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    25 March 2005, Volume 37 Issue 3 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    The "New Youth" Intellectuals' Idea of "Equality"
    Rui-quan GAO
    2005, 37 (3):  1-9+121.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2005.03.001
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    During the May Fourth New Cultural Movement of 1919 that linked up with the "Hundred Days' Reform" of 1898 and the 1911 Revolution, the spread of the modern idea of "equality" reached its peak. The May Fourth intellectuals were represented by members of "New Youth", whose idea of "equality" had its historical features. With the downfall of China's autocratic monarchy the "equality" began to enter into urban intellectuals' everyday life due to its part transformation from a heretical political appeal to an article in law. Compared with Locke's notion of equality, the School of "New Youth" had a more radical appearance in its demands of family morals and equality of the sexes in general. However, differences towards the issue of economic equality among its members constituted an in-depth cause for their later separation. What was generally emphasized by those liberals was only equality of legal rights, while economic equality tended to be overlooked. On the other hand, radical leftists paid more attention to substantial equality in economy. Their dissatisfaction with intellectual enlightenment of the idea of equality made them turn to engage in practical social revolutions.

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    The Internal Tension in Chinese Modernity——A Case Study on the Change of Chen Du-xiu's Conception of Religion
    Xiao-lin ZHANG
    2005, 37 (3):  10-17+121.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2005.03.002
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    Chen Du-xiu's view on religion underwent a dramatic change during early and late periods of the New Cultural Movement. As early as in 1917, he declared that all religions should be abandoned, arguing that science should take the place of religion in the construction of new culture. Up to 1921, however, he confirmed the value of Christianity and tried to embrace religion into the framework of new cultural reconstruction. The change in Chen Du-xiu's attitude to religion reflects not only a general track of modern Chinese intellectual enlightenment, but also an internal tension between scientific rationality and religious irrationality in the formulation period of Chinese modernity.

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    Logic: From "Be" to "Imply"
    Liu-hua ZHANG
    2005, 37 (3):  18-122.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2005.03.003
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    The copula word "be" is a core concept in logical studies. Logicians have been working at its definite logical relations with great efforts. Through a historical exploration of the connection between "be" and "imply, " this paper seeks to clarify the historical continuity and internal coherence from traditional to modern logic.

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    A Reconsideration of "the Theory of Trairupya"
    Nan-qiang YAO
    2005, 37 (3):  25-122.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2005.03.004
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    This paper affirms Zheng Weihong's proper viewpoints in his article, "Legitimating the Theory of Trairupya, " but focuses on those issues with different views. For example, instead of dharmin, the subject hetu is omitted in the first paksadharmata, which should be quality of dharmin in the paksa. Therefore, it can not be simply regarded as the hetu. It is not proper to exaggerate influences of the former Soviet Union scholar Steherbastsky's writings in China. It is not Kui Ji's original creation to distinguish between sadharmya and sapaksa. At least, it is a popular statement maintained by Xuan Zang's disciples under the Tang Dynasty.

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    The Right of Administrative Creation of the Private Party
    Bao-ying GUAN
    2005, 37 (3):  29-37+122.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2005.03.017
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    The right of administrative creation of a private party means a right to analyze and judge the developmental structure of administrative affairs shared by the private parties concerned and to make predictive suggestions on it. The subject of right is the private party, but its content is in the range of public rights and has inseparable relations with exercises of administrative power. It includes such basic categories as an innovative right to formulate administrative rules, to shape new legal relations, to design social mechanisms, and to choose important administrative affairs. To establish the private party's right of administrative creation helps to remedy the value of administration by law, balance its subjects, broaden its objects and realize its content. Therefore, the constitutional position of the private party's right of administrative creation must be established, and its administrative legislative protection must be strengthened.

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    A Tentative Study of the Contract Relation in Higher Education and the Selective Right of Educational Consumption
    Wei-lu GUO
    2005, 37 (3):  38-42+122.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2005.03.005
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    With a gradual establishment of the socialist market economic system the legal relationship between college and student has had a remarkable change. In particular, the implement of the cost compensative system of higher education has promoted a gradual transformation of the legal relationship between college and student in China's higher education from special authority to educational contract. The properties of the educational contracted relationship determine a necessary respect for educational consumers' actively selective rights, thus guaranteeing their lawful rights and benefits.

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    A Textual Analysis of "The Linear Image" in the Book of Changes
    Hui-sheng FU
    2005, 37 (3):  43-123.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2005.03.006
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    The section of 'The Linear Image' has been long neglected in the study of the Book of Changes. A textual analysis with a corpus-based perspective of it shows that the section is a rich embodiment of traditional Chinese culture. Its part of repetition and ellipsis is a rare phenomenon in our ancient literature and can be regarded as a window for studies of the ancient Chinese language. More importantly, its thinking mode of word-image-meaning is quite different from Greek syllogism. Moreover, every linear image judgment of 386 lines is firmly detached to each line. Such a detailed, clear and rational thinking mode rightly demonstrates that it is part of traditional Chinese thinking mode with a characteristic of dynamic combination of whole, part and their particulars.

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    The Macao Chinese Vocabulary in Chinese Archives of the Qing Dynasty
    Yi HUANG
    2005, 37 (3):  56-61+123.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2005.03.008
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    This paper selects 386 indigenous Macaonese vocabularies from Macau's Chinese documents under the Qing Dynasty in order to analyze the lexical characteristics of Macau's Chinese and to describe Macau's linguistic milieu during that period. The paper aims to make a study of features of Macau society in the Qing Dynasty through Macau's indigenous Cantonese. This is a socio-linguistic paper that employs morpheme analysis and imported lexicon analysis.

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    About the Solicitation of Novels in Eastern Times in 1907
    Zhi-mei LI
    2005, 37 (3):  62-67+123.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2005.03.009
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    In 1907 a notice of soliciting novels was published in the newspaper, Eastern Times. There were two novels selected. One was Shuang-lei-bei, and the other was Ci-die-ying. The solicitation was quite different from those of 1895 and 1902 in its demand of fictional contents and styles, which showed current trends and features of novels.

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    Refined and Popular Styles of the Qing Drama--A Case Study of Different Criticisms at Dramatists You Tong and Li Yu
    Kun XU
    2005, 37 (3):  68-123.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2005.03.010
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    Both You Tong and Li Yu, who kept close contact with each other, played important roles in the drama field of the Qing Dynasty. They claimed themselves to be'guests with the same tune, ' but then most men of letters had different comments on their dramas. This not only resulted from certain differences between You's plays and Li's and those critics' special interests, but mostly from the aesthetic idea of 'appreciating the elegant while depreciating the popular' under the Qing Dynasty. Such a debate over high and popular dramas had its own distinct implications. It was a product under the background of the Qing Dynasty's high-pressure political culture, and also an inevitable result of the literati-oriented process of the Ming-Qing drama, which later produced a great influence upon the development of the Qing drama.

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    The Employment Migration and the Differential Effect of Manpower Capital in the Yangtze Metropolitan Delta
    Bao-shu ZHU
    2005, 37 (3):  75-81+124.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2005.03.011
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    Based on relevant data in China's fifth census and analyses of the basic tendency of employment migration and the differential effect of human resources capital in the Yangtze metropolitan delta, this paper concludes that the employment migration on the whole has a certain promotive effect on the Yangtze-delta manpower capital, but the effects of such capital in various cities reflected in the migration within the delta and the migration from outside of the delta are considerably different from one another. As a result, the manpower capital advantage in the delta should be embodied not only in its attraction for varied talents at home and abroad, but also in its promotion of the manpower capital level of all laborers, especially those non-natives, in the delta.

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    The Urban Employment Effect of Floating Population
    Shang-guang YANG, Jin-hong DING
    2005, 37 (3):  82-87+124.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2005.03.012
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    Based on an analysis of China's current employment situation, structural characteristics of urban floating population and competitive forces in the employment marker, this paper points out that there is a positive effect in the urban employment of floating population since it supplies cheaper laborers and their reserves for cities, and that there is a negative effect on local people's employment and wages because of competitions in the labor market. To relieve the current urban employment pressure, it is of great significance to rationally consider influences of floating population on urban employment and to work out proper urban employment policies.

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    Social Assistance: Its Concept, Pattern and Structure in Different Perspectives
    Chen-xi HUANG
    2005, 37 (3):  88-97+124.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2005.03.013
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    The social assistance has attracted increasing attention in the international study of social policy since the 1970s. Based on an analysis of relevant theories and practices of social assistance at home and abroad, this paper aims to make interpretations of the concept of social assistance in some different perspectives. It is helpful for a reconstruction of the social assistance system in China to review developments of social assistance, compare differences and similarities of its various concepts and patterns, and identify different social assistance systems and structures.

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    The Production and Expression of Public Opinion during the Late Qing Dynasty in the Case of Su Bao
    Ping FANG
    2005, 37 (3):  98-125.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2005.03.014
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    Su Bao, was originally a business tabloid seeking profits, and later became a newspaper creating agitation in the course of its following currents. Through its constant reports on the "student agitation" in various cities, Su Bao greatly highlighted the newspaper media's function of social criticism, thus forming certain radical public opinion aiming at attacking educational corruption, political autocracy and cultural enslavement. Afterwards, Zhang Shi-zhao and some others overtly published their essays of "overthrowing Manchus" and "revolution" through their reforms on the newspaper column and layout. This made Su Bao completely become a revolutionary propaganda tool.

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    From Governmental Inability to Non-government Organizational Intervention——Fellow Societies and the Administration of Nonnative Population in Modern Shanghai
    Guo-sheng QIU
    2005, 37 (3):  106-112+125.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2005.03.015
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    The fellow society (an organization of people from the same birth place) was an important non-governmental organization in modern Shanghai. Under the circumstance of government imbecility, the fellow society played important roles in social control, conflict harmonization and interest protection in modern Shanghai's administration of non-native migrating population. Its activities not only helped to conduct normal immigration and emigration of alien population, but also to strengthen alien population's fusion, thus promoting modern Shanghai's urbanization. It is still a considerable issue to fully exert positive functions of non-governmental organizations in current Shanghai's management of alien population.

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    Rural-Urban Relations in China during the Ming and Qing Dynasties
    Xian-liang FENG
    2005, 37 (3):  113-120+125.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2005.03.016
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    It is still not clear about rural-urban relations in past researches on the issue. Although those relations are of importance in studies on social developments of ancient China, misunderstandings of them still exist in many researches. Most important of all, the problem that those rising market towns in Ming-Qing times belonged to the rural or urban area has been not yet solved to our day. This paper points out whether market towns attach to a city or not should be determined in accordance with historical situations and public identity instead of any modern theory or criterion.

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