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    25 April 2005, Volume 37 Issue 4 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    Mencius' Doctrine of Kingcraft in the Context of Western Academia——A Criticism at a Popular Understanding of Mencius' Doctrine of Kingcraft
    Ze-bo YANG
    2005, 37 (4):  1-7, 120. 
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    For a long time the academia has always comprehended Mencius' doctrine of kingcraft from a viewpoint of Western democracy.In essence, his kingcraft is nothing but a utopian monarchy, which keeps a huge tension between ideal politics and realistic politics.Mencius' doctrine of kingcraft has played a key role in the development of Chinese political history.

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    The Story of WANG Hai and the Starry Legend
    Rong-fang YIN
    2005, 37 (4):  42-47, 121. 
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    The strange image of WANG Hai appeared in the Book of Mountains and Seas might be regarded as a result of Chinese ancients' establishing images for certain constellations.It is a tradition of Chinese culture to establish images of objects and symbolize them.The prototype of WANG Hai is the yingshi(construction)stars.His story is derived from ancients' knowledge of the constellations and their personifying and historicizing these stars.In essence the story of Wang Hai is nothing but a legend of stars.

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    A Study on Confucian Thoughts of Propriety and Music in the Perspective of Ritual
    Xiao-qun WU, Xiao-dong GUO
    2005, 37 (4):  8-15, 120. 
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    As a kind of the most direct, observable and vivid action in social life, the ritual is a symbolic carrier of cultural concepts.We can reveal a certain kind of culture in a given time and a value system of certain society when we throw light on those concepts contained in rituals.In a certain extent, the Confucian thought of propriety and music is similar to the thinking of modern study of rituals.And the Confucian"propriety"has a ritual function and effect in general.Since the pre-Qin period onward, Confucian scholars have quite emphasized its inner significance through their interpretations of its ritual action.Correspondingly, Confucian propriety-music culture, means of ritual action and procedural structure, also expresses a kind of common ideal and value, so as to normalize and regulate relations between men and those between individual and society, thus guaranteeing social order and unity.

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    The"Suffered Elite"and the "Laboring"Women
    Xu LIU
    2005, 37 (4):  48-54, 121, 122. 
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    One of the important characteristics of the intellectual's reflective fiction consists in the intellectual who returned to his glory through his sufferings; during the course of his meeting with misfortune some subaltern persons, especially subaltern laboring women, expressed their favor and even cult towards such an intellectual.Behind it are the intellectual's narcissism and arbitrary distorting of subalterns, which is a typical expression of the writer's elite consciousness.It shows the writer's egotism in his unconscious mind and also peripheralization of subalterns' sufferings.The higher rank these"suffered elite"possessed when they came back to their previous positions, the more those past subalterns became peripheral.

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    A Reflective Equilibrium between Big Questions and Small Particulars——Conceptual Distinctions between Action and Behavior
    Shi-jun TONG
    2005, 37 (4):  16-23,30, 121. 
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    The conceptual confusion between"xing dong" (action) and "xing wei" (behavior) in quite a few philosophical translations and writings in Chinese is one of many conceptual confusions as frequently seen in our academic researches as well as in our everyday life.It is a major task of philosophy to clarify these conceptual confusions, to develop new conceptual distinctions, and to cultivate our sensitivity to conceptual distinctions.This not only means that we should keep translations more fidelity to their Western originals, but also means that we should positively overcome rather than simply deny varied"dichotomies", we should combine conceptual analyses with rich imaginations, and we should replace old-fashioned conceptual distinctions with new-types.Moreover, we should try our best to find out some"middle terms"that can mediate between those aspects that have been separated from each other, and to advance our research through newer and better work of conceptual analyses.All this means that we should, in our philosophical research, aim to have a "reflective equilibrium"between important problems and seemingly trivial distinctions.

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    The Textual Processing for Digitalization of Ancient Chinese Characters
    Zhi-ji LIU
    2005, 37 (4):  55-60, 122. 
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    With the development of informaiton technology, the digital processing of ancient Chinese writings is becoming an inevitable tendency.The achievements of "Digital Processing System of Shang and Zhou Bronze Inscriptions"and "Digital Processing System of Chu Scripts"prove that digitalization has special requirements for the processing of ancient text materials, that is, complete collection of data, standardization of processing, and authenticity meeting various needs of different levels.

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    On Heidegger's View of Technology
    Rong-xia CHEN
    2005, 37 (4):  24-30,121. 
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    Heidegger's view of science and technology may be summarized as follows, The essence of technology is uncoveredness; both modern science and modern technology originate from metaphysics; modern technology finds expression in the opposition of subject and object, the prominence of beings, and the obliteration of being.Metaphysics, from the West, will inevitably become a popular powerful thinking due to its natural connection with technology as a human existence.As a result, modern technology can go everywhere in the world.Heidegger's quest for technology is helpful for us to clarify the essential relationship between human beings and technology, though it is unable to make us escape from technology.

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    An Investigation into the Conditioning of a Writing on the Subject and object of a You-sentence
    Xian-liang ZHANG, Juan-man ZHENG
    2005, 37 (4):  61-67, 122. 
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    The you-sentence (a Chinese sentence including the term"have"or "there be") and the whole writing influence each other.In order to keep coherence and good organization, the writing will make selective use of a subject, object and other concrete elements in a you-sentence.In the meanwhile, the you-sentence will choose a style suitable for its interior semantic meaning, letting it enter into a certain writing, and reflecting its pragmatic value in the writing.

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    On the Novel Price during the Late Qing Dynasty
    Da-kang CHEN
    2005, 37 (4):  31-41, 121. 
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    With the introduction of advanced Western printing and the rise of "fictional revolution", the fictional writing and publication was promoted into a model in the sense of modern times.The book market expanded rapidly, in which the proprotion of novel books increased constantly, and competitions among various publishing houses for capturing the reader and market became fiercer.In the transitive process prices on fictional books fluctuated at times, but the book price system entered into a stable state at last in a short span of time due to bitter competition and media's supervision.

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    A Study on the Innovative System of China's Foreign Trade
    Hai-yan TANG
    2005, 37 (4):  68-75,122. 
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    Innovation is the fundamental source for the development of foreign trade in China.The innovation of China's foreign trade is a complex system, which is made up of four subsystems, namely, power supply, capacity generation, institutional cultivation and technical supporting.The interdependence and interaction between subsystems will benefit foreign trade in China with constant innovations and continuous developments.

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    A Study on Strategic Transitions of the Large State-owned Foreign Trade Enterprise Based on a Reorientation of the Value Chain
    Zhi-wei DAI, Guo-liang XUAN
    2005, 37 (4):  76-82,122,123. 
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    Living in a dramatically competitive environment, our large state-owned foreign trade enterprises(LSOFTE)are facing severe challenges towards their traditional operational modes and strategic frameworks.Thus, reestablishing their positions in the value chain, and strengthening and expanding their existing value chain, are LSOFTE's main directions of strategic adjustments.This paper, based on theories of strategy management and value chain management, attempts to formalize a comparatively complete theory on Chinese LSOFTE's strategic reconstruction, offering theoretical and practical answers to the question of how to realize LSOFTE's' goal of reestablishing their places in the value chain.

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    A New Research on the Decision-making Method of Capital Structure
    Jia-hua XIA
    2005, 37 (4):  83-88, 123. 
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    Though the earnings per share is the most popular decision-making method of capital stucture introduced in all kinds of relevant textbooks, it is difficult to carry out such a method in practice due to its various deficiencies such as neglecting the cost of equity capital and operating irrational decision-making rules.Based on an analysis and estimaton of the earnings per share, this paper introcuces the marginal analysis into approaches of capital structural decision-making, and puts forward a new method-marginal income analysis.According to it, an enterprise sets to raise funds only if the marginal income of capital is greater than or equal to zero.Because of different costs of capital, equity financing and debt financing must satisfy their own required levels of marginal capital output.Under the precondition that the marginal capital output has reached a required level, the enterprise should choose a correct financing method and a capital structure flexibly, and combine factors such as its own debt ratio, cash flow and growth capacity, thus guaranteeing an increase both in its profit and shareholders' fortune.

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    A Study on the Investment Decision-making Model of Chinese Business Managers
    Jian-qing LU, Guang-jing WU, Lan SHEN
    2005, 37 (4):  89-94, 123. 
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    It is very important for an enterprise's manager to make a proper investment decision since it is critical to the enterprie's success.We may use principles of behavioral economics to make an analysis of an investment decision-making process in the background of uncertainty and thus make a new model.In the case of the Giant Group the model has been proved that it can show the process of investment decision-making.From the proof-test of Giant Group, we realize that the decision-durability, discordant recognition, scientific reference system and manager's fine mental quality have great influence upon the investment decision-making mechanism.

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    LIU Shi-pei's Study on Zuo's Commentary and Its Significance of Modern Historiography
    Xin-sheng LU
    2005, 37 (4):  95-102,123,124. 
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    LIU Shi-pei was a modern Chines master of Confucian classics, as well as a theoretician in the revolutionary alignment.Due to his elaborative scholarship, LIU's studies on Zuo's Commentary were quite academic, and meanwhile reflected political and cultural implications peculiar to his days.His studies exerted an important influence upon some historians, especially QIAN Mu, in the early 20th century.

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    Emancipating the Mind and Being Practical——An Analysis of An Academic Outline under the Qing Dynasty
    Lu-yao JIN
    2005, 37 (4):  103-107, 113, 124. 
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    In the book of An Academic Outline under the Qing Dynasty written LIANG Qi-chao, we may see clearly the author's praise of the Ancient Text School of Confucian Classics and his criticism of the Modern Text School.In fact, however, LIANG adopted an ambiguous attitude of both praise and blame towards the two schools.On the one hand he blamed the Modern Text School for its arrogance, and on the other he praised its courage of innovation.And he praised the Ancient Text School for its down-to-earth scholarship, but he sneered at its platitude.Accordingly, LIANG, who used to emphasize"analysis and explanation"other than"history", attempted to express his real intention of emancipating the mind and being practical.

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    The Transformation of Western Sociological Jurisprudence in China in the First Half of 20th Century——Taking Pound as an Example
    Li-qing ZHANG
    2005, 37 (4):  108-113, 124. 
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    In the first half of 20th century, Western sociological jurisprudence had a great impact on Chinese legal ideas and practices.By describing some specific influences of Western sociological jurist Pound on Chinese social jurisprudence, this paper tries to inquire into changes of Western sociological jurisprudence after its introduction into China, thus understanding the tendency of law transition in modern China.

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    An Analysis of Productive Forces of Shanghai's Social Sciences
    Zhi-ren ZOU
    2005, 37 (4):  114-119, 124. 
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    Based on those academic research articles retrieved from the database of CSSCI, this paper presents a systematic study on productive forces of social sciences and their disciplinary structures in Shanghai.This paper makes an analysis of Shanghai's social-science productivity on the whole, and of places and changes of various disciplines in China during the period from 1998 to 2003, and makes some comments on their advantages, disadvantages and tendencies.

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