspects: perpetual development, all-round development, common development and orderly development.To achieve the four goals of sustainable development, the author of this paper, from the perspective of ethics, suggests implementing three basic ethical principles.1) Inside-the-generation-justice requires that the development of a country or a region should not damage the development of other countries and regions when contemporaries utilize the natural resources to satisfy their own benefits.They share the equal rights of development.2) Justice between contemporaries and offspring requires that the development of contemporaries should not damage the development of offspring.3) The harmonious development of human beings and nature requires the symbiotic development of human beings and other species.

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    The Policy Choice of the Host-country Governments to the Behaviours of Vertical Restraints of Transnational Corporations
    Bin-yi SUN
    2006, 38 (3):  92-99. 
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    In the vertical relationship of transnational corporations (TNCs), vertical restraints are important forms of middle transaction in the vertical production and allocation chains.Vertical restraints can be defined as a kind of economic exchange that differs from the standard sale contract observed in perfect competition.The most common vertical restraints deal with the behaviors of firms in different vertical chains, and often set restriction rules with respect to purchase, sell or resell of goods and services.At present, there are three theories of the TNCs' vertical restraints, namely, the theory of inefficiency, the theory of regulation and the theory of incentive vertical integration.The author of this paper argues that these views are either inaccurate or ex parte.He suggests that host-country governments should establish relatively neutral policies and reduce direct interference with ENCs operation.

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    Brand Relationship Quality: The Establishment and Validation of an Indigenous Model in China
    Jia-xun HE
    2006, 38 (3):  100-106. 
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    Customer-based brand equity measurement is regarded as a very important issue in brand equity research field.There are basically two approaches to brand equity measurement, the cognitive and the social-psychological.The latter is just emerging, and little research has been done in the Chinese context.This article presents an empirical study which develops and validates a measurement model of consumer-brand relationship quality based upon Chinese indigenous social-psychology.The model is defined and revised as a six-faceted syndrome, including social value expression, trust, interdependence, real and assumed emotions, commitment, and self-concept connection.The theoretical and practical implications of the study are discussed at last.

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    An Inquiry into the Life Cycle of Corporate Business Strategy
    You-qi CHEN
    2006, 38 (3):  107-110. 
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    The development of corporate business strategy is essentially an evolvement based upon competitive advantage.From the life cycle point of view, the development of corporate business strategy usually includes three stages: establishing competitive advantage, reaping profits and decline.The development of corporate business strategy is primarily affected by three factors: the time necessary for establishing competitive advantage, the scale of the competitive advantage and the time necessary for maintaining the competitive advantage.The corporate which can achieve a dynamic composition of the life cycle of business strategy will be successful.

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    On the Employment Characteristics of the Young Floating Population in Metropolis and Some Existing Problems——A Case Study of Minhang District in Shanghai
    Chun-lan WANG, Jin-hong DING, Shang-guang YANG
    2006, 38 (3):  111-117. 
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    The youth are a big part of the floating population and they have their own characteristics.However, this fact has been ignored in previous studies due to the absence of contrastive methods.Based upon the data from the spot check of floating population at Minhang District in Shanghai, and by means of the contrastive methods, the present study summarizes four employment characteristics of young floating population in terms of occupation structure, the way they found their current job, working time and salary, frequency of job changing and the main reasons.Several problems of the employment of the young floating population pop up in this study, for example, poor education, employment and social segregations which are closely related, inadequate employment supporting system from city governments, etc.Last but not the least, some measures are put forward in order to solve these problems, namely, the development of vocational education, fostering cross-provincial labor market, the improvement of laws and institutions, and promoting the social integration of the young floating population.

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    An Analysis and Assessment of the Pension System in China with Models
    Jian-qi CHEN
    2006, 38 (3):  118-124. 
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    The reform of the pension system is a hot topic.The relationship between the pension system and the economic growth and social welfare has been analyzed with models. The author analyzes and assesses the mixed institution of the pension system in China today and claims that it is a reasonable one.However, he also argues that in the long run, the pension system in China should be transformed.

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